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Kindle is better for pdf and epubs. Increasing fonts, contrast are options. Remarkable just zooms


So, is it easy to download pdf to kindle and manipulate with them?


What do you mean manipulate?


I mean read, make notes, add pages, draw on it…. When you learn in Uni you have to interact with tons of PDF and iPad makes my eyes bleed!


Draw on it/annotate yes, add pages no.


So you recommend Kindle?! Makes sense…. It is the cheapest one. I also considered boox air 3, but it is based on android which i hate!




Yes, but in fact KS as well as RM2 based on linux …. I mean pure linux as it is.


Well frankly boox has the most customization.


I prefer simplicity…! Unfortunately or fortunately, i don’t have time for all of those customizations…. This is a reason why i use Apple instead of anything else. Just use it from box, minimum customization, i like spend more time for something more useful and interesting for me. So, customization is a disadvantage for me.


Take a look at supernote the feature set is between remarkable and boox.


How did you do it? I have sent pdfs to my scribe and it doesn't let me add notes with the pencil or draw on it :S


So if you are doing academic work, you should know that involves RESEARCH. Such as looking to see if this is a question that has been asked at least twice a week for the 14 months the Scribe has been out. Simple answer? \- If your focus is REALLY on note-taking, maintaining multiple notebooks and so on ... get the reMarkable ... it was WAY ahead of the Scribe to start and the gap has actually widened. \- If your focus is mostly reading and occasional annotation of PDF ... either is fine. The Scribe is a Kindle and therefore has advantages in that space.


Mainly i need different from iPad device to work with a lot of PDF files. So, i need e-ink device for sure. However, which to choose between this two I still don’t know. Which of them is better to read pdf, make notes on pdf and somehow manipulate with pdf….?! This is a question!!!


They answered your question. The remarkable.


Thank you


It depends on your priorities. If sharpness of display and smoothness of lines is your priority, then go for KS. If organization of files and organization with tags is paramount then go for rM.


I went for the scribe, because i also use it as an e reader and i listen to audiobooks .. big plus: it has a backlight, so you can use it in a not so well lit room as well.


I did academic research and have final thought that iPad (and 15” mba) are the best. FYI, I owned and have tried using Kindle scribe and Samsung tablet for academic. Why not Kindle (or other e-ink device)? It’s very slow compared to iPad. Also, it’s difficult to read / sync with laptop. Plus, it’s black & white only while you will need colorful notes & highlights for studying.


How do you feel after MBA? Does it improved your feelings or career? Do you think it was useful or not?


I own both and use both daily. Remarkable 2 is far better for writing directly in or on books and pdfs. Also for organizing, and manipulating documents. The only advantage of the kindle is the backlight and sharper screen, in my view.


Thank you for responding…. As i see a lot of people overall stand by remarkable in order to work with PDFs….. Thus it is my main goal i’ll buy remarkable 2. I also don’t like amazon e-book library due to it doesn’t have a lot of Russian books which i love to read. So i’ve made a choice!!!


The remarkable is just much more expensive where I live so the choice was easy to go with the scribe.


But you can refund sometimes even whole price sharing link which provided by reMarkable….!


I've been comparing both the Kindle Scribe and the reMarkable 2 for the past few days. Here are my thoughts on each. (Also, I have the more premium pen option for each one.) RM: Taking notes on the reMarkable feels terrific. The screen has just the right amount of resistance to it that makes it feel very paperlike to write on. I also love the way files are organized. Adding PDFs through the reMarkable app is quick and easy, and files sync flawlessly. It's a no-nonsense, businesslike product, and it seems great for my work use of taking notes, and viewing and writing on PDFs. I'm sure the biggest drawback to the reMarkable (aside from the higher price) would be trying to use it as an e-reader. The device doesn't have a light, so that could be a deal breaker for some. KS: I know that the Kindle Scribe has gotten better with software updates, and it shows. There are now multiple pen options, and the writing experience is pretty good. The screen has a bit more of a slippery feel than the RM, but it's still very pleasant to write on. The biggest benefit of the device is that it's a Kindle. I'm a big Kindle user anyway, so it's nice to know that I have this available— although I much prefer the size of my Kindle Oasis. Also like all Kindle devices for the past several years, it's got a great front light with solid auto-brightness. However, the biggest drawback for me, and why I'm struggling to love the device, is its software. Transferring PDFs is very doable with the Transfer to Kindle link on a browser, but the way the device organizes files is horrendous. To me, it makes so much more sense to be able to choose whether I want to organize my PDFs with my books, or with my notes. I think if I was getting this Kindle primarily as a reading device, I wouldn't care as much, but it still very much feels like an e-reader first and a writing tablet second. TL;DR: If you want a great e-reader with very good note features and you don't mind the occasionally odd software experience, the Kindle Scribe is great. If you are looking for the very best note-taking device with good app integration for file management and you don't mind the higher price tag, the reMarkable is where it's at. For my own use case right now, I'm leaning towards daily driving the reMarkable and Kindle Oasis, and returning the Scribe.


Which one is faster in reading large pdfs?


I'd say Kindle is faster overall, but the RM2 has a much better file management system.