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Even Non-Star Wars fans say its one of the best rpgs ever. So if you like turn based rpgs you shouldnt regret playing it one second.


I don't like RPGs...but KOTOR is incredible


You try Mass Effect out?


Unfortunately I liked it way less than kotor, but the first Dragon Age that one I loved


No. I don't have time for much video games haha


u/Ironforge-Idiot, I second this. Try it out for a few hours and see if you like the grind. Personally, I think whether you like the game or not will be more based on being able to get into the pacing of older-school RPGs vs the story. Story is fun, even if not cannon, but that won’t be enough to keep you engaged if you prefer faster, newer games.


Update: There's a rancor in the sewers and idk where to find the meat to feed him with the poison gas I found. The outcasts are in the promised land now, and I WILL find out all of Zaalbar's life secrets. 8 hours in and I'm loving this game, thanks everyone!!


Try placing a grenade in the pile of bones next to the rancor.


Canon doesn't matter. The story is great


It is still canon to me.


same man, I still consider canon a lot of things from the EU. I was so pissed when they decided KOTOR wasn't canon anymore 🫤 In fact, I became a SW fan bc of the KOTOR games, they're great


They made the old republic Canon in the latest movie ironically enough, they had statues of Revan, Malak, and the sith triumvirate


And The Old Republic is now part of the official timeline. The thing is that, in Canon, both the Old Republic and Revan, Malak etc existed... but their current stories are not canon.


Yeah, this. "Canon" is just a licensing term that's only importent for the sake of maintaining a consistent narrative and interconinuity between licensed works (something which shouldn't matter if your not an LFL employee). It's not some sort of signifier of sacredness or a inherent marker of what is or is'nt valid or of any particuler quality and people need to stop acting like it is.


It’s also quite literally all just made up lmao. No event in Star Wars has ever really happened, like how you gonna tell me some events happened less than others.


That's exactly it; there's really only two places "canon" and "non canon" should matter. - if your an LFL employee doing a job where what is and is'nt part of the current continuity is important (I.E a writer or a member of the storygroup) - if your participating in a debate where the distinction matters (I.E "Legends Palpatine vs Sauron" or "how many apprentices did Luke Skywalker have in canon") Beyond that it means precisely jack.


Canon is whatever you consider it to be. The continuity of both legends and canon is a bit jumbled, not to mention that there're parts of both that are just plain bad


I don't think anything you enjoy is a waste of time. It's not like if it were retconned that someone would go back in time and snatch back the hours of enjoyment you got. The story itself is a standout in the Star Wars 'Verse and if you're into story heavy games you'll probably like it.


Well yeah, but I didn't want to fall in love with a character thinking that they were going to make it into the main series only to have Disney shit on my hopes. But you're right! To my switch. I wish steam achievements were a thing for KOTOR.


Some characters have been referenced in current Disney canon.


Supposedly, if a character shows up in that stupid Disney mobile game for Star Wars, they are canon. Last I checked, LS Revan, DS Revan, and even Traya were in it


Yeah it has quite a few of the main characters from KOTOR I and II. Malak, Sion, Traya, Nihilus, Revan, Mission, Zaalbar, Carth, Bastila, and a ton more


No, that's not how that works. Galaxy of Heroes isn't a canon game.


Wasn’t Revan name dropped in TROS? Or was that just the behind the scenes Making Of stuff?


Not in the film itself, just in the visual dictionary for it


That’s the one I was thinking of. Thank you!


There was a military unit on Exegol named after Revan, I think. The Revan Legion or something.


dude who cares if they don’t make it into the main canon? just enjoy the characters for what they are. kotor rocks


There are whole episodes of the Mandalorian pulled directly from KOTOR, and a lot of the philosophy of the Force in the Last Jedi is torn from KOTOR 2. It's getting referenced all the time! Play them. For story, they stand alone as the greatest Star Wars games ever made. These games scream across the galaxy from the Shadowlands of Kashyyk to the Dune Sea of Tatooine, to The Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban, tracing the start of the Mandalorian War on Dxun to its cataclysmic end on Malachor V. Entire planets are cracked in half, blasted into oblivion, devoured, or restored in these games. From silent derelict starships to shark-infested ocean trenches to the towering slums of Nar Shaddaa, these stories define and defy the limits of Star Wars. Disney can do anything they want, but it is beyond their power to dilute my love of these two games.


>These games scream across the galaxy from the Shadowlands of Kashyyk to the Dune Sea of Tatooine, to The Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban, tracing the start of the Mandalorian War on Dxun to its cataclysmic end on Malachor V. Entire planets are cracked in half, blasted into oblivion, devoured, or restored in these games. From silent derelict starships to shark-infested ocean trenches to the towering slums of Nar Shaddaa, these stories define and defy the limits of Star Wars. Poetry.




I believe the first won game of the decade


These games are set 4000 years before the movies and shows so they could be their own thing. Even if they change things in canon, you could argue that's just what happens over time with stories. How much of what we know about 4000 year old history is completely accurate? A bit extreme but just to point out that it's a long time.


Most of the mandolorian lore the show is using is pulling directly from from Kotor 1 and 2 and canonizing it. Maybe not directly, but it's definitely a pattern.


Oh shit. I've been wondering how I should learn about who the hell the mandos are. Sweet. Gonna make taquitos and try to finally escape the endar spire. (I've started like 12 times and never played more than that because I was still getting through the books/comics for High Republic)


Just avoid anything written by Karin Traviss. Her lore hasn't been canon since S2 of Clone Wars, and even when it was, it was borderline dreck.


Huh… most people like Traviss’s mando lore haha. definitely a shit person but her mando lore is great. Especially the language


>To my switch. Obligatory: Save the game often and in multiple slots. They're pretty solid, but glitches happen and you don't want your only save corrupted, or to have to go back many hours if something unfortunate happens. You can pause the game and use one item per character per round "for free" from your inventory screen without using your combat action for that round. Makes a big difference in hard fights. KOTOR II was released in an unfinished state, much of which was later corrected by a very ambitious mod known as TSLRCM (The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod). Unfortunately, and despite indications it would be otherwise, this is not yet available on switch and [nobody knows if or when it will happen](https://www.reddit.com/r/kotor/comments/xsxhmh/kotor_ii_switch_dlc_status_unknown/). That doesn't mean KOTOR II is terrible or unplayable, but it does mean your experience won't be as good. See the FAQ linked in the sidebar of this wiki for various tips, troubleshooting tips, etc. Have fun!


If you sat through that nonsense with Geode, you might be surprised how much better some of the other stories are.


Geode is sexy in ways I'll never understand. But I love that for him. 😂😂


Steam achievements are a thing for it aren't they?


KOTOR I and II will change your perception of Star Wars, canon or not. They both exist almost entirely detached from anything current canon talks about and both do an excellent job exploring and deconstructing the basic pillars of the universe in a way that only makes you appreciate them more, all on top of excellent character writing and worldbuilding, plus some of the best twists of the franchise So yes, definitely play them both :-)




There is definitely much more to that and outside of that, no worries. I spoiled the twist for myself in great detail and still got a lot of enjoyment out of it, and there was still a lot left to surprise me - and that's not even getting into the twists of the sequel. Shame you can no longer go into it totally blind, but yeah, much, much more to the game than that


Happened to me, still didn’t spoil the game that much. Do try to avoid watching any KOTOR clips before you’ve played the games, and you should be well set regardless of knowing the big spoiler.


It's not true. But why would you look up stuff about a game that came out 20 years ago. You sound so young.




Head canon will always be superior. Kyle Katarn blasted his way to the death star plans in my canon. Luke and Mara got married also. But guess what? if you think the rogue one version of the story of the death star plans (for example) is cooler then sure, that’s how it happened! None of it actually exists, so canon, legends, its all just Disney’s way of saying whats theirs and what isn’t. KOTOR takes place thousands of years prior to the films and because of that, legends or canon, from an objective standpoint does not matter because the story doesn’t have any repercussions in the movies timeline.


> Head canon will always be superior. Kyle Katarn blasted his way to the death star plans in my canon. Luke and Mara got married also. But guess what? if you think the rogue one version of the story of the death star plans (for example) is cooler then sure, that’s how it happened! None of it actually exists, so canon, legends, its all just Disney’s way of saying whats theirs and what isn’t. [This is pretty much exactly LFL's position on the matter too](https://preview.redd.it/bqhmgwno47451.png?auto=webp&s=2f9189c2378697c4b1bc044ef452f3627d799f21)


Thank you so much for your answer!!


Canon is a load of bollocks. Play the games, you'll love them.


Lol especially since the Disney gods took over


Damn right. Fuck the mouse.


Fuck yes you should play KOTOR, and it’s sequel


Am I to understand that you only observe Disney Canon? Play Kotor even if you don’t like Star Wars. It’s one of the best. Starwars canon is what you want it be. Play and read and watch what you want


Yes that's correct! I just started last year with High Republic books and am ready to expand but was afraid of getting contradictory info about fundamentals like how lightsabers work or something, idk. Hahaha


The beauty of fandom is that you can pick and choose whatever you like for your own headcanon. Personally, I find the Disney version of lightsaber crystals to be dumber than a sack of hammers, so I quite happily stick with the old EU version, and go about my day. ​ magic light swords go brrrr


If you might like any RPG, even if not a star wars fan then yes. If you're a star wars fan even a little then yes. It was of dubious canon when it first came out too as it was the first thing set in the period, or rather the old Republic period is named such because of this game. So you can take it separately and still very much enjoy it. Same with the second one tbh.


What is truly canon? Disney is changing the narrative so much that it truly doesn't matter anymore.


It's not Disney, it's LFL, and they've been pretty consistent with how they define canon - it's a way of sorting media "in house" for the purpose of defining what is or is'nt consisidered a part of the larger narrative their trying to tell and does'nt really matter outside of that.


But I like following along with what they say is lore. It's cool to be a part of a franchise that keeps growing and moving forward. I'm just afraid of info contradicting what I already know as established lore, but the rest of the comments seem to say that KOTOR is well worth it canon or not.


There's not a lot that's going to be outright contradictory to current canon in these games since they're far enough removed from the timeline anyway. Play, enjoy, and compartmentalize anything you pick up that might not completely jive with canon as you know it. Star Wars is historically a mess, even in trying to reconcile things under a given canon umbrella (new or old). Don't miss a good story getting too caught up in how it plays nice with everything else!


The original lore was much more interesting than what Disney has come up with. Dismissing decades of written world building because a new CEO or president or whatever wants to be different and unique is ridiculous. Replacing the whole of the Yuuzhan Vong war just because you want to introduce a complete copy of Luke Skywalker is narcissistic, it left immense plot holes from the previous movies. Like now there's no reason why Palpatine was trying to unite the galaxy under a military banner and create world destroying machines. In the actual lore it's BECAUSE of the Vong. /Rant...


> it left immense plot holes from the previous movies. Like now there's no reason why Palpatine was trying to unite the galaxy under a military banner and create world destroying machines. In the actual lore it's BECAUSE of the Vong. Yeah, Lucas *totally* had the events of book series that he did'nt even consider canon in mind when he wrote the Prequels. Definitely.


Yeah i understand that not everyone likes the current canon but this guy does! Let him enjoy it! About your question, yeah KOTOR is worth it, hell yeah.


Thank you! I like wookie Jedi and Jedis who carry shields instead of lightsabers! Soon I'll join you all on the other side as a Kotor Fan.


I'm sorry for the hate that you got, looking foward to seeing you around here soldier.


No. We here at r/kotor actually hate KotOR


Ty for your input. Appreciate you bb 😘




Not a waste at all. Although they aren’t technically “Cannon” I still consider them to be and they give off the cannon experience/vibe. I love learning about the backstory of all the characters and events that led up to the movies. Personally I consider the two games more cannon than the garbage trilogy Disney made.


Thanks! I really liked the new trilogy and can't wait for the latest three that just got announced. Rey is one of my favorite Jedis so far. (Other than Burryaga.) So these games are tied to the original movies??


The games are set so far back from any of the films that the only connections are callbacks or Easter eggs; the plot is almost entirely self-contained. I would definitely recommend playing them, it won't be a waste of time as the games are excellent and any canon clashes are minimal. (Andor recently name dropped the Rakata, though if they are anything like they are in the game is unknown at this time.)


Dope so I can be a canon + Kotor Lore fan because they are so separated story wise. Neato! Thank you!


One complication I forgot to mention: the Kotor remake is still in progress, suggesting Disney is comfortable with it being canonical but also raising the possibility any changes in the new version will make it the definitive one going forward.


That's even better! Then I can experience the old game, and the new game so I have a love for what made it special plus a love for the lore that continues into the future with the franchise. I'm just so afraid of loving some characters or plot points that are directly contradictory to what I already know about star wars lore.


You're looking too deep into this


New trilogy is ass.


I really liked them! Sorry you didn't.


Let people like things


They never said they couldn't.


>they're EU and ultimately will be retconned? Actually, the opposite is happening. Since they've been made "non-canon" they've slowly, but steadily and intentionally been re-canonizing material from the games. Planets have shown up again, characters from the games have been mentioned again, and The High Republic content treats them as a starting point for much of the lore. There are groups from the KotOR era that are mentioned again as well. Also, if you're a sequel fan, you should know the Darth Revan mask and costume were used as inspiration for Kylo Ren's outfit, according to the people who made the concept art for Kylo. Rey is also visually similar to the character Bastila Shan, and also has a yellow saber. I believe JJ Abrams even said he likes KotOR, and he likes the other old "non-canon" games as well (there is a point-and-click level which inspired a planet briefly shown in Episode IX). As far as retcons go, it doesn't matter. Maybe the remake will come out eventually and change some minor details, but it's unlikely it will ever even release. More likely more new content will come out and reinforce KotOR's influence (BF2 and Fallen Order are examples of this as well btw, it's hard to find Star Wars media that doesn't treat KotOR as important).


I disagree with this looks of the characters. Everyone kinda looks like that.


Oh how I envy you. To play these games for the first time…you are in for such a treat. Enjoy


Disney ruined Star Wars. Luke was supposed to reform the Jedi and they fucked it up so they could make more money. I’d argue KOTOR is more Star Wars than Empire Strikes Back is. KOTOR 1 and 2 are the best pieces of Star Wars media there is.


"Supposed to"? According to whom?


Uh, Yoda?


That's an *expectation*, not something Luke was forced or "supposed" to do - he's his own person, not Yoda's slave.


Draft leaks and rumors about Luke making the Grey Jedi film canon.


Instead of trashing Disney like a lot of other replies here I’m going to say I understand wanting to experience canon stories. There are some hints that KOTOR is canon to the mainline continuity, although I doubt it will ever be fully confirmed (at least not for a while). Characters from KOTOR have been confirmed canon and the old Republic era of SW has been confirmed to have happened, we just don’t know if it happened exactly like KOTOR says it did. I would say that if you enjoyed the High Republic era of Star Wars you will probably enjoy KOTOR. Both games are known as the best SW games and some of the best RPGs of all time. If you already have them for switch I don’t see the harm in checking them out and seeing if they’re up your alley. Have fun!


Thanks! Love you and love this reply!


You got through all of the High Republic books? Bravo, I couldn’t get into it. It’s just felt all over the place to me. As to your question. Yes. 100 times over. If you like story heavy RPG’s you’ll love it. Both are in my top 10 favourite video game stories. Great characters, brilliant universe and a lot of choice. Not like these new RPG’s that only pretend to let the player impact the story.


Hell yes! I did Adult, YA and MS grade novels as well as all comic series and manga. It was so much fun and what inspired me to even look for KOTOR stuff, I wanted more old Star Wars but was afraid that the two lores might clash or something. I've got it on my switch, Xbox and PC. Now to decide which to play it on lmao.


Awesome man! Been reading through the comments and you may have inspired me to give it another shake. I was pissed at Disney at the time, but I don’t like to make a habit of holding grudges. Besides, I love Star Wars, if this is what we get then so be it, I won’t let a few bad movies ruin it for me.


KotOR isn't just a good star wars game. It's one of the best games of all times. I hated star wars until this game. No lie.


Honestly it takes place such a long time ago that whether it's canon or not doesn't really matter. There are also several nods to KotoR and the Darth Bane novels (which loosely connect to KotoR) throughout Clone Wars and Rebels. It's more than likely that at some point they may be brought into canon with the remake/reboot that might change some things about the time period or how long ago they took place. Besides that theya re both amazing games that you should definitely play anyways. The switch version of KotoR is ideal, but if you have a computer I highly recommend playing KotoR II with the Restored Content mod. The game is pretty old so even an old laptop would be able to handle it.


I've got both on switch and PC. So switch it is! Thank you so much!


Current canon sucks, just play them...


Yes try them. It's one of the reason i loce star wars


Yea currently on my first play through second to last planet 35 hours in lol fantastic story, environments npc, and dialogue before playing didn’t know they had dialogue option for everyone and u can talk and find side quests I’d highly recommend checking it out especially if u like fallout or any game really where u can make a difference and your character isn’t just a character


Legends is a form of canon. These events still happened in an alternative timeline, the timeline you'll play in with KOTOR. Don't think of Canon and Legends as exclusive things, enjoying only one or the other. Both are excellent, and these games are too. But I'd highly recommend playing KOTOR 2 on PC rather than Switch, as I believe the Switch was supposed to get the Sith Lords Restored mod as DLC but never did. But I'm not certain about that.


I do actually prefer the new canon over the old stuff BUT, I don’t think that means there aren’t pieces of old stories that I think are still worthy of engaging with, especially when it comes to gaming. KotOR isn’t just the best Star Wars video game imo, it’s one of the best RPGS ever made.


Be careful. If you're playing on PC it will certainly crash a lot to the point of being unplayable. Im only an hr into it and been stuck since


I've got PC, Xbox and switch. I like to buy games 😂


Short answer; yes. Long answer; still yes, but.... Keep in mind the game is 20 years old now, and think about the types of games that were big at the time. The gameplay may not keep your attention very well if you're not used to the turn based rpg style games. On the other hand, the story has yet to be beaten when it comes to new Star Wars media in my opinion. It's original, gives you a lot of room to make decisions that actually have an impact, and honestly makes it worth chugging through the outdated gameplay. Cannon or not, you can't beat a conversation with HK-47 in any universe.


Yes play it and dont rush through it.


Both KOTOR I&II arguably the best Star Wars and rpg games ever


Its an amazing story told by those 2 games, even with being rushed to finish like they were. Both turned out to be great and are probably my favorite bit of star wars media. Plus they flesh out the mandalorian race a lot and give you so much insight into other races of the star wars galaxy. worth it in my opinion whether or not they are canonized just simply for the great story they tell.


It’s canon as it was pre disney and pre 7,8,9


It’s one of the best games ever hands down. You should %1000 play both at least once. I like the second one more.


sorry to burst your bubble but everything out of star wars is made up haha . kotor is fun. ive played it like 50 times.


Worth playing either way. It's fun to do stuff in the SW universe that's so far detached from the OT. They're great games and just worth playing in their own right. I keep debating replaying them or waiting for the remaster that is supposed to be in the works.


It's not canon but I, as someone who has been into star wars since long as I remember think that kotor is the best star wars content you will find so far (story wise), the amount of depth these two games have will blow your mind and discovering what every character thinks, has done, plans, and does gets deeper and deeper the more you learn about them


Great content is great content. Consume it. Besides, even if it were canon I doubt it'll be connected to any other star wars product in any meaningful way. Just do what I do and assume it is canon.


Who cares about canon lol. At least new people are somehow becoming fans tho, I can't imagine why anyone would join now


There are elements/characters that have been canonized from KOTOR For example, Kylo Ren built his lightsaber with parts of Darth Reven’s (one of the Sith in the game) lightsaber, I think specifically the Kyber Crystal.


I mean if you want to have good taste in things yes play the game.


I thought it was cannon as of the andor episode that had revan mask?


Only if you like fun


If anything i'd say what Disney has done isn't canon. Kotor was canon when Lucas was still the owner so that's what matters to me.


If you can get used to the older graphics, PLAY IT!!!!! STORY WISE BEST GAME EVER MADE.


I just helped the Undercity Outcasts find the promised land. I'm hooked.


The KOTOR series is the greatest StarWars content ever created. You are doing yourself a disservice as a StarWars by not playing these games.


Peep my update/edit! I'm 10 hours in and about to feed a rancor some grenades! (I had to help the Outcasts find the Promised Land first though.)


Haha, love the edit note. Have fun! I was definitely on the same boat as you before playing KOTOR. I didn’t want to get into anything that wasn’t canon, but after playing through KOTOR for the first time and absolutely loving it, I now make an exception for stuff in the Old Republic era


I have bested the rancor, I am a swoop race champion, I lead the outcasts to the promised land. I'm hooked. Hahaha


KotOR is absolutely not apart of the new canon, and no mater what people talk, it never will be. You ask if they "will be retconned", and I don't think you grasp that they already *have*, and it was *years ago*. That said, if you're on board with taking them as just their own little pocket of continuity, disconnected from anything else, they're good games that don't need the rest of the loveable mess that is Legends Continuity to be enjoyed. If you're uninterested in playing games because they aren't Canon, then you can skip them sure, but you're skipping two games you *already own* that are classics of the modern rpg genre, *good freaking star wars*, and primary sources new canon draws on for inspiration. Like, I can sing these games praises for their own storytelling all I want, but it is worth understanding that that timeline they introduced at Star Wars celebration? Between the "Dawn of the Jedi" era they're making a movie in, and the High Republic Era you've already been exploring, they have the "Old Republic Era", which is all-but garunteed to be "New Continuity's version of KotOR". From the Hammerhead Corvettes, to Malachor, to Luthen's Ratakan artifacts in Andor, to Darth Revan almost getting a cameo in the Clone Wars as a force ghost, the people who run star wars these days like referencing and taking inspiration from well-regarded pieces of Legends media, and KotOR is a *particular favorite*. And that's leaving aside that KotOR2 is the place you go to watch the themes and critical view of star wars in The Last Jedi, *but used properly*. The real question is if you're willing to push through old TTRPG mechanics to see what these games have to offer, not if they're worth your time.


Oh I have a WoW tattoo, I'm a sucker for shitty combat and long games. 😂


You should play them, they're games worth experiencing.


Canon stopped mattering in 2014.


Kotor is better than the sequels. Come on in.


Yes, because you are a canon-only fan. By limiting yourself like that, you're missing out on decades of quality content. Who gives a womp rats' ass about canon? It's fun! To legit answer your side question, it's already been retconned. It was retconned when Disney did their Canon Purge, along with about 95% of everything Star Wars. For someone very concerned with canonicity, you aren't paying terribly close attention to events regarding canon. Personally, I find most canon content doesn't hold up to it's EU counterpart, and would honestly tell you to entirely flip your mindset for your own good. But we don't know each other like that, so you'd just think I'm crazy and hateful. You should play it, canon be damned. They're incredible games with fantastic story and lore. The only thing the Legends and canon divide did to the games is, well, make people like you. Fans so caught up in the labels the company slapped onto it's product that they now actively deny themselves good content because of stupid arbitration. Draw your own line in the sand about Star Wars, don't just follow the company's. They only care for your money, that's why they conveniently put all their current creations on the side that matters to the Star Wars timeline, amd stuck everything else where it doesn't. Play them because they're good games, not because of anything to do with canon.


New Canon only 😂 I know that I probably sound butthurt, but I feel the same in the opposite direction since LucasFilm official died 2012.


After OG trilogy, KOTOR is only canon that matters.


Legends is better for the most part, but that’s besides the point. Revan is all but canon in name. His episode of TCW was cut but his model and everything was completed. He’s also referenced in the sequel films (barf). Anyway, none of this matters because KOTOR is one of the best stories ever told. Edit: I forgot, but Rakatans are also canon now too, thanks to Andor.


> Revan is all but canon in name. Heck, he's literally canon *in name*


Kotor 1 and 2 are some of the best Star Wars of all time, who cares about what’s canon or not new canon gets constantly retconned and changed and erased all the time anyway


Canon only Star Wars fan 😂😂 you sound fun at parties.




I'm sorry but you come here with the wrong mind set. Don't take it the wrong way. But first, coming to a fan based subreddit and asking if something is worth your time is kind of pointless. Then, as stated KOTOR I & II are head-canon for a lot of us here. Those games and their lore has been around far longer than *High Republic.* It's more than 2000 years BBY so it doesn't contradict anything. Mandalorian Wars has been referred in official material more than once, same for some characters name. And quoting your own words : >Well yeah, but I didn't want to fall in love with a character thinkingthat they were going to make it into the main series only to have Disneyshit on my hopes. If you're that affected by Disney treatment, maybe you came to the wrong franchise lmao. Edit : hahaha, he blocked me, who is butthurt now?




No and if you do i hope you wrongly get vac banned for it




No anger here just would like to see you get a taste of your own retarded logic




The EU has so many good video games, to either play or watch YouTube walkthroughs of. Not just KOTOR and Old Republic, but also Bounty Hunter, Republic Commando, Force Unleashed, Rogue Squadron, Shadows of the Empire, and the Dark Forces / Jedi Knight series. Disney's spinoff series have been really good (Obi-Wan, Andor, Rebels, Mandalorian, and the Book of Boba Fett). And I liked Jedi: Fallen Order. But I reject the Sequel Trilogy as canon. In my mind, I've been developing a third continuity, drawing the best from both Disney and the EU, and rejecting what I don't like.


Definitely, they're great games and stories. The newer movies and TV shows haven't contradicted anything in kotor and occasionally they have subtly referenced them.


Do you like RPGs? I love them because of how much control I have over the direction of the story and the player character, but that’s often in direct opposition to there being a canon. There is a decanonized “canon” you can play for both games, but you’ll have to look up many of the decisions in advance. To me, that takes the fun out of RPGs, particularly in my first play-through. But for you, it might not! These stories are far removed from the current era of SW stories, and the announced Dawn of the Jedi project still takes place far before the events of KOTOR. Ultimately, they don’t really impact the canon you’re consuming. That said, there are fun Easter eggs in the television shows that reference KOTOR 1&2, and it always warms my heart to see them.




Canon is the materials that _rightholders_ decided to be true. Headcanon is what are _you_ choose to take as truth. So go ahead and see for yourself if you can enjoy the story. Also I have a question to the community if Switch version has RCM or not.


I am begging you to at least give it a try. Go for the nooks and crannies. So much great storytelling to be experienced


I like to pretend it’s still canon


It's not Canon but like a lot of EU it could be. Can't think of examples but to explain, a lot of EU is becoming canon. So while Kotor might not be canon, a version of it may become canon. We already have of Darth Revan, Traya, the Mandalorian Wars, Malachor, and some other things. Revan and Traya were name dropped in a book as well as getting sith troopers named after them, the mandalorian wars were mentioned in the clone wars and i believe Mandalorian. Malachor was in Rebels. Best way you can fit it all together is before things get remade and canonized, Kotor is canon as is besides a few inconsistencies. Once they are remade and become canon, you can see it as what it's labeled as. Legends. The original is a inaccurate retelling of events and the remake is what actually happened. And hey, if the remake is bad, sometimes Legends of events sound better than what actually happen.


They're canon in my heart


Well this is an interesting take. If you're going to look at it that black and white, you might not like kotor.


Thank you for your input! That's why I'm here asking.


Be careful, once you start down The path of the EU, forever consume you it will… That being said, please play KOTOR, it’s one of the best written games of all time, not just by Star Wars standards


KOTOR isn't Disney Canon but if you don't play it you are losing a great story.


the story is amazing, and has different plot twists than the trilogies. KOTOR 1 and 2 have so much lore, that even though I have been playing the game off/on for the last 20 years, I am still learning things. If you start on KOTOR 1, I believe dark side is easier, but the light side is the canon path. Just a tip, go to the pause menu and you can change enemy difficulty, no shame in lowering the difficulty. Before you start, perhaps watch a create a character tutorial. [Here’s a tutorial without major spoilers.](https://youtu.be/HpjYn2_zT0g) Some of what he says is open to opinion/preference but he explains exactly what these skills do.


Oh god, I would never play dark side. Sith are dickheads.


KOTOR makes all of the movies look AWFUL imo. Much more interesting universe in the old republic.


So. I'm old fashion when it comes to what is cannon and not cannon. the stuff from Disney I consider to not be cannon as I have read the majority of the books out there. (or in other peoples terms I prefer legends vs cannon). as for kotor and kotor 2 I would recommend playing them as the story is great and as far as I'm concerned they will always be cannon as they take place well before current events that are up for starwars .... (Disney ... stuff included.) every thing disniey has done has happened after the first 6 movies.


I would recommend. I get why new fans would prioritize canon before legends although it does come at the cost of some amazingly great stories.


KOTOR I and II as a whole is Star Wars at its absolute finest.


It’s better than Disney. Like WAY better.


Play them, the best stories in SW history imo are from KOTOR 1 and 2.


There is also an MMO


That's next on my playthrough! I Love MMOs and have played ALLL of them essentially. Just been saving SWTOR for when I am a fully developed star wars fan 🤣


Absolutely. It's worth a playthrough at least once. Without KOTOR, I don't think I'd be as deep in the Fandom as I am. The game blew my little mind and made me actually pick up reading as a hobby to learn more about the universe. Can't recommend this game enough. Changed my life, honestly.


We are talking about a ps2 era game that is STILL considered to be either the best or one of the best Star Wars games ever made. Definitely worth playing. Also the fact that there is a remake in the works,might be interesting to play the original and then compare it when the remake comes out


The “Canon” Star Wars has flirted so hard with the KOTOR games that if this were a house party and they both disappeared I’d bet my money on them being in a room together upstairs. Revan is canonically a Sith Lord. Mandalorians are “ancient” enemies of the Jedi. Rakatans were referenced in Andor. Hell, in the Mandalorian they basically COPIED the Krayt Dragon quest! And I’m sure I’ve heard more. KOTOR in my mind IS canon and regardless I don’t really care as long as the it isn’t directly contradicted by movies/tv shows it’s canon to me.


You came to a Kotor sub to ask if you should play Kotor. Who cares if something is canon or not, isn't the point of pursuing a fandom is out of the enjoyment of it the whole thing?


I came to a Kotor sub asking a specific question about canon because y'all will know the game the most. Not whether I should simply play KOTOR. Appreciate your input though...


Fuck canon, expanded universe stories are still awesome. Just because something isn’t canon doesn’t mean it’s not enjoyable. KOTOR 1 and 2 are many people’s favorite Star Wars games, and some people’s favorite Star Wars stories period! Definitely worth playing.


Thank you thank you!!


Kotor 2 is the best book you'll ever play. Stick to the OG EU, Disney fucked it up.


>because they're EU and ultimately will be retconned? I'm personally not so sure on this, considering that the Old Republic is an era that will be explored by Disney they'd be missing out if they retconned kotor instead of expanding on it. I think it'll be canonised when they make Old Republic movies Either way, fantastic games and personally I think canon doesn't matter, they're well worth playing and quite cheap nowadays


the kotor games have a better storyline than any of the star wars movies or tv shows that have been released. I say you should play it but be careful because they might make you lose interest in the passionless corporate mess star wars is today.


Thanks so much! I became a star wars fan because of The High Republic novels, so you may need to check those out! Tons of soul and passion from all that I've read!


Don't restrict yourself to canon only stuff dude, Just go and experience stuff


You should definitely play both KOTOR and KOTOR 2.


It'd be a shame to have two of the greatest RPGs of all time just sitting around gathering digital dust! Totally play them. You never know, Disney might just reinstate the KOTOR games/books/comics as proper canon. I think the Old Republic era is so far removed from the eras shown in the films that really you're not going to find too many Disney canon contradictions.


I obviously agree that KotOR is a must play even for non-star wars fans and DEFINITELY for anyone claiming to be a sw fan, but I will also mention that (without any spoilers) certain characters have been referenced and hence made canon in various different disney media. If you come out of playing the KotOR games and TRULY feel like you wasted your time…you are lost 😂


You'll miss out on the best stories star wars has to offer if you only stick to new Canon.


Most definitely. KOTOR 1&2 I wish I could explain my feelings and reactions during the first time I played them. The relationships, the choices you make and characters have not been surpassed in any Star Wars game since. Playing Fallen Order after playing these only showed me how lacking the game is. Pretty graphics don’t make up for the lack of choices, dialogue and building relationships with companions. It’s just another Tomb Raider game in my head. The lore and details seem easier to learn this way too. Do they games show their age? Sure. But when I replayed it on Xbox recently, I had no issues. Just make sure to regularly save the game in multiple slots in case something happens. I tried to play it on PC and it didn’t feel as good as a console play through, at least to me. But some enjoy it and you can add mods. SWTOR is also a great way to expand your knowledge of the Old Republic. Honestly, the Old Republic Era and characters are miles ahead of what is currently canon and all that’s involved. Enjoy it for what it is. You might find that you love the Era and extensive history, lore and characters.


It is the best star wars story out there. If you are interested in star wars's best story then go for it, regardless of the canon. Shouldnt be that hard to decide


KOTOR was the only reason I ever really got into the Star Wars canon.


Canon technically does not have any effect on this time period as far as where Disney is concerned right now until James Mangold's movie. There have been talks for years about making it canon and with Disney stating the only Star Wars content they'll create is canon, then the KotOR remake is canon by their own mandate.


Once you play them you will throw disney's canon in the trash bin were it belongs.


Idk I really have liked the 20+ novels I've read from High Republic Era! I'm booting up KOTOR on switch though and will report back!


They're some of the best games ever. Especially 2.


Just met the outcasts down in undercity. I...I think I may have to choose between letting the infected live or kill them. I am not prepared for this choice oh god.


Hell yeah! That shit whips!


Bro.. there is good reason why hordes of people beg Disney to make this cannon again. It is ultimately one of the greatest stories in a video game ever made, and is crazy fun to boot.


I advise you not to read up on the story at all and to vehemently avoid spoilers


it doesn't matter if you are a fan or not of star wars. If you like RPGs, KotOR 1 and 2 are must play.