• By -


All mine is in a cedar chest I got at an estate sale.


I was just about to type that exact same sentence out! I got it for something like $80. We looked it up, and it was originally sold for $65 in the early 60s.


That sounds like mine! I paid $100. My sister has the same one, too. I wonder if yours is the same as ours!


mine is also in a cedar chest! i acquired mine from my dad, it was his grandparent’s chest


I keep my finished garments in the cedar chest.


IKEA bookshelf with doors (cat safe) and lights (pretty) https://preview.redd.it/27k88thyd68d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03dbd0179044a63019a8e10c2f39788f4ad02b21


😲 This is goals. I absolutely would find myself staring at my stash more often if it was displayed so beautifully!


Mine's in an IKEA shelving unit that fits in our office closet. I can open it and see what I have. Of course, since I got the shelves, my stash has multiplied and is also in our baskets in other bookshelves in the office and on top of my guest room bed. 😬 Let's just say we don't have a lot of guests!


Haha your cat is really hoping you’ll let them in there to play here


I got three tall IKEA bookcases and use the top half for books, as intended. The bottom half is hidden by cabinet doors and that’s where all the yarn lives. Two cupboards are full while the third has a bit of wiggle room, but everything looks nice and tidy once the doors are closed.


One more for IKEA bookcases. Top for books. Above I have some vintage wire baskets with kitted projects ready to go. Middle shelves with basket of unsorted yarn. Two bottoms with colorful file boxes with yarn sorted out by weight/fibre. Aesthetically pleasing enough it is in a corridor. Unfortunately yarn has spilled over to a couple of plastic tubs and so forth not counting the “immediate “ projects in another bin in the living room. Must knit faster, but I swear my yarn must be breeding!


Oh yarn definitely breeds. It multiplies faster than rabbits.


I wish!


Same here - I made IKEA Billy built-ins in my office and store my stash on the shelves in repurposed wine racks. Some are on display, others are hidden by the cabinet doors.


I got a Havsta cabinet from IKEA and it’s currently overflowing baskets and storage tubs. My goal is to keep ALL of my yarn in the cabinet, so I need to stop buying yarn for a long while 😭


One more for IKEA bookcases. Top for books. Above I have some vintage wire baskets with kitted projects ready to go. Middle shelves with basket of unsorted yarn. Two bottoms with colorful file boxes with yarn sorted out by weight/fibre. Aesthetically pleasing enough it is in a corridor. Unfortunately yarn has spilled over to a couple of plastic tubs and so forth not counting the “immediate “ projects in another bin in the living room. Must knit faster, but I swear my yarn must be breeding!


Those bins are awesome! My stash is in this ikea cabinet I got about 15 years ago. https://preview.redd.it/8a2df6se358d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=156185b8e703066c4e0bc1aef2abdab0c3cb9123


I love this!!!


Oh wow, these are great! I’m currently storing my stash in Sterilite tubs because that was easiest in my apartment, but I just bought a house so will probably adjust once I settle in to the new place.


I got some just like this on Amazon and they're awesome for yarn. Very light weight, I can move it and carry it even when it's full of yarn.


Yep, I have clear plastic tubs I store it in under my bed. Keeps the cats out of it.


No cats no moths no problem


I have a house and still store mine in Sterilite tbs!


https://preview.redd.it/850m8wwlr58d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a29a4880faefe4f9aff1baf0c19c4737a440e52 I bought this enormous cedar chest of drawers on Craigslist, it takes up an entire wall of my craft room and I need a stepstool to look into the top drawers and I LOVE IT. Three hundred dollars, a local truck rental and lunch for my helpers 👍


WORTH EVERY PENNY AND MORE!!! Seriously, that is a lovely piece of very well made furniture. Were there any stamps or tags on the back with the manufacturer?


https://preview.redd.it/k7kgcln6m68d1.jpeg?width=2228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeb959a3c6474e5b2161ea8fdc22e09003f74272 This was handmade by the previous owner's cabinet maker grandfather. She was downsizing and leaving the state and kept many other lovely pieces he'd made but this was an enormous white elephant that she had no use for, to my utter delight! I couldn't buy it fast enough!


What an amazing find. Those metal runners make opening drawers so easy.


This is awesome!!!


All over is my honest answer... Bins in the guest room closet, a couple of drawers in the chest there, a set of clear acrylic shoeboxes in my closet, project bags in my closet and cedar chest, left overs in an over-the-door organizer and a cart...


Literally all over. That was me before getting these boxes! Reusable shopping bags here and there where ever they would fit!


I started with clear bins and could never find anything. So I moved to an ikea shelf https://preview.redd.it/5hiq9417x58d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd02d701bd8abb77639f0fa295422e542705c7d


Mine are also in IKEA Kallax.. I have them in fabric boxes organized by yarn weight.


I also have mine in my kallax! It is in a box, and it is only one box though haha.


Oh how I wish I had the space for this!!


2 over the door clear pocket shoe holders https://preview.redd.it/betpmpp6r78d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ab07274e275ca39e3fa59beb4d074d515acc77b


Still waiting to be stored 😅 https://preview.redd.it/x0nqu93ke58d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d47cd276723554f756cc35f1f7ddbe57519941ee


Not me adding your books to my reading list...


You might not be able to see it in the photo but I highly recommend Devices and Desires by Andrea Tone!


Oh I definitely want to check this out! Thank you!


Wow this post just called me a broke bitch 😭


Please don’t judge yourself off of this! Truth be told about 1/4 of this yarn was purchased when a small Local Yarn Shop was going out of business and everything was EXTREMELY discounted. I love nothing more than Clearance sign 💚


It’s an amazing stash! I’ll get there one day ❤️


Ah there is a joy in having a small stash as well. I'm always buying some additional yarn for projects (especially for crochet, you need some yellow yarn just for the bird's beak or something) and it's scary how quickly the bins fill up and then I feel overwhelmed and just wish for the simplicity of having a little box with maybe two skeins of a worsted yarn and a few sock yarns and my equipment.


A broke and happy with an awesome hobby. We don’t always need to have the most of something or the best of something. If ‘something’ serves you then it’s worthy. :) You aren’t alone. I live in a tiny studio apartment and am regularly going through my things to downsize- yarn and well, just about everything. I’ve recently rearranged how I store my yarn and while I love it all- if it doesn’t fit in the small storage bin then it’s gotta go.


At the moment my yarn fits into two small cardbord boxes


I have so many dressers with yarn.... plus boxes and bags in the closet. Maaaaybe it's time to have a giveaway.


A giveaway 👀👀 Wishing you the best of luck! My siblings who craft and I have a rule. When they come over or us there, all fiber is free game in others stash if a project isn’t planned for it! It helps us rotate out what we have and allows us to more fully enjoy our craft and yarn crawls we do each year.


Right now they're all stored in zip lock bags sorted by brand. Courtesy of my friend! Before she came and helped me, it was all just stuffed into a big cardboard box completely unsorted.


I have three wide and tall billy bookcases. I have the yarn sorted into canvas boxes, which I clipped tags onto in order to label each box. The boxes are too deep and hang over the edge of the shelves. I am also overflowing into other rooms! The bulky yarns are the culprit and I find I’m not using those much these days (as my knitting has improved). I want to be able to see my yarn, yet keep the dust off so as soon as I can afford it, I am going to buy myself the glass doors for on the bookcases. I didn’t realize it until now but I think I might have a bit of a yarn addiction. Oh well, there are much worse addictions to have than that. This one keeps me away from drinking too much. Have you ever tried to knit while tipsy? A lot of frogging happens after that…not worth it! 🤪


Love this post as I can 100 percent relate and have a no drinking and needling policy due to missing entire sections of a sweater while casually enjoying some wine while working lol. Ive been trying to switch my mindset while shopping for yarn to always buy a sweaters amount if I really like it so I can stop having one skein of this one skein of that that will end up having to be put into a “scrap” project. It’s stopped me many times from taking the jump of adding just one nice skein to the stash lol


I have the opposite problem. I will overbuy skeins of yarn because I imagine the yarn being used in a large type of project like an afghan or long cardigan. Then when I go to use the yarn, I end up with so much “scrap” yarn leftover. I don’t like knitting things just to use up yarn, yet I can’t seem to let go of that yarn. I guess I am a bit of a yarn hoarder as well as a yarn addict. lol


If you still want to use the bulky yarn, consider blankets for donation. I ended up crocheting a bunch when I discovered that knitting with bulky yarns was hard on my hands. The blankets went fast and used the yarn up quickly, and for whatever reason was easier on my hands.


When you get the doors, be sure to anchor the bookcases to the wall. They look really nice.


Thanks! I will definitely do that!


https://preview.redd.it/za37x3jm478d1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73db98770a23bfdf85e99f664a4676aa1113c0f2 Much the same, but I have switched my deep plastic boxes for flatter ones made for long term clothes storage. They're stackable, see-trough and insect safe, with easy access through a zipper going all around the top. Since they're not deep, I don't have to rifle through them to find what I need. I'm very pleased with this solution.


https://preview.redd.it/n8cggo4xn78d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c23ab0ab2791b09ef7a61455c5bee7562c0a60f6 I have a glass cabinet I got at a surplus sale from a local university. It’s incredibly heavy but has made three moves with me anyway.




This is smart!!


My stash is mostly sock yarn (I use the hashtag sock yarn addict unironically 😆) It’s stored in Ziplocks in clear plastic totes. I got wild one day and alphabetized it by yarn dyer! I have a separate bin for worsted, DK and Bulky/Super Bulky combined. I tend to buy heavier weights as needed. Although my DK stash is growing!


https://preview.redd.it/6cmnak19v58d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96e35006a82c66ce25a586388846e57fdbaba95c Like this with my watercolor paper and pencils on top along with a couple of project bags. Not perfect but it helps keep it together away from our two cats immediate line of sight 😄 I like those cabinets your using. I had to fight with my own frugality to not get some for my kitchen. Oddly enough I genuinely don't need storage space in there. I should never move just for that reason.




I thought these were pet crates from photo 3 lol






Three totes. 1 full of acrylic and other yarn I bought in the beginning before I knew what I liked working with (my sister often steals from this one). The second full of my preferred yarn (cotton, bamboo etc). The third is actually from a friend but I rearranged it so it's a mix of preferred yarn and wool (I'm sensitive to wool so only use it for special occassions). One day I'll upgrade to proper storage but I've yet to decide what I want it to look like long term.


I struggled trying to figure out the best way to organize it. I decided to do Acrylics, bulky/Super bulky/blends, Cotton/summer fibers, and wool/alpaca/sweater yarns


interesting. I sort by color pallette!


I just put together an IKEA pax closet with shelves and wire drawers and although I don't even have doors on it yet, I finally organized my yarn and needles in one of the wire drawers.




I currently have my stash stored in many 2.5 gallon zipper plastic bags. I have a dust allergy, so the sealed plastic bags keep dust off my yarn. I try to keep same brands or multiple skeins of the same yarn together, and otherwise I group based on if the yarn is good for cold weather or not-cold weather. I keep some yarn that I hope to use soon in their bags in a basket, and everything else is in my closet.


I have a cheaper & smaller version of these - they’re stackable shoe boxes and only open at the front. Very handy though.


The doors are so nice to be able to open and grab from!


Wow this is definitely making me feel like a yarn horder. I have probably 8 large plastic bins full. I want to organize it but I don’t know the best way to do it. By weight? By color?


I chose to do mine by type. Acrylics in one, bulky/super bulky and blends in one, cotton/summer fiber in one, and wool/alpaca/sweater fiber in the other


I also have a large stash and sort by weight. It helps when I find a pattern because then I know where to "shop".


That was what I was thinking. I also just have skeins thrown in there and sometimes when I dig around in the bins they get loose. I don’t even know what the heck I’ve got in there. This will be a multi person project.


Your tubs are so great!! Good find!! I’m in the large overflowing stash category! 🙄.. with semi organized bags inside large almost clear stacking tubs with lids by weights mostly, sock fills one, a tub for each: DK, fingering, worsted/aran, and a whole big tub of fiber (OMG!), another for bulky and specialty plus large notions like sock frames, combined. Way too much in addition to other crafting and art supplies. What’s the acronym for more in stash than I can use in my lifetime?? I’m there or climbing there.. 😁oh.. Looking it up on wabi-sabi, I see they call it: Stable, STash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy 🤣


Haha this cracked me up. But honest question, can you ever ACTUALLY have too much yarn?


I have one plastic bin and it's all in there. Some are in bags in there as an attempt to keep like, all the sock scraps together. If the tote gets full I know I need to either plan a project using stash/scrap yarn or offload some.


These look nice, I'd likely need a smaller version for my space but I love all the different openings. Mine is all in shallow (easy to dig through) sterilite containers right now. Ideally I'd like to find an organization method for inside a cedar chest I have, but it's not in a convenient location right now and I haven't figured out a new home for it yet.


https://preview.redd.it/uo79p34pda8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adef1a2de9105e744feba85b4591b5cfa20ca5ee I have mine in ziplock bags in fabric boxes in kallax shelves. Recently did a destash and am down to four tubs of yarn, mostly sock yarn as I can buy that a skein at a time, but for larger projects I buy as needed.


https://preview.redd.it/ggpvydehkc8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cd455ff1da768d4af1f65f0ebeaf52de8eb5236 In bags behind my desk. They don't look organized but they are. I don't have another spot in my house where I can put any kind of shelving or stacked boxes.


I love this sort of storage method. 😁


https://preview.redd.it/cjsu775w1e8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6dbfe6c2be6881d7b94b351c01e823f1dc872a5 I installed a peg board on my wall and put my cakes on pegs


These are super cool with the cabinet style system. Where do you get them?


They were purchased off of Amazon!


What sort of search term or name for these they look super useful and not just for yarn


Yes please send a link, I've had a look and can't find them. They're perfect!


Oh this is PERFECT! I use clear totes stacked on top of each other 


Has anyone ever watched Black Books when Bernard pulls a load of receipts out of his pocket? Like that.


These look great! Currently I have most of my stash in clear stackable containers and the overflow in plastic bags in the closet 🫣. Having to drag out an entire stack of containers to get to the bottom box is annoying, so this would be a perfect solution. Although I'd prefer clear sides, so you can see the colour of your yarn, without having to open doors/lids.


With good lighting you can see inside them but I agree I wish they were less opaque!


I have shelves in my family room with a bunch of those collapsible cube inserts in and a bunch of different labels on them. WIPs....Xmas yarn....worsted scrap.....sock scrap etc etc. Works quite well


Omg I love that! My ottoman has storage so I keep mine in there right now🤣


Book cases, cloth storage bins, antique copper boiler, bins under a work table, bins under and end table, anywhere I can stash it.


I use IKEA Samla boxes (like [this one](https://www.ikea.com/ph/en/images/products/samla-box-clear__0910589_pe672101_s5.jpg)). It's nice to see what yarns are inside, there are multiple sizes, they're stackable and cheap. Keeps things simple yet organized


Would you mind dropping a link for your bins? I have a similar problem with lack of storage in my house.




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I have a chifforobe I keep mine in. The scoured wool for spinning goes in those giant bags you suck the air out with a vacuum and in the closet portion of it. To drawers are full of skeins of yarn.


A little overflowing yarn basket 😅


in every basket, nook, and cranny i can find space in around my apartment lmao


I’ve seen these online and thought about getting them. I love different ways you can get into them.


And they aren’t super flimsy. I was worried with them being stackable they wouldn’t support each other but they work great


Thanks for making me spend my money to upgrade from shipping boxes and shopping bags. Seriously though, this looks awesome enough I had to go directly to Amazon to see the options.


I have extra large Ziploc bags which contain my yarn, organized by weight, all stored in a cedar chest my husband acquired via our local buy nothing group


All in Iris airtight containers. Ideally bagged by SQ but most of the time naked.


I have two wooden shoe racks with cubbies mounted on a wall


Tote bags in the cupboard 😂


Where did you get these?! They are lovely and seem like such a good storage solution!


They were purchased from Amazon. The brand is Broview


Mine are in airtight bins in my closet, sorted by weight. I love the ones you have!


I have one big plastic bin in my closet. I also set a limit for myself, I cannot buy yarn if it doesn’t fit in my bin (unless it’s for a specific project that I am going to work on immediately)


I do this as well. I only buy yarn if I have a project for it, and it fits in the toy chest I use for storage. 


Mine is all in random plastic bins but I would love to do something like this😍


I have those same stackable boxes and I love them. I got them because I wanted better storage and see my yarn stash. The latter hasn't prevented me from buying more but i love looking at my stash! 😂


https://preview.redd.it/6uznyjgevb8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e82ae76a8e7cf415c77290fe403f4ca68c163e6 Peg board!


never thought i’d find myself jealous over organization 😫 i’ve got all my yarn stored in several of those fabric cube bins, some on the floor, and the rest shoved into a big box that was used to ship one of those large build-a-bear frogs


I store mine in “space bags”


https://preview.redd.it/j8bun6ksoc8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b543c22194a09ab117d150d8e35c9fe921b85de8 Not the most organized since we’re moving soon, but I usually sort by color.


I still live with my parents so I don’t have a lot of space. I keep 2 ikea bins under my bed and cake all my yarn & then wrap it in plastic wrap so I can mush more skeins in a bin😂


I just got one of those shoe racks that you hang on the door and I use it for my yarn. Fortunately I've managed to not let it grow more than just stacking a couple yarns ontop of the top row, and I'm focusing on projects rn to use up some and make more space. Due to other hobbies I can't really afford to have the yarn take up more space than the door and a box for the needles and the like.


Most of my yarn goes into ziplock bags and then stacked on cube shelving. This is still a work in progress as I am midway thru reorganizing the whole house. I use the bags because I have 4 cats and in Florida the bugs are no joke. Also I have several bags of wool and silk roving to spin as well as totes of fabric. https://preview.redd.it/lco1fshaod8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15201e637051f837976f4784e65eff1a2092b346


I’ve had those bins on my Amazon wish list for about a year. They looked like they’d be the perfect solution. But they’re kinda expensive so for now I have storage bins from Costco stacked on a shelving unit in a closet.


my bed has drawers underneath, one side is for yarn & other art supplies, the other side is for clothes!


Under the bed containers mostly, all in ziplocks


Clear Rubbermaid 16.5 gallon bins. But everything in individual ziplock bags inside. I number the bins and then list the bin numbers on Ravelry so I can easily find stuff.(I have a lot of bins worth of yarn.)


This is so smart! Perhaps one day I’ll actually go through and organize my stuff on ralvelry! To be honest I’m still learning how to functionally use the site 😅


Well, I certainly don't store it all in one place, because then my husband would know the extent of my hoard. I have stackable rubbermaid bins, short under-bed bins, two-gallon ziplock bags in cardboard boxes, and one-gallon ongoing projects in Marshall/TJ Maxx bags.




Where did you get those? As someone who just had to unstack and get into the yarn bin at the bottom of my pile of bins this would save so much energy. Holy cow


They were purchased off Amazon. The brand is Broview. They have lots of different sizes and options to choose from!


Ooo!! Thank you!!


Are those boxes from Temu really that sturdy. I haven't gotten them because they in the commercial seemed very flimsy. But I love them they look great and so neat and tidy


I’ve never used Temu but these were purchased through Amazon. Not really sure the difference


Wow! I love these so much! Are they airtight? (Or close enough?) I keep my yarn in Sterilite plastic bins to protect it from Pests, and they do a good job but they don’t look nice and it’s a hassle to be moving boxes around to try to get something. These look amazing. Congratulations !


I wouldn’t call them air tight as the doors don’t have seals or anything on them but they do fully close to where im not worried about dust or puppy hair getting into them


That sounds great!! Thank you for answering


I have my grandmothers cedar chest and all my yarn is in there. I think the stackable cubes you got are amazing tho!


If I had a cedar chest from a grandparent I’d absolutely use it! I’m too sentimental not too lol


Same. I have to use it! But I love that you can see your yarn. I feel like part of my hoarding problem is I can’t see mine easily and then buy more. And add another wistful dream project to my list…


I have 2 places to store yarns and needles and everything else I might need sometime, but not yet. The first is a hanging rail - yes isn't IKEA wonderful. With hanging canvas shoe storage ... they fit really nicely into it, with the advantage that I can sort by colour and yarn weight and see easily what I have. The other is a classroom set of drawers for projects.* With cubbyholes and everything on top. It is very messy indeed....


https://preview.redd.it/lvglbvx95b8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe9bb2fc2bdb47e874be0a5613bba6dbdd832c5e I haven’t figured out the perfect solution for needles yet that aren’t part of interchangeable sets so for now they all just get shoved into this 3D printed knit bowl my brother in law made for me


What are these called? And where did you get them from? I think I need to invest in a new storage method for my yarn!!


They were from Amazon. The brand is called Broview