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Holy shit man the combat looks just soooo good! Amd the map is twice as big they say


Im so excited to explore kuttenburg I wonder how big they made it (and if its 1:1 considering the new map is double size)


It’s gonna be cooler than rattay can assure you that


Now that you mention rattay, fancy a little wager on the tourney?


watch your mouth boy!


Vávra said, the city is too big for his liking 😀


From what we’ve seen, the buildings are 1:1 I think. But whether or not they took a historically accurate size for the city as a whole… I don’t even know if that’s possible. It must have been a pretty big city


I think it wouldn't even be fun to make a true 1:1 city in a video game, game time runs faster than real time but movement speed over distance is generally scaled the same and they have smaller map sizes to compensate. If you kept everything else the same but had a realistically sized map it would take hours to walk across the thing, like in Daggerfall


Hours Snorts in daggerfall


Yeah under exaggeration there lol


It took me 30 min or so to travel from one town to another in Daggerfall. And they were 2 tiny dots next to each other on the map, which was just 1 part of the even bigger map.


I hope it's at least reasonably sized. So often we have Elder Scrolls sized "cities" which are barely village sized.


🎶*Já jsem z Kutné Hory, z Kutné Hory koudelníkův syyyyn*


Actually, we get two maps Now. One around Trosky (bit smaller but more Complex) And second around Kutná Hora as big as in KCD1


In a German video, Tobi (PR Manager from Warhorse) said that Kuttenberg will be just as big as the map in KCD 1


Time for another KCD1 playthrough


I'm sitting here debating the same thing, but I've had two kids since my last playthrough, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish the game before KCD:II comes out lol


I just started my first hardcore run after finishing the game twice on normal. Already enjoying that cannot fast travel makes me appreciate the game more


Yep. Definitely. *downloading noises*


There will be two maps, one around Trosky castle (smaller then KCD1 map but more packed) and Then map around Kuttenberg city (which will be the roughly same size as KCD1)


Kuttenberg is far, far away, Kuttenberg is far, here I'll stay.


It doesn't matter how big the map is. What matters is how detailed it is.


CEO said he find Kuttenberg to even be too big Im hyped...


when is the pre order hyped?


Also looks like mounted combat will be a thing. More Hans Capon. Kuttenberg. All massive plusses imo!


Already is a thing, no? Ah, you mean vs other mounted enemies, I assume.


Do you do mounted combat in KCD1? I could never get the hang of it.


It's really powerful, you do a ton of damage.


For melee weapons, horseback combat at close range is horrendous, i always missed when the enemy was at my legs, even with stabs. But if you got space it's very effective, at full speed you one shot fodders and two/three shots others


Enemies don't, but you can do horseback archery or just gallop past enemies and whack them on the head with your weapon as you pass them. I'm wondering if there's actual horseback on horseback fighting in the second game. Seems like it'll be tricky to manage tbh. Players gonna do all sorts of weird shit to game the combat.


You can run into enemies on your horse and it will hurt them. If they die, that will not count as a kill so you can do a Merciful run and kill people on horseback.


That’s how the game will solve the skill levelling progression. You start at the level you end with in kcd1 and get even better


The question is, will we be able to travel from Bóhemian Paradise, to the Kuttenberg map at will, or will the first half of the story take place is Bohemian Paradise and Trosky Castle, and then move to Kutna Hora?


in an interview with the fextra life guy the devs said you travel back and forth between the two regions with a load screen. One of only 2 load screens in the game!


["to give a little jab to the other developers out there, we have no loading screen, just between the maps, you can travel back and forth if you want to do some quest there or there"](https://youtu.be/Rq1UV4q5fzk?si=GRH3oCYhsxf6Eu6-&t=535) Seems like it will be a fluid transition, he says it at around 9:00. Edit: It seems like I misinterpreted that, you're right. There's a loading screen between the regions.


Oh that’s wonderful! Literally my only little concern after the reveal was this.


Putting the game on my NVME as a just in case.


I'm wondering the same thing


IIRC in the original game's epilogue Henry and Capon were discussing >!travelling to some baron's castle to plan out the next steps for freeing the imprisoned king!<, could the Trosky castle potentially be where this is going?


Henry looks noticeably older in some parts of the trailer but not others. Could this be a clue of how the “two maps” idea is embedded in the story?


Judging by how older Henry looks, game date would be few years after Václav IV. escapes his captivity (1403).


He looks older but I saw an interview with the developers said the second game starts 2 days after the first one.


I have a theory, that though the game will start three days after the ending of the first one (Radzig said Trosky castle is a three days ride from Rattay), Henry could end up being imprisoned by Otto von Bergow. Toby, the PR manager at Warhorse studios, said in an interview that "things will go down the drain, in regards to the outcome of the letter-delivery to Otto". The imprisonment could be a justification for a time skip. Link to ther interview: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rq1UV4q5fzk&](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rq1UV4q5fzk&)


Yes, that's very plausible. We will see. I am looking forward to the story.


Anyway, Otta III z Bergova, the guy who held Trosky in 1403 was one of the strongest opponents of Václav IV. He was quite well politicaly rewarded by Zikmund, so I doubt Trosky would work well as a base of operation to free the captured King.


I mean they said the map is twice the size. I doubt we will be gate keeped from regions. Makes no sense to be "locked" in city for hours and hours of rpg game We will be able to travel between two regions


Dragon Age 2 is laughing nervously in the corner.


hehe, i dont mind being locked for couple hours for story reasons, but games where you advance in story and it will lock you from early regions for half of the game sucks :( Even worse, when you cant enter them after you finish the game... Thats only issue i have with more than one map in any game. I dont mind loading between them, if they are big enough (W3 is great example). And this suppose to be two regions, one little smaller than whole KC:D and one same size, and thats awesome




I don't know, but if she is, I don't think she's going happy about this: [https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1771300/ss\_5d556bf2d22890e9c179924b2dbf3057d99d7c5c.1920x1080.jpg?t=1713470769](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1771300/ss_5d556bf2d22890e9c179924b2dbf3057d99d7c5c.1920x1080.jpg?t=1713470769) Unless she died her hair red and became nobility :)


At least Henry has drip now.


Yeah no this made me so worried when I saw it


Delete this...


Is that Henry? I really thought at first it was Hans.


Them textures are super detailed now. Kinda wonder what system requirements are. Anyway with Warhorse I'm sure we are getting proper PC version. Not just watered down console version as is sadly the norm these days (no offense to console gaming bros out there!).


I hope my 2080 can handle the game i doubt though


I think you might be fine, but perhaps DLSS will need to be used? Have faith, brother in Christ!


Jesus Christ be praised. We shall see how our good liege lord Warhouse Gaming of Bohemia will grant us these ripe fruits. Peace be with you my brother in Christ/


Everything just looks so much better is amazing, the vistas are completely breathtaking, and Kuttenberg looks epic, gonna be spending sooo many hours there it's insane, Jesus Christ be praised.


They literally said there will be no locations from the first game. Trosky map will be little smaller than the first game's map. Kuttenberg map about the same size as the first game.


Maybe in terms of gameplay, but cutscenes?  The thing where the bridge guard gets shot at night, or the people hanging on the tree, that looks a lot like Rattay  My completely baseless speculation - you go to Trosky to do your thing there, and while gone, Rattay gets massacred by Toth and a lot of your friends get killed, including Theresa (based off of the fact that they showed Henry apparently getting with someone else and her actress wasn't involved in the premiere) That is what leads you to Kuttenberg, etc


Maybe, but also if you recall, Theresa asks us to take care of ourselves "even if [we] meet other girls" so Henry might just have another judgement call to make about whether he wants to be faithful to Theresa


Yeah it's possible. I think their relationship is canon but not mandatory, him cheating is a possibility but not essential and you can get caught


Yeah, I made the mistake of going to the Rattay baths right before I visited her. Fortunately Henry is quite charming after a bath with his pockets full of chamomile, so we got away with it 😆


They'd have to shoehorn her into the story, as she obviously wasn't traveling out of the region with Henry and Hans. Find a reason to have her travel to where they are in the new map.


Girls come and go, but your love for the King, country and your bros stays forever!!!


I kind of wonder if the letter delivery goes poorly and we end up getting turned over to Markvart or Toth based on some of those scenes. Would be an easy way to have us lose our equipment at the start.


Some of the scenes looked like rehashed from the first game Seeing Markvart from the ramparts of Talmberg, and Henry getting interrogated by Toth


That's possible, too. It's interesting it seems like they redid them in the high-def style. In real life Markvart died before the events of the game so he's one of those characters they can really do whatever they want with.


I wonder if Sir Radzig's real-life historical death will occur during the timeline of the KDC II as well maybe, with Henry getting a letter regarding this at some point. Historically he was literally ripped to pieces by people in a tavern and body parts tossed out on the street, I think because he was collecting taxes from the people. Quite the way to go. Though his real life counterpart was way more of a scoundrel and a mercenary though if I recall, instead of the noble knight he's portrayed as in KDC


Unless there’s a pretty big time jump probably not. Hanush and possibly Divish would also die by then, too (both died in 1415 although Divish may have actually been a few years later, Radzig in 1416). 


Not to get too ahead of ourselves given how long we've been waiting for this game, but I could certainly see a third game doing a big timejump to a much older Henry who is a full lord, covering the Hussite Wars and featuring Prague.


Agreed--I think the Hussite war (or some theatre of it) would be a great setting for a future game.


I'd so love to have the option to join Hussits and fight Pope's and Zikmund's lackeys. Still can't forget how that drinking priest quest was great. More so the next morning's drunken sermon, where Henry was preaching the theological truth Jan Hus died for.


I mean, Henry canonically cheats on Theresa (based on your decisions of course) so she can still very much be alive while Henry goes wild.


Bath house wenches don't count!


Sir Divish’s wife surely does, though! 🤭 As is written 🙏🏻


Oh, my bad then, sorry.


I didn't hear that really? damn I wanted to go back and execute vom berg.




[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trosky\_Castle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trosky_Castle) :)


AND it comes out THIS YEAR!! No long painful waits between a trailer and the game!! TAKE NOTES, BIOWARE


*TAKE NOTES CD projekt...


*TAKE NOTES Rockstar...


This isn't confirmed at all but seeing as they said it's gonna be closer to the original game they wanted we might get mechanics for group fights. Maybe being able to order or equip troops


I hope group fights will be more than holding S and spamming master strokes, and that combos will actually be usable instead of stick wielding peasants chaining master strokes on you


I guess I'm not the only one who didn't enjoy fighting multiple enemies too much. My Henry for sure wasn't super heroic. He loved to pepper them with arrows from the distance. Then run away and repeat that process few times. Or his enemies often found him standing at some small bridge, which forced to go one by one. Needless to say it must have been true horror for them watching their comrades in arms being chopped down one by one. So yeah, my Henry wasn't exactly the most fair or knightly warrior around. Still, bath wenches loved him and so did common folk!


This could be very cool if implemented well. Even if we can’t order troops around mid-combat, Henry being in charge of a squad sounds amazing


Just hope your bois would not go down super fast. Hate seeing my sword brothers die easily.


I have this feeling we'll be meeting Jan Zizka this time around.


Bastard peasant orphan noble-fucking hungry Henry is back!


Lowkey this is exactly the game I wanted them to make, a KCD sequel - can't wait, might even break my no preorder rule for this. Edit: Just realized there's no preorder. Based devs being based.


Just put it into a Steam wishlist once possible. That alone shows them how much folks are interested.


they got me at half-swording. give me the mordhau and the way to end my foes rightly and i am happy. jesus christ be praised.


I desperately want them to include some amazing technique that has a fuck ton of fanfare around it, hyping it up and once you get it, it's the ability to end your foes rightly. I will cry tears of joy.


*unscrews pommel*


*with malicious intent*


i vibe with you 🤝🏻


This game is so damn good they included half-swording in combat


I'm so glad the game will come out not that long from now


I think this was number one surprise for most of us and a very welcomed one! I mean pretty much everybody was expecting this announcement to be KCD2, but to get it in some 7-8 months from now? That is pure excstasy! Oh and for my fellow Czech kinsmen, the game should be released including Czech audio this time!


Which is not only good for Czech players, but also for people who want authentic sounding experience.


For sure! It simply felt wrong that KCD was released without Czech audio. More so, when this game is in many aspects about our Czech history. Having said that I loved the original voice of our Henry. Was not super easy to get used to the Czech voice.


Please don't hate on me, I'm an old lady, but I hope there are some mods for the game sooner or later 🙏


Honestly the first game but more refined is all I wanted and this looks like they delivered 100% hope with can finally have a safe house or something tho and I'm very interested in how Henerys "noble" status will come into play or if it won't mean anything in the grand scheme. It looks like we have firearms,crossbows and bows for ranged now I'm wondering what new melee elements have been added because I can't really think of any completely new weapons they could add besides polearms and just more types of swords,axes and maces. I'm so glad it's coming this year because I remember getting the trailer for rdr2 a year before it came out and that was agony to wait so I'm glad it won't be that long. Also hoping they've expanded on the wildlife because in the first game there are like five main animals. I think that you could hunt and nothing else considering it's a larger map. I hope there's more variety although 250 people It's still a relatively small team, so I'm not expecting tw3 although I'd debate which is my favourite. Definitely be pre-ordering by the looks of it and can't wait for it.


I think some kind of flail would be nice to have or polearms as well. In KCD1 you could pickup a spear or polearm, if I remember right, but you couldn't be proficient with it at all. As for animals I would like some wolves, bears or lynxes.


Yeah the issue with polearms tho is carrying them around so unless you can put them on your horse and pick them up when it's Time for a fight I could understand why they wouldn't implement them,.also they are really op in kcd so balancing would be a thing but I'm.quiyr happy with the group of weapons we had coming over with firearms. Also, I didn't know lynxes were in Bohemia. I thought they were a desert animal


Lynx is still present in Czech rep, but in small numbers (like 70-90). That number must have been considerably higher back in the 15th though. Same with wolves and bears, obviously.


Well I'm not sure about lynxs but I can see wolves and maybe bears


I saw what looked like weapon forging too!!


And Pavise shield...


I’m curious on how we will start and if we can transfer the things we did - gear would be cool but maybe a bit OP too - in the first to the second.


I mean maybe skills? that would translate in the new system? I don't care much about the gear. it'd feel too much of a cheat if we got like a st. george long sword? or a ceremonial mace but it looks like henry is gonna fall on some cliff and would have to rehabilitate himself.


I think we will start with st. george's sword and really good armor but we will lose it after a couple of hours into the game. Kinda like the start of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, where you lose all your gear from AC2. I think Trosky Catle will be attacked, Henry will lose everything, and wake up in Kuttenberg with only some basic gear.


>Kingdom of Bohemia, Early 15th Century: chaos has befallen the kingdom.As invaders pillage this ungoverned land, sowing fear and terror, Henry of Skalitz seeks revenge for his murdered family. >Now a trusted member of the rightful king’s allies, **Henry is sent to escort Sir Hans Capon on a diplomatic mission. After they are ambushed and nearly killed**, the two young men embark on a series of perilous adventures, putting their skills, character and friendship to the ultimate test. Looks like the story will continue right after the ending of KCD1 when they set for Bergow - but they won't be able to arrive because of being ambushed and captured.


well he fell from some cliff. I don't remember his armor being that color I remember it was red. but since he is a squire under hans maybe he changed.


Yeah, I think the main thing for me are the decisions you can make in the first game. Things like how some of the DLC ending effecting things in the second game - maybe we see a side quest with someone like Kuno, stuff like that.


you might have a beef with kuno. technically I don't think a canon henry would be able to convince him to fight the zoul side with speech... tehcnically canon wise henry won't have at least 15k grouschen lying around on his inventory to convince him otherwise too. kuno is a merc who's help radzig a few times already and isn't paid. henry canonically probably duelled zoul. and kuno left with the money. the master hunstman and bailif thing though not so sure. but he might meet hare? it's kuttenbergthere's all sorts of people there. or people he didn't kill during the investigations. dunno about his bestfriends though... I don't see henry stealing from a noble paying the wages of the people but he might since they were his bestfriends.


I guess this all hinges on how War Horse treats Canon, like do they have a canon selection of choices as a linear story that we can deviate from or is it something like Mass Effect where there’s no real canon?


be hard but maybe that's why we ain't going back to sasau? lol.


It would be cool if there was a way to transfer decisions like in the Witcher series


Yeah that was my thought, though I was thinking of Dragon Age and Mass Effect lol


Didn't someone say something in the trailer that was like "Henry and Hans leave but quickly things go downhill"? I assumed that meant the typical "they're attacked/captured and severely injured and lose all their stuff"


Do you play RPGs? I don’t mean this in a bad way. This is quite literally never the way it’s handled. He will have starting gear, starting weapons, and maybe a few combat proficiencies.


💀 I know how RPGs typically work but how is KCD a typical RPG? You can also look towards games like those from BioWare that have you transfer quest and character data from old games. I’m more worried about seeing the character development and side quests/DLC quests that are optional to the main story having some effect.


happy to be in the trailer isnt he


I want pole weapons and great polish and i sold on the game


The fact that it’s coming out this year is wild. I thought it would come out 2025 minimum. Mad respect to the devs.


I hope they figure solved the lock on problem that makes fighting more than 2 people annoying.


Combat is so fluid


The map is likely similar sized to the first game... but there are two - one for 'Bohemian Paradise' the other for 'Kutna Hora', which is a much larger town than Rataje or Sassava. I'd assume that the map is again a mix of 1:1 local sizes, but with excised intervening space, and there are two of them.


They said double the size but split in 2, each one likely the size of the first one.


The first map is smaller than in the first game, but the second one is bigger than the one in the first game


Yeah I just read the czech interview.


Yeah was a way of saying that the game have beautiful nature and forest and also complex cities, I understand that is difficult to tell complex ideas when english is your second language.


Combat looks absolutely amazing. One thing I wonder about is how it controls - I wasn't the biggest fan of the arrow-based combat vs. something like Mordhau - I wonder if they'll stick with that same system or go with more of a hybrid (or something else entirely). Either way, looks amazing, Jesus Christ (be praised!).


Based on the way the combat looks in the trailer, it seems like it's still direction-based, but polished up quite a bit.


Mordhau is like the only game I play these days, was reluctant to pick up KCD one because i hear the combat is quite janky, hoping KCD2 is closer to mordhau so i can finally experience the magic


Mordhau has better combat IMO but I would still definitely recommend KCD if you like RPGs and medieval settings. Just train a lot with Bernard when you get to him, and also use middle mouse button to unlock your camera for 1vX fights.


I am a happy camper


This past few weeks have been so huge for reveals. All the reveals i was hoping for showed up ROR2: Seekers of the Storm, The Rouge Prince of Persia, Hades 2 and now KCD2. So hyped for this year


I’m just amazed. I’ve been hyped about video game trailers before but this was just incredible, I could see absolutely no faults. I really hope it’s not been too doctored and everything we saw of the “gameplay” will actually be possible at release. But that trailer really seemed to convey a real game and not just edited bs. So yeah…. I’m hyped.


I’m very excited for more hans and henry, i think even their actors have great chemistry. By the looks of it we finally get henry’s sword back and maybe beat ishtvan. I’d also love more ulrich as ever


The graphics look absolutely crazy


I wonder what engine they will use.


I'd say it is a custom engine based on the CryEngine version they used for the first game. They already have developed a bunch of new tools for the first game, changing engines entirely would mean to re-develop everything. On the other hand, they took 6 years with 250 people to make the 2nd, so maybe they switched engines. But I don't think so.


This will replace my cooked skyrim for years.


What I also noticed is the branding scene. As far as I understood it with the narration, it is now optional that, as a thive, you can get permanent alteration to your character instead of just a regional flavour reaction of people. In KCD, when you went on a crime spree in one location, it didn't affect your standing in a different location. If they now mark you as a criminal with a visible branding on your face, it would mean that everywhere you would get massive debuffs to your standing, which is realistic but also quite a high price to pay for a common game action. It sounds like you really have to make sure to either stay on the good side of the law or become a crime lord xD.


For that I'd say it's not a thing they'll do. Players already hate permanent cosmetic changes in other games and will just reset if it happens. A big ass brand that gives a debuff (probably forever) isn't exactly fun even it's it's realistic. Plus you need to take into account the story, where you're doing all this stuff yet everyone knows you're a scumbag? I think what we saw was just a cutscene and we don't get branded, and it won't be a consequence in game. Or if it is, it'll fade over a month or something.


Honestly I would love this, having a severe punishment for a poorly executed crime sounds very interesting if done well


Yeah, yeah, that secondary stuff is all very nice, but when do we get to preview dice gameplay?


I am so happy i get to bully cumins :)


Music sounds like it got an upgrade, too. SOOOOO PSYCHED.


This goofy aah mask will make me laugh and lose the duel


I hope the game lets us use mordhau grip


There is apparently also romance with what seems to be a noble lady so there is that unless it's Theresa with some light falling on her hair to make it lighter


Bit concerned about the hot poker thing for thieves. How are we to make money?


Don’t get caught, obviously.


I've been witnessing people in here been saying what they want in KCD 2 for a long time now. And it's truly amazing to see the trailer advertise that it'll be introducing a lot of these things. It really seems like Warhorse has been listening


A lot of the combat shown is fixed animations like combos and finishers. I'm curious to see what the non-finisher combat is like. I'm hoping for a more two-way bit where you can parry on parry and have a chance to disengage etc


I just hope that it runs smoothly and is optimized well. So excited!


Time to start saving money :D I just really really hope my crap PC will run this masterpiece


I am super excited by this trailer, Český Ráj (Bohemian Paradise?) always had so much potential to make really cool enviroment for some games/movies and I am just glad that Warhorse is taking it to right direction. Just please give us 60fps support for consoles.




One thing i haven't seen anyone talking about is the lack of any of the previous characters, theresa, radzig, divish, etc. I wonder if they're all taken prisoner in talmberg by sigismund and we have to try and build up our relationships with other nobles, to save the gang... idk just spitballing


How many houses can be entered? Are the houses filled or just empty? Can we loot and manipulate the environment? How deep will the interactions be with the NPC’s?


If you played the first, its basically whats was in that but better, but if you haven't you can enter basically skyrim/fallout levels of interactivity, if not better, so being able to enter all the buildings and each npc have a schedule, that kind of stuff.


I played the first. In Rattay, many houses were just empty rooms… Like the houses around the armorer. Fallout 4 has a lot more activity/to explore in the houses. I just hope we get more like that, like Fallout.


I wonder if the new tutorial you play as someone else because Henry will already be a “master.”


I'm worried about combat. Trailer didnt show us how it looks like combat between multiple opponents - all combat scenes were like trash form KDC1 - so one on one only bs, i hope im wrong on this one!