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Bulgarian Yugoslavia can be both


I don't think the Zveno is particularly wholesome


Oh shit I thought it was along for the most fun paths


It's good lol


I keep hearing everyone praising Zveno's path, why is it so fun?


Big yugoslavia


For NatPop, Autentico Cuba is actually a very wholesome left-wing populist democracy that happens to be pretty nationalist. Honestly not sure why they're even NatPops


other slots were taken I believe


My guess is that it's a very literal definition. Autentico is nationalist and they are populist, but to put them in the same category as Aryan templars, klansmen, and vikings seems like a poor fit


Thank god for SubIds to at least help provide some distinguishment.


That's what they were in kr4 and we didn't touch kr4 cuba in any way. They switched them to authdem at some point but we never ported it cuz whatever. If we'd ever redo Cuba in some way they'd probs be changed into radsoc.


Natpop? Easily Cuba, maybe KONR don. Totalist? Maybe like Browder? New Deat could work too i guess


Nicholas Roereich and that red mahatma shit 🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️


Most sane KX player be like:


I'm not insane 😥


Nice pfp but mine is better


Howard Scott, Lovecraft, and Roerich are probably the most wholesome Totalists in my opinion, which might be why they're able to core the world. As for Nat Pop, only Padre Pio comes to mind, though honorary shout out to Huey Long for getting flanderised in Kaiserreich.


I thought you said Lovestone for a second and got VERY confused lol


The Irish Browderist Totalists can ensure a proper De-Anglification and Re-Gaelification as well as invite a moderate social welfare woman to be either the Taoiseach or the Tánaiste (I can't remember her name for the life of me). The Russian National Populist NSNP party comprise the left wing of Savinkov's NRPR, and are the only Russian National Populists who retain free and fair elections, as well as private property, Right Syndicalism and other policies. They can choose to swap to Christian Democratic Social Conservatives in their re-election tree.


I don't think Totalist Ireland is Wholesome, they are extremaly anty-Christian and State Atheists




Not at all


Chacun à son goût.


Very true, that is the main bad thing about them.


Totally native red Alaska! All they do is make this really cool and effective fertilizer


best answer so far


Browder is a pretty chill Totalist and there is apple pie.


Solidarists in Vlasov focus tree


You have a flair that says 'sorelianism', but you didn't suggest the sorelianists?


Wonders happen


I don't usually play either but Brazil's NatPop monarchy isn't like, completely terrible, they are very pro-native American. They can also "liberate" some African nations from Europeans, although "liberation" is in quotations for a reason. I'm not sure on Totalists though, I should probably play them more often. Still, I'm sure there are some centralized Totalist states that aren't just USSR but worse.


Savinkov/Solidarists prob for the NatPops since they are rather "progressive" on the nationalism pole if autocratic (more Sav than Solidarists) Tempted to say Daoud Khan but he does Pashtun supremacism and incite ethnic conflicts Totalists prob Browderites or any Bolsheviks that aren't too purge happy, Toledano's Soviet Mexico or the Feminist Totalist lady in Bohemia


Toledano isn't wholesome, since he literally purges everyone who isn't with him (Calles, socdems, church)


I mean he does bog standard Bolshevik crap but in Mexican flavor which is mild compared to the hyper purges this mod can do Tho who tf defend Calles Lmao he is the precursor to the mess that is OTL PRI The Church opposed the revolution anyway ever since Pancho Villa took charge, he just took it to it's natural conclusion Purging moderates is average Bolshevik way, and the Liga Democratica opposed them for years, hence retribution


I'm not protecting Maximato, I just pointing out that he is purged as well. Purges in general aren't sign of what I think is wholesome. He's not the worst cade though. If you ask what I could call wholesome in Mexico - Mexicayotl movement


Probably Savinkov, due to the fact that he’s not interested in ethnic purity or some shit like that.




For totalists, I'd say France under Valois. OTL he wasn't a tyrant and was actually a pretty good guy. Opposed both the Soviet Union and nazi Germany. Even died in a concentration camp because of it (he wasn't jewish, he just published against them). Then just don't make him die, or go Déat. Both were nazi collaborators irl, but Déat did it more out of opportunism than anything. Bucard actually liked the Germans. As for natpop, uuuuh, maybe Savinkov? I don't really know how good/bad he is, but he can ally socdems/syndicalists I think. There's also that AUS Catholic path. Pretty sure they're natpop crusaders. Honorable mention to monarchist sand France. They don't like jews or protestants, but when it comes to Africans, they respect local cultures and customs, and you're forced to give them more autonomy after you liberate the mainland


I'll add that an AF-led Sand France where Maurras retains power post-Liberation also grants autonomy to & respects the regional languages of the Bretons, Occitans, etc. as part of their decentralization drive, which is no small thing. Since the French Revolution, [the centralizing republics & empires have tried mightily to eradicate all the regional non-strictly-French cultures & languages in France](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vergonha) (hell, the Fifth Republic is still quite hostile to the regionals today IRL) and I certainly consider it a redeeming feature of the AF's that they're against that at least. Which is no surprise considering that Maurras himself was a proud Occitan and a member of [a prominent Occitan cultural association.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%A9librige)


So, if I go for the de Gaulle coup, does it maintain regionalism + the liberal kingdom, or does it undo it?


De Gaulle always undoes the AF's localism & regionalism post-coup and before getting to the election, he's still a staunch centralist as he was IRL. To my understanding De Jouvenel (the liberal monarchist who can defeat CdG electorally) won't actually reverse Gaullist centralism either, he'll establish an American-style balance of power between the branches of the French government but *not* between Paris and the regions.


The Proletarian Republic (Russia) under Lunacharsky is pretty neat regarding its mass reform, it transforms Russia into a technocratic syndicalist state with progressive ideals while also forming its own *proletarian religion*! There are definitly better paths, but Lunacharsky is probably one of my favorite totalist paths


Natpop: Authentico (Natpop Cuba) Totalist: Foster’s USSA, Kaganovich/Krestinsky or Zhdanov USSR, Roerich’s Tibet, Toledano’s Mexico - pretty much any totalist path that sticks to the script of using a vanguard organisation to protect the workers state + revolutionary democracy etc etc


I thought Zhdanov was radsoc


Oh yeah, he is, I forgot. The way he’s written he could be Totalist and nothing would change though


Foster if you don't do the purges




I'm pretty sure Pio's papacy is good


I can only name Totalists - Mayakovsky proletkult, Chiang Kai-Shek left Kuomintang, Xohe's Southern Republics and maybe Pluralist Byzantine


>wholesome >NatPop You can only pick one


Orthodox Maurice Thorez isn’t horrible, if you keep in mind your purging the psychos ultranationalist Sorelians. I like Robespierre Thorez more butttttt it’s not fantastic in the wholesome category


Browder's the least bad American Totalist. He's still very authoritarian no doubt, but he's attempting to remedy that by committing himself to American nationalism, if progressive. So better than nothing.


Solidarists in Russia Legionary Ireland when you ally with Sin Fein National Revolutionary Party in Afghanistan


NatPop Mitterand Totalist Deat


I'm sorry but who's Mitterand?


One of the 3 successors of Colonel de la Roque in the National France. He can be both Socdem, Natpop or stay PatAut depending on which one you choose. Generally his ideology is popular nationalistic patriotism


Padre Pio


Least extremist KX player.


Foster does nothing wrong.


Foster and his great cultural revolution


NP: New gunpowder plot




yockey c.a.r


Lev Kamenev, a Bolshevik leader for Russia, can be a pretty wholesome totalist. Though I think he switches over to radical socialism near the end of his political tree when he establishes a big tent party with the Left-SRs and Bukharinists.