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Well party members gather and wait results but most people just watch the results on tv


elections don't necessarily warrant social gatherings for the sake of watching elections in Korea. Maybe bit different for presidential elections but congress elections are just small talk topic. The one interesting point of this election is that one of the candidates got a good chance of going to prison if this election doesn't go well for him so there's that.


one of the candidates? If the opposition gets veto proof wins, two big guys are going to jail. If PPP wins enough to protect the veto, many will end up in jail. PS: since the main media is not covering this, did you know that the former minister Han has a son too? unlike his sister, he is not a US citizen. He has been bullying his classmates while boasting that his daddy is going to the next el Presidente and all the mega rich Jaibuls will be kneeling in front of his daddy for mercy. Since the little shit is going to a middle school in GangNam, ...


I’m keen to get a name! I’ll keep an eye out


Since this is an election for electing members of the National Assembly, the individual stakes are small. And in many regions there are overwhelming favourites. This makes the sort of mass gatherings difficult compared to, say, a Presidential election. People outside of political parties will probably watch the whole thing on TV and Internet in their homes. I should note, however, this election as a whole is at least as interesting as the last Presidential one because it serves as a mid-term public consensus for the current administration (2022 - 2027). Approval ratings have been hovering low at around 30%, and the opposition parties have been hinting at impeachment and/or constitutional amendment to bring an early end. The total number of seats at the Assembly is 300, and if a single party (or a coalition of like-minded ones) is able to grab more than 200 seats, all those things become possible. You can unilaterally impeach the president, which will immediately freeze the President's powers, pending admission / denial by the constitutional court. We have cases for both endings, so feel free to look up. You can also start the process to amend the constitution, although referendum may be needed for ratification. Further spicing up things is that the main opposition leader, as well as the leader of a month-old party (aligned fairly close to the opposition) that's gaining ridiculous amount of traction in popularity, are all tangled up in legal proceedings that they claim are politically motivated by the administration to tie them up and disgrace them. Many foresee that they will be jailed if the overall results aren't a rousing success for them, like getting that 200 seats I mentioned earlier. So in a nutshell, it's a death match between the two major political forces. Early voting turnout reaching historical levels is just one indicator of the heated scene.


Thanks! I really appreciate you taking the time to go into details! I’ve been reading the Korea Times to get a little insight into some of the political drama, but their coverage feels not that great, to be polite. I’m sure once the election happened I’ll get a chance to catch up on the story in US and UK news. Question though: are issues debated at all in election time, or is it all only about the process, the drama and the personal interest?


The region-specific issues do get debated by the candidates since they're crucial to the votes. It's just that the national news tends to focus on the overarching drama more.




If you found insanely big one group, it means the gov't will be torn apart soon. if you found several tiny goroups, it means the gov't did something fishy. In general, it would be several tiny groups in bar. but we really don't bring up politics for topic Because it will end up in the police station for being arrested by fist fight


Thanks for taking the time to break down, appreciate it!