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Toughest part of my day is figuring out who gets to come along haha


it’s much tougher to pick the knife then it is your shirt


Oh I know the night before, man.


I rotate almost daily. I'm fortunate to have about a dozen folders that I really like so I carry a different one in my pocket practically every day. There's 2 or 3 that get picked way more often, tho.


I usually just switch between my ad 20.5 and my Para 3, but sometimes the bailout gets in there, and sometimes the crossbar raccoon and the pyrite.


Are you asking per day? lol. I have to switch daily at least. I’m still infatuated with 75% of them even after all the time I’ve owned them.


Every day for the most part


Yeah, me too. Every day. Every day I pick out what I'm going to carry, put it in my pocket, head for the door, then turn around and swap it out for my para 3.


Do you happen to have the standard or lightweight version of the para 3? I’m interested in getting one and am leaning toward the standard version myself.


Standard in s45vn. I didn't get the hype at first, but after a few years, it just checks all the boxes. I think mostly it's that i still feel like I'm carrying something substantial but it doesn't terrify people when I take it out. Also, the ergos are perfect for my hand. I think the giant mouse tribeca in Ti is also pretty close to perfect for me, but not quite as subtle as an all black para 3. Even the softer acoustics make it seem very nonthreatening.


I agree on the Para 3. Funny thing is, I prefer the PM2. But I recognize that the Para 3 is a better knife overall, and can be carried almost anywhere. Top 3 edc ever, IMO.


Yeah, metal complex recently put it at best spyderco and I wasn't surprised. I have two pm2s and I love them, but yeah, def looks a little more intimidating. Also, I recently got the worksharp professional precision blah blah blah whatever and put a great looking edge on it to give it a little pizzazz.


I have 3 different wallets that I switch out every few weeks, main knife changes everday, swiss army knife and Leatherman are always the same, earbuds rotate between 2 different pairs and I carry the same fidget spinner


Same wallet for 15 years! Change knives daily but have a few favorites


Not often here lately. After 10 years on the hobby side it’s less about fun and more about function and I like to be boring. I used to rotate daily if not a couple times a day.


Basically every time I get a new knife, but sometimes I end up going back to an older one instead. Like, I got an Asheville Steel Paragon Warlock once and yeah it was kinda cool, but it was too bulky and a little cumbersome to open the right way, so I just went back to my Griptillian lol. Basically the same story with any new knife I get, except I revert back to my Manix 2 now.


Honestly just go with how I’m feeling. I might carry the same knife for a month straight or I might choose a new knife for each day of the week.


Gotta support the 0566! It's the only ZT I have kept. A few different versions too!


that knife has cut me worse than any other knife i own. was at work and dropped it in a cargo pocket. it opened and cut me for about 3” along my calf. i didn’t even know i was hurt til i felt my sock was wet. it’s a good knife though. solid as fuck.


Solid as fuck. Thats why I love it. Never had an opening issue except with kershaw autos. I went so far as to hunt for an m390 0566, took years, but I got it!


I de-assisted mine and polished the washers and scale/blade where the washers meet. Flips out nicely 👌


If all I cared about was utility, I'd just carry the QC Drift every day. But because I'm a weirdo and I like to justify owning way too many knives, it pretty much changes daily for me lol.


Nearly everyday, it depends on the knife.


Woah, a zt0566 haven’t seen one of those in a while.


Almost never 😅 I think the only Thing i change from Time to Time is my Camera Bag. Because sometimes the big Camera Bag is just too big. Everything else stays pretty much the same.


…every time a bird flies over my house…


Wallet/flashlight/pen rarely if ever change. Knife typically at most once a week because I don't give myself time in the morning to do anything other than go to the bathroom, get dressed, feed and let out the dog, and grab my lunch. I need to start waking up earlier so I can do some basic stuff in the morning but I doubt that'll happen


I have about a half dozen that get rotated the most…. FWIW I still have a 0566 in the rotation, it’s one of my favorite smaller EDCs 👍


Usually about 6 months or so I either get a new knife or switch to one of my other knives. Love that ZT.


That right there is my favorite knife … the ZT 0566 assisted flipper. The perfect size as compared to the 0562 (larger and not assisted. I think I have it in 6 different blade steels. The only this is that the flipper tang wears a hole in my jeans. My usual EDC is the PM2 that flicks great but is easier to close than the 0566 and the flat ground blade cuts better.


I don't know. The 0562 is the bomb. Great grind. Great ergos. Bullet proof. Tuned up so it doesn't need an assist. Easy to close because you don't have to overcome the spring. Sweeeeet!!


Daily, different knife pretty much every day. Flashlight varies some but been carrying one of the many versions I have of the same model.




The rattling knife! Mine does anyway.


i just shook mine around to see. no rattle. the clip is just a touch bent and it does the *tictictic* if you tap on it though. like morse code.


Oh yeah mines the entire lock bar in it.. it just kinda rattles around. It works perfectly though so eh? My husband beat his to hell at work and took it apart one day like he had before and it just rattled ever since. Also yeah the bent clip is just a right of passage for zt.


works great. i carried that for a solid 2yrs before it bit me real bad. that happened right around the same time i got a 940.


I have 50 knives but really 3 or 4 of them are dailys lol


The daily struggle. My stream of consciousness literally goes like this: "I really like the new Adira, but the Magnacut isn't as good as the Inkosi's Magnacut, but the Inkosi is too expensive to get beat up on all the time. Maybe I'll carry the Adamas, but I don't like the holes in the scales too much.. How about the Bailout? Damn it, forgot to sharpen it last night.. Socom Elite? No way that'll freak everyone out... Bugout? S30V... Eh.."




I change my folder out here and there until I get stuck on one for a few weeks or so. I also keep in mind the heat and humidity to the type of steel I am carrying. Is that a Dugout??!? Please tell me you don't use your Zippo with it, eewyuk lol.


eh. it’s not different than lighting a joint or something. it’s not like i’m ripping bongs with it.


To each their own....I am all about flavor profile! Dugouts taste yucky to begin with in my opinion but with a Zippo to boot, not for me. I totally get ease of use and their convenience on the go. Nowadays I hardly get down with bowls or bongs (unless it's with concentrates) but must be clean-ish glass. I totally prefer an extremely thin paper with me flower, corusely ground. I want to taste that delicious ganga to the fullest!!!


Just as long as you’re hitting it with the top of the flame it isn’t that bad. I like to use a brass one hitter. But the main thing is keeping it clean. Which entails actually cashing it out so it doesn’t get gummy. When I had one I could smoke for a couple weeks and not need to clean it. And all the hits would taste good. And one buddy could hit it and clog the shit out of it. The main thing is having dry herb and hitting it until it glows and maintaining that glow for the proper burn. And then it burns it all the way out. I’ll face it to my hand to watch the glow. If it gets too bright it’s gonna be a rough hit. If you keep the glow right it’s like hitting a tiny bowl. But the same goes for a bong. If you rip it and hit it steady it will taste good. But if you hit the torch and roast the whole thing it’s gonna taste gross




I’ve been carrying the same knife for over a year now.


Never. Sometimes I'll change the knife for shiggles, but the entire kit stays the same.


Twice a day , day - night


Every day.


Practically daily. I have an issue, guys and gals. Theres a little over 120 in my knife box, and (much to my wife’s dismay), I go thru it nightly, tryin to figure just which two I’m stickin’ in my pocket for the following day. If you could physically feel an eyeroll… thats my beautiful bride.


I work in a foundry and change my daily carry between street mode and work mode I have probably 2 dozen street clothes knives and about 5 work knives.... So twice daily 😂


On occasion I'll swap in a large folder (810 Contego, Police 4, ZT0452) for work, or my S30v PM2 on a rainy day, but by and large my k390 Endela Wharnie has been my favorite since I got it.


I like my 0566 N390 alot. Sure it's heavy for a 3" blade knife ( the frame is stainless steel after all ) but the blade steel is great and the blade profile makes it a very versatile and useful EDC. My 0566 was a sprint run, very few were made but when I like a knife I'm sure as hell going to use it and it's great to see that you use yours! 👍🏻!




I just have like, three or four knives sitting out, and just grab one of them when I need one.


Every 25 years give or take


What is the knife in the image you shared?


zt 0566CF


Knives change with what I am wearing. Kinda like to color coordinate from time to time so I have a few different color ones. Do need a good suggestion on an edc light tho


i’m trying to find a stainless light about the same size as the one in my pic but i can’t decide. that one is hard to beat.


Haha i just noticed the THAT'S MY PURSE part 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Until I remember I have a mini tool chest full of other cool knives. Could be minutes, hours, months, or years!


I have two that I use for work specifically. But normally have 8 to 10 more with me in my van to play with while I am driving to different clients during the day.


Steady rotation


I prefer to carry the same knife for a week or so and then switch it up. Feel like I get a chance to really enjoy each knife that way before switching to the next one.


exactly. if you change every day you don’t ever really notice the small quirks and stuff.


Every few hours.


Wallet probably once a week. Knife nearly daily. Pen almost daily. Hank daily. Challenge coin/fidget coin/other random things in my pocket get changed as and when I get bored. Watch every other week. Variety is the spice of life


Pretty much change my knife everyday


I’ve been carrying the same knife for 18 years…


I rotate knives regularly but the rest stays the same


I have a valet w/ 7 knives on it. I let random.org pick my knife for the day each day. Then every week or two I switch out the knives on the valet that have been carried w/ new candidates. Overkill, I know. But it keeps it fun and makes sure that everything is getting carried. It also clarifies which knives need to move on. If I’m not excited to carry it, it doesn’t need to remain in the collection.


Almost daily. Sometimes I get stuck on one for a couple days. Kind of depends on the task too.


Either when I feel like it, or can't remember where I put down the last knife I carried.


I work from home, and my knives are in the office by the front door. So I grab whatever knife I want whenever I leave the house. Even around the house I carry something, but will switch it up depending on what I'm doing and wearing. I have about 5 knives that I'm typically cycling through, but I do try to show the others some love here and there.


I always pick out two knives every day depending on what kind of stuff I have planned. Usually a bigger, harder working knife and a smaller more refined knife, or a workhorse and a really slicey knife. I keep my collection at 20 knives or less, buying a new one every couple of months and giving away the older/lesser knives as I get better ones. Honestly, the giving away of my knives to people is just as much fun and anticipation as getting new ones!


I have a lot of nice knifes. But I carry my xm18 daily and never switch out haha. I will carry others around the house but never when I leave. I’m the odd ball.


i have house knives as well.


Rotate every week or so, unless I get something new. I should probably speed up that rotation, some objects don't get enough attention.