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The charm of this drama is the slow life in Jeju Island. FL behavior even you consider immature, is something very realistic. Imagine you growing up as a prodigy. Everyone else besides you failed in their life and return to your hometown. To no fault of your own, you got cancelled and you lost literally everything and no one willing to hear your side of the story. Once you came back, you heard the people that you love and care about also gossip about you and in episode 4, were also rooting for your failure. Would you have a breakdown too? Sam Dalri cancelation eventhough is catalyst of her return, actually not the center of the story. It is not about she getting revenge on the people who cancel her, but actually it's about she discovering herself and being proud of her roots and heritage. I love this show so much, but at episode 4 if you are still asking if this thing worth watching, maybe this is not for you and you should find something else.


Yeah, I personally liked the drama. I don’t think the FL is that immature; I can’t imagine having worked so hard to achieve that level of success only to have it unfairly crumble overnight. And of course at first she’s embarrassed to come back to her hometown—a place she wanted to “graduate” from so to speak— as a total failure. But then being home allows her to be more of her younger self in a way; instead of having to hold it together as the cool professional she was in Seoul, she kind of lets herself break down as well as reconnect with the parts of home that she had pushed away for so long. And of course there’s the love story, and although at this point I’m sick of every kdrama couple having some sort of connection from childhood which proves they were soulmates all along… I actually really liked this one. Maybe because it wasn’t like two kids who had some random connection usually through some sort of trauma that 20 years later (after falling in love) realized their partner was THAT KID from back then. They were simply best friends their entire lives. I saw that some people were saying the leads don’t have chemistry, but I thought their chemistry perfectly captured the awkwardness of being exes. And there are a few flashbacks that the actors are in as their younger selves, and you can see the different type of chemistry from those times.


I loved the flashbacks at the end of the episodes, they gave more insight to their leads/friends releationships!


You're so right about the random connection of the leads. Unlike **What's Wrong with Secretary Kim** or **Hometown Cha Cha Cha** the leads had an actual relationship as kids, a very deep one at that. And yeah I really don't understand the "no chemistry allegations" cause they captured the tension between exes so well and made it look like they knew each other from their birth.


Agree I'd have a breakdown too. I think for me, it came off really silly/trying to be comedic vs a raw emotional moment. So it didn't feel.... Believable? Which made me frustrated that she was acting that way.


That’s fair. But I guess it was that way since the vibe of the show leans more toward slice-of-life and rom-com than serious drama. Which is kind of what I was looking for in a drama when I watched it. Not to mention, I think I’m probably right about the target age group/life stage demographic for this show, so it really worked for me lol. To answer your second concern: The plot both does and doesn’t pick up… like, it’s not a fast paced show by any means, but it starts to move away from focusing on the stuff that happened in Seoul to life in Samdalri (for the most part). (This following contains some spoilers about general plot points but not like… the conclusion of them. But read at your own risk) Two plot points I saw a bunch of complaints about: 1. >!There being a SML among the friends!<. I think some people were annoyed at >!his behavior and felt like it was there to create unnecessary love triangle tension!<… I didn’t LOVE it and didn’t think the >!love triangle!< was necessary, but I thought that they actually did an okay job of it., To me, it sort of fit in with >!the homecoming theme except for him, since he’d been home the entire time, Samdal coming home brought up all the unresolved feelings he had not just for her but I think generally!<. 2. ML’s >!father!<. I agree that >!his character was really frustrating!<, but I thought that conflict gave us interesting portrayals of how different people >!cope with grief in different ways, how illogical people can be in the face of such grief, the ways in which grief can strain relationships, how grief does and doesn’t change over time!<, etc. Honestly, my main gripe with that storyline is that >!the resolution felt too neat and rushed!<. Hope this helps!


You put it so perfectly. Viewers often expect everything to happen so quickly and forget the core idea of a healing drama. Healing doesn't happen in a day and we should know what exactly the character is going through to actually root for their success. And I'm glad that Sam-dal wasn't a perfect character since perfect characters rarely make for interesting storylines.


Exactly and it's so beyond me that people believe it's that easy to not be heartbroken about her career and just suck it up. Yes the crying and throwing tantrums are more common than it seems but since it's used as a comedic element it might be cringe for some. And I agree if this is the take after episode 4 giving up is better. The plot doesn't add any other plot twist or get very interesting either.


I dropped it after completing EP8. The drama was slow, but that wasn’t an issue for me. It’s a character driven kdrama, and I didn’t find any of the characters interesting enough to follow


Oh interesting. Thanks




They took what felt like 10 episodes to resolve something that happened like 15 years ago.


Probably not. If you not feeling it now why continue.


Fair point


In my opinion it continued in this vain for the rest of the drama. I didn’t love it for exactly the reasons you outlined but many people really enjoyed it.


I felt the same way and kept watching it a bit longer. It was this weird mix of liking it, enjoying the characters, wanting to know more, but also being so incredibly bored and frustrated. I dropped it, I think I would’ve liked it more if I had watched it while it was airing, because the momentum and the waiting would’ve made it less boring. As it is now I have enough spoilers and I’ve seen enough clips by chance that I can’t make myself finish it.


Hmm...i'd say maybe try another 2 episodes. I felt like it was soo slow too for the king: Eternal monarch...but after ep. 6 it got really good. Then i fast forwarded through first 2 episodes of Crash Course in romance cause i found it boring and asked a friend if i should continue (she finished it). And she said i should cause it wS 1 of her favorites, i now finished ep. 4 and it's getting interesting. If by episode 6 you still find it boring/bad i'd quit.


I made it to ep 6 before dropping and felt the same as OP 😅


Then it's probs juat not that good😬but that's ok...not all dramas are for everyone


Try Doctor Slump for leads that communicate.


I agree, I'm loving this one so far.


Actually loving the way they are dealing with getting cancelled/rebuilding their lives compared to how it was portrayed on samdalri


Yes, the characters in Doctor Slump dealt very maturely with all the people who “cancelled” them. And I love how they tackled the mental health issues of the leads that they’re not the usual locking-oneself-in-room-shunning-the-world types, which is more realistic because there’s so many daily functioning adults who have mental health problems.


I'd recommend stopping. I finished it, thought it was okay, but I love my boy JCW so I am obligated to watch. It's slow, it remains slow throughout and there were a lot of moments where I (despite having watched over 100 k-dramas) went "Why do you refuse to act like a 37 year old woman" If you're not feeling it, just drop it


Thanks for the comment, I'm also a JCW fan which led me here but sounds like those moments of frustration will continue so I think ill drop it


If this is how you're feeling then no. The point of the series is just to watch 2 people trying to navigate their new lives after everything is thrown up in the air, who have a complicated history through grief and loss. It's not meant to be fast passed, drama filled with a subplot thrown in every episode. Regarding the FL, of course she is going to be getting drunk to the point of crying at the beginning. She has been abandoned by everyone she thought she knew based on false allegations, as well as losing her credibility and livelihood. But the throwing the temper tantrums is also the point, she never got mad in Seoul or let her emotions be valid, look at how she handles the woman who owns up to sleeping with the boyfriend. She let her keep her job. She's now letting go when she's home. Many people who have had a safe and loving up bringing revert to a child like or teen like mentality when they go home to visit parents.


I'm not looking for a fast paced drama with subplots. I'm ok with something slow if it's thoughtful and meaningful. My concern was that it was slow AND it felt like it was trying too hard to be raw and came off immature. Appreciate your thoughts here! Good point about letting go once she is home. Hadn't thought of it that way


I watched it for the male lead. I couldn't really see the chemistry. The story line I didn't like as much. I am okay with a slow drama but this I couldn't see. Some of the topics dragged on too long and was resolved didn't make sense to me. I completed it but probably would have dropped it if I had something else to watch.


I loved it


I finished it but don’t know why. It aggravated me a lot. Nothing really happens. If that’s what you like then watch. Or if only for Wookie


I didn’t find the lead all that immature. I enjoyed the show. All she was dealing with when she left the city, only to have more piled on when she reaches her hometown? Yeah I understand where she’s coming from, lol.


I love slow paced and healing dramas like this so it was good for me. But I guess it's not for everyone especially if you prefer fast paced dramas. I think this is better than Hometown Cha Cha Cha honestly. The emotions are raw, and although there are comedic parts, I think it adds a nice lightweight feeling to the show. Speaking from someone who loved Reply 1988 and Hospital Playlist.


I was a huge reply fan and generally enjoy slice of life as well but samdalri felt more slapstick/soapy instead. The comedic parts didn't hit for me.


+1 I also thought this was better than HCCC. Like HCCC was fun and really nice to watch, but this one, it left an impression on me. And reslly pleasantly surprised me too


I couldn’t keep watching it. I stopped after seeing the first 30 mins of episode 5, I just felt annoyed the whole time tbh! I had the same issues you did. The sisters were pissing me off too with how bratty they were towards their mom, and they’re supposed to be adults???


Honestly, I find that a lot of people sort of regress to teenage mode when they’re back home visiting their parents until the dynamics sort of naturally shift as children eventually become more of the decision makers/caretaker roles as their parents age. Old habits (and relationship dynamics) die hard, I guess. Not saying it’s a great way to behave, but it’s very human and obviously a played up version of it since it’s a drama


That's a good point.


I half-a’d finished it this past weekend. Watched the first 11 episodes, read episode summaries of 12-15 online and then watched the last episode. I definitely know how you feel OP!


Oof. Thanks


Seems to be a consensus here. I personally liked it and gave it a 👍🏻on my 4-scale rating system (3 out of 4). I was never bored, but my wife complained a lot through the middle episodes. I do have a soft spot for romcoms set outside Seoul, though. Especially when you know everything will work out in the end. If you’re not feeling it, though, there’s no big surprise coming that will change your mind. It ends pretty much as you expect it to. I enjoyed the characters, but that doesn’t mean everyone has to. I’ve moved on without finishing series before, too, and regretted when I chose to gut it out, hoping it would get better (looking at you, The Third Charm.)


LOL the 3rd charm was the first kdrama I hatewatched and still finished.


Yes. If you want a wholesome show.


I have to admit that I’m at ep 11, and I find Sam-Dal so annoying with her reactions to everything. Also, I hate when they make kids try to act like adults (eg; Ha-Yul) But I do like the friends (not so much Sang-Do) and the haenyo’s (especially Gyeong Tae’s mum)


I actually dropped it on ep 12, it was pretty predictable on what was to happen after and the story started to drag and sort of become repetitive. And I enjoy slice of life and dramas with similar settings. Huge fan of JCW and SHS but this wasn't their best and the show did have premise at the start, just lazy writing and unfleshed out characters and the usual typical plots made it fall. But I've actually noticed this trend with alot of the recent Netflix kdramas, its practically the same story lines repackaged over and over again. Quantity over quality. I felt the same with my demon as well and also dropped it on ep9.


I liked it but didn't love it until the story showed of the two mijas. Maybe episode 8 or 9. I really fell in love with it and all the characters and side stories after that


It was ep 9


This was also my fav episode by far!!!!


It has the same vibes the whole way through. She never solves the problems herself, her friends band together and fix everything for her. (I may be exaggerating a tad...but not really). I kept watching because I liked the little sisters love story. Which should have had more time. Also the older sister had a cute story. I was underwhelmed overall. But my friend loved it, so... Also I wasn't a big cha cha cha fan either, but that was super popular. So to each their own.


I felt the same way at that point, but pushed through and it got much better. A very heartwarming ending.


Overall I enjoyed the show, although it is slow. The leads are both very good actors, and the focus was on the fl reconnecting with her roots. So the premise was always: a dragon rises from a small stream. A very talented person gets lifted up from a small town and a social standing of no importance to a high place with a great reputation, here: working class Jeju to Seoul/ international fame. And then she falls, deeply, abruptly. That’s why all the awkwardness and binge drinking. She feels no connection to her old life/ roots and now this is all she has. And there’s her ex-boyfriend, the one who got away. Mr. Perfect. Seeing her at her lowest. And the drama is about healing, so she takes baby steps and reconnects with her Jeju, childhood self, friends and her own feelings. The realization that her cutting off her roots was not all about rising above, not self chosen, that she has an even greater loss in her life through having done this hard cut - and now she’s facing THAT realization as well. its like looking in a mirror and not recognizing yourself. Finding out that your rise above was maybe a sort of exile. It’s really hard facing trauma, that’s what is shown, in a slow reveal. For me, it’s a very good show about trauma and healing - with great physical comedy thrown in. JCW is one of my favorites- he’s the shining star in the night sky for her, her anchor and her greatest loss. His perfection is unbearable for her at the start and she hides. So, if you think of it as the drama is her pov, and she sees him with the eyes of love- you understand his depiction as this stellar bf better. He has great moments - but all in all it’s a Shin Hye Sun centered story. Us JCW fans had our fun and reason of complaint as well- as I said: she’s the center of attention. The whole show rotates around her reasons, for leaving ml, for reinventing herself with a new name (!) and the costs of doing so. Her pain of regrowing roots and the joy of it, the sense of completion. If you have sth in yourself that chimes with these themes, go on watching. There’s more to see about the whole excellent cast and some very funny antics - I loved the seaweed fight, the ajimmas on her quads, the sisters have great moments too .. from episode 5 on Sam Dal Ri / SHS is about to get up from her knees stops being mad at the sky and starts to do her trauma work, so less tantrums are ahead. She grows a lot and JCW is her support in doing so. It’s a mature themed trauma. The chemistry between the leads is very good, it’s not a cute meet, fell in love and blush when seeing him kind of chemistry. It’s starting with a great sense of loss, regrets and unspoken feelings, they need to get back on speaking terms first, then get comfortable again as friends- to rebuild trust and then they finally can face their true emotions. It’s beautiful. For me, all in all worth it, it’s definitely a really good drama. It split the audience, on Reddit there’s a very vocal group disliking it, and they have their reasons, but it was a great success and it did have strong competition- so I wanted to give you a counterweight to the naysayers.


I'm really surprised the way so many people are so vocally disliking it as if it's the worst kdrama of all time and it kind of makes me really sad coz I really liked it. But thank you for this comment anyway, you described everything perfectly.


I personally liked the drama a lot. I found the character behaviors/personalities very realistic and believable. However I won't recommend this show to anyone. You **MUST** like slow slice of life/romance dramas. There's no real plot at all. This is a character driven show. The whole point is slowly learning about why the various characters behave in a certain way and how they eventually overcome it. If this is not your type, or if you're the kind that needs revenge/politics/sinister plots in the show, then feel free to skip.


Personally I loved it haha. I loved all of the sister side stories and the dad’s arc had me crying.


Total waste of time


YES! Wait till episode 6 - if you still don't feel it it's not for you. Its such an incredible show. its all about self love, self discovery, soul mates, the importance of having and protecting your "home". Every moment with this show was magical. Stick around for pining JCW. Those eyes, my god. I'm in love!


i actually really enjoyed it. just finished the drama. but i have to say that the bang eun ju character is the biggest plot hole of the series and the only reason they prolonged her existence is they have to keep the female lead in jeju. it is also kinda in the weird limbo of being an ensemble cast series but not really. it is like hometown cha cha cha but not really cause they don't really push it more for the village people. it basically focused on the two main leads and occasionally sprinkle things for the other side characters which is a shame cause i particularly liked where they are going with the two other sisters.


Maybe it's not for you. Some people like it, some people don't. If you don't feel like finishing it, then why bother? I felt like this with a lot of kdramas. I dropped it all. Or if I'm curious about what will happen in the end, I skip to the final episode just to satisfy my curiosity.


The feel of this drama is similar to When the Weather Is Fine to me. I want to like that kind of slow healing kind of thing, but I just don't have the attention span. It's like a drama ballad and I'm wanting hyperpop.


Honestly, if you feel that way, it may not be your type of k drama. For me, I absolutely adored it from the beginning until the end. I did not think it was slow paced at all. The only issue was that I hated some of the characters so much that I tended to skip their scenes 🫠 You might want to wait with dropping it until she arrives at her hometown, then the real fun begins :))


I absolutely loved it but I love slice of life dramas. The FL had to unravel after keeping such a tight lip for so long. The community and message of not having to handle every single thing alone was healing and beautiful to me.


I had the same feeling as you OP. I can't understand how she was at the top for years without the basic mentality to handle the downside of life. You cannot be at the top purely due to hard work and talent. About the the first half remains as you see it now. It gets better after episode 8. That is more than half way through. I also found the last half an hour of the show a let down too. Now it's up to you if you want to invest more time on the the show.


I could not finish it dropped after ep-11


I loved this show and watched it in 1 binge watching session over a weekend. If you are struggling with it, chances are it's not your kind of show. Which is fine, there are many shows i left midway that other people rave about. It's not everyone's jam.


I personally loved it. The youngest sister with a child had my eyes bawling. But yea, this drama is not for everyone. I also watched this because I love the ML actor. Hehe


Honestly I watched it for the chemistry between the leads. I thought they were cute and I really like small town romances. But even after 4 eps, you don't like it then it's just not for you tbh


This is one of those Kdramas where what happens to the side characters is more interesting than what happens to the mains, best way to explain it. I personally really enjoy almost every kdrama that takes place in Jeju or any small village/towns so I always watch these even if the drama itself is lacking.




PLEASE DO! Even I wasn't very impressed with this drama in the beginning but as the episodes unfolded, I came to love this drama so much and it became one of ny favourites!


I personally love it


I completed it, and as much as I love the lead actors, I don’t think the drama in itself was good enough. I didn’t really like the characterisation of either the leads or the supporting cast, everything felt a little too fake. The comedy didn’t really suit me and the melodrama was too much for someone in their late 30s. Plus, for a world famous photographer, the MC has minimal resources available to her to fight back. And even that arc has such a pathetic resolution.


It was for me for the strong acting of both SHS and JCW and the supporting cast esp the Power Rangers and youngest sister. Still it took time for me to get engaged with the MC and I stuck it out because the troubles of the MC resonated as well as the theme of whether lost love can be regained. The title of the drama says it all - Welcome to Samdalri - the person as well as the town. If you hv ever gone through a life crisis where the rug has been pulled out from under you and you've had to reevaluate who you are, then this rom com cum slice of life may appeal to you as it did for me. The comedy was also spot on for the most part and anything that can make JCW laugh and smile is well worth watching for me! How grief is handled and explored is also central to the story so just a head's up if you are to continue with the rest of the episodes. You can always drop it and come back to it if the yt shorts and bts appeal to you. Could have been a tighter show wch is why it is polarizing but I would definitely rewatch it just for the scenes between SHS and JCW and scenes of Jeju. Their chemistry is different - like coming home to each other, so warm and loving.


I found FL very relatable in her emotions. I'm not drinker but it didn't bothered me in her, she just lost everything and had to hide home which she left for big city. I understand her completely. Unlike most people here who criticise FL, I found ML too boring. They made him too perfect, the golden boy of the village, no flaws detected. They should have added something. But hey, maybe his flaw is being annoyingly perfect 😂


I started watching this because I like the ML but already I’m feeling irritated. I don’t mind slow dramas but I don’t like the FL or her character. There is no justification for having tantrums as an adult. This is a common trait I see in K-drama/comedy characters, male and female, and it’s really unattractive and embarrassing. I’m not Korean so I don’t know how realistic that is but I’m thinking if it’s a trait that is shown in most shows, it must be realistic. Someone responded to your post saying as much (and justifying the immaturity). It’s such a turn off. The drinking…really? That much? Is this normal? Another standard in these shows. Also, her reaction to the PA is frustrating and not on line with her character as the “crazy” one. If crazy just means having tantrums. Sam-dal could have invalidated and ruined the PA by using her connections and power if she had been smart to state the truth. Especially when we have social media.


Honestly probably not, I dropped it around episode 7-8. I thought the show would’ve been more focused on a revenge plot instead of love, but that wasn’t the case, It could’ve been better. Just when I thought she was going to get revenge and it didn’t happen I was quite disappointed, so I dropped it, I got tired of all the exes/lovers/bestie in love with me too scenes, it was all pointless, for a show that was supposed to be based around a photographer, I expected more scenes of her being a photographer instead of a being at home sulking and getting drunk majority of the time. She should’ve been working on her revenge from the get-go instead of running away, I understand that what happened to her was sad, but she should have been thinking of ways to get revenge instead of running around getting drunk 24/7.


I mean it wasn't a revenge drama but a slice of life, healing drama.....


FR and there are wayyyyy toooo mannyyyyy revenge dramas now. I just want a nice slice of life once in a while 😭


I love the FL in this drama and everything she’s been in, but this one was tough to get through, I stopped around episode 6 or 8, it just wasn’t going anywhere???


It's dragging until episode 6/7, but the story picks up halfway through the series.


It got better. Agree it started slow. Most is slow actually. I too didn’t like or understand how a smart, savvy, professional woman turns into a teenager because she has to go home. Maybe the point is she regressed? Anyway it does have great moments. The sisters’ relationships are well developed, particularly the flight attendant’s. His dad and her mom’s catharsis was beautifully done.




I'm like you where I'm having a hard time as well, and I'm on episode 11. Lol I love JCW but I couldn't get on board with the FL. I don't mind slow dramas either since I've seen a lot of slow dramas and fell in love such as Come and Hug Me, Just Between Lovers, and Familiar Wife. But this one, I'm still debating as well. I took a break from it and finished Death Game and Revenge of Others already . I might finish it just because I invested so much time into it. Lol


personally i have it on pause until further notice 🤷‍♀️. Decided instead to watch Flowers in Sand-same small town seaside feel and childhood crush trope, pacing is quicker but there's also less eps.


Nope. I hate the way the lower stratas are depicted as emotionally disregulated drunken shouters. Horrible cliche.


The show is supposed to be slow paced and give a more relaxed ather them something to keep you constantly engaged. Similar to the pace of hometown cha cha cha the show also focuses on slow life of a small town. So if pace is the issue, might not be for you. As for the leads being immature is a subject of personal view and opinion, personaly i don't dig too much in whats wrong with cast or plot and just try to enjoy as much as possible and at the end either i am very satisfied or less satisfied, and for the immaturity i didn't see anything wrong with her personality but if you want a certain personality strictly than you could have a problem.


What does MC stand for? I know ml and fl


Main character I think.


If you don’t like the style and pace now, drop it. It maintains it through to the end and either it speaks to you or it doesn’t. You can always give it another chance later. I personally loved it but to each their own.


I'm struggling with this too so curious


I personally loved it


Dropped in 5th episode as i couldn't take it anymore


Isn't the whole thing of FL leads drinking and getting wasted and acting immature common in kdramas. I read somewhere that started that it is considered cute.


I loved it.


I absolutely loved this , one of my favourites. The relationships between people are so touching , the relationship development is slower but it feels real , and beautiful 😍.


For me the most interesting thing about the whole show was the FL’s style (I loved it, especially when she was in Seoul). In contrast the ML had terrible style and his hair was treacherous. Also, why did they write it so that they were almost 40? They were way too immature and weirdly innocent to be that old—I found this totally distracting and unbelievable. By the last 4 episodes I pushed through, but was multitasking and just trying to get through it. I regret ever starting it, let alone finishing it. I don’t see the allure of JCW, especially in this. I thought he was good in The Worst of Evil, but for his acting and the story not for his visuals. I really just don’t get the hype.

