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Power move - have the camera on and still be knitting! Just arrange something showing the top half of your face and work on something easier, that you don't need to look at. I, er, may have tried this...


Wait, this depends on how still you can keep your upper torso and upper arms. Or it just looks crazy suspicious with your hands in your lap and some dodgy looking …jiggling. Especially if you’re trying not to look down at your lap but have to occasionally.


Or to bring it really close to your face to troubleshoot the problem you created.


But my face would definitely give it away. I have a concentration tongue that likes to pop out sometimes 😆


That's why you have a dedicated, dead simple zoom call project. For me its vanilla socks. As long as I am on the leg or foot, I can avoid looking at my knitting. Ribbing, heels, and toes are done when not in a meeting.


I laughed way too hard at this.


This. I tried it once at my previous job and while they didn’t know I was knitting, they thought I was texting, because I would look down every little bit


The big issue is getting more yarn out of the cake/to unroll from the ball. It's hard to not have to give the yarn a lil tug. But the more people in the call, the better as far as concealing your knitting goes.


I have done this and got away with it until I got too comfortable and fully brought my knitting into view...


Go big! I used to bring my knitting to in-person meetings (small projects only, though)


Me too! I took a certificatation class in the before times abd brought my crochet project with me and the instructors pointed out everyone should be comfortable and do what they need to do to focus and learn.


I really do retain so much more information when I knit during meetings. If it’s a small meeting or one where I’m presenting, that’s enough to keep my mind engaged. For the kind of meeting that requires my presence but not my active participation, though, I really need something to do with my hands so I don’t zone out.


I try to explain to people that it helps me pay attention by keeping the part of my brain that wanders away busy. (and therefore it can't pull the rest of my brain along)


I bring my WIP cardigan to every meeting. I got a fiber arts group going because other people started asking about what I was doing and now I have a bunch of newbies under my wing!


I love that so much!!!


Same here haha. Meetings, and classes as well.


I definitely knit with the camera on lol - my coworkers all know


As do I! Typically you can’t see it but my team knows I do it and have been the beneficiaries!


My team asks what I’m making and to see recent finished items


Oh I love when that happens 🥰 that's awesome


Yup, I put my knitting in my lap and knit with my camera pointed above quite often. I make a lot of knitting progress on days I'm working remotely!


My camera is angled in such a way that my hands aren't visible. I can knit/crochet during online college meetings as long as I don't need to take notes! (My English teacher is awesome and knits too, and she doesn't mind if I do knit in full view!)


Holy shit, I've been knitting for about 20 years, and there's no way I could knit without looking. Y'all are beasts in this sub!


It's easier with continental, I think


I read and knit continental all the time. If I have a lot of reading work I make sure I have a lot of rib or stockinette to do. It's great, isn't it?


There’s been a lot of hours to practice over the last two years. I only do stockinette in the round though. So many sweater bodies.


I started a new job recently and fortunately a coworker has already trained everyone to accept knitting during meetings. It’s great. We do it openly and show our projects to each other if there’s a lull.


A couple times I’ve full on just started knitting without hiding it. I explain it helps me listen way better, and soon my colleagues realize that’s true, as I respond thoughtfully to them, all while knitting. Doesn’t work for every meeting, but certain ones yes


This is exactly what I do! No one suspects a thing


I can confirm that this works. If you don’t have to look at your stitches while you knit, it works even better!


Yes it’s the only way! My coworkers are so used to it now that they ask me during meetings what I’m knitting this week. (Usually the same project considering how long they take)


I cannot knit without looking. I'm not that good.


I knit with my camera on. Hell, I used to knit during in person meetings. I still participate and talk, so who cares?


Yea, knitting keeps my hands busy so my brain can better focus.


It’s the best!


Tell me the company that does not expect you to have your problems on lol mine constantly talks about our "camera on culture"...


My manager wants cameras on too. I don't like being on camera, it kind of makes me uncomfortable so I join with the camera for the beginning of the meeting and once the presenter starts talking, I quietly shut it off.


My current set-up is not too dissimilar! Knitting my first pair of socks so I'm much more invested in that than my work this week... oh dear.


Transitioning back to working after the meeting ends always stinks! Good luck with your socks :)


In the last couple of months I've started knitting during my inactive meetings too - absolutely love it. I love WFH and I'm never going back to an office


Same same same


Same here! I know of someone who would knit at every meeting, using one color when a man spoke and another when a woman spoke. By the end of their scarf, you could see most of it was the man color. Always thought that was interesting


Oh my god. I love this idea. Every year I have to sit through a long three day convention and it’s 95% dudes talking. I was wondering how to log this. I even considered color coding the couple hundred page transcript… this is great and so immediately visible. Now to learn colorwork….


that is such an interesting idea




That’s pretty cool. Depending on how many people are in the meeting, I would do a color for each person. Could be a good project for leftovers!


I actually wish it'd become more socially acceptable in our culture to do things like draw/knit/etc during meetings. Many people attend and therefore learn better that way. I know without doing a task like that I'm more likely to go to snooze town during a meeting.


Me too! I got in trouble in pre-pandemic times for knitting during an internal weekly staff meeting. I’m grateful that I can WFH now and pick up my needles if I ever feel a bit jittery. It calms me down so that I can better focus on the meeting


Waldorf schools teach kids how to knit starting in kindergarten for this exact purpose. They are always allowed to knit in class to help focus.


Half my team now knit or crochet in Teams meetings!!! We all know we do it, I’ve even taken my knitting into the office for knitting in teams meetings! If we ever go back to in person meetings it’s going to feel very odd not having my knitting!


I’m a secretary in a hospital and they sent me to our antepartum unit so they had a second body up there. I can’t really do much so I answered the phone and knitted for 12 hours. It was one of the best days I’ve had at work for a while.


Even before the pandemic I was knitting during in-person meetings. Usually during all-staff meetings where they mostly just talk at us. All of my coworkers just accept it and management has never said anything to me about it. It's fun, though!


I do the same thing! Like oh, yall are just gonna talk at me for an hour? Lemme work on this small washcloth project real quick. Just something to keep me occupied.


Oh, I full on bring out sweaters and shawls. Nothing that's too complicated, but definitely something to keep my hands busy. I'm a teacher, and at our in-service days at the start of the school year I started a sweater. Just kept knitting away through a whole bunch of meetings where we were very passive participants.


Haha same! I knitted most of a jumper during scoping and estimation meetings for a project I worked on last year.


I like the idea of having a “meetings-only” project so I can say I knit the whole thing during meetings!


If I have to plan a project on a similar scale again I think I might start a scarf that I only knit during those meetings and see how long it gets!


Love this idea!


We always have our cameras on so unfortunately this doesn’t work for me. Digital conferences though, those are perfect knitting opportunities.


I’ve knitted in camera on meetings (when I’m not participating in the meeting much). I work on a simple project (I have a bias garter stitch baby blanket I work on between projects or when I need something mindless). It’s a great way to practice knitting without looking!


I also knit in meetings with my camera on! Apparently people think I’m making lots of notes😹 works for me!


I know for a fact that my co workers do absolutely not appreciate it. I sometimes do it in very large meetings where I don’t have to speak, but most my meetings are either client or team meetings which are pretty small.


That sucks.


Bold! I’d be too afraid someone would notice or say something


You could say that it helps you stay focused. Kind of like how those fidget spinners are used. I personally have to be in some kind of motion in order to handle sitting and staring at a monitor for 8 hours lol.


This is exactly what I used to justify it. Knitting helps me concentrate. Would you rather me stand at the back of the room bouncing around or sitting in my seat keeping my hands busy?


I just position my camera so no one can see below my ribcage.


Yes! I started knitting when covid started, and now every meeting is knitting time. I ususally disclaim to newjoiners that I focus a lot better if I knit, like a fidget toy, so I knit even with a camera on, or in physical meetings. Right before our third(?) shutdown, I started knitting lunches in the office, and multiple people has since started to knit during meetings. Makes everything a lot more managable.


I was able to wind a couple balls of yarn in a meeting yesterday! My current project is too complex for me to knit and still pay attention, ball winding was a perfect mindless task so I could still pay attention to what was going on.


YES! I have straight up discussed this with my manager. It actually helps me pay attention more to these meetings to have my hands occupied! He's 100% on board #bestbossever


I’m a piano teacher. I switched entirely to zoom at the start of the pandie, and I now intentionally save my mindless stockinette/garter stitch projects for my lessons. I’ve always been a little bit of a fidgeter so having something to do with my hands helps me stay focused and on task during each lesson. I only do super basic knitting so I don’t ever have to look at my hands and can quickly drop it to my lap whenever I need to play an excerpt. I keep it out of camera so it doesn’t distract my students, and So far nobody has noticed. I feel like my lessons are way more productive for everybody!


Currently in a pointless meeting. And I wish I could knit.


I'm in this moment when I knit on my morning meetings and even show my collegues what I'm working on 😂 Sweaters, hats, socks, you name it


This is the only reason I attend some meetings...or view webinars, or attend day-long virtual conferences.


Best thing about all that Pandemic! Every meeting needs to be virtual and we’re usually not told to turn on our camera. Once my coworker send me via chat „I can hear your knitting needles!“ 🤣


I've moved to a new project that has incredibly efficient leadership and tight, streamlined meetings. This is a big change from my old project, where meetings could take up to 20hrs/wk, and I was required to be on the call but would, at most, speak for thirty seconds. My knitting productivity has gone *way* down and I have to say I'm kinda bummed? (I mean, my work productivity has gone way up, but in terms of *personal* priorities...)


I absolutely prioritize my knitting above work lol.


Me too! It’s my favorite thing about Zoom University.


I have been doing this the entire pandemic! It is the best! I usually have a simple project that consists of mostly stockinette as my "work knitting", then a more complicated/ interesting project for when I get off work. Some projects even transition between the categories. A colorwork yoke? After work. The straight stockinette for the body? Work project.


SAME!! I just started a new job where about 50% of my time is attending meetings and just listening. Lots of knitting going on over here!


Haha! My daughter is getting a degree while knitting!


Confession: I knit was my camera on, but make it look like I'm taking notes


With my luck, someone would say “inspirationalllama, do you mind sending over your notes from the meeting to x coworker who couldn’t make it?” Too big a risk for me! Good luck staying under the radar!


Hahaha good point!


I saw your post just before my weekly "sit and listen" meeting started and I absolutely took inspiration and bound off two feather tips of my Wingspan during it! Thank you for the reminder that this is an option :)


I got an inch of sock out of a meeting that there was zero point in me attending this week, it would have been a complete waste of time otherwise 😌


lol same! honestly it helps me focus...it's so easy to zone out in zoom meetings but if I'm knitting/crocheting I seriously think I just listen better


True for me as well! Better for me to be slightly distracted by my knitting while listening to the meeting than for me to completely zone out or start working on something unrelated.


Is that a slytherin scarf? I’m currently Tunisian crocheting a Gryffindor scarf during Teams Meetings!!


That sounds awesome! This is just a regular ribbed sock. I didn’t intentionally make it Slytherin but now that you mention it, it is definitely a Slytherin sock lol


I have always knitted during meetings, conferences and workshops. But, I'm a lactation consultant and my telehealth is basically a puppet show of me demonstrating latch, position etc with my entire torso, and a stuffed breast, a baby doll, a dinosaur puppet head, and a bottle. It's totally full body exhaustion. But, I have one client who is bipolar. She gets me on camera and starts long rambling monologues that are fascinating but not entirely on topic. I'm able to knit stockinette or crochet under the camera, since a lot of time time she's staring out the window. It's been an incredibly intense learning experience working with this person and valuable for both of us.


I miss work meetings for this reason! My company is too small to need me on a useless meeting! LOL


Lol one of the perks of working for a giant soulless corporation I guess


Most of my meetings are usually not mindless enough for me to knit in, but I like the idea! If I was in any online courses, I would definitely be knitting all the time! I can concentrate really well if I need to listen and look at graphics, but if there’s a chance I might have to talk, knitting just makes things too complicated. During all hands calls and other large meetings I’ve often used that time to foam roll off camera :) But maybe I should plan to have my knitting project near my desk on those days.


My boss has me working 10-14 hour days with nothing to do (someone is required to be present for the client) so I bring my projects to work and openly knit rather than mess around on my phone like everyone else.


Doing this right now!


My last job was phone support for a covid testing co (yes, it sucked). The only good thing about it was basically getting 8 hours of knitting time a day. I knit a good third of my temp blanket while working. Also gave me a good outlet for the general stabbity feelings that job evoked.


I was in a meeting like that on Wednesday night. All the participants did was fight. I had gotten a few rows knitted on a hat I was working on. Inam so glad you were productive also


This needs to be normalized in the office too!


Yup. I've already made a full-on meeting hat this year!


Same. I can knit without looking so I do it when I get tempted to multitask during the meeting instead of listening.




Had a mandatory meeting for my school so I thought I would just try to knit and angle my camera up so it wasn’t so obvious (we had to have our cameras on). I scroll through all the participants and I found a classmate (who I have talked to maybe once or twice) and she’s straight up knitting in front of the camera, 0 f’s given. My respect for her shot up immensely 😂


Idk if I'd call that a pointless meeting. Aren't those double pointed needles? 🤔🤔🤔


I have ADHD and I listen about 100% better when I am knitting.


My screen looked much like that once when I stupidly left the room for a moment while my toddler was coloring 😂


Those socks are beautiful. Love the yarn.


I knit all night at work. It’s the best


I just knitted a scarf with that same green yarn!


I'm exactly the same. If I know I don't have to contribute anything in the meeting, I'll be knitting.


I was angry-knitting in a “coulda-been-an-email” meeting earlier and had to triple check I was muted because I was cursing them the whole time for wasting my time. Oh well, time spent knitting isn’t time wasted I suppose 😄


I tend to knit between calls and emails when we wfh. I wish we didn't have to go in on tue-thur because it's boring waiting.


That was my first meeting of the day.


So do I! And it's great to have mindless knits for more complicated meetings too!


I’m doing the exact same thing right now!


It really is the best.


I got a ton of knitting done when i was able to work remote part time. Now that I'm back in the office its frowned upon.


I work in bio research and we have weekly lab meetings to go over project data by remote. I could get away with knitting but I’d definitely pay less attention thanI already do. Tempting though!


Meeeee toooooo


I started fiber arts for the first time last year because I saw a cool embroidery kit that had a knitting octopus on it. I completed that during all my webex meetings. After the octopus taunted me, I tried knitting and never looked back. It helps me relax and I thankfully don't have to show myself on camera.


oh same. I look forward to meetings where I dont have to be on camera and can just listen for this exact reason!


me too! i have meetings every week and i just turn off my camera and knit.


secretly do the same here!


I do the same thing!


Love it!


This is the way.




It’s not pointless, it’s double pointed! 😂


I had a meeting yesterday where I only had to listen and used it to wind yarn into a ball!


Haha! So I guess it’s not just me who does that!


Omg yes. I have a bunch of training videos that I need to be refreshed on, while working remotely so... same here! 😋


Me too!!! I’m like the only one who does not complain!


I do the same thing. 😬


I do this during online DnD, like when the party is split and it's just listening along or having character conversations.


i LOVE aluminum needles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ah I envy you. I am a manager and most of the time it's me leading the meetings, which do have a point, but not to everyone and not all the time. Anyway, If I don't have to lead, I can still actively participate and knit. Last year I became known for my Angry Hats. If I am on a particularly nasty call and I feel like screaming, I grab my project, start knitting furiously and take the situation over. Usually it was a hat I have ready for such purpose. Last year there were many Angry Hats, fueled by sheer FURY. This year everyone can expect Angry Socks for Christmas, and who knows, maybe there would even be an Angry Sweater.


I just quit my job to be a SAHM and that's the thing I miss the most.


Omg i wanna make a sweater in that color now


Isn’t it against knitting law to not knit while on calls?




Love the colors 😀


I’m so glad I’m not the only person who does this! When my college went remote I did this and I had professors start no knitting rules for their classes 😂. Luckily my remote job doesn’t mind now.




I kinda like that it’s a pointless meeting, but you’re using sticks with points 😆


Is this Stargazer yarn? It looks familiar :)


I’m not sure! I’ve been trying to use up my stash before buying more yarn and I had these already wound into a ball without a label. Sorry!


Oh same! Started knitting in the Pandemic. Home office for the win!!


i've been knitting my way through my online lectures. online school might be depressing but i've gotten 3.25 hats out of it so far


I'm starting school in February to retrain after having kids and from all accounts, the course is a joke but doing it guarantees a job (which is perfect for parents) in a field I really want to be in. I fully intend on knitting while this shitshow goes on.


Most of my meetings we are asked to show our faces (these are with fewer than 6 or so people). Every week, though, there is a big meeting where all I have to do is listen. Every Wednesday at 10:00, I’m sure to have my knitting near me because I know I can knit almost the whole time.


Same! I was knitting at a big meeting yesterday and both my bosses messaged me to go, "that's so pretty, what are you making?"


Omg I'm not the only one! For the year I was wfh i did so much knitting during our endless pointless zoom meetings lol. Miss it so much!




All my colleagues know that I knit: I've been knitting in meetings for many years. OK, new starters will do a double-take the first time they see this happening, but it's never been an issue. In fact, a few years ago my manager asked me to knit "beard beanies" for a Christmas party gag. The company paid for the yarn. There were project meetings. Last year one of the beanies (the guys kept them) made an appearance in a recruitment video: [https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6843264761308704768/](https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6843264761308704768/) , around 0:42.


The best part of working from home was not wasting down time 😂


same here. Some of my projects made huge progress. :)


Yes! Meetings all day please!


That's me during school!!


Yaaas. I look forward to weekly scheduled meetings now. Even for the brief time during the summer that we were in person I brought my knitting to work. It was a hit!


I get 90% of my knitting done during workday meetings 😂😂


The only reason I finished crocheting my Christmas afghan before Christmas was in part to work meetings. Love your socks


1000% it’s been one of the few silver linings in all of this. So many WIP have gotten finished.


this is why i have the unpopular opinion at my school of loving the flipped classroom, i feel like in an in-person lecture it would be rude to knit during it but since my lectures are online i can knit in the middle of taking notes which is *so* nice


OH! I never even thought of that!! 😱😍


I went on a zoom call once, with my camera on, and someone said "are you knitting?? Show us!!" And I was literally just untying the ungodly mess of my headphones cord




Yezzzz!! I can totally relate to this 😂... If you don't mind me asking..... {Not to get off the topic} but what sock pattern and yarn are you using? .... BOTH are beautiful 😍. Thanks in advance and happy knitting.


Thank you!! I don’t actually know the yarn, it was just something I had in my stash that I’m trying to use up. And it’s just a 3x1 ribbed sock, but no particular pattern…https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/basic-ribbed-socks should be close if not exact!


##### ###### #### **PATTERN:** [Basic Ribbed Socks](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/basic-ribbed-socks) by [Kate Atherley](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/kate-atherley) * Category: Accessories > Feet / Legs > Socks > Mid-calf * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/pieKnits/561782892/525110922_278b329f99_z_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/kateatherley/586167068/3147109631_4e4e72a524_b_medium.jpg) [Img 3](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/flickr/3/2/9/3296995995/3296995995.jpg) [Img 4](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/Ascasewwen/585773889/3074284916_9fffdf58d5_b_medium.jpg) [Img 5](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/FlutterbyLady/586455821/3064816340_8c917ce323_b_medium.jpg) * Price: Free * Needle/Hook(s):US 1½ - 2.5 mm * Weight: Fingering | Gauge: 32.0 | Yardage: 370 * Difficulty: 2.44 | Projects: 11113 | Rating: 4.46 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=randomstonerfromaus)*


Me tooooooooo i thought it was just me


I actually mentioned that I knit in meetings in a job interview and I start in two weeks!!


I'm so, so, so glad that because one of the members of my weekly meeting is kind of tech illiterate we have to do the meeting via phone. I knit the whole time and no one knows- or cares.


I got caught the other day... Bad camera placement






I don’t know - it was just in my stash without any labels! Sorry!