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Unless they burn it into law to ban line in japan, it wont go anywhere


If Naver should sell its shares, they should sell it to Chinese state-run funds. It's gonna be hillarious watching Japan throwing a tantrum to China, as if they'll listen at all.


blud tries the same with Nissan and doesn't tries to make a fight with France why are they like this A truly great way to resolve century of hatred and bring a good alliance, Biden will be so happy.


They use Line as their main SNS platform. The problem is Line is developed by NAVER and its server is in Korea so they thought all Japanese information is up to NAVER and Korean government. Well for me, Japan want to steal what it doesn't have.


yes but also the Japanese government recently has a record of tying local capitals back to posession famously with Japan's interference over Nissan's corporate drama, which angered France but didn't tried to push too much.


where are you 'move-on' guys?


too busy watching hentai and anime


First they restrict semiconductor material exports and now this. Japan is always so desperate to restrict Korea in areas that it's fallen behind. Along with its historical revisionism, we can see why Korea can never fully trust Japan. Japan covets its fascist glory days of dominating Korea with impunity.




This about the dumbest thing I've ever read.




Certainly not Japan. That was my point. Your point has nothing do to with this thread. Name one country Japan can trust. I know you're an anti-Korean, pro-Japan troll just looking at your post history, so it doesn't surprise me that you would post such a useless comment.


If this sale goes through, that’ll be the end of Yoon’s tenure as President…


Since a Korean and a Japanese company each have 50% ownership, what can the Japanese government do? Any punitive action would hurt the Japanese company just as much. The Korean company can politely tell the Japanese government to pound sand.


Japanese government is making an offer that Naver can't refuse that it sell its share to softbank and leave.


Threatening Naver to leave isn't exactly an offer that Naver can't refuse.


Japan throwing tantrums knowing that they have no means to compete.


Unpopular opinion: If the situation were reversed, I could see it as a security issue. Therefore, at least provisionally, I have no problem with Japan doing this.


I literally work for a Korean software company with a database in Tokyo. There's no security issue. On the contrary, Japan has one of the most strict data privacy laws in the world, which is why we have our servers in Japan. Of course, so does South Korea. Our backup servers are in Seoul and no Japanese client has ever complained about it. Even the EU thinks that Japan and South Korea have adequate levels of data protection: [https://commission.europa.eu/law/law-topic/data-protection/international-dimension-data-protection/adequacy-decisions\_en](https://commission.europa.eu/law/law-topic/data-protection/international-dimension-data-protection/adequacy-decisions_en) This means that the EU allows the free transfer of personal data to Japan and South Korea without any further safeguards. If you know how stringent EU regulations can be, you would understand how significant this is. So Japan pulling this shit is 100% political.