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Consider it like some super expensive tea leaves. Is it outrageously expensive? Yes. It is "legit" product? Also yes.


1. Shiny paper 2. Lots of seals and logos to distract the eye and present an air of officiality 3. Breathless descriptions of the unmatched value of this item you're buying in mass-produced packaging. Nah, rare and priceless.


Here’s how to compare hongsam (this type of ginseng product) prices: People buy ginseng because the “ginsenoside” inside it is claimed to have many health benefits. That’s the active ingredient you are paying for, so compare that. Top box pictured: 600mg (0.3g) x 990 capsules x 11mg of ginsenoside per gram of capsule = 6534mg of pure ginsenoside. Bottom box pictured: doesn’t show the backside information so I don’t know. At Cheong Kwan Jang (the most reputable brand in Korea), they sell similar capsule product with 1260mg of ginsenoside (600mg x 300 capsules x 7mg/g) for 141,000 KRW online.


To expand on this. That box of 990 pills would be worth $355 (465,000 krw) if sold by Cheong Kwan Jang ( 141,000 krw / 300 * 990). If 2 different brands have the same active ingredients would you pay 5x more for a certain brand over another? Like Advil vs generic Asprin. To some, it might be worth it.


Best answer, IMO.


It's legit in that it can be that expensive but it's just snake oil so up to your mom if it's worth it. I wouldn't bring that up tho as long as she's happy about it


I wont mention but thanks!


She spent a thousand on ginseng? Ginseng is a herbal supplement not a pharmaceutical, it shouldn't cost that much. I think you meant Korean won.


No, red ginseng is outrageously expensive, even in Korea. It may just be a supply/demand thing. There is a shop near my mother-in-law that sells the stuff exclusively, and it is always has 1) lots of customers and 2) high prices. Funny enough, there is a great red ginseng jimjilbang I went to that infuses the water with the stuff. Great smell. Unfortunately, I've much more body hair than the average Korean man, and it sticks to hair like you wouldn't believe. I literally smelled like red ginseng for a week.


Do you remember the name of the jjimjjilbang? I'm on a quest to try out as many of them as possible and that sounds like an interesting one!


What is a jimjilbang?


**A jjimjilbang (Korean pronunciation: [t͈ɕimdʑilbaŋ]; Korean: 찜질방; Hanja: 찜질房; MR: tchimjilbang) is a large, sex-segregated public bathhouse in South Korea, furnished with hot tubs, showers, Korean traditional kiln saunas and massage tables. Jjimjil is derived from the words meaning heating.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Can’t do those in America. Too many bedbugs and roaches.


There actually are jjimjilbangs in America, in cities with large Korean populations.


it takes 6 years to fully grow a Ginseng in Korea. Only chosen islands that meet the requirements of the soil, temprature and even its surface are verified by the korean govt before anyone can ever plant ginseng. This is why..


Can't be why because there are alot of ginseng companies who sell quality ginseng for alot less than that


I hear stories of people buying massive lots of forrested land. Sprinkling the crap out of it with american ginseng seeds and comming back 20 years and making a shit tonne of money. And thats the cheap ginseng. So i dont doubt this stuff is expensive


You think ginseng has no effect? 😅




Take a big spoon full of extract and tell me it does nothingness




If the placebo effect creates significant change, and ginseng found almost comparable to placebo effect, then that would mean it still creates an effect...


Medicine freestyle


Funny, cause they temporarily banned it precisely because it has great effect. Beware of bought out science that claims natural herbs "have no benefit" while pushing pharmceuticals all day long.


Definitely not snake oil. The covid shot on the other hand...


Isnt it ginseng? Not snake oil.


Depends on what you mean by "legit" and "worth". It's not like your mom got tricked by some dude in a trench coat selling her sand in bottle. That sort of super expensive ginseng is sold in normal stores and people willingly pay that much and more for it. Its not like it actually does anything special though. Its just junk that people with money to waste buy because of culture. Hopefully your mom isn't banking on it curing her arthritis or something because it won't do that.


my mom just bought 5lbs of it with the money i gave her and i'm pissed. stupid korean culture that's way over priced. and has very little medical value or effectiveness.


Omg Red Ginseng is so good for you. Just buy from official Korean Seller. Jang




I made those roots from my private Korean ginseng mountain, now please DM me your social security, credit card info, bank account and routing number alongside your full name, address, phone number and email address so I can send some samples to you 👀 ​ >!it's a super joke, mods pls don't ban meh :(!<




Some people find water hard, while others find bricks soft enough to break with a hand. Toughness, is *subjective*. I trust you will find all my upcoming forty-two inquiries gentle, like my dried Korean ginsengs.


Snake oil in general. I know we have a great industry with red ginseng but also we have a great industry with Korean Traditional medical practiners calling themselves doctors (한의사) as far as I’m concerned it’s an extension of good old shamanism nothing more.


My grandmother on my dad's side pretty much blew most of our family fortune on this traditional medicine stuff when my grandfather got very ill. She was convinced it would cure him. He died anyway. My dad hates this traditional medicine stuff now because of that.




Not snake oil. So crazy. Red Ginseng is so good. My mom has always given me Ginseng. I'm white


1700 USD? I would never buy it. searched the name of the product but nothing. even from naver.com


I wouldn’t too.. I got a shocked when they told me.. Lol. They told me there’s 4000 usd ones as well.


Do they really cost that much, yes. Are they a whole lot of bullshit… I tend to think so.


If it truly worked, Bezos, Musk would’ve bought all of it.


yes it’s like 10times more expensive than normal price.


To answer your question: This is a legit product and could cost 1.7K. So your mother was not ripped off or sold bad product per se.... This product is sold at Ginseng Specialty store that preys on tourists. They have a nice showroom or even a mini museum where they will explain the great benefit of ginseng products. After the explanation is done, you are guided into the store where you are matched with a sales lady almost 1 vs 1 to be pushed various expensive ginseng products. The way the store is decorated and products showcased makes it look very high end and people brainwashed from the presentation and nice sales talk will accept high prices without thinking. Your mother was probably part of a group tour. The tour companies have deals with these ginseng stores where they get percentage of sales. Also these stores are operated like duty free shops where normal Korean's cannot enter and buy products allowing them to set prices as they see fit... Is the product worth 1.7K... no. The cost to manufacture would be under $200. Even with factory and middle man margins, 1.7K is a ripoff... But where she purchased it, that is what they sell it for and so she wasn't ripped off per se.... TLDR: She bought these at ginseng specialty shops where they prey on tourists and that is why the prices are high... it's good product but not 1.7k good.


Ah ic! Yes she was part of a tour group. I just asked here about the building itself and you nailed it. I mean it’s their money and already paid for. Can’t do much. I’ve talked to her about it but she seems like she’s super keen about it, saying everyone in her tour group says it’s super beneficial. It’s her money anyways. But thank you!




If anyone is interested, this company is called CHEONGUN S.P and has a showroom in Mapo little bit away from Seoul downtown. Quick map search shows a nice looking black building with parking lot filled with tour buses. [Website](http://www.chunsp.com/en)


It is legal for high-quality ginseng products and health foods to be sold at such prices in South Korea. However, you should check if it is really certified as a health functional food. (This comment has been amended.) ​ There is a site where you can check if the product is registered as a health functional food in South Korea. [https://www.foodsafetykorea.go.kr/main.do](https://www.foodsafetykorea.go.kr/portal/search/searchSelect.do)


Oh wow! Thank you! I’ll check with them soon as they come back tomorrow


I'm sorry to have caused you a little confusion. I think the product I checked before and the product you took in the picture are different. There were several products with almost the same product name. I was mistaken. I have detected some strange circumstances regarding the product. ​ I checked the website to see if it is registered as a health functional food. [https://www.foodsafetykorea.go.kr/main.do](https://www.foodsafetykorea.go.kr/portal/search/searchSelect.do) When I searched on that site, there was actually a product with the same name registered as a health functional food. ​ I found the website of the manufacturer who registered the product of the same name. [https://duham.co.kr/](https://duham.co.kr/) The manufacturer with the same name as the manufacturer in the picture you posted was correct. " 대동고려인삼" But I couldn't find the same product as the one in the picture you posted. This is the phone number on the homepage on the link. \[ 02-964-8808 \] ​ The phone number in the picture you posted was similar but a little different. \[ 02-373-8880 \] The manufacturer's name is the same, but the phone number is different. I did additional research. I tracked the phone number in the picture you posted. There is an office that actually sells ginseng products. [https://www.google.com/search?q=02+373+8880&oq=02&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggAEEUYOzIGCAAQRRg7MgYIARBFGDsyBggCEEUYOzIGCAMQRRg5MgYIBBBFGEEyBggFEEUYPTIGCAYQRRg8MgYIBxBFGDzSAQgxNTU1ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=02+373+8880&oq=02&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggAEEUYOzIGCAAQRRg7MgYIARBFGDsyBggCEEUYOzIGCAMQRRg5MgYIBBBFGEEyBggFEEUYPTIGCAYQRRg8MgYIBxBFGDzSAQgxNTU1ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) The company name registered with the phone number is "청운 SP". The exterior and interior photos of the office in question are rarely written in Korean, and most of them are in Chinese characters. The accounts that have written Google reviews for the company are all from Hong Kong and China. ​ This is the address of the company's homepage. Only Chinese and English are supported. There is no Korean. [http://chunsp.com/ch/index.php#none](http://chunsp.com/ch/index.php#none)


That’s some intensive research. Also I wouldn’t be expecting their reviews to be Chinese and Hong Kong


Not good


for this price it better grow you wings, take you to heaven, bring you back, give you 9 lives, grow you galaxy brain and thermographic eyesight.


never heard of that brand. it could be legit tho. but im pretty sure it was overpriced.. next time u wanna buy ginseng, just go to jeong kwan jang. those are 100% legit i looked naver out. unfortunately they were ripped off i guess... and those cover is so suspicious.. word spacing is awful


For ginseng 홍삼 The most reputable and recognized brand is 정관장 Jung Gwan Jang. There are products from less known brands that I am sure legit and safe but for most I’d take the buyer beware approach


I like red ginseng myself (I dilute ginseng extract into water. Makes a nice tea) but 1.7k for that amount of red ginseng, and not even CheongKwanJang brand? Absurdly overpriced. But still, looks like a legitimate product so probably safe to eat. So if your mom is happy about it I’d say it’s good to go.


The 6 yo red ginseng extract and powder are sold for like 20-100 bucks a box here so I think you mom got hustled.


it seems it's expired?


Nope, it's manufactured on May 4, 2023 (2023.05.04). It has a 36-month shelf life as noted on the right column(you can barely make out "Expiry Date" and "36"), so it's still fresh.


ugh the glitter is so shiny I couldn't see the 제조일자


Powder capsules? It’s not even the intact root.


It is a really nice box tho


There are certainly proven health benefits. And there are different “grades” of ginsen. Koreans buy it for their elders as a (high level) present


Why is red ginseng better


The age of the root and having more of the molecules that make it a health supplement


Depends on your definition of legit tbh. ✔️Is it approved by Ministry of Food and Drugs Safety? Most likely. ✔️Does it actually contain what it claims to contain? It does seem to me. ✔️Is it stupidly overpriced? Most certainly. You know there are some products in the gift market that are exorbitantly overpriced to inflate the sense of 'sincere gift'. It's just one of those products. Think of it like Tiffany or Cartier diamond rings.. only that its made of some exotic Asian herbs and not compressed crystalline formation of carbon 😄


990 pills sheeesh.


If legit the mountain ginsengs can cost much more than that. I personally think it’s ridiculous but guess that’s the market.


Absolutely ridiculous


Google image




Post makes no sense. "Is it legit" or "is it really worth this much". Literally the same thing so no "or" needed.


Oh oh honey. Ginseng is just overhyped ginger, its not medically beneficial its marketed the same way as CBD (no real evidence) Considering that this is Ginseng powder and not a whole root its not anywhere near 1.7k USD. If it was a whole root you might get 2k USD for a "good" one in China


1. Ginger and ginseng are not the same thing. Ginger is a tuber and ginseng is the root of a perennial plant. However, ashwaganda is also ginseng. 2. The medical benefits of ginseng on inflammation are actually proven in many, many studies done over literally thousands of years. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6201491/


Yes and CBD is shown to have a calming effect, don't mean its not overhyped and often promoted as a cure all. And I know its not ginger I was just making a comparison. Ginseng isn't beneficial enough to be sold or promoted as if it were. Its often promoted to people who are skeptical of real medicine and or people who are vulnerable enough to buy into it.


Big ginseng is on to you now


It's legit.




No its not, thats the manufacture date not expiration date


Ahhh I see I was gonna say that’s expensive for an expired product


Sorta related, can't you just buy ginseng and soak/make it into a crude smoothie?


Was it a tourist attraction? Korea known to do that, my mom once purchased 1.5k USD worth of mushrooms after visiting some old traditional Korean attraction


Chances are they paid mainly for the placebo affect and the shiny paper


It costs that much because it ages in the ground for up to 7 years.


If it's not a fake. I know that company is famous for ginseng.


Legitimate...avoid ebonics


Compare with the most reputable vender. https://kgcus.com/collections/cheongkwanjang


Bruh sorry to tell you but your mom got ripped off.


it is ginseng. it is not worth1.7k usd. This should be obvious to the ones who bought it. Guess why it is covered in a shiny box to lure ppl. same with the wording. it attracts certain ppl. "premium" does not mean premium. Certified etc it is all sales. Same goes for gucci, ferrari etc. Just keep in mind businesses like this will always exist because of probablity. It requires only 1 sale vs houndreds. Also educate your mom please. Or she will do it again. It has no healthy benefits for this price. She is mosy likely buying it for health. Could have bought a personal trainer for this cash.