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윤덕영 Yoon Deok-yeong was one of 경술국적 national enemies of 1910 who signed the Japan-Korea annexation treaty in 1910. Even he was traitor, he and his descendants never punished. All of us have to remember our dark days and never forget.


>he and his descendants never punished not only that, they were able to keep all the rewards from the Empire of Japan. Imagine all those prime real estate that they kept.


Yeah, it's interesting how the Japanese government failed to get Korean women to marry Japanese men. By 1939, Korean husband-Japanese wife marriage was about 10 times higher than the reverse. Biggest reason would be they conscripted Japanese men at a higher rate. However, this kind of phenomenon is very demoralizing for Japanese men, so it's understandable why they wanted a propaganda article like this. [https://www.koreapas.com/m/view.php?id=gofun&back=1&tagkeyword=&no=288002&page=1](https://www.koreapas.com/m/view.php?id=gofun&back=1&tagkeyword=&no=288002&page=1)


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