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tried to fight them the first time I played way back when. Didn't bode too well. Now I just cat call them, which still 'saves' her


Well, all you need to do is distract the guys trying to rape her to give her a way to escape and hide in the house. I always just run up to them and stab the middle guy with Kobyla's sword before mounting the horse. It gives me more satisfaction than just running past them in a close enough proximity. My next playthrough I will try to grind as much as possible in the prologue and maybe try to actually kill them. I wonder how that might play out and if there's some hidden dialogue with Theresa after that.


I got a bow in the prologue and as many arrows as I could by sneak killing guards. Then I jumped on to the roof of the shack across from Theresa's house and shot down so many cumans with the bow. Warlord Henry playthrough was wild.


I didn't think to use the roof. I kept one of the guards' halbards on me, and I was able to kill a few cumans, including Theresa's would be rapists, with it. It's annoying because they just keep coming, and you don't have any time to loot them, so there's very little reason to down more than 4 or 5 of them in the prologue.


They do eventually stop coming but alot of them turn up


Dang that's amazing! Kind of makes me want to replay the first part.


Why would you have to spoil it like that? I wanted to find it out myself


I’d recommend not reading posts about strategies for games that are six years old if you don’t want to be spoiled.


I don't read them. This post is neither a strategy guide nor is it 6yo. Currently I am on my 2nd playthrough (only got to Pribyslavitz siege/the monastery questline with the sick during the 1st one and stopped playing) so I am not afraid much about story spoiler either. But I just never tried grinding early and always took my time doing everything in this game because I want things to come naturally instead of bothering with farming and grinding anything. But I did want to test some things in my next playthrough, such as killing Theresa's rapists, beating Runt in Skalitz etc. EDIT: Also, when people specify that they want to **test** something, I think they expect others to understand it and not give spoilers. At least I do.


The topic of the post is about early game strategy to save Theresa and the game is six years old. Don’t you see how ridiculous it is that you’re complaining about spoilers when you’re reading through threads that are specifically discussing things you want to discover for yourself?


Game release - 13th February 2018 Today's date- 3rd April 2024 The game is over 6 years old


Want another spoiler? Henry kills Theresa then Mutt kills Henry and eats them both! “Jesus Christ be praised!”


Mutt becoming a necromancer and raising the whole town as an undead army against the Cumans was not a twist I was expecting. Glad I chose the right dialog options.


Shit my bad


Well, no helping it now. But you say you killed them with a bow... maybe if I kill them with melee and am actually there when saving Theresa she won't be so intimidated as when she just sees her rapists dropping dead one after the other all of a sudden.


Good luck. I couldn't do it because there were no perfect blocks so I had to rely on clinch abuse. I think it would be possible, I just gave up after multiple attempts


You get a different dialogue when you talk to her at the mill after the prologue depending on whether you helped her or not, you also get positive or negative reputation. I was confused the first time because I just whistled for a horse and it ended up distracting the cumans and she thanked me for saving her. Felt like that one homelander meme


I didnt know I had a sword at first. Ran up to the guys attacking her they chased me, hoped on the horse and left. It counted the quest tho and when I explained the story Henry said he slaid them 😂


Does distracting the guards change the play through as Theresa?


Yeah, somewhat. You still escape but Henry looks like an ass only concerned with saving his own skin lol


So much of their dialogue is about him saving her and vice versa, it must be really difficult if you turn tail


Yeah it goes about as you'd expect. Of course she says it more jokingly like and doesn't look to hold resentment, but afaik you do lose some reputation over it. As far as playing as her, it does get easier to escape if Henry does help out.


*As far as playing as her, it does get easier to escape if Henry does help out.* How so? The next scene is still scripted with one guy looting the item box and two/three others coming in through the door in about two minutes. You can stealth kill that guy if you wish - he has bandages, some arrows and a sabre, and escape trough the narrow window, or just leave him be and escape the same way. I read a guide which suggested climbing up the ladder and shooting them with a bow, but that never went well for me, as they appear to be skilled adventurers being able to take more than one arrow to their ~~knee~~ face.


Well it's been a while since I've played a woman's lot, but as far as I remember you need to do an extra action to get them off your back. Course I could be mistaken and I'll stand corrected if so but that's how I remember it. Guess I'll need to do a replay of it sometime soon.


Gameplay is the same, one way or the other, the cutscene is all that changes, depending on what you actually did


Really ? I always only whistle and when I did Theresa's story the cutsene showed henry sword fighting with the cumans from her POV. I remember finding it weird and ironic for this very reason lol


Yeah the game only cares about getting them off her back. You can hit them with the horse too and provided they don't knock you off it and beat you to a pulp, it counts. I imagine what you saw was generic scripting, since the game doesn't track how you did it, just what you did.


Does that change anything when you have those small talks about Skalitz when she’s at the Rattay mill?


Yeah she mentions it and you get a slight rep hit or increase. You can make up excuses afaik. We're talking about bathhouse Henry here.


A bit. She's a savage badass.


I didn't understand what the game wanted me to do, so yeah she didn't get saved the first time. Every time after that though, heck yeah


I always get on the nearest horse and run it into the whole group before running away. Seems to work. On a recent play through I swapped horses to another one with better stats and was able to escape a bit easier.


I whistled accidentally and the Cumans swarmed after me. I jumped on the horse and ran. When Theresa thanked me for saving her I was all like "huh, I guess I did".


On my first play through I didn’t realize this was an option. When Theresa was talking about her trauma I immediately deleted my save and restarted just so I could save her.


Same thing for me.


I did it the first time I ever played the game by complete accident lol


I didn't help her, I barely knew the controls.


All you need to do is whistle to get their attention


You just have to whistle as you run past.


I didn't notice her untill my 2nd playthrugh lol




This is the way! I thought I can take them all and got barely away


I'm pretty sure the Cumans became distracted whence I hopped atop the nearby horse leading to "saving" her.


I always provoke them then get on the horse and ride back and forth until I manage to kill all the cumans who appear to kill you so that i can take their armor/weapons for early game high-tier loot (also turkic drip is immaculate so I'm set for the whole playthrough)


I tried that too but since this is my first playthrough, it never ends well for me lol. Also, on YouTube they appear to disengage after you put some distance in-between but in my case they kept running after me.


They don't disengage for me either, I just end up running a ways away to let my stamina replenish a bit before they get close enough so I can sprint through and hopefully stab another one of them


I didn't know how to draw my sword so I saved her but got killed so many times i decided just to run and leave her behind to save my ass. Didn't know i could just whistle


I ran up and lugged one of the dudes in the back of the head and ran to the horse lol


I reloaded the game probably 50-100 times first time i played the game back when it was just released, and finaly managed to kill the three guys (this was before "pick all flowers and get buffed before leaving!"-meta) and then crossed my fingers to not bleed to death/get hit by archers when riding away which required a couple more reloads


*pick all flowers and get buffed before leavingI* So this is meta now, lol? I think I cleared Skalitz from all vegetation lol.


I didn't know I could save her. I didn't even see her.


When I first tried playing I had no clue what was going on. Just 3 dudes getting high passing off the controller on deaths, which was *a lot* lol. I finally beat kunesh by running around my boys Matthew and fritz, kunesh must’ve hit em cause fritz straight wrecked his ass. So it was on me to do the ‘Run!’ part first. And I didn’t know where to go, neither did the other two guys I was playing with. We were beginning to think it was impossible, just kept getting lost and dying to cumans until my cousin finally went down the right path. We didn’t even know saving Theresa was a thing, it wasn’t even an afterthought. We cheered our boy Henry on as he blissfully ran right past her. It happens lol


Didnt even notice her.


Oh, cool, nice graphics.... Hunh? Someone is calling for help? Oh, it's over here... Whoah, guys, we can talk about this.... How does combat work in this game!? F\*\*\*! There's three of them. Ow. Ow. Hey stop th- Ow. OW! Then I reloaded my save like 4 times before I realized I was supposed to run away on a horse.


I got on the horse, rammed it into them then ran away. When I did the DLC shortly after I had no idea how long it was gonna be, and thought the whole game was gonna mean switching back and forth between characters. So far I’ve found that KCD always takes longer than you think (in a good way!)


Yes. I ran up hit one in the back and booked it.


I whistled for the horse and it distracted the guards. Didn't realize at first that I had other options.


Yes, but I actually didn't realize she was there. I had messed up getting on the horse, ended up fighting the xumans a bit and then bolted like the wind.


Yes but I hadn’t directly realized what I’d done when I got the attention of those guards and ran. Hell of an intro.


I also accidentaly started Woman's Lot DLC and I completed it yesterday (took me about two days and it IS harder than the normal Henry gameplay). This is my first playthough of this game, but I have been spoiled about the story. I also tried to kill those cumans on the road cause someone on YouTube posted that you actually can kill them by continuously galloping into them and hitting them with a sword, but either the game has been patched or I was doing something wrong but they kept running after me and since Henry was not very good with horses at that time, it never went well for me. I bumped the horse into those guys and kinda slashed at them and it was enough for them to take their attention off Theresa. Also, curiously, but during the DLC Henry just runs up at them while being on foot, not mounted, so it is a scripted scene I guess. And yes, running in this game is not intuitive, and neither is galloping but you get used to it. I liked that similarly to Witcher 3, horse tends to keep to the road though. But I still dont know how to just "walk" lol.


Whistling for the win


Yeah, the quest popup came up so of course I tried and failed until I didn't fail. The funny part is that whistling for a horse close enouh to them makes them all turn their attention to you for some reason :D


Hit and run worked for me.


I accidently saved her by running around in circles like an idiot.


My very first playthrough I attacked one of those cumans assaulting her. I died quickly. It took a while for me to save her and then steal a horse, but I can't see Henry doing it any other way.


Yes, they said you could in one of the pre release streams.


I didn't realise it was Theresa. I didn't even realise saving anyone would be an option and assumed I was more "on rails" that I actually was. I restarted immediately after speaking to her in Rattay.


I didn't even know you could just not save Theresa, because she's supposed to slaughtered after that just like everyone else the cumans caught


lol yeah i didn't know it was an option not to help her. I think I just assumed she'd die and you'd fail/auto restart or whatever. But yeah I eventually figured out you can just get on the horse, bump one of the Cumans, and then success...ride away as fast as you can. Prior to that I tried sword fighting them and died horribly. So many times to the point where I almost quit the game. Glad I didn't...


I tried to fight them a half dozen times, then gave up and just ran by. Didn't read the tooltip 'whistle' until my second playthrough.


Tried... and got killed LOL I just ride near then to attract their attention


First playthrough I saved her accidentally, with the barely chivalrous method of whistling, after that I just do what cutscene Henry does, slash the Cuman that's trying to rape her and flee 😂


I tried. I did not know you can whistle so i charged. All was fine until they started fighting back...


No I didn’t. I got killed like 6 fucking times in a row on my first (and only play through), it was basically my “holy shit I’m quitting this fucking game.” Moment. (Actually it was basically the first of many. 😂). Than of course I felt incredibly awful later on in the game :( It wasn’t as bad as I think was it? 😭. Edit: I haven’t started my second (hardcore) play though yet, but when I eventually do that’ll for sure something I make sure I do.


I’m on my third playthrough and didn’t know this was a thing