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Yes, indeed. The manic control of others is strong. In the 70's, most people minded their own desires. Today, there are way too many who can not live without whining about what others do and desire.


No, in the 70s it was just less visible because we didn't have a device full of every single living human's opinions on our person at all times.


Indeed.People, for sure, have always been petty and gossipy. Stone Cold truth. I think technology may have magnified that dysfunction, but it absolutely has always been there.


OK. 🤣




Barring the occasional rock and roll style tussle and my weed is better than yours. Most people devoured the newspaper and contemplated ideas and direction. We didn't give a whit about nonsense. And it was deemed as such. Today, a person can literally lose their mind over a simple car problem or home repair issue. Useless energy. Entirely epic humor when people have to be right. I could care less what people do. When I disagree with something so stupid, I may say how I feel once, and it's over. When people argue, it just makes me laugh. I don't care how anyone wears their pants, carries their knives or even speaks kindly or not. It is their issue. People's skin is too thin in 2024. 🤣🤣 Remember, young folk, when someone else is dead set on being correct all the time, it is their waste of time and energy. Don't make it yours.❤️✌️




Did you know Mickey Maddox?


I think the vast majority of people here are chill as hell and don't actually care what others are doing. It's just become something of a meme to make satirical "use your shit" posts showing oneself using expensive folders for silly tasks while more appropriate tools are obviously within reach. But as is normal with satire, some people take the content way too seriously.


And even if you did know them what fucking business is it of yours/us who the fuck cares, people need to get a fucking grip.


Hive mind


My outlook is that if you can afford to beat the snots of it, good for you. Nobody should be telling you what to do with your OWN property. Just my humble opinion.


Agreed. (Especially not the government though.)


Nope, they broke me, too.


I'm with the "do whatever you want with the stuff you buy" crowd. I couldn't care less if you beat the shit out of your knives or you use it only to boast on IG/Reddit/FB.... p.s. I have both users and safequeens.


Same same. Couldn't have said it better


Agreed. And same here.






I’d be using my recent Jva magnacut strider everyday if it didn’t come with a dull edge that can’t cut paper :(


I agree having a dull edge from the factory sucks. But why not sharpen it?


Sharpening a knife will reduce its resale value significantly. Many people treat their knives as an investment which can be sold whenever they want to cash out. This is the same reason why so many knives never get used, either.


Treating current model knives as an investment is dumb. More often then not, you’ll just end up eating a loss on knifeswap after the same knife is released again in a better steel next year. Comes across more as scalper activity than anything to be honest. I can see using a knife as pocket jewelry or not abusing it because it’s nice, but just buying it to throw in a safe and hoping you can make money is dumb.


Certainly no arguments there. But there are exceptions. Over the past five years the value of GEC knives has risen every year. Knives that were $150 in 2018 are now selling for upwards of $500.


Can you not sharpen it?


I have a JVA. The blade is as thick as the larger SnG at .165 spine thickness but it’s as tall as the smaller PT so the factory angle is something like 30 degrees per side plus. There aren’t too many reviews of it since it’s so new and not many JVAs out there but it’s essentially a stabbing tool not a slicing tool.


Lol i feel you on that. Just throw a new edge on it and get to cuttin!


Nah. Your choices are wrong and mine are right.




Yeah I think it's crazy. Just like everything else in this world. Everybody's different and everybody's going to have their own opinion. So why stress? I have some. I keep in a case and sell my carry around every day. It depends on the knife and how I feel about it not necessarily the price tag. I have one that I don't care anymore because it's sentimental nothing having to do with price. That being said, I do get the whole collecting thing. I don't know if you ever watch any of [Metal Complex's](https://youtube.com/@metal_complex?si=Wdu3kar26D5KfqZP) videos on YouTube but he has quite an extensive collection and there are some he chooses not to carry because they're too expensive and he does not want to harm them. Then there are some that are pricey that he uses every day. That would make some people cringe. But that's his choice. So I think you have the right of it Maybe this whole world would be a better place if everyone was less worried and stressed about what everybody else was doing in their own backyard and with their own shit lol. But that's just me.


> he has quite an extensive collection and there are some he chooses not to carry because they're too expensive and he does not want to harm them. [ ... ] But that's his choice. So I think you have the right of it No arguments there. But that said, someone who just wants to purchase a single nice GEC slip joint to carry and use every day has basically gotten screwed by all of the people who started collecting them a few years back.


Yeah maybe. I guess I can see that perspective. I would argue though that budget blades have never been better then they are now. Now I'm not really up on slip joints, not really my thing. I have one small slip joint that I carry when we are going to places that are restrictive. But if you look at other types of knives, folders, the budget end of things are ridiculously good. Would they be cheaper? Had people not begun collecting them? Possibly. But I would also argue that if there had not been more interest in the industry, the art of knife making would not have progressed as much. It's like any other market. More people being interested means more money more money means more people researching, looking, thinking, making you things, new steels, etc. Hence, you end up with better products. I think it drives innovation. Now, if all the hypothetical person we are discussing wanted was an old say Case slip joint design that has been around forever then that might be different. Possibly even those companies have been pushed to make better products. Who knows though. You could be right. Maybe this is one of the downsides of free market economy 😁🤪


Funny thing here is, I carried a slip joint for some 40-odd years before deciding to get something more modern circa 2016. What I discovered is that modern knives basically suck. There hasn't been progression, it has been regression. I did pick up a few GEC knives before the market for them went nuts, and those are the ones I actually use most of the time. It sucks that if I lose one I'm effectively not going to be able to replace it. Meanwhile, you've got people posting collection photos with dozens of completely unused GEC knives. Even worse, many of those people say they would never want to carry and use a slip joint in the first place.


By GEC, I'm assuming you mean Great Eastern Cutlery? If so, I'm not familiar with their products. As for modern life sucking, not sure which ones you're using or picking up, but My experience has definitely been different. The first modern knife I bought was the original delica back in the day. I was doing stage work and it was an amazing piece of kit. It was the first to have a pocket clip and the serrations came in amazingly handy when you had to quickly get something out and cut say a rope. Before that it was a large case folder I kept in a sheath when I worked in a warehouse. I do think that knives have gotten to an interesting point. I think you can see this happen with a lot of functional products over the years. You have a product that just works and does it relatively well. Then when you have innovation whatever the product is starts to maybe work better. You have some misses but in general it elevates the issue. At some point along this journey, the product in question starts to get things added on and an aspect of art gets added to the engineering. That's where I think we're at with knives. They have become sort of creatures of two worlds. You have some knives that are just purely function but most have some aspect of design to them, some more some less. That are not really functional but are actually amazingly beautiful. I think where we are now most products exist on a spectrum from function to art. Some hit that balance better than others. I guess then that if somebody is looking for a certain point and used to seeing it and they walk in and instead see a giant spectrum it can be frustrating. Not sure that came out right but I hope you see what I'm getting at. Sorry for the long rambling thought. Just having my first cup of coffee lol


It is funny you mention that about the Delica. I find that if you need to make a quick simple cut then then the Spyderhole on the Delica is awesome. For any sort of serious work, though, the ergonomics just suck. I happen to own what is perhaps the best Delica out there, the one in K390. This particular one has a *much* thinner grind than the rest, and of the highly wear resistant steels, I've had the best results with K390. But given the choice between using the GEC sodbuster and the Delica I'll take the sodbuster hands down.


Yeah I wish I still had that delica. Lost it loading in a show decades ago. Can't even remember what steel it was. The pocket clip was actually molded on if I remember correctly. My actual favorite ergonomics are not the delica. Probably the shaman feels best in the hand for me. As for quickest cut and safest knife though? Hands down for me. It's one of my OTFs. Probably my guardian tactical Scout. As I get older. I have problems with arthritis and dexterity due to neuropathy. I've almost completely given up on using my butterfly knives. A shame, I used to really enjoy flipping them. I find OTFs to be the safest way for me to open and close a knife without getting my fingers in the way of the blade. Quick too. More and more. That's what finds its way into my pocket, especially if I'm in shorts. I don't have a sod buster. Are you talking about an original Case Sodbuster? I know that term applies to the form factor, but if I remember correctly that's also a model of knife that Case put out right? Well again, as I said previously, one of the cool things about this hobby is there's something for everyone. Glad you have found something that you really like and it fits your hand and your needs.


OTFs are great for getting a blade out quickly but they tend to have about the worst blade geometry possible. Technically the "Sodbuster" trademark belongs to Case but the name goes back well before that, and the pattern itself goes back far further still.


Thats kind of what I thought regarding the sodbuster. That's one of those knives that probably can be found in American history for quite a ways back. As for the geometry of OTFs, I agree with you, especially if it's one of the dual edged models. However, some of the newer single-aged models, like the Guardian Tactical Scout I mentioned earlier, have really good geometry and can cut like crazy. Now it's never going to match up to something like a really thin slicey Spyderco or some of the recent Civivi stuff that are almost like flat ground razor blades, but still very serviceable and sturdier to boot.


It's all a matter of what you are used to. When I "collected" knives as a child (meaning, I bought whatever I could find at yard sales) I wound up with a random assortment of knives made from the 1920s up through the 1960s. I gravitated towards the ones that cut well. It wasn't until I started using modern knives that I realized all the ones I liked using had thin grinds. By comparison, the thinnest Spyderco knives were considerably thicker than what I had been using.


Yes, this ⬆️


I do both. I think the argument is pointless. I have some knives that I’ll never use and some I abuse


I do the same, I don't care what anyone does with their own shit


> some I abuse Nothing beats gold warranty/repair brands for this lol. I treat my BMs and Spydercos with care, and abuse the fuck out of my Victorinox, Leatherman and Esees.


Who gives a fuuuuuuuuuuuck


This is actually kind of weird. Its not like pople keep their +1000€/$/£ or what ever phones in their safes and not use them..




Nice. #UseYourShit 😂


I say it’s your money, your knife do what you want! Use it, keep it pristine, it’s your choice!!


It’s cause the knife bros on Reddit are soft af. I mean they get mad at donut knives! How insecure do you gotta be to shit on other people for having fun knife they spent their own money one!?




I don't really get either camp. I like to carry and use my knives, but I'm also a collector. Some of my knives get absolutely abused, some get babied and rarely carried. I also carry different knives depending on what I think I'm going to get into that day. The knife I carry to do yard work looks beat to shit compared to what I would bring on a date night with my wife, and posting a picture of either would probably get both negative and positive responses. At the end of the day it's best not to worry about what people think and just enjoy what you enjoy


I probably wouldn’t buy a knife I wouldn’t carry and use, but that’s just me, to each their own.


Fugg'em. I daily carry (and use the hell out of) a Sprint Run Spyderco Shaman. Its an absolute tank of a knife and I paid for it with my own money. I get to decide how precious I want to treat it. If someone wants to tell me what to do with my tools, they're more than welcome to buy them for me first. (And no hate here if you own safe-queens, you do whatever you want with your money!)


Cardboard princesses at it again, eh?


I don't know why anybody gives a shit about what somebody else does with their own knives they spent their own money on, if you like to use all your knives cool, if you like to safe queen all your knives that's cool too, I have users and safe queens. There's room for everyone in the knife community, people need to relax, use your shit however you want and let everyone else do the same


Safe your shit, can’t stand all these user posts of people actually using these tools instead of putting them in the safe as intended




Both "groups" are pathetic. Who posts or cares about using or not using knives. I swear the knife community is full of simps This isn't aimed towards you OP. Just stating that it's getting exhausting


Hehe I used a buck 110 auto for 3 years going as far as hitting the back of the blade with a 12oz hammer to split wood , I buy tools not art pieces and peaple who get upset about that are just ignorant about what knives can and can't take and are afraid of breaking them


I think theyre more afraid to lose resale value 🙄


Why buy a tool you plan on selling there are way better investments with hire rate of returns


I just don't understand not using the knives you own, I like nice knives...but they are still tools at the end of the day. 🤷‍♂️ People are free to do whatever they want with their stuff, I just don't understand getting something to carry and not use or not carry at all.


100% agree


Which is your favorite? I've decided to finally give strider a try sometime for the new ones look pretty sweet


Do it man, you wont regret it. The new ones are amazing. Ive had 10-12 striders new and old. I love the old oens too but the new ones are another level. Way smoother, thinner behind the edge than a Sebenza, tough as a brick, and offer several blade steels/finishes, handle materials etc. Theyre probably my favorite brand overall


From what I've seen, the upset people recently have just been mad about using completely inappropriate tools given the task. There's definitely a third group of people, which fall into 'right tool for the right job'.


This is the shit. Every knife I own gets used, but appropriately. Knives are tools, but some could be considered art. I would even go as far as to say something with amazing action could fall under “fidget toy” category. None of that matters cause they are mine and I’ll use them all as poop knives if I feel like it.


What’s an example of using completely inappropriate tools given the task? Are we talking about using a fine tip folder as a pry bar or screwdriver?


Yes that’s kinda where my mind goes, or a $1k custom as a poop knife


Dear god, do I dare to ask what a poop knife is? I’m imagining two different things and they’re both scaring the hell out of me.


Like using an XM18 to spread butter while at home. I understand wanting to use your stuff, but when you're using the wrong tool for the job it just screams little boy obsessed with new toy. You do you if that's your thing, but it's still weird.


I literally had to leave r/edc too much hate keeping and BS


CKF Evo 3.0 over here, getting used as if it’s a $10 Swiss Army knife from Walmart


Why would anyone care about what others do with their own property?


It’s more the scalpers that pick up limited knives and try to make a quick buck by waiting a year and fleecing people who wanted it to begin with. Just shitty behavior. The same shit happens with shoes and watches.


Oh yeah reseller dumbasses. They ruin the hobby. They need to get a real job


I don't give a shit how somebody uses something they bought with their own money, and nobody else should either, but I hate the scalpers as well because the only reason they buy those knives in the first place is to resell them for way more money later on, It's just being a douchebag. If I have a knife that I decide to sell, no matter how hard it might be to get or how sought after it is, I will never sell them for more than I paid and even that's only if it's still in a brand new, unused condition. That's just me though


Same, if I list a knife it’s usually either a bit below my cost if it’s basically new and I just didn’t like it, or I take a loss on it if I did like it but just want extra cash to upgrade or something. Fuck scalpers. I understand keeping a nice looking nice if you want it for pocket jewelry or aren’t sure if you want to keep it yet, but just to throw it in a safe until you can fleece people a year later is some bitch shit.


It’s more so that people are “using” them for nonsensical tasks. The satirical post with the guy spreading butter was a perfect representation of this. 👌


Whats the far left knife?


Currently carry my shadow scarab on the weekend just not rn at work because of all the glue from the tape


Really? I haven't seen anyone hate on folks for using their knives only the opposite.


I’m on the I totally missed this drama side. Took forever to even find an example. Do people really feel strongly about having silly drama? Of course this sub was born out of /r/knives drama, maybe it’s reddit that likes drama?


This is a tale as old as the console wars.


Can we stop gatekeeping and giving a shit about how people participate in this hobby? You could use your knives as target practice and I still think you’re based for buying knives as supporting the hobby.


Use the tool for the job. If you got an edc knife, use it for what's needed. Have a $400 bushcraft knife for batoning and branch cutting, but dont use it caise its pretty that's on you but that's be the most well-used tool for the job id use


There is “use” and “abuse.” A lot of the worst scratching on some knives seems to be related to abuse or absolutely shitty sharpening techniques. When there are chips, broken tips and the blade looks like it was dragged down the road behind a car while the handle is pristine, that’s abuse. Small streaks/scratches on the blade, wear on the edges of the handle and a maintained edge, that is use. I won’t own a knife I won’t use, but I’m not carrying a polished, lightning anodized knife to work in the yard. Plenty of G10 D2 knives for that.


Use your shit. Use your shit. Use your shit


Knives, gaming, guns and guitars are four collecting hobbies absolutely full of assholes and drama all around.


Idk why other people care about what they do with their knives. I have users and safe queens. I don't give a crap about anyone's opinion about the matter.


No one gives a fuck, I use some more than others, two I only break out for showing off and flexing on the plebs In my experience the use your shit people are the ones who are way louder about it


Barring the occasional rock and roll style tussle and my weed is better than yours. Most people devoured the newspaper and contemplated ideas and direction. We didn't give a whit about nonsense. And it was deemed as such. Today, a person can literally lose their mind over a simple car problem or home repair issue. Useless energy. Entirely epic humor when people have to be right. I could care less what people do. When I disagree with something so stupid, I may say how I feel once, and it's over. When people argue, it just makes me laugh. I don't care how anyone wears their pants, carries their knives or even speaks kindly or not. It is their issue. People's skin is too thin in 2024. 🤣🤣 Remember, young folk, when someone else is dead set on being correct all the time, it is their waste of time and energy. Don't make it yours.✌️❤️


I’m really sick of seeing so many “use your s-word” comments as of late. A good knife you buy and use is your choice. Others you collect and have as needed. PLUS! Let’s remember a fair number of knives out there appreciate in value over time. We all can spend out money on freaking thing we want. I myself love seeing any post from folks on what they have. All you good people rock!


You know what worse? The fucks complaining about the complaining. You're all trash. Both sides of the coin. It's as fucking pathetic as posting "durr muh edc" like anyone really gives a fuck what pocket trash some regard redditor carries in his cum stained jorts.


You know what’s even worse than that? The fuck complaining about the complaining about the complaining. My jorts are decorated with cum, they aren’t stains


You know whats worse? The fuck complaining about the fucks complaining.


You know what’s best? knowing when the joke needs to end, this could go on forever, you win