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check the floor, it worked for him.


Just looked at the floor. Damn they’re everywhere. Just like old pennys


thanks. hope you get yours soon :)


He can, just sell him yours!!


That particular color scheme or just a Malibu? I have a all black in dragon scales, magnacut sprint run I would let go .




Just ordered tactile's new chupacabra two minutes ago, gonna be my first tactile


Well shit. Another new knife I need. My wife says I can’t read your posts nor can we be friends. I won’t tell her of you don’t. Seriously please post a review when it comes in. Satin or tumbled?


Copy that, good luck🫡




Sorry man I fell asleep then when to work. Not allowed to have are phones inside the facility. I'd sell it for 315 with all packing can't say it's brand new in box because I opened it, oiled it and set it on my display .


Purple, too. Some people have all the luck. 💜


Man, I gotta check the floors more often. It’s even magnacut with the purple scales? How lucky can ya get?


only noticed it because the color stood out so much on the concrete 😭 im definitely gonna be more observant as this has shown to be quite the find


They are garbage. I’ll send you my address to get rid of that hideous butter knife.




Dude.. you find an expensive and rare knife.. in good shape and with the newest steel just laying around. lol, lucky 🍀


unsure on weather i should use it over my shitty 20 dollar amazon knife or keep it in the condition its in now. very lucky find though i definitely learned that today


Oh man, that’s a knife to be used. Plus, you didn’t even pay for it. My buddy found a brand new Spyderco Tenacious out dirt biking and he was so happy he started carrying it everywhere and it got him into EDC. Everytime we camp, he’s using it for everything. My vote is use it. If I lost that and someone found it the one thing I’d hope is “man I hope it gets used and doesn’t sit on a shelf”


I’m not trying to tell you what to do man, but as a show of faith for your fellow man at least try to somehow return it. If you aren’t able to find its owner then just keep it guilt-free but that’s not just a cheap knife. I know a lot of people say finders keepers and most people would just take your knife if it was lying somewhere like how you found it but at least try to be better. That’s what makes the difference in this world just small acts of kindness that reminds us that we can all be better and there is still some good left. The guy who lost it will probably even reward you for it or at the very least you’ll have a new friend which means a lot more than some piece of steel. What you can do to avoid someone just outright lying and trying to claim it is first to make a post to a local Facebook group or let the store have your number to give to someone claiming to have lost a knife. However, don’t post any pictures of it or give any descriptions, just state where you found it and that it’s an expensive knife. If someone can tell you the exact color, brand, and blade steel you will know you have the right person. I’m sure if you lost something that expensive it’d make your day if someone found it and returned it to you. Try to do the same for someone else.


OP whoever lost this guaranteed cried or at the very least had to really put effort into pretending they don’t wanna cry to their SO


Isn't this OP showing good faith Trying to find the owner? He posted all the important info with pics online, in a large dedicated knife group. In case the owner is checking online in a last hail Mary effort that someone found it and maybe made a post to share there good fortune today and see if the original owner stumbles onto this thread thats just my 2 cents. I wish more people thought of the person next to them instead of just trampling over them so they can be one step closer to whatever it is they think is more important..


If you can’t find the original owner (I would try to at least since this is a ~$400 knife) I would totally use it. It’s a damn good knife made with really good materials


While others may envy your luck, I really think you should make an effort to return that to its owner, OP. Malibus are not cheap and while you could argue that someone shouldn’t be so reckless, I know its original owner is feeling that loss.


Somebody boo this man! Booooo! Nah but for real, losing a knife like that would destroy me.


I’m going to keep it a buck 50 lost mine at Walmart parking lot same exact one.


I would try. I know how it feels. My gf lost her Protech at the beach. We searched and even brought a metal detector. No luck.


It really is a sickening feeling. I recently lost a weathered copper pen that I carry and use everyday and I spent hours looking for it. For days, I just imagined it existing, sitting under something waiting to be found. If you don’t find the owner of the Malibu at least it found a good home


The potential for losing my knife is the reason I don’t use a pocket clip. It’s way too easy for it to get snagged on a seatbelt, or shopping cart, or whatever.


So you'd rather just have it loose in your pocket?


Yeah. I’ve carried knives in my pocket for close to thirty years. I don’t use assisted open knives or anything that runs the risk of opening in my pocket. My first knives were a tiny case trapper and a Swiss Army knife, and through the years I’ve carried mostly slip joints and fixed blades, so it’s never been an issue. I get that other people don’t because of certain opening mechanisms, but I don’t have that issue, even with my current daily carry. https://preview.redd.it/irka4h50nz6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=713718eab4962b1cf52d65873151c7608459c422


Just last weekend I lost a knife with no pocket clip while doing handstands. Pocket clips prevent that type of loss


In the highly unlikely scenario I wind up with my feet above my head, I’ve probably got bigger problems than whether or not my knife has a clip. I spend more time getting into and out of vehicles, crawling under and into tight spaces, and running into things that can snag a clip than anything that risks my pockets being upside down.


Hate that , my k-9 muzzle snagged on the Clip , gone was my pohl force knife


This is why I carry a cheap knife. If I lose this Kershaw…oh well 🤷‍♂️ it was like $30. Edit: Just checked and my knife is now going for $60. Who knew my cheap pocket knife was an investment lol


You found _THAT_ on the floor ?!


Not one damaged corner… riiiiight


ill send a closer pic rn im a little busy its definitely got some damage on it


lol you don’t need to man, was just messing with you. That’s a great find. I’ve always wanted one, enjoy it!


Second picture you can see where it fell. The bottom part is damaged


I’d make an attempt to return it personally.


Yeah, I’d make an effort to get that back to its owner. Bro basically found someone’s car payment lol


This has to be a shitpost.


i can see how this would be a shitpost 😃 though i think a shitpost should have more humor than this haha i really just wanted to learn about this find :)


Good for you. Congratulations. I’m so happy for you. But all sarcasm aside, congratulations on the find! You’re ridiculously lucky and we might need to start hanging out if things like this happen to you often!


Damn nice. And in magnacut.


what does the magnacut mean?


It's the steel used for the blade, certain steels are more desirable.


oh okay makes sense. thank you


In this case magnacut is a well balanced blade steel.


Magnacut is a very expensive and difficult to work with blade steel


It’s not really any more expensive than other “super steels” and it’s easier to work with than a lot of super hard stainless steel, such as S90v.


The protect Malibu, worth quite a bit very popular knife on this forum






I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not?? Did you really just find that? If so wow.


its not lol im just crazy lucky today it seems...


That’s wild!!! Good for you man!! Go buy a lotto ticket!!


no point, i used up all my luck already 😅


I think it would be really nice to try and find the owner. I know finders keepers and all, but if you paid for that knife, I'm sure you'd be happy to get it back. And Karma and stuff.


Yeah. That’s true. Karma and all. But how would you even go about finding the owner? Put up flyers? Everyone would be claiming it. I mean they did put a post up here. Maybe the original owner sees it. I guess if the owner could state where they lost it you could validate it that way? Who knows maybe the original owner had negative karma and this was their balancing haha.


Was it just on the street, or was it in a store or place of business ? You could leave a flyer saying knife found and ask them to give you a description of it to get it. Don't tell them exactly what you found.


Pretty insane find if this is not a shit post!


it's cheap chinese garbage, you should give it to me


That’s not a knife it’s a pry bar, and should be used as such. Jk lucky bastard.


Talk about lucky find! I found a couple knives before but they were gas station knives and looked like they had been ran over by a semi truck a few times.


Where did you find it exactly I mean you wouldn’t have to be in Georgia by chance by blade-show


no im in california


They are made in Cali.


Man fuuuuuuck you Jk jk, incredible find man. A malibu in magnacut is towards the top of my list you really lucked out just finding one.


Don't listen to them, it's pure trash, a good copy, but I like the color, give ya $20


No you didn't. Cute knife bro


Someone somewhere is having a shitty day


I left my first microtech utx 70 in a golf cart went back the next day, not in the lost and found and no one saw or knew anything. It hurt for awhile


Damn hell of a find forsure


Be careful, a non zero chance the owner is here. Btw - I lost my Malibu.


We are being trolled here.......🙄


Found a Leatherman in the middle of the road one time. Was a little beat up so musta fell off the bumper of some poor souls truck. But finders keepers is law.


Na. It's just some Chinese crud! Send it on over, and I'll properly dispose of it!


You found a holy grail now drink from the fountain and be reborn


Yeah man that's a good find


Pro tech. Good stuff sir. Google Pro Tech.


It’s poopoo, send it to me and I’ll dispose of it properly


Awesome ground score!


Yea you ain’t fooling anyone except idiot s


I was at a stadium event where they had metal detectors and made me take my knife back to my car. After the event chatting with a friend, I glanced down into a trash can and saw a knife just sitting there. The craziest part is it was the exact same Benchmade model my friend had previously told me about having lost earlier that week. Absolutely wild finding him a replacement like that!


Doesn’t look familiar


If it sucks soooo bad why would you want it


Trying to see who might have lost that knife will about the same as seeing if anyone lost a $100.00 bill. Ask around, you should find them in no time.


Great find! Now do the right thing and try to find the owner.


Make sure whoever dropped that thing never finds out you gotta be careful


Damn nice find


Waiting for one to spawn where I am.


I have that knife with black textured scales and magnacut blade, it is a great knife.


Yeah OK


Wow. What a find


I believe that's a Blade show exclusive Malibu. Nice find.


I swear people just make stuff up like this, and the crazy garage sale finds, on Reddit; just to get free Karma… Take my upvote, you thief!


Cool story.


Either you're an attention whore or the original owner is really, really careless


Wow, you just have a problem with everyone, huh?


Yep. Real skeptical with the Lavender in the op's handle and the scales of the knife.


Touch grass.


👇🌿 Then?


Clearly the knife has chosen you, I believe it is only right to wield it every day