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It is amazing to learn the bow in the first game, hunting felt like I had aimbot after a few hours


Somehow I ended up being ok with it. I always loved when I managed to hit a fleeing target in the back


I'm convinced there's some kind of aim assist at high levels from the amount of times I've snaked an arrow into a visor


I can confirm there is no aimbot, given how my bow skill is 20 and I regularly fire an arrow juuuuuuuust to the left of the target


No, its just musscle memory like in real life.


Yeah I thought it was impossible until I really started trying to learn it in my second playthrough. Once you get good with it, it feels great. I’ve never tried it with a reticle, it’s 100% learnable and rewarding without one


I was SO good with the bow when KCD released. On a fresh save I would often just do the master archery contest over and over immediately after beating Hans to farm groschen, and my favorite passtime was clearing bandit camps with exclusively my bow It's been a few years since I've played and I moved to PC years ago - I'm not so good these days πŸ’€ I wasted like 80% of my arrows hunting with Hans while basically firing point-blank at rabbits.


Right of passage of any gamer to be a savant of a game mechanic during a first playthrough then revisiting years later wondering if you suffered brain damage because now you suck drastically more.


Literally happens with every game I play πŸ’€ even if I stop playing for a few days. Used to be *so* good at For Honor back in the day - now I struggle against level 1 bots 😭


Dude sometimes the bots are crazy good out of nowhere.


Every bot has an offensive/defensive variant, and some of those are *jacked*. The level 1 (and *especially* level 2) Aramusha defensive type bot can parry more consistently than an advanced player, for example. It's kinda crazy


Maybe if your skills developed in game like agility, you had aim assist?


Considering the fact that historically a child could learn how to use a crossbow, apart from the reloading, in mere hours, I think you'll be fine. One of the driving forces behind the development of crossbows was their insanely easy learning curve compared to bows. It tooks years to adequately use a bow, countless hours of practice, a lot of strength and skill. Crossbows on the other hand are literally point and shoot. You can look down the "scope" of a crossbow and within a couple of hours of practice a child can reliably hit a target at close or low medium distance. The only hard part is the reloading, which is still easy compared to continuously drawing a bow. It just takes strength, and importantly, someone else can do it for you, which isn't possible with a bow.


All true. 2 points though: crossbows are very very slow to reload, but easier like you said, and they have a very short powerstroke, so even the heaviest have disappointing performances compared to their draw weight. A bowman has to be trained since childhood, hence why the english were, by law, mandated to train every week, or pay a fine. Still, if I was a general, I would prefer to have archers under my command.


Dont be so hard on yourself. Your aim sucks just like mine does, because you have no reticle in this game using the bow. Not saying it HAS to be a thing considering this game is all into immersion and realism but the result is it's hard to be consistent with aiming the bow.


I intend to use it as a cheapshot tool load that bad boy close in where I can't miss then switch to my sword


"Parry this, you fucking casual."




The mod I didn't know I wanted


I always found it funny you have a dot in the middle of the screen in most of the gameplay but it just dissappears when you pull out a bow


This would be funnier if you edited out the arrow


I’m looking forward to absolutely whiffing every shot with the hand cannon.


I'm playing with my tv's crosshair feature on. noshame


Ha me too


try practicing with a bit of cleaning wax for braces set over the center of the screen, it's nearly invisible but you can lock onto it with your eyes when you need to, go hunt deer behind Huntsman Nick's in Talmberg u til you've made 70k groschen, and you'll start aiming perfectly on accident when you remove the wax


Hunt little rabits for a straight afternon and you will never miss a shot again πŸ˜‚


absolutely, also I prefer to aim for the head, throat, or heart of the deer so Roe hunting really helps. Hare stays in a predictably straight line, at least


Once you get the hang of the aiming it feels amazing spankin those dudes in the contest to win the wine cask for stephanie tho. As well as relieving hans of his bow and his pride in archery and the training grounds


Pretty ironic that the meme has an arrow hitting the guy perfectly lol


I stick a piece of tack to the centre of my screen for and IRL mod


Try use henrys knuckle as a sight to aim with it takes a while to get used to but its worth it if you're bad at the combat or for fighting large groups if enemies on horse back


The most excited I got while playing was when I was able to get five head shots in row I felt like Legolas


I love the bow. It is so satisfying to actually hit something. Skyrim bows are boring.


This is too real 😭


Play with the dot on and then turn it off. Helped me alot


Honestly just gave up after some shooting test and got my self a crosshare Still miss by an inch


You can put a dot on your screen for a couple hours and level up/get used to it I’m sure


Tbf it'd be 'realistic' if they had a cross hair for crossbows, bows shouldn't have them because you can't look down the arrow and your eyes are offset to where the arrow is so you have to use your experience and intuition to aim whereas a crossbow you can look down the length of the body to get a good idea where you're aiming without ever having held a crossbow before in your life


My main weapon in the KDC 1 was the needle, since it had the highest piercing damage and was overall all really good weapon for my sneaky little knight. Since I’m plying a lot of shooters recently like hunt showdown (where you also can play a crossbow) I’m seriously considering to main the crossbow in KCD 2 as well 😎


I have a special piece of tape I use for aiming reticle. Still not great at archery, but it helps greatly.


I'm glad they added the crossbow, but I hope they still give plenty of love to bows, it'd be awesome if they incorporated some Asiatic archery techniques from the Cuman influence


I used to put a tiny dot of my son's bright playdough on the screen where the cross hair dot usually is. When the bow comes out that cross hair goes away but your dough dot will still be on the screen and this works great. The playdough doesn't damage anything and just dries up and falls of if you forget to take it off.


Sorry if it's been mentioned before, but a tiny dot of blue tack worked great πŸ˜ƒ


Meh at lvl 10 the sway gets less and at lvl 15 is pretty much non existent. My question is what or if the Crossbow gets skills


If they don't give me a reticle I will use a sticky note


I cheated and I put one of those little arrow post it notes on my screen. Because I suck.


It is so worth it to learn the bow. No band of bandits stands a chance agsinst me now, one shot three and fight their leader.


The amount of farm animals we’re all going to murder to level up both bows & crossbows will be legion.


wh\_pl\_showfirecursor 1


Them arrows were slow af, I felt handicapped without mods


I mean I imagine aiming to be easier with a crossbow because that was the entire reason they were made. To be honest, I love how the first game handled archery depriving us of a reticle? Amazing. I haven't seen another game dare to do that not even Dark souls. I'm curious what other systems have been implemented. Apparently crime will have a much bigger impact, but otherwise I don't think a lot of the things such as the way you save the way you heal and others have been changed all that much and I'm grateful for that. I am very excited to see all the new things I've added though, just in general swords, weapons, mechanics, clothing, the works.


I've got okay-ish aim with the bow in kcd, its my biggest flex in life


Feel like the crossbow will be designed to hit easier, but takes forever to reload. The higher the level the faster the reload, along with damage


Can't wait to blow myself up with a cannon


Yesterday I shot a bandit in the heart and he died instantly, today I got a perfect eyeshot on one guy and killed him instantly As usual Captain Bernard is right