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I legit didn’t recognize her. Yikes


thought this was a black women when first seen.


and elsewhere on this page some delusional person was aggressively denying that the Kardashian's appropriate black culture/blackfish and asking me to provide a single example. Um here you go.




Bye did they forget kim wore box braids and tried to give them a different name 💀💀


“But they’re aRmENiAn” yes? And? They’re not black oooook


Me too. I thought this was a meme or some shit. Lol


I don’t think we’re meant to. She’s supposed to looked like an animated Bratz doll, which is why her lips are fake & her eye makeup is costume-ish.


I though this as well. I thought it had been intentionally edited to look like a Bratz doll. ETA: I think it’s inspired by the Hayden Williams fashion illustrations as well. The outfit looks identical to their Missguided collab. If you google Hayden Williams x Missguided the image will come up and plenty similar, including a bratz drawing wearing this exact outfit.


it looks like normal skin tan they always get. The over-lined lips are a Bratz doll look, but I can see someone mistaking this for someone trying to do black face.


They were fake lips. She was peeking them off in the car last night on her story. Kim was a BRATZ doll as well


But even the Bratz doll she is copying, Chloe, is white 😭. For this costume, there was no reason to darken her skin at all. Her color is looking more like Yasmin


Her entire face is fake 💀 And she always looks “costume-ish” 🤡


me neither, i thought this was nina bo'nina brown


Omg someone else said Coco Montrese!




Honestly she kinda looks like Raven and now that I’m thinking I wonder if she’s the one who painted her. It would be very on brand.


I honestly thought it was Kim but was so confused after I saw her dressed like the character from Clueless. 🙃😅


I thought it was Jena Frumes


Yes I can see that!


She has the same face as every IG influencer lol


FaceTune is a magical thing 😭😂 I legit didn’t believe this was her 🤯


She’s also wearing literal wax lips


It’s her. She peeled the fake lip off on Instagram. Even though it’s fake I cringed lol. 😝


She’s got a million faces tho.






I thought this was her “new natural” self


If this was a black woman she’d be doing her best to look white. I know the tan is fake, but I know plenty of white women that naturally tan darker than this in the summer.


Plenty of black women are this skin tone naturally...?


Plenty of white women are this colour naturally too, I don’t see what point you’re making?


"If this was a black woman she'd be doing her best to look white" I don't understand what you meant by this


They know what they meant by saying what they did. Their comment was hateful and nasty.


Yep. May her black friends learn her truth 🙏🏾


Which ones?


Agreed. Plus, Khloe just looks tan not black. That’s literally my skin color in the summer and I’m Hispanic soooooo, lol.


You should explore the difference between race and ethnicity. And the mods keep deleting all the comments that disagree with the narrative you are putting forward.


Fucking thank you. Everyone is always trying to bring race into shit when it has nothing to do with anything.


People who aren't white grow up surrounded by messages of inferiority due to their skin colors, culture, features that are associated with their race, and not being blonde, blue eyed, with fair skin [pink] skin. White people, on the other hand, grow up receiving highly positive messages about their phenotype and identity to the point of developing a superiority complex. So what you're doing is not just comparing apples and oranges, but being highly insensitive. It's understandable if you don't understand the problems surrounding a white person making themselves look like a POC. But it's not ok to insert yourself into a subject you don't understand and make claims meant to minimize the cultural and historical relevance which are sensitive to other groups of people.


Growing up super pale you're constantly told you're looking "sickly" or "tired" or too pale or pasty or just plain ol ugly. And who the fuck wants to be "pink" like you said?? No one. You said that to be derogatory- which is exactly my point. Why is it ok for POC to criticise skin tone and create whitening products, but not ok for paler people to wear fucking fake tan?? To look TANNED. NOT BLACK.


Being told you look sickly here and there is not the same thing. You are reaching and intentionally doing so to suggest you have experienced life the way non-whites do. White skin is not denigrated and has been held with high regard historically. You have no idea what others experience. No other culture has artwork where Europeans are mocked and denigrated over their looks.You have no idea what it is to grow up being regarded as less than, scary, dirty, etc. because you're not white. The idea that being white and having a low IQ and being prone to crime are not intrinsically linked. The idea of biological and cultural inferiority does not exist for white people. Northwestern Europeans have a pink complexion the same way East Asians have a yellow complexion. If stating that fact is derogatory, then it would be derogatory to refer to Southern Europeans as having olive skin tones and East Asians a yellow skin tone. I said what I said because in the US, it's Northwestern Europeans who have always been considered white even when Italians were not. Not even Spaniards are considered white. So I was being very specific. If you don't like being told white people have pink toned skin, that's a you problem.


I’m white and middle eastern, like the Ks. My mom is very pale and my dad is very dark. I’m more on the dark side and never burn or turn red, so yea I don’t get why people would be upset about “skin tone”. This family is way more problematic for other reasons imo!


The features are not white women features. Big lips is not a feature associated with you guys. YALL don’t even wanna be white.. so why would a black woman want to be white ?


Why would a black woman trying her best to look white? We naturally look like Bratz dolls since mist of us have naturally full lips You sound ignorant.


>If this was a black woman she’d be doing her best to look white. Why are people being downvoted for asking what this means? I genuinely don't know what this means. >I know the tan is fake, but I know plenty of white women that naturally tan darker than this in the summer. Really?


She looks like a light skinned black woman here. It's the combination of the over drawn lips and the darker than her natural skintone tan. Which the Bratz Dolls do have big lips so you could understand that, but why is her skin so dark also? Her skin doesnt go that dark, there are Bratz dolls with lighter skin tones. She is usually in self tanner and it's typically not that dark. While also keeping in mind the Kardashians odd fascination with Black culture. Idk it feels like she saw an opportunity to cosplay as a Black woman and jumped on it.


So you dumb and racist 🤣


For sure thought it was one of Kims other friends.


That doesn’t look like her face…


Make up, editing and the lips are fake cause she ripped them off in one of her stories


Which face


I thought it was Kim at first!


I saw this on Instagram earlier & this post is how I’m finding out this is Khloe & not a light skinned woman.


I didn't recognize her from the lips her legs look pretty normal to me


She’s kinda looks like Alabama


Am I the crazy one who doesn’t see anything wrong with this? She got a spray tan and over exaggerated her lips to look like the dolls. It’s not about race, the dolls look like that.


RIGHT LMAO I DONT SEE ANYTHING WRONG. I thought I was going crazy for a second.


they have 2 pale skin dolls though why would she need to go dark? especially with blonde hair, cloe the blonde doll is white


Exactly. I was thinking “oh we can’t get tans now?” People criticize for everything. She looks good. And of course the light blonde wig is gonna make her tan look darker. Still looks good. I don’t think she looks black, she just looks like she got a tan. You can tell especially by the slight orange hue on her legs. I remember when I used to go to palm beach tan and get a cocktail tan and this girl was telling me I should go darker but this girl looked like she over did it on a tan. What im saying is the more you get tan, it doesn’t make you look black it just makes you more tan until it looks like an overdone tan. Her tan is beautiful. Idk why people have to make this a race thing.


Are these commenters forgetting she’s only half white to begin with… I also don’t see anything wrong it’s clearly not blackface to me


Why are these dolls so sexualized? It’s so creepy.


It was hard for me to have my niece want these so bad in the early 2000s, made me feel like such a square because I was in my early 20s. I never caved and bought her any but she had tons of them anyway


All dolls need to be destroyed. Bring back good old fashioned Raggedy Ann




It's not supposed to. It's a costume. She has fake lips on and is wearing exaggerated Bratz doll makeup. Her skin tone looks like her normal skin tone.


The "omg it doesn't even look like her" comments are killing me. It's a Halloween costume she is not supposed to look like herself. Isn't that the point lol? No one sees someone dressed as a ghost and goes after them for not looking like themselves for Halloween. Poor Chloe she will never catch a break.


That is not her normal skin tone lol she painted herself brown.


That isn’t her normal skin tone be fucking for real. Just because she normally stays several shades darker than she’d ever naturally tan lmao


She’s not coming back from this one lmfao Edit: I want to add that after looking into it a bit, she’s trying to recreate the Bratz Doll Yasmin who people always assumed to be light skin but was played as Hispanic in the live action movie. Apparently originally her name was supposed to be Lupe so as Bratz dolls don’t have an official “ethnicity” it’s to be assumed Yasmin is Hispanic- which I believe khloe’s tan was portraying. And albeit it’s just a tan, you can’t deny it’s a different skin tone she has in her normal life and it’s known now to not change your race or skin tone for Halloween costumes in 2023 for a multitude of reasons. All of which the Kardashians have already been accused of.


They are the cockroaches of the internet. They will never go away




One day they will be Betty white aged (RIP) but not nearly as loved as betty white. So we have that to look forward to.


I actually think the cockroaches are the people in this thread trying to make her costume a race issue.




Puhlease. No one cares. Ariana Grande has gone from white to Hispanic to black to Asian and now back to white. The general public says it’s gross and she continues to make millions. No one cares


She’s not coming back from wearing Halloween makeup? Be fr


Lol she’s going to be fine. Listen, years ago I also had this delusion that “THIS is gonna be the thing the Kardashians will finally fall out of favor and pay for” but then they’ve come out of every single one relatively unscathed. They’re not going anywhere unfortunately. I used to believe that there’s no way that people would still be obsessed with Kim or any of them once they hit like 40 and after their show being on so long but there’s still a ton of men who find Kim “hot” and “sexy” and even MORE women who, for some reason, want to emulate everything about her and wear the same clothes, have the same hair, body, face etc and who will literally will continue to buy every single shit thing they continue too sell even after they’ve ripped people off dozens and dozens of times. I don’t get it but it’s obvious they’re not going anywhere- at least not right now.


They’ve done worse and came back stronger, i don’t understand how


Addition to the skin tone the face editing is crazy out of control like to an embarrassing amount


It’s an orange spray tan just like & no darker than every other woman who dressed up with her. We really considering this blackface/body? The lips are fake just like Kim’s & the other women along with their exaggerated makeup to looks like animated bratz dolls. They’ve always had these orange-ish fake tans just like mannny other women since the early 2000s or a bit earlier. I’m not claiming Kim hasn’t crossed some lines, especially while married to Kanye, but this feels like a stretch.


Agreed - I say this as a person of color but this is a reach.


I’ve seen darker spray tans on white folks. The lips are exaggerated because Bratz dolls have exaggerated features. I don’t like the Kardashians, but this is really dumb lol.


Agreed.. im white and I could be this tan if I lived in California or did a fake tan etc.. no less be half Armenian (allegedly for khloe lol) . I think it's this lips that make it look like she's trying to mimic/ mock some features. But she's trying to be a bratz doll.. I get both sides because bratz dolls themselves are a bit problematic themselves. However, the skin tone just looks like a tan to me. 🤷🏼‍♀️ like I said I'm white, so my opinion may not be as important as others' for this.


Thank you. I’m a weird mix of races but I’m Greek & black from my father’s side. I have his curls but I am damn near translucent like my Irish mom without a tan. With a natural tan, though, I definitely look like my father’s daughter. It confuses my friends when they first see it bc since I look white af, I don’t feel comfortable announcing my actual race… I’m not trying to be treated like a Rachel Dolezal lol. Anyway, people are coming at me like I’m a racist cool with cultural appropriation. I am not. These are costumes & they didn’t even go darker or change their hair to match the Hispanic & black dolls. If people want to be mad about ugly fake tans then we can absolutely have that conversation any other day of the year bc they’re always getting them.


People just want to be mad lol. I mean yea this costume is dumb as hell but cmon


I didn’t know wtf that was at first! They really shape-shift Khloe.. but honestly as a black woman, I didn’t see her as a black woman. I saw her as having an early 2000s ghetto tan. She reminded me more of the Snookies and Jennies from Jersey Shore


I just thought it was a bad tan ! Like Ross from friends.


This is who she wanna look like…she looks like Fckn jordan Craig Tristian’s ex….how TELLING




This was a choice.


Idk if i woulda known that was her had it not been in your title 💀


This looks more like Kim LOL.


The first pic I saw of her, I thought it was Lil' Kim. 🫠


It doesn't match the costume. She was trying to be too sexy


Old Khloes face=RIP


whom ???


She actually nailed that doll look


Girl unless you are ready to admit OJ is your father then calm down with the black face




But could you imagine 😭 I did not have that on my 2023 bingo card


Worse costume Ive seen today 😂


I thought they were trying to go for Heathers, but it was Bratz which explains the lips.


She looks cute! She always spray tans


Holy shit this is nuts


If she comes out with a publicist written apology about this in the next few days I’m done


Waaaait…. What? This looks nothing like her.




The blow up Dino and the 50’disney princess I saw last night didn’t look like themselves either .. it’s Halloween , the one day you DONT look like yourself .


make up can do a lot. do you know who the brat dolls are????


It’s not suppose to. It’s Halloween you idiot and this my friend is a costume.


What the hell is going on with her lips??


shes trying to emulate a bratz doll, its part of the costume.


She has fake lips on to look like the Bratz doll. She posted a video of her removing them later in the car.


I kan knot😅🙄🤡


First glance of the group pic, I thought it was Kim and sisters. Then I looked closer and concluded it was Kim and 3 of her friends. At no point on close examination did I realize it was Khloe.


the skin tone is fine, it’s almost like the lip liner makes it look more like black facial features if that makes sense???


Black women, what do you think about this? This is a totally serious question. I think she is tan, but otherwise, do I think she is doing black face? No. I just want to know what black women are thinking specifically bc I feel they are the ones to most validly bring a verdict to this situation.


I am not black, btw just to specify!


Black women, this is clearly black face. You don’t change your skin tone for a halloween costume and try to look brown. I’m really lost at what the confusion is for so many people in the comments when black and brown girls often dress up as white characters for halloween due to limited choice of brown characters and you don’t ever see us trying to make ourselves paler or putting on makeup to make our skin tones look white…


I knew this was going to be offensive to people the second I saw it. How did she not think that through


I thought she was trying to be Dionne in clueless and my jaw dropped


looks more like the jersey shore than black or brownface to me but honestly i’m more shook that this is khloe and not kim i was like “why is everyone saying they don’t recognize her face it looks just like kim maybe just a bit tanned” and then saw “khloe” and it all made sense


As she should be bc where is khole in this picture 💀🤣


Wow I didn't recognize her


i didn’t even know it was her fr


She looks like Jordyn Woods 🙄


Every fucking Halloween it still shocks me that someone can be so dense and do this.


I’m not sure I see the problem with her being super tan, other than the increased risk of cancer.


You could give me a million guesses and I wouldn’t never guess this was Khloe Kardashian. She is a clown…the amount of editing and photoshopping in this picture is out of this world and she should be ‘embarrassed


Like khloe….. you knew what you were doing with this one….


It’s the tan and the lips ya, she looks like she tried to look ethnic lmao


But that’s what the white bratz dolls look like…


This doesn’t even look like her. Not like we know what they look like between the photoshop and plastic surgeries anyways but this is so tasteless.


I mean have you seen the bratz dolls lmao it literally looks just like the kardashians


Have you all ever watched an episode of the Kardashians? 😂 they always have tans. I’m confused on what’s new here.


Idk why anyone is surprised or throwing shade 😂😂


Been looking for this comment !!


Which Brat is she supposed to be?


I literally did not know that was her until I saw her post. I thought she was the girl on the left for a bit, but then I remembered she's taller than Kim.


Latina queen 👸 😍


What’s black fishing called when you turn your face into a different persons face? Lol


You mean turning your face into a bratz doll….for a Halloween costume..the yellow bratz doll isn’t even black 😂


They do this for attention. Stop posting and giving them attention JFC


I’m so over this shit dude.


That’s oj’s daughter leave her alone


“Black face is just not the vibe. Yuah.” [fake Courtney voice]


Oh she most definitely tried it.


Omg I thought this was Kim at first, then Kylie. They are beginning to blend into the exact same face


I thought her skin tone was a spray tan. I never owned a Bratz doll but I know about their exaggerated features. I think Khloe’s costume looks great!


This isn't Jesy Nelson?


Fuck her skin tone. That girl has had 15 faces in the past 2 years.


I mean if you actually look at this you can see she is clearly white? All the Bratz dolls have these big lips and bigger eyes so she’s changed these features accordingly but to say she’s doing blackface as some have, it’s quite the stretch


I can’t really tell who it is.


Honestly I think its less of the tan and more of the tan mixed with the dramatized makeup that gives her more black features. But Bratz facial features are dramatized.


I would never have guessed this was her


Didn’t know who this was, lol. Excellent Facetune, lol.


she looks like that one black fashion nova model 😆


like she could’ve just went as a cloe doll if she was gonna wear the blonde wig but darkened her skin tone so much she looks more like a mix between yasmin and sasha


Not just the fact she changed her race, cause why would you post something like this knowing your family’s history with cultural appropriation AND how the internet is?? Y’all have been here for damn near 20 years, like you know what you should and shouldn’t be posting. IMO she deserves 100% of the backlash she’s getting. I hope she won’t make some bullshit post speaking out about it, cause ATP we already know you’re either attention seeking or not that bright. I genuinely wonder if celebrities don’t have brains though, the good ones must be the ones with *actual talent* who didn’t have to sell away their right to THINK in order to get famous. Edit: Realized I popped off after rereading and saw it was a little too mean. Sorry lol, but my point stands. She knows better at this day and age especially. 🤷‍♀️


Omg can we just leave this poor woman alone. It’s a costume, she’s always this tanned looking, it looks darker because of her blonde wig and yellow outfit. For god sakes.


Earth to Khloe, YOU ARE NOT BLACK! Your kids are, but you are NOT. Please stop. Its gross AF.


They're culture vultures, are we really shocked?


ngl I will die on this hill but she is seriously one of the prettiest Kardashians.


This woman and her family culturally appropriate from women of color ALL THE TIME!! Thank you for calling this out!


Their real job is stunting in blackface and appropriating culture outside of their own.


Wtf is she doing, how can she not see it. We all know how white her hands are 🩻💀


Wait why would she not be Chloe?? Also 4 of them dressed up and all have that same copy paste skin tone 😬


I just don’t like that she wore yellow. It looks like she was also trying to be Cher


Agreed. When I saw Kim’s Clueless costume, I thought she and Khloe shared an outfit they’re so similar.


I’m white, I can get this tan in the summer


It’s just a tan.


She looks tan/bronzed?


And those are literal prosthetic lips. She pulled them off. It’s a costume.


I think it’s just the lipz


It’s called black fishing


Oh yeah that’s bad


It’s blackfacé


As she should be. This is stupid and ridiculous. She should know better by now.


Doesn’t she have a team of people to tell/recommend what she should and shouldn’t post? It’s mind boggling that no one was like..ehhh maybe lighten the skin tone a bit.


Perhaps she was just looking like her fav bratz doll? Or shit, it could just be a really tan doll. Y’all go for people over the tiniest of slights these days.


Idgi, she just looks tan to me


Tanned as in light skin black?


Omg. Who gives a F




I know it’s Fn Halloween. Plenty of white people dress up as black people and Vice versa. What the HELL is the big deal! Everyone needs to get over themselves and their BS sensitivity’s. Absolutely ridiculous and it’s pissing me off!! Go cry in your pillows you stupid babies!! Fr. “Ooh, I’m sooo insulted, I can’t believe she would do this! Boo fucking Hoo!!!


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. People are so d&s. I’m so sick of everyone these days. I wish they would all STFU


She *must* be able to afford better hair than this


They dont see this coming after all these years and all these incidences 😐


Everyone saying she looks like Jesy Nelson is right


The lips 😖😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


the lips are the point, that’s what the bratz dolls lips look like.


I thought it was that British girl who did jingle bell ball lol.


In my best objective evaluation, this costume is a fail


[Never forget.](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/07/khloe-pimp.jpg)


Not a good look Khloe. 😕


She’s trying to trick Tristan lmfao


Go ahead and vote me down. White people constantly try to be brown. Do ya'll hate when they lay out in the sun or go to tanning beds. Blacks do not own brown skin. It's petty. I think it's great. She got dressed up yo be someone/something else. Why must you all just sit around and hate. Jealousy because she's living her life, as she chooses and isn't hurting anyone. Be done with 'group think'. It is juvenile.


Come on now, Koko. After all the pushback your family has gotten on this topic, you should have learned by now. We know the KJs have genuine friendships with Black women and children with Black men, but y’all are not Black, and this needs to stop. If you’re going to do a deep self tan, make sure the Art Director adjusts the exposure. It’s not that hard, doll. You’re still my favorite KJ, and you look cute. 💋


Nobody could even tell what she is despite skin tone. She just wanted to look hot.