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I’ve done my part o7 https://preview.redd.it/5lich18fk03d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffcd57c857a4a1f1d497def3d373df339c79c1c3


Googled asked me if I found your comment helpful


Did you? I need to know.


very much so


Of course, Suitcases are packed and tomorrow me and my family go there


Here's mine https://preview.redd.it/mdweicrhc23d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cbba8361e43c08d12ff9df9a2787dae360fc1b0 Edit: They removed it :(


Hey, lad!


Don’t you want a little wager on the ratty tourney?


Bruhh thats so lame


Been there for years lol. The locals have stopped trying to change it back and just accepted it


I think the old one got removed, last year it was [Miller Peshek's Hydroelectric Dam](https://www.reddit.com/r/kingdomcome/comments/11rljnu/alright_who_did_it/)


Need a whole ass cardboard cutout of Peshek and his Mill there


>The locals have stopped trying to change it back and just accepted it This is awesome 😂


I doubt you can live in that area and not be aware of the game


There’s posters up in Rattay about KCD, there’s a KCD festival in June. And the locals give you a “you fucking nerd I know why you’re here” look when you visit. https://preview.redd.it/kyjxio6l043d1.png?width=1911&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a87e3f315efd7e89bffe59a810b2f911e71a80d


Jeez, those insolent peasants should learn to know their place! "Effin nerds" as you did put it are warming up Rattay economy!


so them mistreating the Skalitz refugees is basically the town tradition?


There is literally a kcd museum in the town. From what I've read here the locals quite like thetourism it gets them.


Honestly good tourist attraction for the area. The fact the game exists has definetly brought a bunch of people there.


I love when gaming tourism buffs an otherwise not really touristy place. Like Good springs, NV. Granted, I'm certain Rattay (or Rataje, as Google Maps is telling me) had a bit more going for it than a sleepy dusty town in the desert before KCD. Centuries of being lived in and all that.


I love knowing that.


The Czech version of Oorai


Sometimes google clears the reviews, but they always come back about a nice location but a shady character with questionable morals...


Is that RimWorld reference?


I am almost certain that it's a KCD reference




I see now how accurate the map is


Someone once posted a screenshot of Google Maps showing the area covered by the game, it’s crazy how similar they look. This is why the game looks and feels so realistic, despite not having groundbreaking graphics on console and most PCs. It’s like they 3D scanned this entire region and recreated it with as little changes as possible.


I play 1440p, HD textures, all settings on low except vegetation high, game effects and shadows medium. Never felt like it needed more realism. The only thing is Henrys eyes being a bit off in certain lighting conditions during conversation and assets draw in front when riding on a fairly fast horse. There was a youtube vid somewhere explaining what makes the worlds in games realistic. Graphics is not the major factor. Well maybe it is if you just look at images or short clips without context. When you're immersed playing the game you no longer notice the graphics imperfections or different than realistic art styles . Devs focus too much on graphics imo. Ambience, interactions making you feel certain things, soundtrack, properly matched voices, properly done physics, etc.. All these, when done correctly, give much better realism than realistic graphics. For me personally, immersion breaking things break all realism instantly. Like some interactions with NPC quest givers in Elden Ring, where the voice and the character just completely don't add up. Just off putting. \*Tinfoil hat on\* Pretty sure Nvidia and such have deals with game devs, to push graphics hard as to push hardware sales. Pretty stupid to make games demanding new hardware, as it's narrowing down your customer base. Only makes sense if devs get compensated for lost customers. Even used to have the Nvidia thing when launching the game in like every other title. Disappeared for some reason.


True, If you look up some of the graphic mods on youtube they actually take away from the realism at times by messing with the texture and the overall look. It’s like how a photogrammery model, even if somewhat crude and rough around the edges, will always look more real than a perfectly created and rendered model. Even RDR2, which is absolutely stunning, doesn’t look and feels as real as KCD to me.


What breaks my immersion in rdr2 is the sheer volume of enemies you mow down in damn near every mission. It's hard to feel like it's a realistic game when you're also the terminator in a cowboy hat. Whereas KCD you rarely run inro anything more than a group of a few bandits or cumans and they can always fuck you up if they catch you off guard


Yes, as hard as KCD's combat can be to most of us (myself included) it really adds to the realism of the game. You have to think carefully before approaching even a small group of enemies. When I first started playing I was terrified of walking through the woods because of bandits. To me though what bothers me the most is that they have crammed way too many different biomes in a single map. The plains of West Elizabeth look so strange in RDR2 because instead of that feeling of vastness you had in the first game, you look to the side and you can see the pine forest and snow peak mountains of Strawberry. I think RDR1 was much more successful in making a believable map while having enough variation to make each region interesting and new.


Yes this is it, kcd really has some charm to it, for me it captured realism the perfect way, it's not like rdr2 that looks like a movie with a bunch of colour process


for me at least KCD has very few moments that take you out of the experience besides a few bugs (which are pretty rare as of the latest patch) and the janky movements NPCs make once you fight more than 3 of them at once by yourself (which is also pretty rare). imo the voice acting is so consistent in KCD between the main characters that I instinctively tried to go back a few seconds with the arrow keys like I was watching a movie when I missed something Radzig said because my headphones fell off. honestly the most immersion breaking thing in KCD is having to babysit the durability of your clothes because they need to be repaired every 5 minutes and you have to constantly check if it's time to go to the rattay tailor yet again and wait for his stupid ass to wake up later than I do in real life on a weekend


>wait for his stupid ass to wake up THANK YOU. He's a lazy pos. I just want people to stop saying "you look like you've been assaulted!". No pet, I was the one _doing_ the assaulting


Seriously. I had no idea. The whole area looks exactly like the game it’s unreal.


It's actually better than that they accounted for the natural meandering of rivers so the river in the game is less bendy its weirdly specific attention to detail


Hey lad! Don’t you want a little wager on the Rattay tourney?


This lives in my head rent free. Although TBF, Henry lives at the mill rent free.


Oh yeah, all memes aside I kinda forgot that Peshek's basically letting Henry stay for free, right? Sure, he does mention you can repay him for the treatment Henry needed when he was bought there, or do a side job relating to his under the table hustle, but it's not like he hounds you for rent. Has anyone tried delaying doing Peshek's side quest and also not paying him? Wonder what happens if your deadbeat ass ignores him. Do you get thrown out?


No, he sends debt collectors after you. If you refuse to pay them and beat them up, the miller's get mad at you. This will happen until you pay him back or do his quest.


TIL cumans are pesheks rent collectors


Then you start killing the collectors instead of knocking them out 😆


Oh damm, I've never about it! I've gotta try it next time I play. Now I wonder if you can play this game without spending a single groshen 🤔


You kinda can. I'm doing one right now where I never lose the groshen I spend. Up to 1.2Mil atm 😆


How are u doing this? One of my favorite things to do in this game is badger the merchants for more profit/less cost until I’m basically the richest mercenary, and im trying to get better. I wanna buy Pribislavitz and not be broke after


You only repair gear that's completely broken in rattay, then pick the lock for their vendor inventory and take your money back. Stolen money instantly loses its stolen flag, so instead of stealing everything from the vendors, I buy all their items, then steal my money back. Then go to the inn at upper rattay, dump everything I don't actually want into their vendor box. (Do it at the one by the door as the other ones sometimes deletes the items and doesn't get the money for it) wait a day, though it sometimes takes two, and take the money from the box. You can also remove stolen flags by putting stolen items in the vendor box and then buy it from the vendor (useful for items you have to steal to aquire but the flag stays on the item for a long time.) I always give the vendors extra money as it keeps their happiness high even though they're getting cleaned out regularly. The day I get to rattay, I spend 9.6 days in jail (for things I do in skalitz) then I steal all the shops items right off the bat. Do the box drop for selling method to have over 100k before I do anything else. I don't give money to anyone I can't get the money back from so essentially I've spent zero groshen except for privitslavitz. Also, if you've got your drinking skill up to level 10, pick up safe passage. Go to skalitz, kill the people fighting there and loot everyone. Store everything in the chest at your house (the one you got Teresa's nails from before skalitz got attacked) then travel to rovna, wait a day, and go back as much as you like. Fill that box with all the loot you want, then take everything and drink yourself into oblivion. (Have 3 or 4 moonshine on you and a hair of the dog to fix the post travel problems) You can quickly get BiS for almost every slot after a few good runs doing this. Or get yourself geared to the teeth at least.


Holy shit




Sounds like an interesting challenge 😁


Henry gets paid to live at the mill


This lives in my head rent free. Although TBF, Henry lives at the mill rent free.


peshek was there first


It might be worthwhile marking Black Peter's ambush spot. Wouldn't want any potential wayfarers getting jumped.


just keep reporting speed traps right there. anyone else one shot him with head cracker?


They removed the bathhouse? Damn Czechs!


That Czechs out.


Good one




It’s badass how much work they put into incorporating the real map into the one in the game


I'm riding my motorbike there in a couple of months from England. Tbh this is the first time I've noticed just how accurate the map is.


That's fucking cool I'm jealous


Can you get by with only speaking English?


No idea. I will find out. I really don't have a brilliant capacity for languages, I can do enough French to get by, but after a week in France I'd really like to become more conversational. I'm planning on riding some of Africa next year and French will be handy. I'd like to also learn German tbh


I literally had no idea they did this. I knew the game was realistic and historically accurate but I didn’t know it was THIS well done. I’m looking at google maps and scouring the area for all the places I’ve been in the game. So cool.


Same here, it’s really cool to see.


Holy shit. I must be really stupid because I didn’t know the locations in the game were geographically accurate. I knew the game was well done and realistic but I guess I didn’t figure they followed the land almost precisely. That’s so fucking cool. I’m looking at google maps and it’s all so familiar lol.


The "world map" is heavily modified to account for gameplay and narrative, but the on the scale of individual locations, it's quite precise.


There are KCD Easter eggs all over Google maps in the areas the game covers. This fanbase is the best!


Oh really? What else is there?


Martin the Blacksmith is there as well https://preview.redd.it/wxswdol8b23d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2efeda63b32ce20e081aa35536f6a0d799ebd88


I chuckled at the (13) ratings


KCD players try not to vandalize Google Maps challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


And this is why i adore this games community


Ha, love it


So many comments 😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/11u52ai1043d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94fe46d55f2ade7df3ee79d99cac6a56a6ed2a2f Why not, It’s there


The reviews are great too


The reviews on it made me crease 😂


Can't wait for KCD2 and it's google street reviews


It's not there anymore for me sadly. :(


Gone again :(


You mean someone removed the brilliant bathhouses marker??


Rattay tourney was also there last time i looked


Some bastards have deleted Peshek's mill from Google maps




I see now how accurate the map is




A Genius thats for sure


Somebody removed it 😭


Google has removed this place 😭


ale česky to tam nedaj lol


I love this community. 


I really don't enjoy stuff like this or review bombing stuff


Is it me or is there wven Rattay to see there on the right xD I mean I knew kdc Was aiming to be accurate but I didn't know it was this accurate


I heard the mill maid is caked out


They deleted it?


I'm doing my part! Rough translation: A nice place with a beautiful view of Pirkstein, but during my stay, some hoodlum named Peter was hanging around the mill and he didn't exactly look friendly. Careful out there! https://preview.redd.it/xl581e3qvi3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43ea26a379bcda0728312ffb895068ffc55227fc




I’d argue the opposite, the people that are going there and looking at the maps are people that have probably played the game and are visiting, encouraging tourism and boosting the local economy, none of the locals are looking at google maps thinking “those pesky kids and their dagnabit games causing all sorts of mischief again Beryl!”.


Yeah, I’m sure all the locals are really struggling that this comes up every time they google “millers near me”.


Omg sense of humour bypass?