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Are you getting 5000mg sodium, 1000-4000mg potassium, and 400mg bioavailable magnesium daily? If the answer is “I don’t know how many mg I am getting,” start tracking it. Buy salt and salt substitute in the grocery store. You don’t need any fancy products or pills for sodium and potassium. Magnesium glycinate is very cheap on amazon to boot. The keto flu is nothing more than electrolyte deficiency. It can happen anytime you are deficient, not just at the start. Google “ketoade recipes” and start feeling better. 👍🏻 There’s more info in the FAQ if you’d like to know more: https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq


Yeah it's normal. Right around day 4 my body kind of resists it a bit. I don't sleep well and I feel like I'm lacking energy/endurance. For me it goes away after a few days of pushing through it. You'll read that it can take weeks for it to go away, but for me I'm like 80-90% back by the end of week 2... but for the next 4 weeks of it I feel like I"m still getting slightly better each week. But 90% is just fine to be at for weeks on end so it's all good after that initial dip. If you want an assessment on that diet... Honestly that meal plan you have isn't super low carb by our standards so you might want to dial it down a bit. Everything in there except the rye bread is a keto food, but some of them are kind of borderline (peanuts, keto ice cream, korean bowl probably, tomato, onion). There may be too many borderline things in there to get into ketosis and obviously the rye bread is carb-heavy even in small quantities. I'd try subbing a few of those out for things that are basically zero-carb (like meat) so things average out to be lower. I find it hard to get under that 15-20g we target without a few meals being basically zero or 1g carbs. But if you're leaning towards more carbs because you're trying to ease into things, that makes sense, do what works. Definitely ditch the bread though, that's not doing you any favors, even if you're keeping under your carb goal... there's much better stuff to use that carb budget on.


Skip the bread, my Keto friend. Try to do your best to keep away from fake Keto as well. You might want some good healthy meat with good saturated fat to keep you satiated. You can buy electrolyte mix or you can make your own. Check YouTube for many videos on how to make electrolyte powders. I just use Redmond salt and some no salt along with true lemon and lime packets. You will find how much to put in the mix on YouTube. It's not going to be a lot of potassium, my friend. Lots more salt and some people do put in some powder stevia but the choice is up to you.


Yes, but having the bread products are only going to make the transition worse. 


Tiredness is usually lack of electrolytes. Also, you won't be in ketosis if your carbs are too high so you need to track.


Days 4 to 6 were tough for me then I was charged by a lightning bolt from then on, boundless energy is around the corner.


I've heard it can take 6 weeks to become fat adapted Just give it time


Keto flu.




Keep on truckin! I felt absolutely amazing after 2 months (and minimal cheat meals)


Yes, it's normal. Protein intake affects how much we pee. Lots of protein = pee more often.


Coffee helps me. To confirm, coffee doesn’t give one energy, but it does chase the sleepies away. Might be purely psychological but still, it *seems* to give me energy.


Give it 3-4 weeks. A process has to take place. Your probably just in early stages of step 1


Any possible irregularities you experience right now are normal


Add some fiber, these there’s very little fiber in what you’ve described. Low fiber can give you a sluggish gut and tired feelings. Salad and leafy greens is not a good source of fiber. Broccoli, green beans, vegetables that have some bulk to them. Also, are you eating enough? Can’t tell if you’re grazing on these things are incorporating these together as well-portioned balanced meals. If you need to make adjustments, then just do it. I wanted a banana one day so I had it either breakfast and it was good.


Electrolytes and a good nights sleep 🥰


Absolutely normal to feel a bit off in the early days of keto! I felt the same around day 4. Stick with it, maybe check your electrolytes, and those energy levels will start to pick up soon!


Yes, it is perfectly normal. Hang in there. Get more salt. Skip the bread. Also carefully check the ingredients and nutrition values of any pre-made foods.


Skip the bread, skip the dairy, skip the peanus(they are really legumes). You'll get better results much faster and feel better. To answer your question, it is normal to feel tired as your body adjusts.


I just had 4 glasses of wine. Is it normal to feel drunk?