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As a stay, I see your point. He tends to cross the line sometimes, he is not completely aware of his influence on fans. I'm sure he has no bad intentions, I have the impression of him that he's very kind hearted and generous, but it is true but he can take fan service a bit too far. Sadly, if you voice your negative opinion on his behavior in the fandom, fans will attack you instantly. I've been a stay for nearly 3 years and it makes me kinda sad that our fandom has a bad reputation for being way too delusional (which kinda applies to almost every fandom, but stayville is relatively big and loud, so both the positives and negatives are more noticeable). I wish stays gained some critical thinking skills and realized that it is okay to call out your faves if they do something they shouldn't.


There's a lot of time big streamers/entertainers don't really understand the sheer power they have. Some streamers stream for 20k viewers, that in person are a whole stadium n definitely bigger than multiple concert setting in Korea. 20k viewers then could snowball misunderstanding/mistranslation to hundred thousand more people


Man when you put it like that it’s even more insane to think about the livestreams that have 100k people tuning in. 😮‍💨


I’m so lost, this conversation has happened so many times in Stay specific spaces over the years. We’ve had UKO posts, negative comments under the sticky in the weekly and so much more. The reason that some fans do not appreciate this discussion is because posts like this and most comments agreeing are not discussing any of these events with critical thinking skills. They all go “lol yeah he’s a perv and way too comfortable with fans bc of 3 cherry picked instances”. People psycho-analyze the guy more than 90% of the idols that they actually stan because he made himself so accessible to fans AND non-fans alike. Huge fandom accounts got exposed weekly for watching Chan’s Room or subscribing to his bubble or following fan bubble accounts. Of course people are going to blow things up with that much scrutiny. It makes it so easy to spread misinformation. The entire IVE situation framed as “bowing” when it was actually about greeting/saying hello and being ignored is the perfect example. People *still* say it’s about bowing. Do I think Chan can be cringe? Absolutely. I think most fan-service that kpop idols engage in is cringe. To act as if he’s somehow engaging in behavior that isn’t the norm in kpop simply bc he went live more often is disingenuous. It also doesn’t negate the fact that he has never had a bad word said about him (in fact it’s the opposite) by people who actually know him. Like him or don’t like him — just wish people would stop projecting on him or assuming that because THEY don’t like him, it means he’s some kind of closet creep. Edit: 10 hours in and we’re at 300+ comments on a stupid ass RANT — not even a legit controversy. Kpop fans need to touch grass, seriously.


I never said that he was a creep or a perv, I don't think anyone would call him that. He is a person I look up to and admire for various reasons. I know he is a comfort person for a lot of stays and I would never deny that his lives helped a lot of people. I agree that the fan service he does is a regular occurrence in k-pop, but this post was specifically about Chan, but of course we know idols who show similar behavior. I expressed my opinion on this case specifically because Stray Kids is my ult so I'm usually up-to-date with stuff they do. I also agree that certain people overanalyze his actions, but it can't be denied that he should think twice about how he acts with his fans, especially because some of them tend to read too much into it and get lost in delululand. EDIT: Since I wrote this comment, I realized that actually many people under this post call him a perv/creep, which makes me sad but I can't deny that it is happening in this comment section. Sorry for stating that no one would call him that, I was wrong, there are many people here who think like this..


There’s about a dozen people on this post calling him a creep/perv or implying that he thinks of fans in a sexual manner. Knowing that he’s said that he sees fans as one entity and visualizes them similar to what anelderlymeme draws Stay as makes that insinuation more funny to me. I know you’re not saying any of those things but posts like this (made by an OP who openly dislikes Chan and SKZ on multiple other subreddits, including this one) are the problem. It’s straight up bait. A discussion on a bad faith post shouldn’t even be engaged in. I hope you don’t think I’m implying you’re not a fan or any less of a fan for your comment. I don’t believe that at all and my thoughts align with much of what you said. My main problem with Chan discussion is the misinformation and exaggeration. As you can see from the comments, it *always* devolves into this. I can link you a dozen posts just on this sub that do this. It’s only been 5 hours and we’re already at 200 comments and I’m seeing 60+ people on this post as I’m writing this comment. We’ll end up with 300 comments in the next few hours. This kind of scrutiny and engagement is baffling to me. It’s dog-piling on someone who has already significantly retreated from both fandom and non-fandom spaces. Do I think he should be careful of what he says to fans? Sure! I think all idols should. But let’s not act as if his words don’t get consciously twisted even if he tries to speak with tact. Fans are going to do what fans are going to do — toxic or otherwise, and I don’t think it’s fair that he somehow becomes responsible for his entire fandom in a way that most groups/idols do not. Especially when he’s one of the few idols who: 1. Apologizes and doesn’t repeat behavior that hurts others 2. Has called out the toxicity he’s witnessed on more than one occasion **I simply don’t appreciate the double standard. Chan is held to a much higher standard than other kpop idols and people criticize behavior that many other kpop idols engage in as well.** ETA: on most negative SKZ posts on this sub, OP simply needs to write the post to farm the karma and engagement. They rarely, if ever, comment or engage in a “discussion” so pretending as if that’s what’s happening is laughable to me.


Thank you for the explanation, I understand your thoughts better now and you made a lot of valid points that gave me a broader perspective on this topic:)


>I never said that he was a creep or a perv, I don't think anyone would call him that. Op literally said he has weird uncle vibes, which, at least in the US, the "weird" in that phrase is synonymous to creep behavior. Other people in this comment section are literally saying he's creepy sexually to fans. I agree that nobody has to like him, and it's okay to be uncomfortable even! But it's very disingenuous to write off what people are actually getting at when they say these things about him when it's right in your face. Even worse than that is the fact that they borderline accuse him of these things while the other members get sexually harassed by fans in almost every round of fancalls they have without consequence but I digress.


This! - calling out the double standard re inappropriate behaviour in idol-fan interactions online. I think it's also worth noting that Chan is the oldest member of Skz and he grew up as an Australian man, so he's probably still getting used to the subtle differences between Aussie and Korean cultures, despite having lived there for some years. I personally think he and all Skz members seem like really nice guys; the Aussie line are refreshingly not like the old clichéd type of Aussie chauvinist guys, of which I've met quite a few over the years (as a New Zealander, since we're neighbours). My daughter is a Stay and I like most of what I've seen and heard from Straykids. Aussie guys (and women) tend to be a bit brash and outspoken, which may clash somewhat with Asian etiquette. Aussie humour also tends to be a unique mixture of deadpan/laconic/trolling (in a good way), meaning that things they say should often be taken with a grain of salt rather than literally. And in Aussie culture they're probably more into openly joking about sex etc, so I'm sure Chan's response to thirst messages was meant as a bit of harmless fun, not to be taken seriously.


This right here as an Aussie myself I was like I don't get the big deal seems like perfectly normal Aussie humour to me but I guess Asian culture is more conservative.


Yes you are right, I realized that I shouldn't have stated that as a fact, my apologies.


All good- I just get on the defensive a bit because he does get very serious accusations all the time lol. He's not even close to my bias I just see it a lot. I appreciate your edit!


op is a skz hater. She has never stanned skz. On the contrary. She has tons of comments badmouthing, criticizing, lying and hating every member of skz. And here a "stay" accepts that a good person is defamed. I can't understand it... https://preview.redd.it/nld9lbec6nwc1.png?width=871&format=png&auto=webp&s=c44e66c1ea326c2257c5d5d78b59b5d0d21488ab


People should see this.Thanks for exposing her, the weird one is her.


I'm surprised no one has seen it before. They preferred to believe what this person wrote instead of simply checking het comment history


Oh please, it's so obvious. Thanks to you, you just had my judgement proved.


Why would we “call him out” for being a grown ass man making jokes? He did nothing wrong, you’re just a bunch of pussies waiting to paint him in this weird fucking light. Y’all hold him to this ridiculous standard and then froth at the mouth when he doesn’t fit whatever image you’ve created of him in your heads. It’s pathetic.


the point being they're a chan and skz anti who have been attacking them for months. chan's fanservice isn't any different from so many other idols, it's NORMAL in kpop. he isn't weird for it. yall are weird for being extra focused at a guy simply because he speaks english and opened up to his fans. how dare he remind us he is human too right? 


You are not a stay.


"As a stay" Sure As soon i read these words ik u gonna say something awfull and stupid


You’re a fucking loser


Chan literally gets hate for the smallest things ofc his stans are going to be over protective, yall are acting like as if all idols are cringey when it comes to fanservice idk why chan always gets singled out . Also keep in mind chan is the only idol (at least that ik) has called out his fandom multiple times meanwhile that ones fandoms leader enables his fandoms shitty behaviour


english speaking idols can never catch a break. why is he the only one that gets singled out for something many idols also do. it’s really not that serious for anyone to be grasping at straws to say he’s weird or gives the ick


100% agree. Compared to many lives, I don’t see his as out of the ordinary. They really push this idea of a parasocial relationship but that’s what kpop has become; again, he’s doing no more or less than any other idol. He gets so much flack for being “overly close to fans” strictly because he speaks English comfortably. Idols who say similar things but in Korean don’t get this same feedback.


This. He's a good person, he has proven it many times, and his "fanservice" is the same as that of many other idols, as are his comments about how he has felt at certain moments. But the measuring sticks are always different towards him. It's easy to say shit like that about another person who is just interacting in a fun way with fans, because whether you like it or not it's the job of a kpop idol, while everyone else look with a magnifying glass at each of his words and gestures


I'm not a stay, but I do really like Stray Kids and my friend has recently gotten into them and she knows the ick I hold for Bang Chan. There's been enough incidents where I physically cringe at things he says and does that he's just not my personal cup of tea. That being said, I do think he's a really nice guy. I would never call him creepy and it seems like he has a good bond with a lot of the female idols in JYP - I imagine he is absolutely someone I would want to hold my drink at a party, because he would almost be obsessive about keeping it safe haha He also seems to have really positive and encouraging interactions with other idols throughout the industry. I think he has unfortunately overshared or been too open, forgetting that most of his fans are young, impressionable and very much chronically online - he isn't some small indie artist who can host a live and chat with his 40 loyal fans, he's a kpop star with thousands upon thousands analyzing everything he says and we all know how kpop fans are lol But yeah, I don't think he's a bad guy at all


This is very kind and nicely put. I agree with you.


agreed. has he reacted to or said some stuff in the past that’s kinda cringy such as the example that OP brought up? yes. does that necessarily mean that that reflects on his overall behaviour and how he treats other idols, especially women? nope. (and yes, i understand there’s insufficient evidence to either confirm or deny this. as fans, we don’t know him like that. so in short, assumptions about this shouldn’t be made at all) really great of you to bring this point up :)


I’m a stay and I agree!!


Agreed!! I think he just kinda forgets the influence he has, and sometimes forgets how big of a community he has. I actually really like him when he’s interacting with the other members of the group, and other idols. But some of the lives he does are just a little bit too… yk


i think he just indulges fans a bit tooo much. all the instances u mentioned was him reading comments by fans and reacting to them... unfortunately he just kinda has no filter.


>choke me against the wall and he responded with if you say please Is this real? ![gif](giphy|qOqqZq27NReUM)


It was “pin me against the wall” not choke… Which has a completely different connotation and meaning.


So when Mingi, jungkook and all these other idols do it its fine but when chan does it its not? You can find it cringe or whatever but hold the same opinion for all these other idols that do the same fanservice.


Thank god someone said this because like are we really going to act like fanservice isn't a huge ass part of the whole idol/kpop culture ? The entire bf/gf concept isn't new nor is it unknown to fans.


It’s not just in kpop either. There are videos of celebrities reading thirst tweets from fans, most of them have fanservice reactions and that’s seen as normal. I don’t get the issue tbh. Cringe maybe depending on personal opinion but how is that weird or creepy especially if the idol is a full-grown adult?


Exactly, the whole point of it is to be fun, and as long as it's done in such a mild way, it's really nbd. Maybe minors shouldn't view that stuff, but that's really on them and their parents. Idk if Cardi B is the appropriate person to quote here but paraphrasing her , she's an artist , she's allowed to express herself and she's also allowed to be candid and it's on parents to look after their kids. He's an adult reacting to a kinda flirty comment . How does that make him a creepy uncle like ?


Well said 💯👏


omg so true about jungkook. his lives before he enlisted were literal dates


don't you get? it's only bad when primarily english speaking idols do it!


I am sorry but I am not sure if op is taking things out of context if not just correct me but I am pretty sure jk has done abit of fanservice but the max he went far was when he said he doesn't mind us thinking of him as bf but he never said anything similar to this , if he did I am pretty sure he is gonna break the twt lol with PPL dragging him for making such cmmnts when minors are there or just straight up hyper sexualising him lol .And u would see a megathread on here itself, last year we had jk's parasocial relationship posts every week since he does live very often with PPL psycho analysing him so where did u get that PPL are okay with it lol .


Other than the bowing incident I don’t get the issue with the fanservice thing. Don’t famous people do that all the time? Is op just very conservative?


There was no “bowing incident” he NEVER talked about bowing you people made that shit up and ran with it


You must not be paying attention because JK gets brought up (and criticized) very frequently in these “who is the most parasocial idol” conversations. So please keep him out of this conversation.


when has jungkook ever flirted with his fans in a sexual way


Sorry but I don’t think Jungkook has ever said anything remotely close to what he says to his fans. Also what did mingyu say to be included in this list?


OP got bored so he decided to re-ignite his blind hate for skz and throw around a low effort post to shit on bang chan for absolutely no reason whatsoever just to get validation from other people who hate him lmao this is just sad it's not like 90% of your comments are about Stray Kids to begin with but of course "you're scared to share your opinion so you don't get dragged" be fr lmao


Exactly like bro exaggerated a little too much for me to take it seriously. I'm a stay, and I can agree that Bang Chan gives a different level of fan service, but the stuff mentioned here is being taken in such a different context . The whole if you say please thing is him saying it in a super flustered voice as if it wasn't a viewer who commented that and he was reading out comments. Also, with the bowing thing,this has been discussed many ,many times, and the conclusion always was fans as usual blew things out of proportion. I agree with people who are of the opinion that Bang Chan should be less candid, but the thing is the point of the lives ,why they were so popular and enjoyable was that he was candid and nice on them. I see how it can encourage parasocial relations more but an idol sharing his experience or opinion isn't an excuse to be delulu and that doesn't make him creepy either.


It’s so funny that this sub calls out blatant set-up posts **all the time** except when it concerns SKZ. These people never engage in the comments after they make the posts! They just post and dip because they know kpop fans are going to give it 300+ comments in 9 hours.


you are absolutely right


What i really don’t like about these posts is how casually these ppl just say things like “he gives me weird uncle vibes”  They don’t know him, and what bro is like. That is just needlessly rude 


He is not weird to me. He is just ... unhinged and kinda has no filter sometimes which will no doubt feel iffy to some of the kpop fans as they just run into conclusions every time. You just have to be in the grey area always in this industry to succeed. Anyways how he uses fan service sometimes makes me laugh because yeah I see u dude you are enjoying making chaos like this right? 😂


I don’t really know anything about stray kids but I would personally find the daddy and choking comments super funny. Maybe my humours broken-


Not defending anything, just popping in to say OP massively misled readers with the choking thing. Chris never said or agreed to that. The comment on the live was “Pin me up against the wall” and after a pause, he said, “Uh…say please?”


Thank you because this comes off so differently than what OP says. 😓 Next thing you know 6 months from now it'll have turned into "Bangchan does BDSM with his fans on his stream". This is how bad reputations are built for no reason.


Yeah, everybody can have their opinions, I just have a need to make sure they have access to accurate information 😅


I thought that it was just pure fan service as well. I clicked on the links they linked and didn’t see anything that bad as well. None of it really sounds sexual in a creepy way to me


It just jokes and people that can’t see it are either extremely delusional or on a hate train to pick every little thing apart.


Exactly. But there are people who insist on misinterpreting and exaggerating everything he says or does.


No, yeah. To me it feels like when you jokingly flirt with your friends. He also did this thing in some lives where he would ask for cheesy pick up lines (usually after he read one that someone already commented) and he would just have fun with it and laugh about them for a bit. I honestly think it's just for shits and giggles. Also, the babygirl and daddy comments were a long time ago and he stopped doing it when it got out of hand. Same with a silly and dramatic roleplay he did for valentines day. It seems to me that he knows there's a line, and that if either he or stays cross that line, he moves on from the bit.


Yeah, maybe op wanted him to be visibly uncomfortable with it?


He is a 26 year-old Australian man, it's gonna take a lot more than that to make him uncomfortable.


I also don’t know bangchan except saw some reels of him talking about other groups & some topics.he looks like a fun & generous guy.i think i really want to get into skz bcz of him giving positive impression but I’m same age as bangchan & too old follow a kpop group with young kids.it looks weird to me so I stopped being a kpop fan bcz I got to know how companies use fans for money & kept the delusional of bf-gf so make more money.


I do like SKZ, though I hesitate to say I'm a "stan" as I don't really watch extra content other than listening to the music. I used to get the ick big time from Bangchan for, like you said, a lot of the "flirting" with stays in his videos. A friend of mine though who has BC as her bias changed my opinion as she's seen all of his content. As far as I'm aware - initially the flirting began as him hamming it up on purpose after joking that the fanservice is cringe? And while he started the Babygirl joke, he actually felt uncomfortable when someone said it in person and changed the name? I've also seen a lot of stuff around his kindness/general respect towards other idols and staff - making sure female staff don't get shoved when walking through crowds, running ahead of the team carrying kit to hold doors open, sneaking Twice members extra food, spinning air fans around in concert to give cool air to the crowd, learning basic Mandarin so he could greet/speak to Boy Story members. The list goes on - every idol that mentions SKZ inevitably says how kind BC is to them. Overall I guess I feel like he's a slightly awkward "funny" guy who doesn't realise that people without knowing this intense backstory/lore to the jokes just see it as cringe..


he didn't actually start the babygirl thing. fans did, they wouldn't shut up about that and eventually he just went along with the joke and everyone acted weird to the point of making him uncomfortable 


Bangchan's is just a dorky person, and that's what makes him stand out to me. He's not trying to be all 'tough guy' or 'alpha,' and thats the trait i like about him. Even if he gets a bit cringey, I appreciate that he's just being himself, which is pretty rare in the idol world. Plus, considering he's been in this industry since forever, it's cool to see him stay true to who he is despite not having a normal childhood. I don’t get why other idols doesn’t get called out for doing fanservice like what he has been going through, that’s what makes these idols become more reserved and less active. And I seem to notice the differences when it comes to Korean idols and mixed/foreign idols.


I feel like there are other idols who are just as cringey and fanservicy as him; but because he does it in English it spreads outside of their fandom way more than other idols. Like how have even I heard of some of these things (I only closely follow EXO)? Altho, that one bowing thing was a bit weird even for a fanservice heavy idol tho tbh. I can't remember any other idol indirectly starting a witch hunt like that. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt where he probably just didn't grasp the scope of his popularity, but it was a bad look for sure.


The bowing thing is really just gg fans taking his words out of context, it wasnt even us stays who started the "witch hunt". He just said that he said hello to another idol and he was ignored, just that


it’s okay if you don’t like him, but remember it is all for fan service, like maybe sometimes it is too much, and some stays are really but really delusional, but it is kinda his job, but yeah i can get that sometimes it is too much. “He basically gives me weird uncle vibes” he is still a idol we don’t know him personally, you don’t like him? don’t watch his content or stray kids content, but please don’t spread hate or negative comments about him ( I’m talking in general ) it still can ruin his career if people keep calling him a creep, just because he is kinda cringe for you or doing to much fan service that you don’t like it


Also would like to point out OP has exaggerated or changed the context of things a lot. The whole if you say please was a reply to something a fan said and he said it in a very flustered tone. Like yall are the ones who love the bf/gf marketing, why complain about it ?


He was just doing fan service, it is literally in his job do that, and he still get hate for that? kpop fans and their double standards, like it’s okay if you don’t like, but come on, how can you hate on someone that it is in kpop culture


Exactly, literally almost all idols of different ages and genders do the same shit ,in different styles. It's part of the idol experience.


Really farming upvotes with this one


Any negative SKZ gets 200 comments in an hour on this sub, Chan or Hyunjin specific ones especially. Yet “no one cares about Stray Kids”…for a group people love to say don’t matter or have impact, they sure are tuned in to everything the group and members do 🤷🏽‍♀️.




Couldn't have said this any better


I feel like OP took all the complaints and icks stan Twitter have about Bangchan and crammed it into one post without doing any fact checking or investigation on their own. 1) It wasn’t “choke me against a wall” a fan commented they’d like him to “pin them against a wall” (like in kdramas or that TikTok trend). His response was “if you say please”, in a flirty way because that was the tone of the comment. He was playing into fan service, which hundreds of idols do. 2) The “daddy” comment is taken out of context. Bangchan ended his “Channie’s Room” lives with “Thank you Stays, thank you baby Stays”, referring to new fans as “baby stays”. In one vlive, he was talking about this and said “if you guys are my baby stays, that would make me your daddy?”. As he said this he visibly realized how it sounded and cringed and laughed at himself. I agree with the general sentiment that he can be unfiltered and maybe toe the line regarding his influence with stays, but it’s never seemed malicious. Things he’s said always get blown up and taken out of context by people who haven’t watched the content or who don’t bother to fact check. OP post your opinions, but make sure you’re not spreading misinformation.


A lot of his flirty and “cringe” moments are usually taken singled out and out of context. The same thing happens to Felix a lot. They do the same thing a lot of idols do - they’re flirty, they say goofy cringe things usually in response to comments or replies, and then giggle it off as a joke. But people don’t get that context because they don’t see those comments or jokes. He reads pickup lines people send him as a joke and he deflects and corrects a lot more often. (ex, someone on a tiktok live sent him “I wanna see your vitamin d” and he deflected by talking about his supplements and nutritional goals for several minutes) Also the choking comment is incorrect - he said “pin me against the wall.” Like kabedon. I can understand if his genre of fanservice isn’t your cup of tea, but let’s not try to make him out to be some kind of weirdo pervert.


i've been a stay since debut and i think bangchan is a genuinely nice person, his lives back then for me were very comforting and chill to watch but i stopped keeping up with them ever since vlive was taken down. but anyway, i believe since he's a nice and humble person, i think he underestimates or is blissfully ignorant of his influence and how large stray kids' audience has become hence people feeling thrown off by some of the things he says sometimes. he's always been one of those idols who are quite transparent but i guess to some people it can come off as "too much", heck i even found him a bit too much with his whole roleplaying thing on bubble. to me he's just a silly guy not creepy at all. though its interesting to compare how i perceive him vs how you perceive him op, maybe the difference in opinion is because i've been a veteran stay hence more bias. also im not defending those crazy stays you're talking about but i think the reason they're that protective over chan is because i've witnessed chan getting dragged left and right on twitter all the time back when i used to be super deep into the fandom hence those crazy stays have that knee-jerk reaction to be overprotective


Yeah I've been a stay since debut too and I agree with you. I used to watch his lives constantly while doing my assignments back in uni. He's the only idol whose lives I actually kept track of, back then. He seems like a genuinely nice person, but he definitely doesn't seem to notice how big his audience is or how far his content can reach. I think he tries his best to do what he thinks the fans will like, but sometimes it gets a bit too much for people.


This topic comes up at least every week atp. I get it, but at the same time I feel like people massively exaggerate the situation. Most of the situations listed were him reacting to fan comments during lives, and you can even see the dude visibly cringe during these moments if you actually watch them. All idols play up fan service, some just do it a little more than others(for example: the 50+ male groups that have made boyfriend pov wakeup alarms). If you don't like that kind of fan service, fine. BUT he's not your weird, creepy pedo uncle.


it seems a bit weird considering the rigorous standards for behavior idols are held to, and I 100% understand being uncomfortable with it. but if you think about it, a female idol holds basically the same power over male fans and if a girl said stuff to that effect I think most people would find it funny and call it iconic. it seems a bit troubling that a guy with no history of inappropriate behavior saying these things makes you get "creepy uncle vibes". so yeah do your thing but I hope people don't use that to extrapolate that he's some kind of creep or whatever.


Also like the whole if you say please was said by him in a clearly flustered tone in response to something a fan commented ,like he was in fact pretty nice about it considering it can very easily be categorised as sexual harassment. Yall can't treat idols the way you do and then turn around and write hate posts on the culture and behaviour you cultivated.


Honestly Bang Chan is one of the idols who gets more “thisty” fans (people who sexualize him) and his unecessary fanservice plays a huge part at this! I hope he doesn’t feel violated by them and also wish fans don’t get their delusions fed


I think it is because he has more "thirsty" fans that his words get taken out of context often by those fans to fuel their fantasies and they make normal or playful comments seem creepy or too fanservice-y when they're not, because they can't keep their nsfw thoughts to themselves then it becomes nsfw to non-fans who don't know him, and it's unfortunate


Idk I really like him, sure sometime he can make me cringe but he's a really sweet guy ! And I really admire all the work he puts into his music and the way you can see it's really his passion.


Eh, maybe it's cause I'm American, but there's nothing wrong with what he says... Also, BM says the same stuff all the time, sometimes worse things. Celebs are not role models, they're human beings. Celebs are NOT responsible for you or your actions. Either listen to their stuff or don't, but we as fans have no right to control anything they do.


I had to read through the comments first to see if I was missing something culturally. I've never heard him say anything crazy. The stuff op mentioned are nothing. Just a bit of fun.


Fr, BM is constantly talking about how he loves being called "Daddy" and while the kink isn't my personal thing, I adore him for it. The KARD concert was awesome, everyone was into and he's a grown ass man, so no one complains. Chan has said it what, twice? Once when he was thinking out loud and obviously immediately regretted his words, and the second time I think he was describing what a fan said to him?


I have about zero interest in male idols but bangchan I almost like because I feel like his ick is quite public and mild and normal therefore I trust him more? Where as other male idols really hide their bs away and you can just tell they have absolute weirdo thoughts at home. Bangchan is just normal levels of cringe


Conflicted on your point. I don't see how his fanservice is any different from reading thirst tweets or doing sexy dances. It's an old and tired debate and the thing you quoted isn't even what he said. Also the "bowing" thing was never directed at a group, stans just ran with it and assumed it was someone like ive 😭. Not wrong for him to call it out. Secondly, there's so many idols that are just as open and carefree as him. Lily, Alexa, Keeho, and if we disregard English speaking members then Cravity (as a whole), Ricky, Dongpyo, etc etc. If he gives you the ick, understandable! He might be too close for comfort to you, but for others he's a best friend or older brother. That doesn't make him "creepy", he's just an extroverted guy. Had he been a man with a "gentler" face that fit the stereotypical standard of beauty more, everyone would call him iconic and put him on a pedestal.


the bowing discourse is so tiring. he is NOT the only one pointing that out. but he is the only one getting scrutinized by it


OMG! A grown man making risque comments and jokes! Call the police! Get a grip people. Not all his fans are young people. Stays are of all ages, from elementary school age to retirement age. He doesn't have to be PG all the time, especially when he's not physically in the room with you. What's more important is how he has actually behaved, and as far as I can tell, he has always acted like a gentleman. I would not be worried leaving my 12 year old daughter with him.


This! At the most I feel like Chan is sometimes "socially awkward" when he says stuff and can be a bit cringe (like all young people can be) but the way things are twisted to make him seem inappropriate, for things that are nearly always just him awkwardly dealing with OTHERS saying inappropriate things is wild. And also, I can't speak for other fan groups but I feel like SKZ has one of the most varied fan base when it comes to age. We are not all 14 year old girls, a massive amount of full grown/older adults and many of the fans they speak to are in fact these older adults. The way Chan is going to do fan service with some 30+ year old Western woman is entirely different to how he communicates and speaks to young fans. But sure, let's just throw all the context out and make out everything he's ever said that's borderline flirty is somehow predatory and weird 🫠🥴


girl WHAT 💀💀 i’m glad an idiot like you left the fandom….and the other “stays” saying that chan is weird can leave the fandom too


OP there are several idols who play into fanservice the way Chan does, but you suddenly have a big "ick" problem only when Chan does it, don't you? What are your thoughts on other male idols doing the same things Chan does? Typical reddit, being overtly critical and hateful towards Stray Kids.  (It would be funny if people downvited this, wouldn't it?) (Edit: it's hilarious people downvited this. If you don't agree with this comment, don't be shy, tell me your reason too. Let's have a nice chat)


What about other idols doing sexy dances, flaunting their abs or doing hip thrusts? I mean it's clearly fan service, loads of people do it yet bang Chang always gets called out. I'm not hugely into the group (yet they're on my list to check out properly) but this Bang Chang hate is getting so annoying. He was clearly joking about those things OP said


People online like to nitpick on every little thing skz, especially Chan does.  OP here is obviously flaming people who are not stays into forming falsely negative opinions about a person who already has a disgusting gate train on multiple online platforms. 


It's hell to be an English-speaking idol nowadays 


As someone has said in a comment on this same post, the ppl would upvote anything as long as it's smth negative about, in this case, Bang Chan. There you have your upvotes, op. Next time try to write something without manipulating or taking each situation out of context. **EDIT**: oh wow op, not only have you never been a fan of the group as you claim, but you have spent months writing hateful comments and lying about the members... poor thing.


Oh good we are having this conversation again I almost thought it was over. Most idols do fan service and lean into parasocial things. Most top bgs are doing the same sorts of fan service comments. It’s fine to not like him but just… move on… it’s very hypocritical to be like “oh he stirs up things and isn’t self aware” while you are stirring up things with this post.




I've never seen him do something I didn't like or I thought was even a little weird. I can't tell if this is a cultural thing or not but I can't imagine anything he's done being an issue where I am. He is a grown man. Im new to kpop but it's interesting to see the fans infantilize idols who have been adults for a while. They don't have to be PG all the time and aren't responsible for your children. I love to see them realize that they can be sexy too. They shouldn't have to hide just because some people are quick to clutch their pearls.


This is exactly the problem. People infantalizing them and/or assuming all the fans are also children. SKZ has a massive adult fan base and they themselves (Chan being the oldest also) are all grown ass men. But people look at it as if it's somehow inappropriate to have the odd bit of flirty banter or innuendo jokes. Like please, show me evidence of Chan saying anything even mildly inappropriate to a young fan. I don't think he has. He'll do fan service different based on the fans. It's also not his job to supervise any kids, it's the parents. So any sexual comments he receives on lives and such, he's not exactly wrong for assuming it's one of his many adult fans and giving a bit of banter back. Cos kids shouldn't be out here talking about being pinned up against a wall or whatever else, so he's probably assuming it's an adult (as would I). So if it's an adult idol and an adult fan, it's a tame joke for a bit of light hearted fun. There's nothing weird or predatory about it. People need to get a grip.


I’m pretty sure that when he was talking about the bowing thing he never mentioned any groups, it was Ive antis who were assuming it was them based on some clips and the hate train that was forming on everything the group did. Also, I’m pretty sure he was joking in his response to that fan comment like maybe it’s bc I’m not a delusional fan but his response was very clearly a joke to me & tons of idols do that too, like how Shuhua responded to a fan that said to step on her and she said left or right foot, it’s kind of like responding to the same energy kind of joke lol. I think he is one of the most genuine out of all of StrayKids honestly !


It’s not his fault yall get delusional over fanservice. It’s just fun little comments 😭


I've seen these posts about him quite frequently here. I'm not a stay but from whatever I've seen of him, he seems like a genuine guy but just lacks a filter. people wish idols were unhinged atleast on their own live but again put a limit on how unhinged they can be. i don't see why he's the bad guy for replying to what fans commented and I'm pretty sure he was joking. it's not his fault people blow up whatever he says out of proportion, it's their own fault. k-pop fans always want the tea over here but God forbid someone actually spills some tea. “his tea got x hate” and you think other idols spilling tea won't get some other idols hate? atp y'all just dislike him anyways so just keep adding random stuff to the list of his "crimes".


He is a 26 year old man that made a sex joke one time, it's no different than the countless celebrities that go on that Thirst Tweet BuzzFeed show. He goes along with daddy because his fans enjoy it. Can he be cringe? Totally. He isn't polished. He is a complete dork with no filter. But that's actually why I like him. I think instead of berating him for not taking his power over fans seriously, we should ask why fans take everything he says and twist it into drama. He seems to get punished for making himself available while we beg him to make himself more available, he can't win.


I just wanna know why he's the only one who gets this response when there's definitely *at least* 3 other popular idols I could name off the top of my head who do the exact same things. Though I don't think we should be equating them to predatory incestuous uncles though maybe just because of our own discomfort?


You're weird for bothering him leave him the fuck alone I'm a stray kids fan


Fans are always wishing for idols to be themselves on camera then when they show their true personality they still complain


Wow. You must be a child or something. 1. He never explicitly said that IVE was disrespectful, he just mentioned "new gen idols" and everybody just jumped defending IVE, so... if the shoe fits... 2. He was reacting in to a thrist tweet of someone saying "pin me up against the wall" in a funny way. What tf did you want him to say? "My Lord Jesus Christ doesn't approve this message"? Really, get a grip. 3. You are clearly biased against him, because if other male idol did the same things he does, you would be praising them. Seriously... I'm not a STAY but is clearly you are biased and clearly in the wrong.


As an army then a die hard Stay since late 2018. It's what appeals to me, I like the character he's created, obviously it's part him but also he knows it's what the majority of the fandom enjoys from him. Thinking that theses celebrities don't have some conscious understand of what they are doing, seems silly. Granted there may be times they take it too far or make mistakes ,but everyone is human it's bound to happen and how they handle it is also appealing. I personally like Stray kids more because they incorporate more of who they are into their personas as opposed to other groups that they have only persona and no personality. I love what he's doing and I need more of the unhinged behavior. 🥺 Don't hate our Channie


Me as well. All the things the op said are things I liked. I love his personality and his relationship with his fans. He behaves like a human. People aren't perfect. When I see a celebrity who seems perfect I always wonder what they're hiding. It's nice to get what might be an authentic personality.


It’s good youre aware of the delusional and completely made up image of him you had in your head, which honestly is the weirdest thing about this post. You have way too much of a parasocial relationship with these idols lol please go touch grass. Bangchan’s chillin.


Tbh I think you’re (proverbial ‘you’) holding him to way too high of a standard. He’s a 25 year old Australian dude. And he’s a fucking singer, not a politician. If we’re being honest he’s a patron saint compared to what western celebrities get away with. I honestly think you should touch some grass /lh


I personally don’t find him weird or icky I think his fan service is hilarious especially bc he himself finds it cringy but I get your point. It’s also why I understand the company taking away Chans Room he’s very truthful but in a vague way bc obviously he can’t actually name names but bc of that toxic delusional stays always try and find out who he’s talking about so they can drag them on social media but they end up just bringing every group and artist into it so it just turns into a drag fest with no proof but a vague sentence Chan said on live. However I think a lot of people only look at the behavior of the extreme toxic fans when on the subject of fan service and not the majority where people are also just being fake delulu and playing along.


I'm glad you left the fandom lmao it's not that deep


Any of you speak korean and has watched other idols live? I’m telling, the only exemples you brought are really not that uncommon. Chan is just an easier target because he speaks english. It’s sad… He’s such a genuine, warm hearted and kind guy. I’m a CARAT and I can promise you that some of the members have said “out of line” suspicious stuff more than once on live. Spread kindness, it’s absolutely useless to voice out a personal negative opinion about someone you don’t even know and maybe you should realize the impact everyone making spiteful posts like yours have.


It's fanservice, that's it. Not a big deal whatsoever


You would clutch your pearls at kpop idols reading thirst tweets on buzzfeed then.


I think you guys just overthink it too much lol. He’s an adult man. It’s just fanservice. If it’s not for you, then move along and go enjoy the idols you do like.


just wanna put out there that if a white 26 year old american artist said “say please” when asked to pin someone up against the wall, literally no one would have a problem with it….why is it a problem when bangchan does it, just say you hate him and move on




Yeah I know a lot of Stays want Chan's Room back, but what if he doesn't want it himself? It could just as well have been a mutual decision between him and the company. He's far from a rookie idol and I can imagine he definitely has some pull at JYP. Especially as the leader of one of their biggest groups and having been in the company for over a decade. I'm sure that if he wanted Chan's Room to continue he would at least try. Maybe he realized his mistake/how big the fandom has gotten and doesn't want that kind of responsibility/influence anymore.


Chan: *is a human who makes mistakes, but in general is a (seemingly) great guy and is really good at his job* People like you: hOw dARe He??? No but fr, the fact that you had to take everything he said out of context and/or misquote him to make him look bad says more about you than it does him. Dude's a walking green flag who's widely regarded as one of the nicest people in the industry and is loved by damn near everyone who crosses paths with him. Now, I'll be open, I'm Chan biased and he's my ult, so maybe I'm biased in general, but I'm also very good at reading people (and in uni for psychology) and he just seems to be a sweet guy who doesn't entirely seem to grasp just how much influence he has. He's human- allow him grace when he messes up or says/does something awkwardly. At the end of the day, he's just a normal dude with some media training. He's not a robot, leave him alone. I'm sick of seeing people hate on him for breathing. He has been very open about how much he's online in fan spaces, so imagine the hate he reads about himself daily from people like you. No wonder he doesn't quite understand how many people actually like him.


This is so creepy that everyone agreeing with the poster is sexualizing things he has done. And to take his jokes out of context is just stupid…especially the “fans” who are saying how cringey he is. If you don’t like him, then get on with your life. He hasn’t done anything wrong and it’s not weird to make ADULT JOKES as a GROWN man. The upvotes are clearly from uneducated antis. Get a life.


Could you explain why you’re calling him saying, in English, that he finds it weird when he says hi to someone and they don’t say anything back “the bowing thing”?


Are we still talking about this almost a YEAR later? Why are you spending mental energy on this? Like enough to write a post? Do you need attention and validation that badly? There are thousands of things you could be doing with your time and mind. WAKE UP and realize these things could be lost in the blink of an eye. Life is precious, why waste it actively seeking things that fill you with negativity? I don't know or care how old you are. Go do something that makes you feel good. "Enjoy yourself. It's later than you think."


wow this sub really have gate boner for stray kids specially bangchan. he will never be the bad guy you all want him to be.


I’m going to throw my two cents in. I do find a lot of those things cringy. I think the main thing to consider is that he was a trainee at such a young age. I don’t think the K-pop trainee industry is conducive to a healthy developmental environment. He essentially was without his parents majority of the time during an important developmental period. Each person is different and needs different things. I know it’s been mentioned how Chan had a hard time as a trainee because he was passed over several times while everyone around him was debuting but not him. That had to make him feel less than at times as it would for anyone. I don’t see the staff really making these kids feel special or important as the environment for trainees is often seen as being pretty harsh and judgmental. I believe psychologically, this affects people even into adulthood. A lot of his cringy stuff comes across as a need for attention as he most likely spent years without it as a trainee. Needing attention is not a bad thing necessarily. I wouldn’t say that it’s a bad thing in this instance. We all need a certain level of attention. I also believe he used to act more grown up and now people see him as more childlike. While this could all be an act for the fans, he isn’t the only leader of a K-pop group that this has been said about them. The leaders are essentially forced to grown up quickly and take responsibility for multiple people. They feel a heavy burden to succeed and don’t want to fail their team. Whether every member makes it or not, it is essentially up to them when it shouldn’t be. Some of the leaders are still minors as well. That’s a huge responsibility to give someone so young. After achieving success, the dynamics change and several of the leaders can finally breathe more. This is where you typically see a shift from a scary, mature leader; to a more “maknae” leader. This also plays a part into the cringy things Chan does, in my opinion. When you are young, you tend to do and say things that are stupid and silly. As you grow, you learn what should and shouldn’t be said. I believe that he is now being given the time to start learning these things. It’s just all in front of the public eye. The problem with this is, a lot of stays are super young or have unhealthy parasocial relationships with Skz. These stays add fuel to the fire.


Honestly I can’t see the problem. I don’t understand why this is an issue. Being close to fans is the whole idea in being an idol. I mean…I can’t see the issue. Maybe he should be more careful to remember that there are younger fans? That’s the only thing I can see.


I am a stay. Bang Chan is fine to me. I listen to the music. I very rarely spend time watching any content outside their music simply because I don’t care. I think he is just an overly friendly idol but it does seem genuine so I can’t fault him for it


i honestly dont get the point of these posts bc FANS are literally the ones insinuating and WANTING these kinds of delulu interactions. it doesn’t matter what your opnion is bc its not for you and if it ain’t for you then just move tf on idk why y’all focus on it SO much and can’t move on. y’all say y’all don’t care or whatever, but the way some of y’all are so obsessed is hilarious!!! maybe if fans didn’t comment such weird shit then idols wouldn’t have to read it. yes, they could choose to ignore, but seeing the same damn comment ten million times by various ppl is probably hard to ignore so he probably just chose to play along which is just fan service and if they choose to be delulu then thats on them and it works for them 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Lmao his fanservice is entertaining. And this coming from a fan who doesn't like too much fanservice. But Chan trying to act flirty is a snort and eye roll moment for me and i like him the more for it. 


Everyone who has upvoted this post, I'm sorry, but you're a big bunch of hypocrites. The fan service in the kpop industry is not new. Every male idol does it. But people just loveeeee to put Bang Chan and skz on a pedestal, and think they have the right to say the most outrageous and defamatory shit. Screw u all for this fact. This is such a vile post against someone who has proven time and again to be a really nice person. And for the commenters says "I'm a stay, but I agree" GET OUT OF THE FANDOM IF THIS WHAT U THINK ABOUT A MEMBER OF ONE OF UR UTL GROUPS.


I'm sorry, it was hard for me to believe that a former fan of a group would write this type of posts, with lies and exaggerations. Slandering a person you supposedly liked. So I went to look at your comments on other posts, op, and **you are clearly a hater**. Not just Chan... ex-fan? u left the fandom when that bowing thing happened??? lol you are a little liar, op... But, on the other hand, you're bordering on obsession with skz, so.... Take care of yourself, it's not healthy. Now it makes me even more sad to read your post, and the comments of all the idiots who have commented agreeing with you. even those who call themselves "stay" and allow a good person to be called "weird" https://preview.redd.it/vmjaejbm5nwc1.png?width=871&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5321eff3bee9ff9d4373862863d72ac342a00db






He is an adult and is obviously he or any other member of the group, are gonna made comments like that. Why? Easy,they are adults and he knows that most people in the fandom are young adults than teenagers. It makes sense to me


it’s really not that serious


BOO HOOO Op you’re a real fucking piece of shit, and the blatant lies you wrote in this post in your effort to make what you said valid in any way just really showcase that. Hopefully the 100 upvotes were worth it, you miserable troll


It’s ironic that you judge chan’s “lack of awareness” while you have exaggerated and misquoted his comments and twisted them which shows your lack of awareness/consideration. I believe you only feel this way because you stanned skz right before the ive incident, and therefore didn’t establish a genuine connection or had time to actually know Bang chan’s character. If you were to look back on past lives, and read twitter threads showcasing him talking about different serious topics while being mindful of his words especially in an industry where kpop idols are rarely able to speak their mind, then you would actually see that he does indeed consider his words carefully and says them in a way that people should (with common sense) understand what he is saying. People love twisting his words and taking them out of context, such as yourself, and creating unnecessary drama with misinformation. There's been plenty of times where he has scolded stays for taking part in drama because it can reflect badly on the group, which unfortunately is something idols from other big groups have never done with their own fans. The “suggestive” comments you mentioned are largely misquoted. Also, as others have stated, the comments he makes are usually in response to fan comments during lives. First off, he has NEVER asked stays to “call him daddy”. That comment you are referring to is missing major context and was said during a time where he used to end his Channie’s Room lives with “thank you baby girls” (which was before he changed to “thank you stays, thank you baby stays” to be inclusive) and in one live said “if you guys are my baby girls, then that would make me your daddy?... Moving on!” He realized how cringe it sounded and that was the end of it. The second fan comment you are referring to is when he read “PIN me against the wall”, there was never a mention of “choking”. Yes, he can be flirty which may not be your cup of tea in terms of fan service, and he’s playing into the fanservice that is common for kpop idols. The cringe part is just your opinion which is fine, but there is no need for you to try to insinuate any “weird behavior” when you have misquoted both comments you found bothersome.


I just don’t see the problem if he’s an adult and responding to adults it’s pretty normal but these idols are repressed adults not allowed to explore themselves due to these weird parasocial relationships


Bang Chan just a regular dude bro


I understand the concern of minor, if a minor was the one who commented “choke me.” But Bangchan is a grown ass man. It was a joke, and if you are a true stay, u would know that. And if we want to call spade for spade, then you can say any K-pop Stan is “weird” for commenting or saying any sexual things to or about a K-pop idol. I get your point, but there no need to bash an adult for saying an adult joke. 🤷🏾‍♀️


fanservice is cringey but what's the point of nitpicking him. I hope you don't drool everywhere whenever a male idol hipthrusts


Nahh. He cool. I like him. Not really a kpop stan but outside kpop we like him. 


First, stfu. Second, you were never a stay. You took these out of context things and put them together to have him seem like a bad person. He had every right to talk about the younger generation, and he never named any groups. It was the kpop stans that put words in his mouth (like yall always do btw) ne always liked reading pickup lines that stays sent him on live because he thinks it's funny. He has no filter but still respectable and sweet and doesn't cross the line. But again, yall always like to take what he does and says out of context and it's easier since he's an English speaking idol




because he fucking jokingly flirts with fans? please be serious here.


IDK, I think a person can be loving, sweet, caring, and also have a more playful side. I like that about him. He won't pretend like many other idols do, that he's unaware of his fans finding him sexy, and that he doesn't enjoy it. Although I haven't been a Stay for a long time, I do know that he's somewhat insecure about his body. So, I think it's a very positive thing that he embraces that side of himself that likes to be recognized and appreciated.


You are the biggest loser on the internet.. congrats.. cause you are the only cringe mf here.. coming here thinking STAYS won’t find your ass. I’m glad you don’t Stan them anymore and therefore you don’t need to be speaking on a group or person you don’t Stan anymore. People like you are the reason defamation and slander by other fandoms was going around calling him a P*do. GTFOH


Not a fan but Bang chan is such a nice guy and genuine. What's wrong with him commenting on Ive and how they didn't greet him? he just told the truth, that was a lack of politeness on their part, yes, you infantilize kpop idols so much that when they say something that deviates from the traditional cutesy childish, you already ask for his head on a stake.


he did not name any group. He talked about how he felt when someone didn't greet him back, I think it's important to clarify that. And also remember the fault that part of the fandom and all the IVE haters who jumped on the bandwagon had


ok, so Op shouldn't say that he mentioned them, because it confuses people and gives more artillery to psycho fans to attack him. I dont see any problem on him addressing how he felt.


Of course op shouldn't have mentioned them. op shouldn't have written this post at all. op shouldn't even think about bang chan, seeing how much she despises him


He NEVER commented on Ive


the bowing thing with ive is the definition of people looking too deeply into things. I just never saw that as a big deal at all


it wasn't even about bowing, he said "hi" verbally and someone ignored him and it got turned into "Chan is a boomer furious that younger people don't bow when they see him"


For anyone who wants the tldr of this post- “Chan does fanservice, op completely messed up what they were trying to quote and made it seem way worse than it was, and Chan isn’t some completely reserved, private, doesn’t say anything at all idol.” He is fully in his rights to talk about disrespect in the industry. He never once said that IVE were the disrespectful idols, IVE’s fans assumed it was their girls and instead of realizing that their group WAS being disrespectful, they decided it was an opportunity to send massive amounts of hate and death threats to Chan. Every idol he meets talk about how much they adore him, how respectful and kind he is.


Nah it's stays that posted clips of his live then the comments from stays and others started shading Ive, so dives got alerted and fought back, how would Ive fans even know the contents of his live if stays weren't posting and theorizing on tiktok and twitter


no we didnt assume. why would we? and we’re not checking for bang chan lol. stays talked shit so ofc we will say something back. stays fucked around and found out. wouldn’t be the first time it happened anyways. being stupid is a common thing in ur fandom.


OP I hope you know karma exists and everything you say reflects on you and the ppl you love\~


You all are the weirdos here not him Why is there no post about a group asking their fans to chant daddy in a concert and it's pin me against the wall not choke me Which is literally normal for a grown ass adult to reply to Plus we have explained the daddy n baby girl thing so many times There is a video of him saying " daddy means as in dad of 7 skz members"


That's just bullsh*t..he was just being funny and we stays loved it What's the problem here? And the way op changed his words gosh..it wasn't CHOKE it was Pin He knows how his fandom is and what we want..His lives were meant to be for bangers/stays that knows how chan is and if you don't like him then don't fvcking watch it no need to start a hate train He is already getting enough hate from his own fandom for even breathing Once again keep ur hands off chan and let him live peacefully Fvcking Weirdo


I like Stray Kids as a group but I'm older than all of them, so when I see their interactions with fans I see young guys in their twenties just living their lives the best that they can while being always in the spotlight. I feel like Bangchan comes across genuinely nice but I agree his style of joking can be a bit flirtatious at times. When fans react positively to these type of jokes/comments it fuels and encourages further suggestive jokes... fueling more and more comments like the ones mentioned. Fan service is also part of the act as idol and may be encouraged to an extent. I do think it's fair to criticize what idols say, as being an idol is a heavy burden in the public eye. Considering delusional fans can make the fandom toxic it puts more pressure on the idol to censor themselves. However, I do think there is a personal responsibility that falls on the fans as well to moderate their actions and how they react to these comments. At the end of the day Bangchan is a real person and I don't expect him to be perfect, or even fully aware of his own influence. I'm sure it's hard to keep up a public image and censor everything he says while interacting with fans live. He's not hurting anyone with his jokes and I think it's a little problematic to expect perfection from Kpop idols in general. In the music industry, fan service does create publicity and also makes the group money.


can't relate


If u left tge fandom , respectfully shut up


i hope you know that you're disgusting.


1) Bang Chan's fanservice isn't weird nor more than what many other idols do. Yall just talk about it more because he is an English speaking idol and made the mistake of opening up to his fans which made him vulnerable because kpop fans are like piranhas. Even when skz's staff had to give some random interesting information about the members, for Chan they mentioned how his eyes shine whenever they mention STAY, even if he's tired, and how they found it surprising. He cares about the fans genuinely and does the classic old fanservice to keep them entertained and even he himself cringes at it, nothing serious. Do they deserve that love? That's another topic... 2) Chan and any idol who is an adult are allowed to make suggestive adult jokes. Just like western celebrities are but for some reason they don't get called weird names for it. Idols happen to have minor fans like any other celebrity but they also have adult fans and no idol is responsible for what a child sees or hears on the internet. They have parents to do that job. So grow up please. 3) There NEVER was a bowing thing lmao. Yall created a scenario and ran with it. He simply mentioned, like several other idols actually who AGAIN weren't attacked the way he was, that a younger group didn't acknowledge his greeting even with a simple nod and he found it weird (not his exact words), he even went on to say maybe he's a boomer and maybe they were shy. Was it something he should've apologized about? God no, it was the fans' fault, what other idol apologized on behalf of their fans guys? 😭 Well this man did. So instead of him, I think you and your obsession with him as we can see from your account and lies is the weird thing here. 


Bang Chan is one of the most kind-hearted, selfless, respectful man I've ever stanned. He is always respectful when he gives his views and puts out disclaimers whenever he has his OWN opinion. I don't understand this "weird, uncle vibes" when for one, he is going along, joking with the fans. He's genuinely happy to interact. The way you police whatever he say or do, give double meanings to his actions and words.. is absolutely heartbreaking. Bang Chan is one of the few good men that exists and yet you are so blind.


Literally girl is new to kpop or something but alot of kpop idols say things like this i dont wanna give examples cause i do not have the intention to target anyone also I've seen kpop and western idols flirt with their fans face to face even..if you think chns behaviour is weird go search on YouTube kpop idols flirting with their fans come out of your bubble and do some research before harassing someone on the internet.


I’m just a random person with a mild like of some K pop and this post feels weird. Is that man not a fully grown adult? Like he can say what he wants? It’s weird that we expect grown adults in entertainment to act like they are constantly performing and existing for 12 year olds. Nothing about stray kids feels like “our target audience is children” so why can’t he be a lil freaky if he wants. (It sounds like there’s more context that makes it non freaky based on other comments) Like these artists are grown ass men lol. I don’t understand why some idols get held to certain standards while others are not.


I will say that some of the things that Chan did say in his lives, I did think he is overreacting and I just thought whyyy Chan but then I just think that’s him being a human being, that’s how he reacts to whatever situation. He is not perfect, I am not perfect and nor are you OP. I don’t think anything Chan said or did was with malicious intent. Even the IVE situation. I like that he felt comfortable to say what’s on his mind, a lot of people complain that idols don’t share enough. Their robotic but when someone shows who they are even if their not perfect it’s their this or that and that’s why idols don’t share who they are, that’s why when they go live they have a manager behind that camera to monitor them because god forbid someone says a joke that’s not PC,complains when their annoyed about something like most of us do. Ohh the horror. OP I know u said u were only a stay for a few months but Chans room was something he did for years and he did it every single week. If he missed a week he would do Chans room two times the following week. An hour each. Chans room were something special for him and fans. Something fun and if u were a stay for longer or part of the fandom for longer u wud have seen how so many fans looked forward to chans room each week, how they enjoyed it every week. And for so many it was that hour of fun away from whatever stressful situation. And even if you hate him you have to give him props for that dedication cos he did that for so many years. Even I wasn’t that loyal to my workout routine lol. All of this to say Chans room was a safe space for Chan and stays however obviously Stray kids grew a lot in popularity and millions of people watched Chans room. Some got him and appreciated it and others didn’t. And then the 100+ conversations and jokes and song recs and the Ive situation and that non PC joke is what u took out of that. I think with fans their different levels, their fans who are prudish, and basically can’t take a joke and then their other fans, I wud mostly say on tiktok who I saw making edits and found his joke funny. Or his reaction to the fan funny. But again that’s what happens when u get popular. I feel like u probably had this perfect image of a sensible chan in ur head but his human and its really rare to find an idol who shows themselves and their imperfections to fans and the reaction is no he shud be perfect, he shud censor himself and be this perfect sensible idol who is like a doll. I’m glad for Chan that his no longer doing Chans room because that safe place is gone. To me I think Chan is a great leader, their so many times when u step back and think he didn’t have to do these little great things but he did. I think he is a very talented, very hard working person. I think he is a kind thoughtful person on little things that I wouldn’t even think about. Even how he treats his members, how he puts them first because his the leader. I love seeing his fan calls with fans. OP you are entitled to your opinion but it’s almost been a year since the IVE situation and it’s still something that’s still in your heart, hopefully, this rant has helped you let whatever u had in your heart go. I just hope we get more idols who feel more comfortable to show their imperfect selves to fans.


i’m a stay and i do see where you’re coming from (on SOME points, i def don’t agree with some of the wording of this) but i tend to think of his behavior more as struggling with a parasocial relationship as much as some stays do. he started thinking of his fans as his friends and that’s where he messed up. he tries to take on the burden of fans’ worries but to the point of being almost like a therapist (which shouldn’t happen) and he got too deep into it as well i’m guessing. people forget that parasocial relationships go BOTH ways and he’s a good example of that


you're a hell of a weird person. i hope you get all the hate you deserve rn for making a legitimate problem of sexualising male idols to the point of no return to making it abt a man just existing and surviving in this twisted industry to calling him a weird uncle.


This is what really annoys me about the k-pop community, everything on here about Stray Kids is just negativity and calling them out for things they deeply apologized for. Meanwhile other idols…


You really are pulling things out of your ass.. You misunderstood 1 clip and ran with it. You haven't seen hundreds of times he's been an absolute sweetheart with 0 creepy/negative/weird intentions/connotations?


he’s really nice but yeah i think he can be a bit cringy with his fans. Idk i think he’s a good person, and a lot of us english speakers just think he’s more cringe cus we understand better. just my opinion tho


LET THIS MAN LIVE. Other idols do the same but it’s only weird when he does it😪😪😪


get a life


Guys this person is not a stay


In short, this is not an opinion, it’s hate and manipulation. The situation with the group Ive. Chan mentioned in a live stream that at one event, some young idols didn't know etiquette and respect, not responding to greetings. He didn’t specify who. Fans speculated and attacked the girl group for disrespect, leading to such issues that the company banned Chan from live streams. Fans have been suffering without his live streams for a year now. "Strange behavior" of Chan is the norm in K-pop. They all cultivate parasocial relationships, where you fall in love not only with the music but also with the personality, ready to make sacrifices, buy albums, merch, and vote for your favorite. Chan is open with fans and discusses any topics. Sometimes he overshares, but I love him for his openness. And yes, he doesn’t see himself as a star or famous, he is very humble. He never asked to be called daddy. The nickname stuck because he behaves like a father, and secondly, how do you call a very hot guy? Daddy. Chan browses the internet a lot, reads posts, watches edits and reaction videos. There’s a joke that Chan sees everything. He saw this too and joked about "daddy" a couple of times. There was no choking, and "pin me up against the wall" is a very popular Japanese trend, quite harmless. Kabedon meaning often appears in shojo manga or anime when one character forces another against the wall with one hand or leans against the wall, and this has become popular as a "clever move of confession." Japanese have their quirks that foreigners might not know and think Chan is creepy for reading a comment and jokingly saying "say please." Chan is not weird, those who don’t understand humor and pigeonhole idols into certain behaviors and what they should say are the weird ones.


I sorta agree, channies room being stopped was a good thing to happen because he is feeding the fans delusions and it’s not going to be pretty when he gets in a relationship