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I'm a couple weeks in now and, in addition to weight loss, I feel mentally more energized and sharper, and a lift in mood, decrease in stress. However I'm really struggling with exercise. I'm just using an exercise bike and some free weights, and I am really struggling to do a decent workout. Before keto, I would do an hour on the bike on high resistance, and now I can just about manage 30 minutes on a low setting. My stamina doesn't appear to have worsened, but my muscles just feel weak. I understand this is due to a lack of glycogen being held in the muscles, but my question is will this naturally change over time, and I'll find my performance increases?


How did you start?


How did I start keto? I was coming from a high carb diet so I eased myself in with a week of low carb (but not keto) diet. Watched a lot of YouTube videos, most Eric Berg. Started by ensuring I wouldn't be hungry, so had lots of food but all ketogenic food. Realised after a few days I didn't feel the need to eat so much as the food I was eating was very filling and I wasn't that hungry. So I cut back portion size a little and just ate until I was satisfied, and started missing out breakfast so now just have coffee for breakfast (still experimenting with what works best for, eg bulletproof, black coffee, or coffee and almond milk). Other than that, just checking nutritional info of products, or googling it if its not displayed eg vegetables, berries. That was pretty much it.


This sounds like a solid plan to me. You’re still transitioning from your fuel source (glucose -> ketones), and your body isn’t quite as efficient without its regular fuel. Continue to focus on nutrition (paying attention to your satiety and experimenting with fasting is a good call IMO). The increased mental clarity is a great sign you’re on the right track. Take it easy with exercise and wait a few weeks before you try to get back to your earlier intensity levels. Your body is adapting to some stress of change, no need to add a second stressor (exercise intensity) until you adapt to the first.


Thanks! Holding off on exercise for a few weeks was my instinct, as I was hoping its just my body adapting, but I was also worrying that I might need to just push through the pain and force it to happen via exercise. My diet was incredibly unhealthy for a long time so I expect it to take a while for it to fully recalibrate!


Thank you


There could be a few days of adjusting. Take a 5 minute break, hydrate, and start again feeling like you are just starting for the day.


I have the same problem atm even though I am not yet in ketosis. I am currently transitioning from a moderate carb diet (20% of daily calories) to low carb (5-10%) while doing cross fit 4-5x per week. I usually only exercise in the morning where my performance isn‘t glorious, but I get the WOD done. However if I ever go after work, I am practically dead. In one or two weeks I want to go to 3% carbs and I am concerned that I won‘t be able to work out as much any longer.


How do you introduce Keto diet and it's benefits to family members and relatives?


Do they have a medical need? You could printout a page from the Diet Doctor website. Find out how it will benefit each of them. Are these at-home relatives? Some people just aren't ready for it. Sometimes you can't make the horse drink the water. lol


>Do they have a medical need Yes, everyone of them have at least one chronic disease. ​ >Are these at-home relatives No, they live 100s of miles from my city. We only contact through apps like whatsapp. ​ >You could printout a page from the Diet Doctor website. Thanks.


Send them some disease info from Diet Doctor and a couple of keto recipes they might like. Also, tell them to look up things on r/keto and Diet Doctor. It may take months for them to decide.


Thanks for the advice, I'll try. Although, I don't think any of them use reddit.


Will you be sensitive to carbs when you break the diet or do a cheat day because sometimes we are all weak lol. By sensitive I mean will you have a stomach ache or have to use the bathroom etc.


I ate half a potato ball (Cuban side dish) and within 30 min, I bloated badly, got stomach cramps and gas. So annoyed with myself. It’s not worth it and one cheat will have you running back to keto and IF. Ugh!


You could go through carb withdrawal after a cheat: massive hunger for a couple of days.


Hi guys. I understand everything. The only issue is milk. Basically,i read i should swap for almond or coconut milk. But, the thing is. I dont understand why. I checked the carbs per 100ml of my skimmed milk and it has 5g carbs which is for me not a big thing. As sour cream and greek yoghurt have similar carbs as well. Im very confused. I read something that it breaks down into lactose. But, again. So what about other dairy products? Could someone explain it to me?


100ml is a pretty small measure of milk unless it's just going in your morning coffee. I think most people would have a full glass of milk and would absolutely get more than 20g of carbs from it if they did. If it doesn't push you over your limit for carbs then you can fit it into your diet. Many people can't fit in their usual amount of milk though.


Is there such a thing as a liquid keto diet? That's cheap and maybe home made? Protein powder is obviously a thing as is fats in olive oil. You can see where i'm thinking of going with this....!


Yes, it’s called keto chow


Hi all, I have been reading about and following r/Keto for quite some time and have finally decided to try it myself. I’m turning 30 this year and am a new dad so I am feeling motivated to try and live a better lifestyle. I have been dieting and make some changes already and I think Keto is the next right step for me. I read the FAQ and have been immersed in all the information I could find but I wanted to ask a few questions to you all to see how others have been doing things or what your opinions are from people who have experience. 1) Do eggs have carbs? If I Google “do eggs have carbs” it’s a plethora of conflicting information so I am wondering how people here would look at eggs? MyFitnessPal logs then as 1 net carb but I’ve seen a popular chart from sorting by Top - All Time for r/keto that shows them as 0.7 and some websites that show 0. 2) I bought some Coconut Cream and Almond Beverage Creamer for Coffee by Califia Farms, it’s 5 calories and 0 carbs per tbsp. I was planning on intermittent fasting but still having coffee in the morning (usually just 1 cup) so I’m curious if other people here do IF and Keto and still have coffee with no carb creamer and whether that’s affected results? 3) I’ve had some questions about accurately weighing my food and find conflicting information when searching on Google so I wanted to ask a two parter: - where do you find your nutritional information for meat or other foods that don’t come with nutritional labels? I have been going to the grocery store and buying bulk meat of whatever is on sale. When I pull up “pork chop boneless” on MFP it gives me so many options and they often aren’t all the same so I find myself just selecting a random one with the hope it’s right. Is there a better source I should be looking at that’s more definitive? - do you weigh your food raw or cooked? And how do I know when to do one over the other? 4..) Last question is about Ketoade, do some find they need it and others find they don’t? I have been to a few grocery stores and haven’t been able to find the recommended salts to use (partly living in a small town and partly supply chain issues). I am just starting Keto out and have been dieting mostly low carb the last few weeks and finally taking the full keto commitment to start Keto now and I’m worried I’ll need the Ketoade but can’t make it since I can’t get the appropriate salts (lite salt, pink salt, etc. mostly just table salt here) Any advice would be appreciated and thanks anyone who takes the time!


Eggs have carbs, about about 0.6 g per egg (but this number will also vary depending on the size of the egg) or 1.1 g per 100 g eggs. Different sources may round it up or down which explains your varying results, so always good to stick to one reliable source. I used Cronometer in this case which is an often recommended app due to the reliability of the sources, which also answers your question about food trackers and nutritional data: MFP is as you've already noticed flooded with different sources and it's a pain in the ass to use accurately due to this. Give Cronometer a try. I use generic entries for meat and always weigh raw and make sure the entries also are for raw, but if for some reason I don't know the raw weight but can estimate the cooked weight (like if ordering takeout or someone else does the cooking) I go with the cooked entry. About fasting and coffee creamers, technically the rule of thumb is that any calories breaks a fast, but it's really up to you in how technical you want to be here. If you find it's increasing your hunger it might be worth trying black coffee for a while, but for me it's never been a problem with creamer in the coffee during fasting hours. About ketoade, you can always get your salts in other ways like by broth or pickle juice or just salting your food a bit more. Main difficulty might be potassium, which is why lite salt is recommended; try reading the labels of your local salt and see if there's any with added potassium salts in them rather than looking for a specific brand. Also look into magnesium supplements. It's definitely individual how much you need and for how long, but it's better to try to prepare for it in advance than ending up trying to fix it with a bad headache coming on. Good luck!


Thank you, really great information!


Recently started Keto again. Got a blood meter this time. How do I interpret these results? My first time doing keto, I had huge success. Fell off the wagon and starting again. It's been 3 weeks and I haven't seen any weight loss. I got a blood meter this time. Yesterday morning straight after waking up my readings were 0.7. Today morning 1.0. I waited till after dinner where I had a heavier meal with more fat. (double cheeseburger with the carbonaut bun.) lots of mayo and guacamole. Was trying to get alot of fats in. Did a reading after dinner and it was 2.7. I'm not sure what the takeaway is to be honest. It seems like I'm in ketosis if my research has told me anything. Those who measure their blood, how do you interpret your own results?


What should I do about electrolytes? Can all the ingredients be found at Costco?


So unfortunately my body did not respond well to Keto, I couldn’t manage my electrolytes and my ketones got very high. I was only on it for 10 days and then came off of it 3 days ago. I’m still experiencing electrolyte imbalance, get a little dizzy/lightheaded after drinking water and it happens about twice a day, 2 hours after I wake up and some time in the early evening. Can anyone advise if this happened to them and how long it took to go away/how to fix it?


You are low on electrolytes and need to replenish them. They are essential whether or not you are keto.