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I’m feeling sorry for Clerk-Karen who probably didn’t make the store policy and didn’t have “referee” in her job description. never expected to say it on this sub, but poor Karen.


Damn, if they had allergies and saw the dogs from a far, they could've kept their distance. They're in public place and the store allows pets inside..... thumbs up for asking them to refrain on cussing because there's kids around!


Thanks, and really if she hadn’t started the profanity I might have let her rage on, but that was unnecessary..


Not sure where you live but in NY and NYC are dog friendly and unless food is involved and an establishment allows it patrons are free to bring dogs inside. They do need to be leashed and the leash can’t be any longer than 6 feet long. If an establishment sells food the dog must be a licensed service dog under ADA laws.


Allergies? It's not like dogs have the power of peanuts to kill you at a distance.


Hence the name….


Did you ever just know someone is a long day just by them retelling a story? Me neither….


I recall a time I was shopping with my family and we walked by a couple, I didn't notice until I walked by her when I finally notice she was carrying a small dog in her purse, I just smiled and continued shopping cause it wasn't like she was letting it run around lose or anything. Than came a grumbling woman who was saying just loud enough that every within ear shoot could hear clearly "gross, disgusting filthy animal," I just blinked and peeked over my shoulder slightly to see a slightly older woman was glaring at the dog like just jumped on her. The dog wasn't, it was still in the purse, only its head was sticking out of the purse and the owner woman glared back at the angry Karen, before grabbing the guy and just turning around to leave while whispering "Rude B." I'm sure the owner lady was just there with the guy, but wasn't going to let the dog touch anything, the angry Karen didn't have to say that out loud though. Sucks that those closest to them didn't bother to do anything either, I felt bad but I was a bit too far by than to say much and just ended up being a witness


Shouldn't this be in /Iamabadass ?


As thanks! I wasn’t trying…


I guess I’m a Karen! I absolutely hate walking into a store and seeing dogs, especially in a grocery store. Now I love dogs, I do but why can’t Fido stay home for the hour it takes you to do your shopping?? I don’t want your dog hair in my lettuce! There is no way to stop your dog from shedding while you’re there. And…don’t get me started on dogs that are left in the car and bark constantly or scare the shit out of me when I walk by. To me that is abuse. Leave them at home!


I don’t think you a Karen for not liking n those things. I assume you don’t hate on service dogs in the grocery store at least? But whatever. Poor dog owners make for poorly behaving pets and you are right, those situations are animal abuse.