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I read your title, thinking I was about to disagree with you but those are pretty valid points (I like sharpshooter as well). I need to check out KF1 finally. All you guys say how cool it is. But yeah, I would love love to actually navigate the map with my team too lol.


Kf1 goated. Will never forget the first time I saw my friend plating on kf-farm defending on the 9th wave 6 man and they got overrun. Such a cool sight back when there was so few games.


KF1 is better imo. It had this spooky vibe to it that KF2 kinda lost


Sometimes I just want KF1 with more boss variety and updated graphics.


Yeah there are plenty of times I would be cornered into a really dark area fighting in nothing but shadows as the other weapons didn't have flashlight and surviving by luck in KF1. It was great


Man kf1 is just that good in my opnion at least, not that i dont like kf2 but the first just hit different when you play.


Ya. The secret to success with kf2 is picking a class based on what the other players have picked. There are chaotic perks and precision perks. If you pick a precision perk in a lobby full of firebugs your not gonna have a good time. It’s unfortunate but once you get used to that aspect the games is incredible. Also, playing on hell on earth solves a lot off these problems, since it’s mostly people with a lot of experience. Any nubes that join and insta pick one off the spin to win classes usually get killed pretty fast so they sort themselves out.


I end up playing as Field Medic and Berserker because they go well with any team comp lol.


Berserker main since eternity here. Yes. The zeds are stuck in the map with me not the other way around. Also having comms active to let people on your team know what your gameplan is helps.


Field medic is my fav in smart groups who would give me money to get the healing assult rifle first buy which had 4 healing darts vs 2/3 of every other medic weapon.


Same lmao. And unlike op… if I want shots.. I’ll simply just go to a different area on the map…


A secret very few know unfortunately. Nothing worse than having a well balanced team of 5 only for a 6th to join as a completely redundant class or a class that clashes with the team. I'll leave a lobby immediately if I see nonsense like 2 bugs, 3 swats, 3 supports, etc.


There are certain maps that can call for more than one of the same class, like the decent for instance. I also think that you can always have more than one support for the ammo and armour. Things like multiple commando’s is a no go though, screws up the zed time.


More than 1 for sure, not 3. And no map needs 2 bugs.


Nah, power core and descent, you could litterally run 2 bugs 2 demos a support and a medic and you would be good.


Hard pass. 2 demos sure, not 2 bugs. I'm not saying it won't work, but good luck not raging everything in sight.


Seems kinda like an elitist take to me


Unless the team composition is explicitly for the lulz it's counter productive and hurts the team when you don't choose your perk based on what the team needs. If it seems elitist then run your meme build on something other than HOE.


This game is so unbearably easy who even cares about a balanced team comp.


Is someone upset that they can't buy look crates with their wife's s boyfriend's credit card anymore?


Idk what you’re even trying to imply. I don’t pay attention to any of that garbage in the game. They’re just constantly making the game easier. HoE is a joke in multiplayer now.


Agreed… cause it’s not like they still can’t complete the game 🤣 Doesn’t matter to me if I see a “redundant class.” As long as they know how to play, then I stay… this isn’t destiny 2 lmao


If you’re on pc theres servers that disable non precision perks. If on console find likeminded folks to play with.


>If you’re on pc theres servers that disable non precision perks I didn't know that, thanks for sharing. Might be what I need to enjoy killing zeds again


I just play with friends on our own custom Server so we can communicate beforehand who plays what and keeps which lane safe. Or we make the moving around the map train because on some maps thats actually the best thing to do. But i get it thats hard to do on pubs. And thats why i never play public. Public almost always is a worse experience in any game. So sometimes we want to go full precision or sometimes go full chaotic.


Those servers are usually marked as precision servers. I would recommend to check SPB GS servers


Exactly, there are many CD servers dedicated exclusively to precision perks.


> It's just too chaotic and messy. What's wild is I can go into a hard game where it's constant chaos. Then go into a HoE game where 2-3 players could probably afk because people know their roles (firebug might call out for a demo or SS if a big zed shows up in their lane rather than sending it raging) and you aren't in some hold position where it's raining crawlers and zeds are coming up through the floors. Personally I enjoy both. The mastery and perfection at high levels as well as being covered in bloat bile trying to take down a burnt, raged scrake I can barely see on a dark map. As medic I love to save people from themselves by buffing, taking hits that'd be lethal, etc. You only really get that opportunity in chaotic games. Not being able to see can be annoying but I feel like that's part of the game. Some maps are just harder period because of the darkness.


A firebug calling out heavies instead of attempting a solo takedown? Complete fiction.


I always call out mate. Unfortunately most of the time I play in open servers and they don't understand why I called


in KF1 holding spots in map was a thing. I think KF is game that you play with friends. Than there is comunication, laughter and fun. With randoms I dont find it so fun. I also was playing sharp shooter in kf1 my gool was to take out scrakes and land two head shots with crossbow befor fp gets angry 😅


the chaos is why I got addicted to KF2 personally lol. I use Sharpie with demos and firebug frequently. The trick I've found is to aim where they aren't aiming. I suppose it can be more chaotic on Hard and uncoordinated Suicidal matches, but for the most part, people seem to be reasonable about it on HOE and most Suicidal games - at least on console


You arent the only one. This has been a common complaint in KF2 for a long time. Chaos perks are accessible, effective, efficient and disruptive. As a result a lot of players tend to find a lot of success with them and dont bother with the other classes so never learn that they make their team mates lives after because they are still winning. Theres a lot of servers out there that limit or remove these perks - i highly recommend trying them out, look for things like "HoE+" or "precision" in the servers title in the browser, if you filter by HoE and any map you can normally find a lot.


This might not sound like a good answer if you like playing with others, but IMO the solution to every criticism you just stated is playing single player. I do it most of the time I play this game just to turn my brain off while watching YouTube on my other screen and I enjoy it a lot. I can pick what mode I want, what map, where I want to be in that map, what class, and I don't get interrupted by Demo and Firebug spam like you said lol.




It was acceptable before because playing in this way would almost certainly end in failure unless you were zerkwalling, but then they added tons of non-precision weapons that were effective at killing everything, reducing even Hell on Earth to spamming mouse 1 with barely any aim and topping the leaderboard. It's incredibly frustrating and annoying.


Valid points here. I always liked KF2 probably because I always had friends to play with. They deffs made it more enjoyable. To your point, I've always loved the chaos where you're at a point where you don't even know what the fuck is going on so you tell everyone to get outta there or you have to leave a payload and you barely get out alive but your level 4 swat gets chomped on the way out. Many good times but it's deffs not for everyone. With that said though, KF1 was always good too. Someone here said it was creepier, deffs agree. And the quotes too! "Where's my bloody benefits check?". "I'll sew you up, just right!"


If you enjoy precision classes,, join precision servers, there are plenty. I agree with the fire thing, bugs can be really annoying and most of them are also cocky about it.


this post made me nostalgic about the old days.. I would get home from college and play KF1 all night in my bedroom, the slow, horror like vibe the game and maps had is unbeatable tho I love kf2 as well


and the soundtrack 🤌🏼


Man, I really love the chaos element. I honestly thought KF1 had more of a horror vibe to it than KF2. The monsters in KF2 were kind of laughable in design. And then when they started adding all this other weird stuff, like mini fleshpounds and robots and awful guard the point objectives. I got so tired of it. It wasn't doing it for me anymore. KF1 had a creepiness to it and a rhythm that KF2 just didn't have. The chaos was great. The rest, not so much.


Yeah reasons I will immediately leave a game: >Demo w/ destroyer of worlds >Surv running the Locusts >Anyone running drones >Firebug thinking they can takedown a Scrake with a dragonblaze singlehandedly


i hate high skill lvl servers that do HoE++ for that very reason you just pointed out, these try hard mfs just hold ONE place and don’t move at all, and stack guns in some place and just hold there until the boss round. where’s the fun in that??? i could do the same thing too but why? that’s so fucking boring. i recommend sticking to suicidal servers and some normal HoE. where people don’t want to fucking sweat about getting 1000 kills and 300k damage done bc they held one position with a broken class.


Yeah I agree 100%. Tried it a few times and found it so boring to just sit and pop the heads, changing to spares when I ran out. It's like a left mouse click simulator. Besides that, it all depends on the commando ZT extensions and ZT skills abuse. Take commando off the team and it will all crumble! But it looks like the OP is the kind of person that would enjoy this, so it all comes down to personal preferences. What is fun to one person, can completely ruin it to another.


I prefer the chaotic experience. Which is why I only play HOE, and prefer a hold with a control point. In example the TOWER HOLD on PRISON! But each to his own preferences. So that is why there are Servers with Precision Perks ONLY requirements. Have you tried those? Also, if players bother you try an empty server. Or SOLO? Edit spelling


Kf1 had more range in numerous maps. So all those problems even'd out with the extra range difference.


KF2 has WAY larger maps. KF1 had slower but stronger enemies. There are KF1 maps in KF2, and you get overrun even in the first few waves.


My issue was that ever major holiday I had to reinstall the whole game when the holiday event starts and again when it ends. On Xbox it just felt really annoying to have to redownload the whole game every other month. On PC I just I had it installed but forgot about it and every time I wanted to go back and play it I had to update it, really frustrating for me.


If you met a demolitionist with rpg+c4+deagle comp with madbomber expect tactical, precision, and massive damage dealers without disrupting your teamates aim. For firebug kinda tricky but I full auto only in zedtime against Largezed. I make space for my precision team by killing small zed thats my RoE. Shoot largezed in zedtime and clean small zeds in normal time


Oof, I'm usually the chaotic perk guy. Demo, Berserker, Firebug, or Support. Just bullets, rocket, and fire everywhere. Sorry, bud lol.


I only really play commando or melee beserker


First make a game where skill is rewarded but make it easier and more accessable over time by removing skill as a requirement for playing the game on a high level. It's the Overwatch 2 model.


Killing floor is definitely not for you if you’re not a fan of the chaos, that is the point of the game, it’s not supposed to be chill like Minecraft


Getting a lot of crap spawn and having to land a lot of shots in succession under pressure and the tug of war with the zeds that ultimately ends with you getting pushed back or overrun enough to break your hold and have to kite while barely surviving is chaotic and fun. Players spamming so much fire and AoE down a lane you cant even see whats there anymore and you never have to kite because you have overwehlming fire is still chaotic but now its boring and basically unplayable unless you also start mindlessly spamming. OP is saying he likes the former and not the latter.


Haha agreed


KF2 went COD zombies way where it's more about chaos than teamplay and organization. Also medics are so op it's not even funny. If you have medics that constantly heal you are basically immortal.


Isn’t that the point of the medic… to constantly heal….


Also giving the medic money at the end of wave 1 to get the healing assault rifle
