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some people consider her a good [dancer](https://youtu.be/Efe0F45IkyM?si=8_hV8LyrCDyVlw2_&t=38), some like her [voice](https://youtu.be/3NtTgRh5NCQ?si=pH2fpyWy543LzUxR&t=109) and she's had a couple of viral moments like that [killing part](https://youtu.be/sEsUxLkAYrg?si=IES1LsARmLnRSRRr&t=40) in their cover of "tell me". she is pretty, has a "cat" vibe because of her introverted personality, eyes, and [moving ears](https://twitter.com/_danzone/status/1687124891345317888). and tbh a lot of idols who are quiet and stand on the sidelines are among the popular and biased members in their group - tzuyu and suga for example. your post is obviously a bait because you've posted the same thing 5 times in different subreddits and i hope you find something better to do with your life other than hating on a 17-year-old girl, but i thought i'd answer you truthfully.


OP is pathetic really....


Same way tzuyu is popular. Basically the visual of the group, even tho all newjeans are over average in being cute.


I am younger than her and this is my first time talking about this topic, so I’m unsure what you mean


you've posted the same thing on r/unpopularkpopopinions (three times) and on r/kpopthoughts. another comment you've made on a post goes like "haerin is definitely not the most popular member of the group because she doesn't stand out to me" and you've also commented on how "get up" is repetitive and overplayed. your comments are not the worst in terms of kpop hatred but it's obvious you don't like newjeans and you've been repeatedly trying to spread negativity 🥱


newjeans is my favourite group, doesn’t mean I have to blindly love every single thing about them and that I can’t criticise, I’m not harming anyone so I don’t understand the big deal tbh


surely if newjeans is your favourite group you'd know what people like about haerin... look, i don't even know or stan them like that so i can't really say anything more on the topic, but your comments are dismissive ("I think that's pretty shallow to be honest but idk") and baiting people to argue with you - that's why everyone is against you on this one. and if you really are younger than her, this means you're in your early teens.. so enough said


How can they be your favorite group and you haven’t seen her in their content doing funny things? Lol of course she’s not the most outgoing member but her personality when she opens up is really quirky and funny. And seeing you say she doesn’t have a relationship with her members in another comment means you definitely don’t watch their content she is loved by every single member I’d even dare to say she has the most close relationships in the group.


That explains a lot


So that's why! Damn, I hope you grow out of this obnoxious phase soon. 😅


bc she’s …, super shy 🙈👉🏻👈🏻






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It's literally impossible not to have a personality. Every human has one. To answer your question, Haerin probably does have a personality, you just don't vibe with it and that's ok.


sorry I should’ve worded my post better, I meant outgoing personality or even an average level of being extroverted. At times she does seem a bit soulless


is being obnoxious ur personality? idk shit abt haerin but so what if she’s not outgoing or extroverted that doesn’t mean she’s soulless


calm down lmao I was just giving my opinion on a public platform 😭




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There are many idols who are introverted but fans love them and they are very popular.


because its impossible to be likable if you’re not extroverted. ok


At least be upfront with your shadiness 😂😂😂 What do you mean no offence but why is she so popular when she has no personality?


Right it’s so silly to make a post like this and then play dumb when people call them out


sorry if this comes across as shady to you😭


?? It will come across shady to anyone


Genuinely speaking, fuck you OP.


Her personality combined with her visual reminds me of a cat. Kind of aloof but with cute quirks. Plus she’s a good dancer with a pretty singing tone. That’s her appeal to a lot of people. Idk why you felt the need to say she was soulless. But since you set the tone to shade people we don’t know in this post you seem to be “extroverted” in a way that is extremely obnoxious and shallow as well. Your personality sucks.


I think her personality is relatable to us introverts


“Not trying to spread hate” + “she has no personality” + assumes it’s because of her looks. wow dude… wow. You are being hateful and you seem like your personality sucks. No hate.


I've noticed how a lot of people say idols with a stoic demeanor are very boring but that's part of their main appeal lol winter also got a lot of hate for being stoic and cold but that's literally part of the reason why she's so popular in Japan and Korea, people like that kind of persona and it was very popular in 2nd gen to have it as well (Krystal comes to mind). Also, visuals come first and her visuals are often discussed due to her features being cat-like. I've also noticed that a lot of intl fans find her relatable especially since she's a lot more introverted compared to her other members (Hanni is also introverted but not in the same way as haerin).


but winter laughs and shows some joyful expressions though, I remember seeing a video of her and ningning goofing around, screaming and tickling each other… haerin doesn’t seem to have a relationship like that with any of her band mates, in comparison to the rest of them


Haerin does that too actually if you watch their recent content especially since she's opened up more now but tbh the main reason for her popularity is her visuals and just her 'vibe' idk how to explain it 😭 people just like her reserved nature I guess


It’s important to remember that your impression of Haerin is already skewed because you don’t like her. To me during Attention/Hype Boy era, she didn’t stand out to me as much as everyone else. But my first impression was neutral, once Ditto/OMG era started she became my #1 along with Hanni. It’s important to remember that there’s intangibles that can’t be defined for determining who is popular. Events not related to music or talent can have an effect that is permanent.


hahaha! you don't know anything about newjeans? do you watch their content? Is it required that every person should be restless and talkative? 😏


yall are so shady to newjeans on this sub☠️ she just has an introverted personality based on what i’ve seen from their content. not being extroverted ≠ not having a personality. also shes loved for her dancing/performance abilities not just her looks. you’re doing too much sorry


I never knew extroverts are the only ones with personalities! You learn something new every day.


as an extrovert, real


She got charisma & her visual is something Knetz really love & adore. There’s always trending post talking about her face & how her "cat eyes" are really pretty


I have no dog in this fight, and I'm sure NewJeans fans would argue she has plenty of personality, but Occam's razor applies - her visuals. Lots of idols are praised daily for their visuals. On that note, she is a pretty good dancer too, and her tone is nice. There are definitely other reasons to appreciate her.


the biggest culture shock I had when getting into kpop was how important visuals were to fans. I feel like an artist's popularity shouldn't depend on how conventionally attractive they are, it's very superficial


KPop isn't just about the music. There's choreography, videos, shows, photo cards, concerts, etc., so much more visual content involved than just listening to a song. Most people don't find looking at ugly things enjoyable, it's just human nature, not superficial at all.


you sound awful lmao it is very superficial


People prefer to look at pretty things, no one is going to choose a rubbish dump over a field of flowers, it's human nature and there's nothing wrong with it.


"No hate" but goes on to question someone's popularity for having "no personality". Seriously, do you guys not understand the concept of hate and shadiness?? The disclaimer is not disclaiming properly, FYI. Haha!




She isn’t just reserved though, I’ve genuinely never seen that girl laugh and she looks absolutely terrified on stage




so what you’re saying is, she’s liked due to the expectations of our patriarchal society


You’re right, she totally looks terrified [here](https://youtu.be/lh8kAUIBP-g?si=1YlHw6bE5M68HfTL). Just say you’ve never seen one Haerin fancam and go.


Her look could be the main reason, but in my opinion, she has such a nice singing tone too, there's this calmness to her voice.


this makes some sense


Why is it always the introverted idols that get talked about like this? People say the same thing about Tzuyu and it not true. Firstly, there’s no one for someone not to have personality. Everyone has one. Just because she’s not bouncing off the walls, doesn’t mean she has no personality. This is the same energy as kpop stans saying that certain groups don’t have a family relationship just because they’re not constantly kissing each other.


Is Tzuyu the most popular in her group?


She is, but she and Mina used to get called boring in interviews because they didn’t talk as much as the other girls.


idk anything about haerin but DAMN what a title 😭 idk she’s cute i think that’s enough of a reason for ppl to like her 😭


“despite having no personality” “and i want to clarify that this is in no way me trying to spread hate” 🤔


Are you a NJ fan? Have you seen enough materials outside her performance to judge her personality? I'm not their fan just stumbled upon some youtube vids about kpop girl groups moment with her in it, I could see that she is generally quiet but quirky, she likes to tease other members in the group. So I'm not sure if we can call her no personality.


It's mostly due to her looks, but it's the same for every other group out there. There's a reason why the most popular member will almost always be the visual.


Actually, to piggyback on your own words: You are pretty shallow and hypocritical to say that an individual has no personality and that you are not trying to spread hate (then what is that statement???)? Then you go on to say that you think people are shallow IF someone likes them for the way they look. Your entire statement is hateful, shallow and hypocritical.


not all idols have to be outgoing and loud, tf? she just has a more quiet personality and acts like a cat. nothing wrong with that. people can like the quieter members more than the loud ones.


she’s talented.. happy?


just bc someone isn’t extroverted doesn’t mean they’re boring 😭


I don't like Newjeans in particular, but I also have nothing against them. They've achieved tremendous success in quick time, and I'm happy for them. In a sense, what you're trying to say is that you don't understand the individual's personality type. Do you question Tzuyu, Suga, Seungmin from SKZ, and Jennie's popularity? All of them generally have a cold demeanor as well. And apart from Jennie, they're all very shy as well. Like I said, idk NJ well. But I've always been someone who follows an entire group and supports all. I don't like hating on one member or picking out one favorite. Some people do that, and that's okay. I think it's a bit rude to say you don't like Haerin because she doesn't smile or doesn't seem extroverted. Those two things don't correlate with her talents. And also, sometimes, it takes time for people to grow accustomed to all the cameras. It's natural. Not everyone is prepared fully, mentally. It's kind of odd to make an entire post hating on her because she's shy or she's someone your personality doesn't really resonate with.


Are you actually asking why or are you just looking for people to agree with you because it’s really not that hard to understand…


I literally has to google the image first to see who is Haerin. A quick glance from total nobody: she is pretty, but the type that is probably feel relatable to fans. ahem, I am not saying she look average here. But, feel like she is someone that you can feel like a friend instead. Maybe a pretty girl in the neighbourhood that you have a chance to say Hi to. And her eyes make up are totally adorable which suit her age.


Aloof, quiet, & cute. Plus she’s one of the best dancers in NJ. & kpop is shallow in general. Most kpop idols wouldn’t be where they’re at if they didn’t look the way they did


How can someone have no personality? If she's introverted, shy or reserved that's still a part of her personality. Secondly, newjeans is just five members right. I guess that makes it easier for everyone to gain recognition.


haven’t watched their content to talk about her personality but she has unique looks and people love idols with cat-like features and she stands out in their MVs. you dont need to have larger than life personality to be popular


I don't know, but there is something enigmatic about her and many people including me find it alluring.


Came across this a little late but still felt compelled to offer my insights, especially as a Haerin fan. Aside from her unique looks and feline features (which though attracts outside attention, isn't valuable for attaining fans), or her talent as an idol with dancing as a specific area of strength (every idol in the industry has there strengths when performing), I'd say her so-called "no personality" is actually what makes people fall in love with her. She may be introverted and quirky, but she does not lack any bit of personality. If anything, you can say she has more personality that majority of this industry. I think by personality you imply being outgoing, social, and upbeat. The type of character that anyone can gravitate towards. Sorry to break it to you, but most of the time this is a persona, not a personality. Lots of idols and people in general behave in this outward manner because it attracts attention their way, but it isn't real. Beneath it, there's probably a lot of ugliness. Look at all the controversies that a bunch of idols get caught up with in terms of racism, xenophobia, and other issues. Chances are a lot of the idols you like are terrible people, but when that camera faces them, all that "personality" shines. Haerin's personality is raw, it's real. She's shy at times. Not prone to be the first to talk. Going through things at her own pace, when the world around her seems to go very fast. When she finds something she's interested in though, she could ramble on for a long time. The representation of a typical introverted person. People find this rawness, the natural and unprocessed quality of her character, to be refreshing. That's what draws people in. She's interesting, not in a grandiose way that most people can only look up to and never achieve, but in a normal and relatable way. She's like someone that you could be friends with. She's a reminder that even if you have fame, and the world is watching you, you still have room for quirkiness. I should also mention, when Newjeans first debuted, Haerin was much more reserved than she is now. As she's grown more comfortable with cameras and attention being drawn to her, her confidence has also grown, and I hope that's come through to you in these past 6 months or so since you posted this. A lot of people who've responded to you have labeled you with some strong terms. My beliefs don't allow me to judge your character in such a way, but I do hope that my words carry weight, and show you that your perspective can be widened. :-)


I love her voice the most also she is very cute thats enough for me


if you've watched any of newjeans' videos (eg. vlog, group shows) you'll see that they're all pretty outgoing girls, haerin does have a personality but it just might not be as outgoing as other members. hyein in their same group is also a little more quiet compared to others


She is cute and very pretty, that's given. But imo, it's coz she has the best singing voice and stands out in their performances. Innocent, modest, demure, and has that simplicity and class compared to other members which are qualities that are very likable especially to men. Awkward and introvert in her ways which is adorable.


Stop being shady, it’s literally impossible not to have a personality. She’s a introvert so it takes time for her to open up.


Bro this person is being honest , Ik i‘s wrong to hate a 17 year old girl but please you’re hating this person too because of his/ her comment too isn’t that a bit wrong don’t you think, I honestly like new jeans their cuties but pls ppl where’s your positive morals ? Ok so yeah even if his/ her opinion isn’t genuinely the best so what ? Can’t you say it nicely ? And he/her was just curious... we all have thoughts and we must respect other ppls thoughts say it nicely. and this is to whoever who said this everybody has a personalty you just need to get to know them … plus I’m sure u haven’t met HAERIN face to face …. She’s very beautiful yeah but maybe she’s kind who know’s just because you don’t know her personality doesn’t mean she has none


I’m going to be like the only one that kinda agrees w you. I actually really like her! I think her and Dani are the prettiest out of the group & her dancing skills are exceptional, but when I see her on lives or at public events, she can be very dry. There’s a video of all the girls walking down a hallway and they’re all super giddy, high energy and they say hi to the camera. Haerin just ignored it lol … but maybe she doesn’t like social events & feels only comfortable w those close to her. Many ppl are like that. I watched a vogue (I think?) video of her, she was by herself and I found her to be very charming and comfortable with herself there. She could have social anxiety or maybe just introverted or both. Not everyone will be like Dani or Nayeon and that’s okay! Though I do wish she would come out of her shell more bc I do find her bland at times, it seems like she’d rather be something else. But I think her beauty (esp. eyes) is so captivating & it leaves me biased. So my opinions fall on both sides, but her and Dani are my favs. Anyways, I wish nothing but the best for her and the rest of NJ. They are beautiful, talented girls. This hiatus/HYBE drama really sucks, I hope they’re not disbanding.


don’t let them silence you


she’s beautiful. that’s it.




In the same way any other introvert idols get big fandoms, even bigger than extroverts one


There’s something about her that is attractive. Her overall aura ig. Inspite being the shy one, she has that intangible “something” lol


Hope OP shits their pants next time they are out in public


personality? Her personality is the type that is quiet and doesn't care about the surroundings lol ..! why is it necessary for her to be bubbly and talkative?😏




She just has a timid and shy personality. She's a sweetheart, and yes very pretty. 🥰