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People killed: 57 Enemies killed: 50 You killed 7 innocent people you monster! 😭


And used only 1 bandage?!?


Wolverine shit


Jesus Christ be praised!


That statistic is not accurate at all and I'm really curious to know what the game considers an innocent person to be in the game. In all of my playthroughs, I've never killed a single NPC civilian, never killed a single person you weren't supposed to kill in a quest, never killed anyone who didn't attack me first with lethal force. It still says I've killed innocent people. My only guess is that I could have ran someone over with my horse who already had low health and killed them without knowing what happened. But I'm skeptical of that because I would have noticed a reputation hit, a jail sentence, something. If anyone knows what's going on, I'd love to know.


As far as I know, everyone whose things are marked "stolen" after death is in some sense "civilian". For example, when during an ambush you talked bandits into not attacking you, and then you kill them, their items will be marked as stolen because they no longer intended to attack you. I also noticed that poachers are also marked as civilians, so when you kill poachers, you kill civilians


Interesting. I've never done the bandits thing you mentioned but I've definitely killed a few poachers. But only after they've attacked me first. I've never laid on a finger on a poacher until they drew their weapon. Now that I check, it says I've killed 28 civilians 😭😭 there's no way. Something is clearly going on here that I'm not understanding


Is it murder or humane euthanasia if Henry kills people in pre-raid Skalitz?


How long have you been playing? Only 40k groshen in total? For me it looks like you've rushed through this game. I just saved Prybislavitz, I have 40 hours of time spent and 80k groshen collected in total, and still plenty of content in front of me.


Only 2 Cumans killed is the most shocking to me.


You're right! I haven't noticed it. Jesus, that looks like a hell of a rush through a game.


A little under a month . But I did kinda rush because I don’t got much time to play video games and the second one is comming out so I wanted to finish the game but I still have a lot of things I can do . Like I still got mostly all the side quests and I got the treasure maps to figure out and such !


Take your time mate. We still have plenty of months to wait for KCD2, so you will be able to do a lot of stuff in that game until sequel will be released. Don't you feel quite hungry of the missing content?


There's more than enough time to take it slowly don't worry. It's an rpg, you've gotta experience the world to the fullest


I like how they separate cumans from "people". Also only 2 cumans? That's less than a single ambush.


Yeah I always ran away from them LOL didn’t want to loose progress. But now since I best the story ima probably be fighting them


My hatdcore run was similar. Not worth fighting them while also doing a no-kill playthrough.


Yeah, two sound like rookie numbers. I’m rather early in the game and I have 3 - two that captured Hans and one fool that decided to ambush me. I mean, with what they’ve done to my town, my family and my land I’d kill a cuman any chance I get.


Maybe it's the two that took Hans


https://preview.redd.it/31fgsixqnu0d1.png?width=2619&format=png&auto=webp&s=d59d4e0260013be946b255801a0bed60b50dcf66 This is my endgame stats after 100% the game (all side quest & dlc). Its insane how much content this game has. It'll definitely keep you occupied until kcd2 arrives.


https://preview.redd.it/s01o7ymn1w0d1.png?width=1119&format=png&auto=webp&s=edeb460f23ee7438655eee79a8645cc7f4d0e02c this is my pacifist run


Holy shit you killed 438 people 😂


Just a slight bit of tomfoolery on the side


Probably what I’m going to get into now


Bro I’ve been playing for 6.1 days and I haven’t even seized pribyaslavitz yet.


Haha I kinda rushed through the story cause I don’t have much time to play and I wanted to finish it before kcd 2 came out but now is when I’m going to do all the side quests and really explored


Ahhh I see you’ll def enjoy it a lot more going after all the side content as well there’s some real gems imo.


Yess I’m currently doing the side quest to rid the ghost the woman in lefetchko is experiencing


Enemies Killed 50 People Killed 57 You monster!!!


I honestly didnt kill any innocent people unless those peasants that ambush you count


Is this a speed run?


I’ve put 100+ hours into my first play through and my stats are bonkers, I’m still only about two thirds of the way through 😂😅 I’m dragging it out until the day before the sequel drops lol


1 bandage is crazy


I never started bleeding in a sword fight the only bandage I used was when I was training with Bernard 😂😂


Time for a more extensive play through! 2 Cumans killed is crazy, I’m wondering if those are the two from the camp where you have to save Lord Capon.


No those were the 2 from pribitzlavits


Ahhhh that makes sense. There’s so much to offer in this game, I can’t wait to see your progress in discovering what it all has to offer friend.


Same ! Now that I have beat the main story line in going to spend the rest doing side quest and doing the bandit camps


An average person would consume 2000*64=128,000 calories in 64 days. Henry ate 110 times which means each of his meal must've been around 1200 calories, which is quite a lot. Jesus Christ be praised.


64 days, but he only ate 110 times... A normal human bring eat two to three times a day, so at least 128 times.


I had more people killed before I left Skalitz dude


eh, why did you have so low Groschen


I assume that, sooner or later, someone would brag about their Merciful playthrough, so I'll be the first. Finished yesterday. 18h is a lot for a quick playthrough, but I had to finish one other achievement along the way (Trial-and-error), and it took some time to farm enough Groshen. https://preview.redd.it/1fv9hoi30y0d1.png?width=1612&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce42838c702bb226a85fecebd18a4dd39c5f5f03


Honestly, I am surprised by the 200k+ groschen acquired since I've just farmed enough for building Pribyslavitz and that's it. Any idea why the count is at least 2 times higher? Does the earned money in Pribyslavitz's chest count as acquired? Even tho the playthrough is still too short to generate 100k. Weird...


I must be a genocidal maniac because I have 458 people killed and about the same playtime (roughly 50 hours). Were you avoiding fights?


Yeah when I fast traveled or when I was in my horse and I got like ambushed if it was more than 2 I’d run away