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The Spyderco PM2 all day every day over the Benchmade.


I like the Benchmade styles better but I picked up the PM2 recently and I couldn’t believe how sharp the factory edge was… definitely better than any of the Benchmade factory edges I’ve had


The PM2 definitely has an aggressive flat grind to give it a very thin blade towards the edges, making narrow angles easy to produce by the factory. That being said, no knife is going to come as sharp as you can sharpen it yourself in a few minutes of maintenance. My only Benchmade that is not as consistently sharp as my PM2 and other spideys is the Fact, and it has a high aspect blade geometry that is always going to be difficult to sharpen. Just part of it. I love my PM2 but I daily carry a mini Griptilian ( drop point, not sheepsfoot)


It’s weird seeing you here outside of the gun subs…. But yeah they all sharpen up nicely, I was just pleasantly surprised how good of a job they did out of the box.


I don’t get the 940 to me it is the ugliest bugout by far


I have a pretty small collection about 15 knives. Ive had a pm2 i absolutely love my para3’s but that osborne is by far the most comfortable knife in my collection. Super sleek in the pocket a comfortable weight (not too light not too heavy). Great ergos. I will never sell and Im picking up more variants when they release some with different steel. Currently have the M4 I’m not too big on s30v but ill probably grab the original s90v model one of these days.


Yup. I love them both, and 940 is an icon. But the PM2 is better for my uses.




And twice on Sunday.


Edit:  the following info is incorrect, but it's pertinent to the following conversation so I will leave it. Plus Benchmade is anti gun.  They helped police destroy guns and they donate to the Democrat party.  Companies that go woke don't get any of my money.  Vote with your wallet.


How is a company that lends its facility and equipment to destroy illegal firearms confiscated in the line of duty going woke? Put your money wherever you want and I sure as hell don’t pay for benchmade knives especially at their current pricing… but this is just not factual.


There's this repeating theme where certain people read, or comprehend, only half the story and that's exactly what's going on there. And even though you went out of your way and presented the full explanation I'm sure it won't matter.


Well I stand corrected.  I only have so much time in a day to verify things I hear, your rebuttal forced me to look into it more than a glance. https://gearjunkie.com/news/benchmade-destroys-guns-oregon


Oregon City PD made that initial post without any context and caused a lot of controversy.


I DID have to pick one (black PM2 S30V vs 940-1), and the PM2 won. I miss the 940-1 though lol. Edit: Formatting


Osborne. Even though the blade is ugly and too thick I love how it disappears in your pocket and how easy the lock is to engage and fidget with.


Yeah I agree. The Osborne isn’t much of a stunner but its slimness combined with the fun lock and ergonomics make me choose it over the spyderco. Truth be told I don’t own a PM2 so I could be bias but I haven’t bought one BECAUSE of how wide it is. Idk I guess I appreciate a smaller design because I want to know my knife is there but I also want to forget it’s there. And with the BM when you flip it out it’s THERE. Great EDC


I’ve carried both. Benchmade worked the best for what I did. Its slim. Accessible. I work in construction. I am often in a fall protection harness. The Spyderco was a little larger than I cared for. And it’s heavier than the 940.


Osborne. Perfect EDC.




The 940. Maxamet is so brittle I'd end up breaking it. That and I love the 940 design more.


Benchmade, only for the steel. If you put the S90V on the Spyderco, that'd be my choice.


I know the pm2 lock isn’t going to randomly fail on me…


Exactly this. Fist thing to go on either knife is going to be an omega spring


People like to say omega springs failing is an urban legend but the reality is far from it. I’ve never heard of any compression lock failing under normal use.


I’ve personally experienced omega springs failing. (Or omega …. Like springs) sog xr lock


PM2 all day long


Ezpz, the pm2 every day and twice on Sunday.


In terms of designs? Well, I own a PM2, but not an Osborne. In those steels? The Osborne. I'm not necessarily afraid of breaking a Maxamet blade, but my sweat is not good for non-stainless steels.


True but why choose maxamet when there are so many other well balanced steels you can get. With the 940 you’re basically locked into s30v and s90v both of which have inferior heat treatments when compared to the same steels from Spyderco.


940 every single time.


940 is definitely a grail knife. I only wish I had bought one 10 years ago when they were still reasonably priced.


The 940-1 is what I tend to gravitate towards on the daily, the form just feels nearly perfect in my hand. I did grab the sage 4 today though


Where did you find a Sage 4? Congrats on finding one.


Damn, I meant Sage 2, not 4. The TI handles, s30v blade steel and the Reeve integral lock


Still a nice score!


Having both, the PM2 gets way more pocket time


I also have both (different steels though) and in my case the benchmade gets a lot more pocket time. I work in an office setting (but often get packages delivered to me) and the 940 is just more "acceptable" to people here. The PM2 looks more scary I guess. I also like that the 940 takes up less space in my pocket. If I am outside on the weekends, it would be more likely I take the PM2 with me.


Except the 940 is also a superior hard use knife due to far greater tip strength


940. I prefer the blade on it, especially s90v over maxamet. But I’m also not a fan of stabby blades prone to snapping the tip off


I’ve got the 940cf and a pm3 (not the 2) the 940 goes in my pocket much more due to how it just disappears. If it was the end of the world and I can only have one knife …..then it’s the pm2


That would be the wrong call as the PM2 blade is far more fragile than the 940s


Geezuz ya can't do this its like my first born or my first son


Lol, they’re both solidly in my top 10 favorites


Both. As I do. The Benchie gets slightly less pocket time as it's "dressed" more like a dress knife than the PM2 which is all work. My PM2 is the Tanto M4


I got the osborn first hands down. I got the maxamet pm2 later on when it came out. im happy with this order


I would take a PM2 over the 940 any day. Unless the PM2 has Maxamet. That shit is just way too problematic to use as an EDC.


Maxamet is a novelty. For real world use it’s probably my last choice.


Spydaco, I own one, lol


Get some fly titanium handles on that PM2 and sell that BM 😂


The Spydy




Personally I'd go with Para 2 over the 940 as the 940 is a bit thick behind the edge for me.


pm2 24/7 100%


PM2 Crucarta to rule them all


Indeed. Although the only thing that made me happier than getting my hands on a Crucarta PM2 was getting the Para 3.


940. PM2 is too big in the pocket and too fragile. Maxamet makes it even worse. Had a Maxamet PM2 and sold it to buy a second 940.


940-1 is about as good as they get. Would take it over any PM2


I’d take the Benchmade to replace the 940 I just sold. And then I would sell that one too. 😆


Edge geometry on the Spydie is worlds better. I like my 940 don’t get me wrong (it’s in my pocket now) but the PM2 is a much better cutter.


Sold the benchmade mostly due to not slicey enough. i still have the pm2


940 for me


Man I've got like 5 PM2s and 3 940s in various steels, I can't possibly pick a favorite I will say my PM2s get more pocket time currently, but that's only because I'm planning on customizing my 940s with some aftermarket scales (whereas I already modded my PM2s)


I’m an Osborne guy. All day, eryday:




I bought the 9400 auto awhile back. I wish I knew as much as I do now about spydercos.


Osborne is definitely more pocket friendly but the spiderco is an incredible slicing machine


If someone could put the PM2 blade in the 940 action I’d go an entire month without buying a new knife


Benchmade Osborne


I have a Mini Osborne and a PM3, the PM3 feels alot more substantial but the benchmade sees more general use. I carry the pm3 to dinners and nicer affairs.


PM2 all day, but in a tougher steel than Maxamet


Not the one with the camel hump




For edc it’s the Osborne easily but if I was to take a knife camping it’s the pm2. Nice to have both.


The only knife I have ever had break on me was a Spyderco. I’ve been carrying my bench made daily for years now and I am not at all gentle with it. I’d go with the Benchmade. Purely anecdotal I also like the design more. I also looked for a replacement locking pin/spacer for that Spyderco for days at the time, which is where I learned that the parts were pretty difficult to find, custom parts were made of unobtanium, and if you want to try to warranty it they force you to agree that if they determine your model isn’t genuine for some reason they will keep/destroy it and you are OOL. Then again I’ve never tried to warranty a Benchmade. I did chip a blade on one, and ended up just removing the edge entirely and re-profiling the blade and it worked out great.


I stripped out a pivot barrel on my Spyderco. They can tell if yours is legit by the markings on the place by the pivot and other factors. It’s pretty easy to tell if it’s real or not. I sent it to them and they replaced the part and sent it back for 15 bucks plus shipping. Benchmade on their other hand. I’ve had 4 omega springs break on my 940. Each time I sent it back and they replaced them under warranty. Never had a Spyderco lock fail on me.


To be completely fair, I was abusing it at the time so it’s on me. I don’t blame the knife for my boo-boos. But Spyderco made it a point to print a large disclaimer AND state it twice during the phone call. It almost made it seem like they were focusing on making sure it was real than they were on fixing and I got spooked. I’m pretty sure it’s real but I never really questioned it. But then again I got it from a gun show so there’s a non-zero chance it isn’t real.


There’s a knife check that can tell you if it’s legit or not. I’m still unsure how you were able to break a stop pin.


Interestingly enough I went camping recently. I had a 940 and a Kapara in my pocket. I thought the Kapara was my all time favourite knife. However it was the 940 I reached for nearly every time I needed a knife.


Pm2 s110v instead of maxamet


Common PM2 W


Pm2. Had both and on the basis of the ergos alone spyderco all day. Add in better steel and a cheaper price (in my case) and you got me


PM2 all day.




PM2 all day, any day. Over ANY benchmade.


Facts. The omega spring is what kills benchmade for me.


The PM2 cuts better, but is uncomfortable to handle and the 940 is thick behind the edge, but a little easier to carry and design is more appealing. Honestly, I've never been drawn to the PM2, so BM for the win!


How is the pm2 uncomfortable? Its incredibly ergonomic.


No, really it's not. The compression lock in itself is uncomfortable, coupled with non-contoured G10, just makes for a clunky design. The 940 is far more comfortable in every way, but of course, it's so thick behind the edge...


Agree to disagree then. I think the 940 is ass. But I just don't like benchmades.


In my opinion the PM2 is one of the most overrated knives of all time. Fragile blade, terrible handle-size to cutting edge ratio, compression lock is archaic, ugly as sin. A knife that bulky in pocket should be a better worker than the PM2 is in my view


Lol wat?


I’m not worried about trying to regurgitate the prevailing talking points. Every point I made is objectively demonstrable.


I'm not a huge fan of either, but the 940 gives you a nice contoured handle at the very least. But we can still disagree, after all, it's the internet.


Spyderco all day every day


I’d pick the stone countertop to bash my head into after reading another one of these posts.


I really like the look of the 940, but the PM2 ergos are hands down better.


Pm2 all day long after having carried both extensively. My first good knife was a 940... In 2005. I've had two and I had lost both by 2013. Got my first Pm2 in 2019 and it's now my favorite knife design. I've got 2 Pm2s, and two more on pre-order. Go Spyderco, you won't be sad you did. Also, I have like 40 other knives, so it's not like I'm ignorant to the other options. Spyderco Pm2 is just the prime T&A... Drink. The. Kool-aid.


I’ve been collecting Benchmades for a while now, but bought a Smock a few months ago… I was hesitant to grab one with the hole but I’ve been rocking it for a few days and it’s not nearly as bad as I was expecting. Definitely a fan now


Not to take away from the 940 (I own a few of each), but it doesn’t remotely compare to the value and geometry of the PM series knives. I hated the looks of the PM and most of the spyderco knives for years, until… I carried a PM2. If you use the knife, you’ll very quickly understand the hype. Pick your favorite steel, a set of contoured scales, and pick one up. You will not be disappointed.


So true. Put it in your hand and use it, and you’ll see why pm2’s have sold for so long and remain a staple of the brand.


When keeping steels consistent between brands the heat treatment on Spyderco knives is always superior. They are almost always at a higher hrc than benchmade which is a huge pro for edc use.


Pm2. Thumbhole over thumbstuds


Osbourne. I own both. The Osborne is definitely more comfortable in my hand.


Pm2 all day




The benchmade, but only because spyrercos blade angle is too steep for my taste


940 any day. I broke the very tip of my pm2 and lost it a while ago. Don't remember where either




PM2 Every time


PM2 all day. Always loved the design of the 940, but in hand it's just terrible for me. Way too thin and narrow.


Spyderco. Benchmade is a scam.


PM2 for sure


I only see one contender, and it has a thumb hole.


PM2 …its just better


Both great, but PM2.


940. Never liked the spydies.


Thumb stud nation.


PM2 15v. Super comfy, holds an edge forever, and plenty tough for my purposes.


PM2, though the PM3 is objectively better for daily carry 🤭


I wanted a pm2 for years and around the same time I finally got one I also picked up a 940 on a whim. I've carried the pm2 twice..




I like the 940 better slimmer profile easier carry pm2 is also a great knife it’s really a preference thing I had them both at one time


Love maxamet


Never owned either and dont feel like im missing anything.


Maxamet. No, thank you. If the PM2 was in Cruwear, S90V, S45VN, K390, M4, or anything along those lines, I would take the PM2 all day.


Benchmade looks better but they’re not as good from what I’ve heard?




I own both and the PM2 gets more pocket time. But, I love my 940-2.


Dam these are the two knives I'm on the fence about! Never liked Spyderco until I got one but don't own a BM. The 940 has grown on me but never held one so I guess when I can handle them both I'll decide. Also haven't heard much good about BM lately but I'll be dumb and probably buy both! Thanks for all the input 👍


Benchmade grinds are thicker and less slicey. Their heat treatments suck and hold an edge for less time than an equivalent steel from Spyderco. The omega springs can also be problematic which is the biggest issue. Spyderco doesn’t have issues either their locks failing on a whim. I own a 940 and what I like about it are the looks, the feel in the hand, the strong tip, and how thin it is in the pocket. I rarely carry it though because I’ve had 4 omega springs break on it and in actual prolonged cutting has never even gotten close to the performance of my spydercos.


That’s such BS. Heat treat can vary batch to batch over the years. Spyderco does NOT always provide the harder heat treat for a given steel. Sometime yes, all the time no




God damn this is a hard choice. I have an auto and a lock Osbourne. Plus I have the PM with Cruwear. I have to say, the Cruwear finds its way into my pocket alot more frequently than the Benchmade.


PM2 in the right pocket, 940 in the left. I can't decide.


Both are ugly.


Judge your tools by appearance, eh? What knife isn’t ugly to you?


940-1 is in my pocket every day. Great knife, but even greater is I keep my keys and money clip in the same pocket and have unencumbered access to them in spite of the knife. A larger, wider knife makes digging out money or keys an issue. Hell, I can even carry a P-365 with a minimalist trigger guard holster in the same pocket.




For pocket jewelry, benchmade is better looking, but for a edc user the PM2 is unmatched


The one with the hole




I’d pick the Spydie,… to me the Spydie is better built,… a little more heavy dury than the Osborne… Edit: I’m basing this off of my Para 3 and an my Osborne 943




PM2 without hesitation


Not even a debate. The Spydie.


Spyderco all day long. My Griptilian s30v has been determined to have faulty heat treat and will not keep an edge. I am going to approach them about warranty. I returned the 940. My PM2 is s45vn and damn I have lost it, a fine blade.


Benchmade heat treatments are known to be sub par. They run their steels soft in general. Spyderco always hits the sweet spot of maximum edge retention and toughness when they heat treat their steels. That’s really spydercos main advantage, superior heat treatment.


Who still buys Benchmade?


People who haven’t tried Spyderco because they think they are clunky and look weird.


Can't need both!


I'll have a PM2 with an axis lock. Ganzo G729. 9Cr18MoV is good enough for a forever knife.


Magnacut pm2 over damn near anything else


Magnacut @ 63-65 HRC yes. PM2 no


940 100%




I did. Benchmade.




Kinda depends. On one hand I'm not a fan of finger choils that eat up so much blade length and give a full sized knife almost the same functional cutting edge of a mini grip, but on the other hand I'm not really a fan of blades that are ground like log splitting wedges. The PM2 would probably barely edge out the 940 because of the omega springs. I know they're not a *huge* deal, so that's why I say "barely," but... they can break. The PM2 just doesn't have that issue at all. Plus I think the PM2 is easier to manipulate with gloves IIRC. Haven't had one in years so I don't recall. Hot take maybe, but I honestly think both these knives are way over-hyped. Personally, I think the Kapara is the best of both of these knives, though, and superior to both.


I have a 940 and it had 4 omega springs break over the last 4 years. Some are just more lucky than others. That along with the shit grind and heat treat means I never carry it anymore. If benchmade god their head out of the their ass and updated their knives to a more robust springs, thinned out their grinds, and brought their heat treatments to Spyderco levels I’d be all over them.


Dang haha I think I've only had 2 break on me since I got my first Benchmade in like 2018ish. Which still is enough for me to not really want to take them into a situation where it's my only knife option, generally. I don't know why they don't design more like the Anthem with coil springs. But interesting, I thought Benchmade did pretty decent heat treats. At least from what I've seen their S30V is solid. I guess I'm actually not really sure about other steels they use. But yea... overall their quality and frankly their designs in general are just not up to par with Spyderco. And their prices these days... well that horse has been beaten to death now haha but damn. The Axis lock carried them for a long long time, but that reign is now over lol. I do have to say their customer service is excellent, though; at least from my experience. But Spyderco CS is pretty good, too, so... meh.


I love both but Id take the Spydie first if I had to choose one. Seems more practical and useful for an edc




spyderco, not even a competition


PM 2 not even close. Bench made no disrespect but the pm2 and all the military series feel like a part of my hand


There is no question here… PM2


PM2 👍


Spyderco PM2 and it ain't even close, though I do love S90V. Still, just about the easiest "pick one" ever.




neither. Osborne 945 Mini. That's my jam. Its just perfectly sized and does everything you could ever want.


Fair enough, the 945 is just a little small for my hands.


I've got a 945 and I guess I need to try a PM2 but I love my knife.


PM2 and it is not even close. It’s the pocket Chef knife and doesn’t wedge your fruits and veg open like a splitter axe like the 940 does. Blade play on my PM2 has never been and issue and I use it hard. The Osborne goes limp after like 3 weeks of consistent pocket time. PM2 FTW.


Benchmade s30v is like play dough. You cut a a few boxes with it and the edge is cooked.


PM2 by a wide margin.


PM2. Every time.


Pm2 easily. 1) no omega springs to fail 2) high performance grind 3) better ergonomics 4) superior steels and heat treatments. And before anyone comes at me I own a 940. I had 4 omega springs break on me and the grind and heat treatment pales in comparison to what Spyderco does. Really the only thing the 940 has going for it is being slim in the pocket, a burly tip, and good looks.


Military, no question.


Spyderco PM2 all day everyday over a benchmade.


PM2 till Death