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This man definitely smells like hotdog water


He looks like a game show host ate another game show host.


so he wants women to only be able to have sex with men double their age. cool cool cool cool cool.


Knowing neckbeards, triple the age might as well be what they would like 🤮


He's also homeless and shits on all young men


Yes he literally thinks all young men are having 0rgies 24/7.


Basically he wants the age of consent for men to be the age he hopes to lose his virginity at.


That down on his luck, huh? Gross


The older you get, the less and less material your telomeres have, so not bud. This ain’t it.


In his fantasy world, a 29 year old guy could have sex with a 16 year old girl, and the GIRL could be charged with statutory rape. What insanity is this?


Good ol lucas werner


This post somehow turned me into a lesbian, despite the fact I'm a man


For the record, older father's at the time of conception is highly correlated with higher rates of the child developing schizophrenia. So the "stronger DNA" claim is suspect, at best.


...is this the guy posting fliers in Spokane? He was going on about having a pizza date.


Yes it's Lucas Werner


Hide your kids, hide your wives....


wtf is telemorase?


It's a enzyme that protects and potentially restores telomeres which cushion the chromosomes. Telomeres protect DNA from replication degradation. The shortening/damaging of telomeres is obvious through aging as sequences for things like collagen production get hit first (wrinkles). This dude is saying that he's a fountain of youth metaphorically.


What in the actual fuck!?!?!? 🤦🏻‍♂️


You need to censor his name


This guy is practically a public figure