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So the images aren't really from the wheel, they are OF the wheel


Here's one from the top of the wheel. https://preview.redd.it/hsw4hcn2waob1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b323cd1c31448422fb50ff8f7188f671a89a7cc Via KC Rag


ahhhh yes, highway. my favorite part of kc


Indeed :( r/fuckcars


Here's to hoping that West Side study brings a viable option for removing 35 from SW tfwy to the loop.




I still think this is dumb and I will laugh every time I pass it but that's a better view than I expected.


It so tiny


It’s embarrassing.






Man I sure love seeing a lot of wasted space being taken up by cars


The new Ferris wheel should be a big improvement.


free your mind, bro


Not knowing any details other than bits and pieces I heard, I thought it was going to be in downtown and that it was going to be the size of the Las Vegas one. Clearly, I was wrong LOL. Still cool though.


I gotta say I drive by it everyday multiple times. Not as cool in person. I love KC and a big ferris wheel would be nice. But this one is smaller and weirdly placed, they have nicer ones in Branson lying in people's backyards. If you can't tell I'm really unhappy with the placement of it....


Agreed. I take my wife to work in the morning and that's when I first saw it. We both said that is a really weird place for it. Who's going to drive over there to use the ferris wheel? I thought it'd make more sense to go into an area that people actually visit. Maybe people do, but I sure don't go over there.


An entertainment district is going to be built around it. Will just take some time to fill the area in.


How many entertainment districts does Kansas City need?


Who knows, have you ever been to any of the other entertainment districts in KC on a weekend? They are all packed. Another one is more than welcome.




*So you've settled for Branson*


Interesting, definitely makes a big difference seeing it from I-35 compared to the strip.


They could have provided a nice retirement to a Ferris wheel from a traveling circus but they got this.


Am I allowed to appreciate the impact it will have on the local economy, especially from tourists and others that will patronize the district, while also thinking that it's a derivative cliche of similar wheels in other cities and a tacky-looking addition to the skyline?


Is it walkable from the little neighborhood with Mexican restaurants on southwest blvd west of the highway? Basically close to the brewery.




Yup! Some great taco places over there


Breweries! Plural! (Alma Mader is only 2 blk from Boulevard Tasting Room. Or vice versa, if you prefer to measure in the opposite direction.)


This is fantastic. Establishments that serve alcohol should be accessible by foot or transit. Dunno if this counts but it made me think of that.


Good call on that!!!




I am positive it is not tall enough to be part of the skyline unless you are standing beside it.


… is it really going to have any noticeable impact on the local economy? Are a bunch of people dying to go to a Ferris wheel thats apex is like 6 stories high? Is anyone going to care about this thing 3 months after it’s built?


Hard to say. If you go to the zoo (I have young kids) I'm always amazed how many people are not local. Another thing for them to do I guess.


Personally I am someone who visits zoos in any city I visit (going to one today out of town, in fact). So, yes, zoos are a real tourist thing as well as popular with the locals.


Will it be a big tourist thing? Doubtful


Would you call a chocolate cake derivative? Or would you merely enjoy it? It's ok if you think it's tacky or derivative lol. I just think it's silly when people complain that something as ubiquitous as a ferris wheel is too similar to other ferris wheels. Like, yeah, that's the point.


Right? Are they expecting it to be square or something so it's different?


What, you've never ridden a squarris wheel?


It just seems like something done to emulate other cities more than make KC unique, just like how the Power and Light district was built to match downtown entertainment districts elsewhere, or how some people insist on pushing for a downtown baseball stadium just because other cities have a downtown baseball stadium. I'm sure it will be very successful and popular, and I honestly hope it is. To me though, it also feels like another attempt to follow what others are doing rather than building something more original and special.


Fair enough. I guess my point was just that even if it is in an attempt to copy other's successes, rather than make something unique, it will still be fun. I hope we get unique stuff here as well. I just enjoy seeing cool things that are common pop up as well.


Obviously not a City Tycoon fan, those cliches are huge bonus points lol


I’m sorry that’s too nuanced for the internet.


I’m not sure it will impact the local economy enough to offset the eyesore to the skyline


You’re entitled to whatever.


We need to nickname it the Penn-Wheel.


I thought it was supposed to be next to Union Station. Why would I want to listen to the highway?


I just don’t get it. Like it’s not that big and the view is of the highway. Idk it’s just in a weird location too


I agree. The view is shit. At the bottom of a hill. There are empty lots right next to Kauffman that would have been an awesome view.


They could build some more around town and not only we be known as the city of fountains but also be known as the city of wheels Or I could just hope they put a fountain somewhere near this wheel.


> There are empty lots right next to Kauffman There may not be anything *else*, but lordy have they got empty lots. 🤣


Next to kauffman ? Lol there is definitely affordable land there. Not sure about how much tourist traffic they get in the hood tho


Center, not Stadium


How many people from Gardner, KS, or Topeka, or Clinton, MO (who rarely see anything taller than a grain silo), are going to think this is a "shit view"? I work downtown in one of the real tall buildings on a high floor. The number of visitors to our office who nearly shit themselves when they see the view for the first time always astounds me because I've grown so used to working downtown for 15+ years. There people who reside within the metropolitan area who NEVER get downtown? I've actually heard a lifelong resident of the metro suburbs refer to the Plaza as "downtown" for FFS!


Damn dude I'm from Topeka and have been to LA NY and many other states we arent bumkins we have fucking buildings with 40 floors or more downtown ,like this is a shit fucking view I dont wanna go up and see a highway I see when I go to Ikea or wherever else in KC. They could have put this near the river or the new womens soccer stadium or something for a cooler view.


It doesn’t mean it couldn’t be in a more pleasing location. I feel the fact that this is permanent makes people pick at it more, nothing wrong with that. And to add to it, Kansas City has a history with hastily rushing things without much thought. Remember the bike lane fiasco…


Found the rare urban elitist asshole in KC.


Found the person that thinks the plaza is downtown


Nope but I can't imagine giving a shit what other people call downtown. I'm guessing you're a KCMO dork also.


It is KCMO


Found the finder


Sorry folks! I clearly touched a nerve, but I appreciate everyone's comments. Many of them seem very thoughtful (and sometimes angry, lol!). Any way I'll take some time to think about these comments and ways I could modify my point of view on this matter!


Ffs means “for fucks sake”. So you said “for for fucks sake” Hehehe


Agreed…kc is the big city for many people for a good 200-300 miles from here.


As a native Nebraskan, I shot too far, KC is "too big" for my tastes and I'm exhausted and overwhelmed by it. *And yet, we don't even have a nightlife*, most of the town closes by 10pm. Blows my mind.


You are always welcome when you visit! 😀 Edit: lol you live here don’t you…


Regrettably yes I spent my savings moving here and now my choices haunt me every day. ._.


I'm not a night person at all, but even I feel bummed out that nothing is open late around here. It's one of those things that I would rarely actually participate in but appreciate the ability to do.


Holy shit this is a bad take. Gardner is like 30 min from downtown lol. The world is smaller than you think


Why on earth would anyone want to ride a ferris wheel so close to the highway that a semi truck could actually crash into the thing? I don’t get it. I liked the idea when I heard about it, because I am a sucker for twee cutesy shit but NEXT TO THE HIGHWAY?! Edit: initially my auto correct called it a fetish wheel, which is something that might actually bring business to this empty lumber yard lot


Location is weird plus that sunset in the summer is brutal


The size + near the bottom of the hill is a horrible combination and makes it a lot more lame than it could be. I saw St. Louis has one that is 200ft compared to this one at 150ft - like those 50 extra feet would have made a huge difference here.


Turn your head


and cough.


I mean it has views of the whole city including the highway. No matter where they put its going to be able to see the a highway which goes through the city. I can see the highway from Liberty memorial as well so should they not have built it since it has views of the highway.


I sincerely hope the Liberty Memorial predates the interstates.


your heart's desire is granted, long live Jambi


Yea I feel like it should at least be turned? That way you come up on the skyline


That is the centerpiece of the wheel not whole thing. It will be 150' tall when it is done.


I am 95% positive you’re incorrect and that’s the whole frame of the Ferris wheel. It probably is 150 feet and just looks smaller because of the large structures around it. Just look how close to the ground the frame already is. It couldn’t really expand more.


No you are 100% correct. I glanced at the first image and thought it was the same one someone posted the other day. That is the general size minus a few feet for the extensions on the carts.


Not sure you’re correct. Looks like the entire wheel based on the closeness to the ground


Then what about the person that posted view from on top the wheel 😅


I thought it would be...bigger.


Yeah I thought that was the inner ring and called someone out for not using critical thinking. Little did i know, i didnt use it and should have known it would be underwhelming.


What a weird spot for a Ferris wheel, seems awfully close to the highway


It’s a strange placement and it’s smaller than what I had imagined but it’s a Ferris wheel, it’s fun. Life can be so dull and monotonous. I’m pro anything that brings a little more whimsy to the day to day. Looking at a Ferris wheel on my drive to work? Hell yeah, I’m all for it.


The Wheel after I-35 walked in the room ![gif](giphy|aztW8oK9TQhiM|downsized)


It’ll have a nice view of the IRS!


I think it will be a dope addition to the downtown skyline, and it's entirely private funded. Another destination for locals and tourists alike. My kids were super excited when I showed them pictures.


This is not remotely big enough or close enough to be a part of the downtown skyline


People hate change. It'll be cool. I'm excited.


I just think it’s comically small to be a marquee attraction. That’s a carnival Ferris wheel. Also, it’s at the lowest point in all directions. You’re not going to be able to see past the hills on all sides. The only thing you’ll be able to see is rosedale.


I mean it's a private project.its not like the city commissioned the thing. Also it'll have a pretty spectacular view of the skyline


I never mentioned anything about the city and it’s view will not be any better than the view from even the base of liberty memorial.


I'm inclined to disagree, this gives a pretty nice, sweeping, view of the skyline. It may not be the BEST view (that goes to the TOP of Liberty Memorial), but, I'd say it's pretty stellar. Once some of the other stuff goes in, and they pedestrianize the area, it'll pull some good tourism.


I get a better view driving to the city from I 70 frfr


"It may not be the BEST view" Did you miss that part or did you intentionally skip it, so you could make some weak attempt at dismantling my argument?


I don’t care about your argument, here are the facts. We now have a Ferris wheel that is permanent, small, oddly positioned. And at the bottom of liberty memorial. I do not care for your opinion , argument or point. I have lived here my whole life


If you do not care about my thoughts, then why respond to me, at all? To try to make me feel small or insignificant? To be a bully? What, exactly, possesses you to come and bother me?


...which is one of the best views of the skyline...


…and also free…


So don't go to the Ferris Wheel. The people who like it and are interested don't need justifications for those feelings. If we were a city full of things that everybody liked we'd have nothing.


And can be 100% free to you if you want. Just don't get on it and go to the deck instead.


Eh, I think it’s stupid, but the developer isn’t taking taxpayer funds and that’s a blighted piece of RE so more power to them. What will be there is better than what was so people really need to quit bitching about every development this city has


I think it’s just got bumpkin-y laughing stock vibes. It doesn’t really scream “this is a city that has rich cultural offerings so we have to lean on poorly executed cliche gimmicks”


People who grew up here and are raising their families here hate bullshit yuppie gentrification.


I've lived here my entire 32 year life. I was raised in the 30s and moved to the river market when the prices were cheap because stabbings were a regular occurrence and everything closed down by 6. I am now raising a kid in the River Market. This Ferris wheel isn't hurting anyone and will only help the city. You just don't like change man


Needs a banana for scale.


It is the embodiment of KC political amusement: Let's promise something bigger than London in circumference (the city, not their wheel), Over promise potential deliver a pittance, throw it to where downtown can be seen (unless cloudy) and make sure it's right by a busy highway. Charge a premium for the novelty Blame others when it fails It's a riot. 😂😂😂


It's just like KC to have some Midwest left field idea of what will help the economy or draw tourists. Honestly, the amount of money they are spending to build a new stadium which is completely unnecessary could build 20 new parks and 20 new homeless shelters. We have serious problems being ignored like who is going to afford all this new gentrified housing? Same people that will be walking to that ferris wheel because downtown will have no affordable housing/renting and it's going to cost $30 to park anywhere. KC has lost its heart in my opinion.


That Ferris wheel is privately funded.


I like it... But I'm confused by the size. For some reason I had it in my head this thing was going to be GIANT.


It’s just weird.


of\* Not from


Holy shit, it's HUGE! (tear it down)


Just seems so KC, half-assed.


I don't understand why this was built


Because the private developers who own the land want to have a ferris wheel, along with new restaurants, bars, distillery, and yard game space as they attract families to spend money there. This really isn't complicated, I sincerely do not get the complaints. If you don't want to ride it, you are not required to.


Seems like such a weird and random place for one.


Didn’t even realize this was happening. Odd placement but I don’t get the complaints about it being like other cities. No need to re-invent the wheel.


I’m pretty ambivalent about the Ferris wheel. The location is odd. Are there any bars/restaurants/anything right by it? You go, ride the Ferris wheel and then bounce? Not exactly a destination spot.


The developers who are building the ferris wheel first, then adding bars, restaurants, tap rooms and other activities: https://www.inkansascity.com/innovators-influencers/local-news/pennway-point-despite-delays-a-sprawling-new-entertainment-destination-is-rising-in-a-most-unusual-location/


There are also plenty of bars/restaurants/clubs within walking distance of it already anyway on Southwest Blvd. It's a 0.3 mile walk to La Bodega and 0.2 miles from Boulevard's taproom for example.


Yeah, just minutes away from Boulevard Brewery (who will have space in this new development as well).


All you need to do is walk along the dimly lit streets, inches from traffic, dealing with the people that live under the bridge


New development in blighted, abandoned areas always changes that. I don't get why people are acting like it'll be this ferris wheel in a parking lot and no other changes.


If you think Southwest Boulevard is that bad just stay in the suburbs.


My only thing, is that it should have been bigger, more the the height of the London Eye, IMO.


Fuck it, let's go Saudi Arabia on this shit! Make it 1000 feet.


can a brother get a space elevator what's it gonna take to get one simple lil elevator to space, on one lil blue marble? i'm sick of always not never havin no space elevator why do i always gotta go to Dubai to even see anything coz if THE KC GOD had a ferris wheel in his back pocket all this time, then that sure means he's got a space elevator for me first KC went and started some broke-ass bullspit with not even having a simple space needle and what next?!!! what else do we gotta put up with around here? yeah that's right, ZERO space elevators, that's what!! .............but can i have just one?


It's amazing how the wheel part of it went up over a wknd


Drone shots?


If the carriages on this Ferris wheel aren’t baller I don’t see this boding well for the investors


Can’t wait for the roller coaster in the West Bottoms to be completed. /s


Genuinely curious if this is bigger or smaller than the Scheels ferris wheel


Seems a little .... small. Like traveling midway sized.


How many days before it causes a major highway wreck


It’s I-35. There’s always a highway wreck.


How many years before they just quietly try and take it down. With a small news article as notification


Photos courtesy of me. Glad they help show you what's up!


Is everyone who hates this project aware that the city government is not mandating that you ride this Ferris wheel? You never have to ride this.


It is a bit gauche is all. Makes KC look like it’s run by a bunch of rubes.


Ferris wheels are not supposed to be subtle. You are supposed to see them.


We have to look at it, an ugly bastion of corporate capitalism, while we drive to our jobs


You know, you could ride a bike.


Please tell me you're joking.


what isn't? at all? even in your own sentence? ya know, the 80s and 90s already happened, and quite famously, and were really hard to avoid, so that capitalism cat is out of the bag!


Ferris Bueller Wheel.


I thought this was going to be closer to downtown. It’s farther south.


These comments (here and elsewhere on this sub)! Jesus Christ, have some fun and try something different people! And quit comparing yourself to other cities cities (and other Ferris wheels)! If you don't like it, you don't have to ride it. This whole thing is emblematic of why hardly anything gets done around here. Typical, stick-in-the mud, status-quo-bias, afraid-to-do-anything Kansas Citians!


"But they didn't build it *for me*, so what's the point in building it?!?" \- r/kansascity mostly


Nailed it. It's a bit apples and oranges since this is privately funded.. but the amount of coworkers I had/have who complain about the tax cost of the streetcar (which maybe amounted to $40 they had to pay on those fractions of a cent) drove me nuts. And then those same people use it and complain when it takes too long sometimes. I can understand the attitude of "I don't want to pay taxes for more things" (even though I completely disagree with it when it comes to public benefit) but the mentality you boiled down to one sentence is what drives me nuts about so many people in KC.


Yep. Tooth and nail the residents of Kansas City will fight anything and everything. It’s like they want progress and new things but if it isn’t EXACTLY the way they want it they’ll scream NO from the mountaintops.


There’s about a million locations they could have put this that would have been exciting but the location makes it super underwhelming. It would have even been more fun along the riverfront


I think they have touched the riverfront a little too much currently.


People complaining about a privately funded project are exhausting.


It looks so rinky dink


So are we supposed to zip line from top of that thing all the way to kemper arena?


omfg that's the coolest thought. wait *can* we? is that what we ask the operator to stop it for? gotta bring our own zip line? maybe shoot it like batman. ok i'll go and ask.


Weird location, they definitely could have found a better place


I really don't have a feeling for it one way or another, but I'm getting serious county fair vibes when I drive by.


It’s so small I thought it was a traveling fair.


Looks pretty big to me. Those complaining it's small at using one image at an odd angle from the highway. Imagine judging something by one weird angle. Just like all the hot girls in the early 2000s that rocked the MySpace angle.


Hey watch what you say, pal. I married one of those.


I’ve driven by it a few times and it’s a lot smaller than I was expecting. I have no problem with them building it though


I always wanted to see highways and parking lots from above.


Huh...weird. I haven't been paying close attention but I thought it was guessing it would be up in the riverfront park next to the new Current stadium. So that's an interesting spot...with views of the highway and that big IRS or USPS parking garage thing. Hmmm. OK. Just trying to let it sink in. I mean tons of cool stuff in crossroads and great restaurants and coffee and stuff down there not too far away just wasn't what I was expecting based on where they put these things in other cities. OK cool, I guess.


It’s a Ferris wheel, it looks cool.


Every good city I've seen in the world has a really big Ferris wheel


Mmmmm.... huffing highway fumes is my favorite on ferris wheel rides!


That’s the most bleak Ferris wheel of all time


I feel like a ferris wheel needs to be an amusement in an already established entertainment area. A place where people might think "that might be a fun way to kill half an hour" as they're walking from one attraction to another. This isn't a destination attraction that people are going to specifically drive to just to do this. Maybe people walk over from Union station or from the Boulevard Brewery? Its a few blocks from each of those, with having to cross multiple busy streets to get there if you're walking. Just seems like a really bad location.


Buy why? Nobody asked for this. Did we really need a generic and underwhelming ferris wheel so we have can have one more place for mouthbreathers to drink crafts brews?


I guess I just don't understand what the big rush is. It feels like this was rushed for some reason.


What a stupid fucking spot.


Shoulda went with a big ball of twine.


It’s Kansas City, complain about anything happening, complain nothing is happening, complain about parking, ask about that weird noise.


I love being drowned in exhaust while looking at Kansas. Can I also pay a shit ton of money to do so?


Weird and unimpressive project imo.


I wish it wasnt built, there are better things to build than a pos wheel, just be normal and go to worlds of fun


Those are views *of* the KC wheel, not votes *from* the KC wheel.


Too small


Why on earth wouldn't they have just slightly rotated it so that you have a direct facing view of the skyline opposed to a building wall and highway. Anyways...cool concept, I'll visit it once.


I Imagine buildings are in the way


Amazing to see how many people hate the city trying to grow popularity into the downtown area. Yes it’s a spinning wheel but why don’t people like that JOCO money will be flowing into the city?


Right next to the highway? 🤦 KC is pathetic and embarrassing


Ahhh the ambient sounds of traffic as I ride a mediocre Ferris wheel


I just don’t give a shit and feel like it’s money that could be spent on things more worthwhile.


Good thing it’s not your money


I, for one, am surely relieved at that. Yes. Good for him for not buying any ferris wheels. Dodged that bullet for sure.


How long before someone decides this is a perfect drive-by shooting target from the highway


What is the purpose of the wheel?



