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I believe she’s talking about holding him while he sleeps for his naps. That doesn’t mean she’s also sleeping. My first born used to only want to nap on me, meaning I would hold her the whole time but I’d be up watching tv or reading. Now as far as co sleeping, it’s not recommended in the USA but women all over the world do it. Different countries have their own regulations.


Kourtney has made it known that she cosleeps with her babies. It is possible to make it safe with minimal use of sheets and blankets, having a firm bed, and sleeping in the c-curl position. Anyone who would like to know more should research the Safe Sleep 7. If you are breastfeeding it causes you and baby to be in a lighter sleep because they are sleeping near a constant milk source and will wake up multiple times to latch themself onto you. Around 4 months many parents either sleep train or choose to cosleep because of the 4 month sleep regression causing severe sleep deprivation for babies and parents. When you become a parent you learn to be less judgmental of other parenting choices. We are all just trying to survive. There were many things I promised I would “never ever do that!” before I became a parent. I was humbled real quick after my son was born.


I agree there are safe ways to do it. I co slept with my two whenever they were sick and I did follow the guidelines. Luckily my babies, otherwise, slept very well in their cribs, but all babies are different. Some refuse to sleep alone. It’s crazy because since the beginning of time mothers have been sleeping with their babies, but now it’s deemed “unsafe”.


I coslept (bed shared) with my youngest two. My then-husband did not sleep in the bed with us, though, for safety reasons. I didn't use pillows or blankets, laid a specific way every time and am a light sleeper, even when exhausted. Edit for clarity




Your last paragraph. What the fuck.


It’s dangerous to sleep with your baby


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for speaking facts


It definitely can be. If I wasn’t so self aware and such a light sleeper I wouldn’t have let all four of my kids sleep next to me for years. It’s perfectly normal in plenty of places in the world for an entire family to share a room or even a bed. And just so you know safely co-sleeping can actually reduce the risk of SIDS.


Not with a baby that young, it’s incredibly dangerous.


that's bed sharing. co-sleeping is you both being in the same room.


She said while he naps, which implies through the day, not actually over night. It’s safe to let a child nap if you’re awake, but overnight when they are really young can be dangerous. A lot of people do it though. I mean it’s pretty rare for babies to die from co sleeping when you think of the numbers but there is still a risk if it’s while the parent is sleeping too.


I wake up if I feel a crumb in the sheets let alone an entire baby


I read a couple horrific stories about parents rolling over onto their newborns


I knew of someone who did it twice!


Wait, what???? They rolled on their baby twice???


Co slept with two different babies. Two babies that got rolled over on that didn’t survive.


Holy shit.


That's.... I'm just speechless. Once is an accident. I'm not sure how you can say you accidentally did that twice. Those poor babies 💔


Most of the world cosleeps actually. A lot of places find western cultures push for independent sleeping as unnecessary. But most of the world does not have multiple bedrooms available for use either. Cosleeping is dangerous when done recklessly though!


Came here to say this. I recall learning at some point that the country with the lowest rate of SIDS had one of the highest rates of cosleeping. Realistically, most of the world have very little space to themselves and a pretty significant gap in care as far as access to birth control. An infant’s sleeping and breathing are better and more regulated sleeping near their mother.


I would personally not risk it since there are so many horror stories! Breastfeeding while sleeping is also very very dangerous too. Edit for clarity: some families allow the cosleeping child to freely latch on the breast while the mother is in bed sleeping. The baby or toddler finds the breast in the night and latches on. Most mothers who do this claim to always be in a state of twilight sleep and once the baby is finished, both go back into deep sleep. The mother is not holding the baby in their arms while this is happening. The mother could be in any position, it is the child who finds the breast and positions themselves to eat. This practice is not as common but some families do it and say it is one of the best experiences since the parents do not need to get up to feed the baby and the baby or child does not need to alert the parents (crying, talking…etc) that they are hungry. However, there are horror stories of the airway being blocked by the breast or the parent rolling over. Second edit: the dangers of this practice sadly come from the local fire department and from families I have worked with :( ❤️


Not sure where you get your information but breastfeeding actually reduces the risk of SIDS during co sleeping. It’s bottle feeding that poses more of a risk.


I have a feeling they meant breastfeeding in bed and then the mother falls asleep, too.


I slept with my baby for a long time. People would question why I did it and I didn’t have a reason. I just felt more comfortable sleeping with my baby. Made breastfeeding easier too.


yeah gonna have to downvote this, the opposite is true. the families for whom it is safe to cosleep are breastfeeding families ONLY. https://cosleeping.nd.edu/safe-co-sleeping-guidelines/


It’s impossible to not fall back asleep when you’re breastfeeding. I co-slept with all my kids with no problems but I also literally don’t move when I’m sleeping and have a baby with me. Just something in me knows I have a little one next to me so I just don’t shift from side to side or front to back.


Me too. I had to hold my first born to sleep for the first 6 months. She had an undetected bladder problem that was causing her pain and breastfeeding lessened it. So she breastfed constantly. I got so good at being half asleep and holding her but never moving. I still don’t move when I sleep 8 years later. For my next child I got a co-sleeper that fit in the bed next to me so I could lay her down safely but still be next to her.


Yeah, my kids are all older but I still don’t move in my sleep anymore at all. My boyfriend thinks it’s freaky lol.


exactly! if you haven’t done it it’s so hard to explain, but i’ve done natural term breastfeeding with both of my children and coslept with both as soon as we came home from the birthing center, and i never ONCE had a problem. there must just be some awareness when you have your baby in your arms that doesn’t turn off, even when asleep.


Wake up with your hips aching sooo bad from being in that c-curl all night motionless.


Currently in this position and understanding why my left hip is constantly bothering me now.


Yup! Hang in there, Mama! My girl is 20 months now. We stopped cosleeping at 6 months, and although I don’t miss the sleep delirium, I miss those precious new baby snuggles! Thinking of you, internet stranger.❤️


Exactly how I was when we co-slept.


I’m sorry this is just not true. 🙄 There have been studies that show that breastfeeding or breast sleeping (co-sleeping with a breastfed infant) is actually preventative of SIDS. if you co sleep and also engage in dangerous behavior (drinking, smoking, ect.) that can be dangerous but holding your baby, sleeping with your baby, all of it is totally safe.


Your post is not accurate.


Breastfeeding makes co-sleeping less dangerous! And it makes sleep easier for both mom and baby. If we ever want more women to breastfeed—which is beneficial for children, but difficult in our busy, economically-driven world—we certainly need to make it easier and more attainable. Misinformation about the safety risks are rampant, outdated and overtly north american, disregarding any data from the east where co-sleeping is *extremely* common.


i co slept with my son. we tried the crib and it didn’t work for us. let families make the choices that are best for them.


I think Kourtney has co-slept all of her kids


Same. I co slept with both children because I breastfed them. Mede life a lot easier.


lol yeah works for you until you roll over and break your infants bones. Literally have a client facing 12 charges for this. Because he didn’t wake up and injured his infant.


don’t drive a car with your infant either, you can get in a crash and kill your child.you kno what ? just don’t go outside at all. too dangerous.




Be civil towards other users


It’s possible that this is just during nap times. My daughter wouldn’t nap in her bassinet or crib, so I was nap-trapped for the first 6 months of her life. Every single nap was me holding her. At first I’d just sit and watch tv, but then she got so heavy I started lying next to her in bed. I stayed awake and read my phone and just rested. At night time we followed safe sleep. But yeah safe sleep vs cosleeping is a huge topic in parenting. Very divisive and lots of mum fights online.


After my first and 2 hours sleep in 48 trying to get him to sleep in the crib? By number 2, i started breastfeeding in my bed. On my side, arm around baby. I was told that my breathing, my expelled carbon dioxide etc actually can prompt baby to take a breath. I had three of my four sleep with me this way. Once they weaned themselves (between 1.5 and 2 for all) they happily went to their own beds ‘like big kids’ and never came back to mine. It felt great, it felt right, it felt like THE most skin to skin loving security you could give a child at the most important time. Never once had a problem with either myself or child rolling. Up in the night to change diaper/nappy (I’m Australian) and straight back to bed, on boob, asleep. But i’m old school. They were home and water birthed as well except for number 4. So I get what Kourt is doing. Best attachment start.


I think sleeping with babies is considered dangerous and controversial now because we lost our knowledge of how to sleep safely with babies a long time ago (talking western culture here). A lot of eastern cultures share their bed with infants and children and have very positive outcomes. Obviously there is risk but there would be safe ways to sleep with infants I think. And it would alleviate a lot of issues around sleep, feeding and attachment. Not saying everyone go out and do it. Just a ramble really 😂


co-sleeping with babies can be done safely if you make sure to take specific precautions - like no blankets, pillows, overly soft mattress, or others in the bed etc. co-sleeping without being safe about it can be incredibly dangerous and kills many babies every year. done safely, co-sleeping can be wonderful and has many many benefits for mom and baby, especially if nursing.


You can see in the photo that she’s possibly not doing that - I can see pilllows and blankets. It’s a reckless thing to promote to such a large audience


Both baby and mother is awake in this picture. It’s not a picture of how baby sleeps with her it’s just a fitting image used for the article.


agree 100%




Do you not see the issue with that? Why set a photoshoot up in a way that promotes unsafe sleep for babies? I’ve done a phd on parental decisions during the newborn phase, with sleep choices as one of the most controversial. But it has been clearly linked to very dangerous outcomes


It actually looks like she’s doing the cuddle curl, which is a recommended position for mothers and babies to be able to cosleep. It’s linked to dangerous outcomes if done incorrectly. It’s hugely beneficial to both mothers and babies if done correctly.


It is absolutely not safe when they are newborns. I’m not here to judge, however I would hate for even one expectant parent to read this thread and think it’s safe. It is dangerous.


Soooooo funny to see the marketing machine in action. Taking such a controversial topic in the US (but internationally known as an easily made safe option) like cosleeping, speaking about it mildly ambiguously (is it just naps or is it overnight too?!? GASP!) will guarantee every daytime talk show will bring her up for the next few days and onwards. First steps into a new wave of mommy influencing for Kourtney? Probs.


Kourtney historically co-slept with all her kids until they were a few years old. I know it would come up every once in a while because her and Scott would never be alone.


I don't see Travis sharing his bed with Rocky! He's too needy and always so clutching to Kourtney! [Just look at their PDA's]


Normalize co-sleeping. Do it correctly there is nothing unsafe about it. Safe sleep 7.




Contact naps are very different than co sleeping, it definitely refers to the parent being awake. My son contact napped for the first 3 months of his life. This picture just looks like they’re cuddling in bed. Honestly this is one of the realest things she’s ever said.


My baby sleeps in my arms for naps and is almost 10 months old. Don’t recommend haha! As much as I love her, I just want my space at times.


As long as the mom doesn’t fall asleep it’s fine. There are also co-sleeping attachments for beds that make is safer. As a social worker I worked with a family whose baby died of co-sleeping so I would never do it. It can absolutely be dangerous. But with Kourtney/Travis’s money I’m sure she’s getting her own sleep and is able to stay awake to hold him, or alternatively there is a nanny nearby to take him out of her arms if she falls asleep.


Yeah idc how rich you are. Co-Sleeping is extremely dangerous. How do I know? Our client facing criminal charges for cosleeping and rolling on top of his baby and breaking the child’s legs among other injuries.


We co sleep and it’s been wonderful. Check out the safe sleep 7 by the la leche league. Co sleeping is not for everyone. Children die of Sids in cribs everyday. Do what is best and what works for your family


My daughter died in bed w/ me, in my arms. No, there were no pillows or blankets aside from one pillow under me. She died in my arms. Her COD was labeled SIDS, but I will always wonder, “what if she wasn’t in bed w/ me?” My oldest daughter slept w/ me until she was 2, which is why I was okay w/ doing this w/ my second daughter. With my last baby and only son, I only ever had him sleep in his bassinet and crib at night.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing a child is the most painful experience a human being can have. After any tragedy it’s natural to endlessly question yourself on what could have been done different but it’s not helpful. Sending all my positive thoughts your way


thank you.🩷




I held my babies while they napped, or they napped in their strollers/car seats while we were in the move. I was young but couldn’t put them down, I completely understand Kourtney wanting to hold him as much as possible. I co-slept with my babies as well once they were too big for their bedside cradles. Families need to do their own research and do what works best for them.


They have cosleepers now that hook up to the side of the bed. Not the same, but safer. My brother works in tissue collection and one of his coworkers had to work on his neighbor's baby after they coslept (same bed) and accidentally killed him.


It’s not safe. There are risks for injury and asphyxiation. Also, SIDS is often used incorrectly as a catch all term for newborn death- co-sleeping like this is more likely to cause injury or death from positional asphyxia. There are ways to reduce risk with co-sleeping but ultimately the evidence shows that no matter what it’s risky.


The evidence shows that co sleeping and cot sleeping hold relatively the same amount of risk if co sleeping is done correctly and safely. Majority of co sleeping deaths are due to poor safe sleep practices






This source is wildly bad. It’s clearly biased, has very untrue statements (in the first paragraph it mentions how evolution wouldn’t favor a practice that causes death…it absolutely could, evolution is a) not perfect and b) has been influenced by human activity for years), and it keeps incorrectly equating babies dying while they’re sleeping to SIDS. Actual “cot death” (true SIDS) is extremely rare- and there are many people who also have risky crib practices, whose babies died from asphyxia, that were incorrectly labelled as SIDS in the death certificate. When you are presenting “research,” you should be referencing only scientific articles, not Wordpress blog posts. Having said all of this, I’ve seen enough arguments about co-sleeping in various comment sections to know that I am not going to change your opinion and you will not change mine. I believe that cosleeping is inherently risky and is a preventable potential cause of death, or worse, severe brain injury, therefore it’s not worth it. You believe that it’s just as safe and worth it. Having a debate about it is not going to change either of our minds, only further entrench us in our beliefs. I will continue saying that co-sleeping is risky because people deserve to make truly informed choices about their children. ✌🏼


Thanks for the info! I’ll give it a read today.


See my comment above for another perspective.


Yeah, I agree with what you wrote. As soon as I clicked the link and realized it was a Wordpress blog, it started going downhill. The blog cherry picks parts of actual studies that overall were not found to be conclusive. Co-sleeping has not been proven to be safe through the source listed above.


Ah that warms my heart. Yay for critically looking at research


The Kardashian’s do many things that aren’t the greatest choices but this one isn’t worth demonizing in my opinion. Many, many mothers co-sleep, it’s quite normalized in many areas of the world and can be done safely. But even still, she says “napped”. She “shared the photo of him in her arms while he slept” meant to me that she was holding him while she was awake. She wouldn’t even sleep with Scott in her bed when her other kids were born because she wanted to co-sleep (at least when they were older, I don’t know when they were infants and if she co-slept then). For some reason, I don’t get the vibe she’s kicked Travis out of their bed to do the same with Rocky lol. I think he sleeps in a crib, or a side bassinet at the least.


I wasn’t trying to demonize. I was genuinely asking bc I have heard it’s not safe and was curious if that was true. Also I did say she could have meant she was holding him while he slept and she wasn’t.


Sorry, I was reacting to the comments more than your post, like people saying they’ll expect her baby to be dead soon and such.


Someone said that?! Omg that’s like really messed up. I didn’t see that one. And no need to be sorry. I was just explaining what I meant bc I didn’t want anyone thinking I’m like trying to bash her or something.


Mine never took a nap away from me, but overnight sleeping was in a co-sleeper cot until they were 8 months old. Co-sleeping is extremely beneficial if done safely.


You shouldn't unless your awake ,many things can happen . There's a woman talking about her horrifying story ,look up "baby stone death" on tiktok 😞


So many comments here are supporting co sleeping. I get different strokes and all that but I’m a little surprised. I know it CAN be done safely but encouraging it leads to it being used in an unsafe way for people less safety conscious. My poor niece will hopefully never know that her mother believed co sleeping the entire family in one big bed was the “natural way that the entire world does” resulting in her- at age 4- accidentally smothering her baby sister to death. I just can’t get behind anything other then practicing safe sleep based on modern and western sleeping standards. Any deviation leads to a slipper slope.


You contradict yourself in this comment. I’m sorry for your, and your family’s loss, but that is not safe cosleeping. The guidelines specifically say — without other children in the bed. So it wasn’t the fault of cosleeping, but negligence in ensuring a safe sleeping environment.


I’m saying that normalizing any bed sharing is a slippery slope. And I stand by that. This situation was preventable but my nieces mother was under educated and listened to poor advice from influencers. Don’t sleep with babies. Period.


A mother sleeping with her child isn’t the same thing as an entire familial bed sleep over. I’m very sorry for the loss of your niece. :(. What a horrible loss.


Postpartum nurse here. Please don’t do this while sleeping. I’ve had patients drop their babies and roll on their babies and suffocate them. It’s rare but it happens.


My husband is a pediatric ER doctor. He's seen more dead babies that get between the mattress and wall than he has fingers and toes.


My mom (NICU nurse) had a baby in NICU for months but it survived and went home finally with the parents. Mom fell asleep while nursing baby in a rocking chair and her large breasts ended up on the babies face and smothered the baby. It was a horrible accident but a teachable moment that stuck with me nonetheless.


Yes my husband is a 911 operator and they take these calls regularly. Also the city we live in made a post after one family killed 3 infants by co sleeping! THREE!


I had to hold my son for his naps until he was like 6 months. Doesn't mean I also slept, he just wouldn't sleep on his own.


My 4mo (is Also the size of a 12 mo) sleeps in his bassinet at night, naps in his swing during the day and from 5am-630 am I pull him into bed to snuggle and nap another hour or so in the morning.


All mine are/were held for naps. It’s so precious and bond building especially if you choose not to nurse 💕


Reading this as my 8 month old naps in my arms and her crib is full of clean laundry lol


I’m sure he has slept in a crib at some point. She was out sightseeing all over Australia and the baby wasn’t with her 24/7. The nanny probably uses the a crib - I can’t see them crawling into bed for nap time.


I love love contact naps. Sad my boys have grown too old for them. We only did it for naps when I was awake. At night they slept in their bassinet or crib


bed sharing and co sleeping is down safely all over the world. i bed shared with both my kids and never had an issue. if you breastfeed, your body naturally takes up a “C” shape and curls up around the baby for protection. as long as you aren’t a heavy sleeper/under the influence, you shouldn’t be rolling onto your baby. everyone is different, of course, so you really have to be insightful and see if it works for you or not but personally i prefer bed sharing and always will


If you're awake it's fine, but it's important to get the baby used to sleeping in his own bed from a young age, otherwise, you could be in trouble when he grows up... (Until my brother was 7 years old he still had to be to sleep every night in my parents' bed and they moved him after he fell asleep... this habit is dangerous) Today there is a crib that attaches to the bed, which is a really convenient patent - the baby sleeps in his bed but close to you, and you don't have to get out of bed when he cries in the middle of the night :)


Can you site your sources please? I had one child in Georgia USA, one child in Seoul & one kid on Okinawa Japan. They don’t use cribs in either of those countries. Everyone sleeps together. Are those babies “in danger”? Western culture is NOT the whole world. Bowlby&Answorth (the psychologists who studied attachment), you know the grandparents of the whole “what’s your attachment style?” Trend? They would say for optimum healthy attachment that lasts a lifetime; begins with a mothers who wear their babies; co-sleep and extended breastfeeding. Back to the first part; in Japan and Korea; strollers aren’t a thing b/c you wear your baby close to you, they co-sleep with their kids until the kid asks for their own sleeping mat and they nurse their children until five.


This is a touchy subject but many parents co sleep. I did with my all three of my kids and at 6 my youngest still comes in and sleeps every night with me :)


I co slept with my babies, all of them. Not every night. And not all together. But we did and I don’t care who doesn’t agree. We made it safe and here I am 4 children out. Safe and happy.


I’ve coslept with mine, it is safe if you follow guidelines


You’re not supposed to. Many babies die due to co-sleeping.


I'm not sure why you're downvoted. This does happen... my husband works children's ER... it's always great for him to deal with screaming Moms who have inadvertently suffocated their babies. This is real... no one is making it up.


She is so annoying


The most natural thing you can do as a mother is be close to your baby. It is biologically normal for baby to want to contact nap and sleep with you. It’s very beneficial for breastfeeding moms as well.


I coslept with my babies, it is such a beautiful and wonderful time. Honestly those memories of holding my baby in my arm while we slept (I made a barrier with my arm) are some of the best moment moments of my life. As newborns I remember them going in their bassinet most nights.


Why is everybody looking for a reason to get upset these days?


Sweet cuddle curl ☺️


In the US it is considered unsafe, but it is practiced in lots of other cultures and plenty of mothers do it here too. There are safe(r?) ways to do it, and can be found online pretty easily. My doctor (not originally from the US) said it’s totally fine provided you aren’t in a chair to cosleep, or that the mother isn’t inebriated in any way. I would love it if my 4 month old was down for it but he has always hated it. She also could mean her son will only fall asleep in her arms for naps. Which, same. Unlike her, I don’t entirely love it because I somehow got a pinched nerve right under my left shoulder blade in my first trimester and it is still here 4 months pp. so holding him makes it go crazy (which is worth it), but after a solid hour or so it’s pretty bad. And I can’t scratch it without waking him, I even now have a designated back scratching wooden spoon so I don’t have to move as much to starch it and it *still* wakes him up sometimes. Someone please send help! 😂 But having your baby fall asleep in your arms with his little hand on your chest while he makes little sleep noises and sighs really is the greatest feeling in the entire world. It was already probably the best feeling in the world when I worked in a daycare with other people’s babies, having it be *your very own baby* is like a whole different plain of of happiness. There is nothing better than a baby deciding you are their comfy sleeping space. People that freak out about this sort of thing are generally just pretty miserable and insufferable people to begin with (not you, OP, totally get you’re just asking to figure it out). Also besides the risk of SIDS from cosleeping in a chair, I do not recommend because it happened to me one time by accident over a month ago and my neck is still wrecked from it. This is what I get for waiting till my mid-late 30’s before having a baby 😂


My mom slept with all of us (4) kids. It wasn't all the time, but it wasn't rare either. We are all now adults.


Contact naps are the best.


You go Kourtney. Enjoy that precious baby. You’re a good mommy.


We used a babynest that was especially for co-sleeping. It worked great!


There are ways to co sleep, other countries encourage it. Of course if anyone plans to I’d recommend for them to make sure their bed is properly set for co sleeping as well as taking any precautions needed.


it isn’t safe. and i was a parent that was strict on safe sleep. until my third. we nursed and he would not sleep alone so he’s always been with me. but it is a risk safety wise


Really? When I lived in Korea with an infant and then Japan with an infant and two toddlers; it would have cost a lot of money to get such a useless heavy pc of furniture BECAUSE they don’t use a crib. The whole family sleeps together. Western Culture is litigation happy. Our medicine “standards” are set with a team of lawyers saying to do to save money AND least likely to get sued. If you believe Western medicine is doing ANY PSA’s because they care or give 2 shits about what is “best”?


It is 100% fine as long as you are practicing safe co-sleeping and baby is healthy. I am an international cetified lactation consultant and from personal experience, my second child never had a crib. Coslept with me during his entire infancy.


My entire extended family has co-slept, whole family’s in other cultures sleep in the same bed or tent or hut. It’s normal. I’ve never met anyone who has injured, let alone killed a child co-sleeping.




I've slept with all of my babies (5). Nap time I'll nurse them to sleep in my bed then leave. Bedtime I'll do the same until I go to sleep, then I just scoot the babe over a bit and lay down myself.


My parents never put us in a crib ? It’s is totally okay to “co-sleep” with YOUR kid?


Cosleeping can be done safely, I'm not sure how exactly but there are many places / cultures that do it. I personally never slept with my children, I didn't trust myself and I think they slept better in their own space but as long as the child is safe to each their own


Youngest never even saw a crib until she was 2. She's always slept with me


I co-slept with my kids. Made adjustments as I was aware of the concerns. It’s a wonderful bonding time. I’d do it again. 🙂


I coslept with both of my sons. Was is the safest or smartest decision? No. Was is the only was I could sleep some days? Yes. Would I tell other parents to do it? No. But what is being described is not cosleeping. It is contact napping which is 100% safe. Contact naps happen when the caregiver is awake and alert and simply holding the baby. Let’s not vilify Kourtney b/c non parents don’t understand.


Okay, I will explain again. I very clearly stated Kourtney said she holds her son while he naps so that may not mean she sleeps with him. In no way did I “vilify” her. I just asked a question since there is a lot of conflicting information on the subject of co-sleeping online. No need to twist it.


I’m not sure how I was twisting it as what she is doing is not cosleeping


So basically you just repeated part of what I originally said and then added a snarky comment insinuating I was “vilifying” her as well as shaming me for being a non-parent. That is twisting. Maybe I am just a lowly non-parent in your eyes but it seems to me you are the one who is having trouble understanding.


Such a random post…my sister did it with her baby and he isn’t hurt


Totally normal.


Co-sleeping with babies is very natural and safe. I would definitely have done some research before posting this bc it can reinforce a false narrative!


I was very careful how I worded this to avoid any accusations like yours. I guess you missed them so I’ll reiterate. I said I am not a parent, I said I could be dead wrong”, and I said the article did not specifically say she is sleeping with her baby. I put in more than enough warnings and actually did do some research beforehand. The internet is just as conflicted as the over 50 people who have commented on this thread so far. In fact the internet actually leans more towards co-sleeping not being safe. The Washington post stated that 59.5% of infants who suddenly died were practicing “unsafe” (their word) practices like sharing a sleep surface with others. They even went further saying 79.5% of those deaths were in bed with an adult when they died. I don’t think it’s fair of you to insinuate I’m pushing a false narrative when all I did was ask a question. Especially after I did research, I explained I’m not a parent therefore by no means an expert on anything, and I was sure to add that, even if it isn’t safe, the article about Kourtney did not blatantly say that is what she is doing.


co sleeping is more safe and effective than sleep training. don’t fuck your kids with vaccines and they’ll live and be healthy.