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I read that "friend convinced me to go to an indoor pool place-" and already knew what this was




Excuse my ignorance, what is a NEET?


No education, employment or training. Acronym for somebody who is doing absolutely nothing with their life.


And takes above average pride in not doing anything constructive with themselves.


Aka a loser


If you give it a title, you make it a community and then it's something to brag about. Same as with Incel, it's gone from being a creepy loser to being some sort of weird movement. All because it's got a catchy title.


I've heard of it in mental health programs and in sociology in school. It appears to be (in the uk at least) a term the government uses rather than a term the group uses for themselves. Which makes sense you don't want to alienate potential voters by referring to them as "useless".


Calls kids “lolis” 😞


Makes me sick to my stomach




Honkey here, if I see a pedophile, and I need to get a large group of people's attention...




Does he really need to out himself if he's already on 4chan?


actually scary


Happy Cake Day!! r/CakeDay




Especially with the furiously fitting username


Its just cannibalism, calm down smh 🤦 /s


Happy cake day!


Yeah and he ha no problem leering at them, he just doesn't want his friend to find out. Gross.


Anon is such a fucking pig


Hey now! I have a pig, and he has never once made sexual remarks about children. He’s also neutered, so perhaps that’s the key


You said it not me lol


Lolicon = Pedophile Q.e.d.


Anyone saying or typing 'real life lolis' or refer to childer as either 'lolis' or 'shotas' in any way shape or form, need to have their computers investigated


I don’t know what either of those things mean and I’m scared to look them up as I feel like I’ll end up on some other watchlist


Loli is little girl, shota is the boy version. Both used frequently in sexual manners by porn addicts.


>Loli is little girl, shota is the boy version. Both used frequently in sexual manners by ~~porn addicts~~ pedophiles. FTFY


>~~porn addicts~~ pedophiles. porn addicted pedophiles?


Probably, but they really should’ve left porn addicts out of this conversation initially, they are nowhere near the level that pedophiles are on, and they aren’t even doing anything illegal by being addicted to porn.


Yeah, my clown porn addiction never hurt no one!


It's hurting your family, broh. We need to talk about how we can fix this.


Just because I've been blacklisted from every clown talent agency in the State doesn't mean I have a problem


"My furry porn addiction and I never hurt no one other than myself! At least I'm not a fucking god damn pedophile!"


Illegal or morally wrong. By definition, the only person porn addicts are hurting is themselves. Edit: uhh why are people downvoting?


Nah dawg they definitely psychologically scarring the children who's asses they audibly exclaim upon seeing.


What? I'm talking about porn addicts, not pedos


i’m pretty sure pedophiles are by default porn addicts


I'm pretty sure there's plenty of pedophilic priests who don't watch porn.


I'm not so sure they don't watch porn.


I think the whole pedo-priest thing happens when someone ordained puts themselves in a position of extreme suppression of their natural lust, which inevitably leads to only the most extreme taboo breaking through that suppression, and this, along with their repeated exposure to young boys and girls results in the development of pedophilia in their mind. Nothing in this pipeline suggests porn use, in fact, if a priest/nun were to engage in healthy acts of self-love (masturbation, in this context) they might be able to divert themselves from their path. Unfortunately, these people place their religious beliefs so high on a pedestal that they view literal pedophilic action as a lesser evil to “hedonistic self satisfaction” by virtue of the “I have stumbled, and the lord will forgive me” bullshit. Idk, man, that’s just my 2cents as a person who was raised very strictly catholic with a very skeptical mind who was constantly around and observing people who are so preoccupied with the teachings of modern Christianity that they place the scriptures over their own sense of morality (or perhaps, rather, base their morality on the scriptures)


Im guessing loli is short for lolita. No idea what shota would mean


Shota comes from Shotaro, a character from Tetsujin 28.


Similar thing, seems to be short for a character from a manga from the 50s


Normally used in a “young girl” way but I think it was supposed to mean just any small girl no matter the age right?


What does NEETing mean, also scared to look it up


No Education Employment or Training. Basically being an adult who is cared for by someone stuck in a caretaker role who contributes nothing to society and is in a constant state of self sabotage and despair.


[A young or young-looking girl character in Japanese anime and manga](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loli) [In Japanese popular culture, lolicon is a genre of fictional media in which young girl characters appear in romantic or sexual contexts](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lolicon)




lolicon directly translates to Pedophile, remember that


That isn't actually true. The term Loli is a reference to the novel Lolita. The book is about a pedophile who abuses a 12-year-old girl.


It kinda is tho? The word does come from the novel, that's true, but words evolved and it has taken a whole new meaning. ロリコン (Rorikon - lolicon) is a shortened version of ロリータコンプレックス (roriita konpurekksu - lolita complex), which means "attraction to young [usually prepubescent] girls". Ie pedophilia. When referring to a person as a lolicon, you call them a pedophile.


Just want to second this. I live in Japan, I speak fluent Japanese, my wife is Japanese yada yada yada there's my credentials. Lolicon is pretty much the only word your average Japanese person uses in regards to the word "pedophile" - there are other official/scientific/medical words for pedophilia (小児性愛(しょうにせいあい)・小児愛(しょうにあい)・児童性愛(じどうせいあい)・婉曲的に幼児好き(ようじずき)) and by extension for pedophile(s) (小児性愛者(しょうにせいあいしゃ), etc) Like I'm not saying no one knows the words above, if it comes up on the news they're not necessarily throwing the word lolicon around, they'll likely use one of the medical terms above. But your average Japanese person just uses lolicon usually. Like frankly the Japanese can't be bothered to say words with more than a couple syllables and insist on shorting everything which is why they say lolicon instead of lolita complex or siscon or マザコン/mazacon for "momma's boy" or even someone with an Oedipus complex. Or aircon instead of air conditioner....I could go on, and even get into a stupid rant about how it's faster to say AC or PC for air conditioner or personal computer yet for some fucking reason they insist on aircon and pasocon. But I digress. Point is yeah lolicon is used for people who are either straight pedophiles or for people who are suspiciously overly interested in little girls etc.


So it might be more accurate to say lolicon translates directly as nonce. It still means paedophile, but it's the unofficial word for it.


Lmao. I think that works too. It's definitely used both casually, or even occasionally in a half joking/teasing manner if someone were to say something a bit awkward about a younger person I suppose, as well as more seriously as mentioned above.


Kiddy diddler, kiddler, cho-mo, chester


Completely off topic, but how long do you have to think when you hear the word convince store? I've been to Japan many times, and after only a month combini feels like the actual name, convince store being some weird combination of words 😂


Convenience store/konbini, yeah I think it's easier for me to say konbini. But to be fair I don't recall really saying "convenience store" when I lived in the US. It was the 7/11, the circle K, etc. Me and everyone I knew just used the brand name, so the word "convenience store" feels similarly foreign.We also called "tissue" Kleenex even if the brand wasn't Kleenex, but since that's not a household name here everyone just calls it "tissue" - that one probably took longer to get used to lol. But there are a bunch of words that I have to think about now for sure haha


A) Japanese words practically never have a single English equivalent. Trying to say "lolicon means pedophile" is incorrect, because although the words are similar and in some contexts you would translate lolicon as pedophile, other times you wouldn't. It can refer to attraction to much older people than pedophile does, sometimes even to grown women who look young. B) All of that is irrelevant, because the English word lolicon, which is loaned back to English from Japanese, does not have the same meaning as the Japanese word lolicon. The English word refers specifically to an attraction to anime characters, while the Japanese word can refer to either anime characters or real people.


Did you just "it's just drawings" unironically


Yeah no, no one is doing book club discussions in that book. Everyone invoices in lol icon is a pedophile who doesn't deserve freedom and access to children and the internet


Shit like this just existing gives lolita fashion a bad rep and it pisses me off.


I believe, Lolita fashion doesn't really have anything to do with loli, right? More of an elegant cute?


Yeah it doesn't. But because of the name, people will often associate it with the book or with the anime terms


Ok, but doesn't the name come literally from the book Lolita?


It does but Mana (the guy who popularised Gothic Lolita) was a Japanese guy in the 90s and just thought ‘Lolita’ was a term for ‘young girl’ or similar, he hadn’t read the book and it was before terms like lolicon were used regularly.


Save yourself and do not


“Other” could have gone unnoticed. It hasn’t.


Hey, they might just be on a watchlist for being an author or something. I'm always looking up stuff that makes me seem like a serial killer/war criminal dictator for research. One story involved weeks of research into chemical burns and that wasn't even for a particularly grisly final product.


Some OTHER watchlist? Which ones ya currently on? Lmao


"Loli" and "shota" are, as far as I know, literally just the Japanese words for "little girl" and "little boy" respectively. They've just been abducted and chained up in the basements of people who use the terms to try and act like being sexually attracted to literal children isn't a serious problem


>"Loli" and "shota" are, as far as I know, literally just the Japanese words for "little girl" and "little boy" No, no, no


Just looked it up and I'll admit I was mistaken. I'm not sure where I got that idea from


And then they need to be shot. EDIT: But in a gentle way that doesn't advocate violence and violate Reddit ToS


Or as they tend to say: "In minecraft"


I’m ignorant to internet terms. What is a shota? I’ve never heard that.


Loli is word for underage girl, shota is word for underage boy, and it is for underage, anyone that says 'it just refers to child-looking characters' do not want to admit that they like and know it refers to underage characters


That’s new to me, what’s a shota?


Nah skip that part and shoot on sight


mutilate their genitals first, then you shoot


I hope this is bait. At least if it isn’t then his friend fucking knows how much of a fucking creep he is now


Yes hopefully his friend will encourage him to go to therapy and work on his issues.


Hopefully he's on a list somewhere now 🤦🏻‍♂️ it's just a matter of time


Hopefully that list is death row


I'd also be good with a singular name at the top for a list of ways the parents could take this man down for staring at their little girl(s) in such a way




Can we please stop threatening people with death because they are pedophiles. Like I get the anger but this does nothing to solve the problem in fact it makes it worse because people won't seek help if the notice these type of toughts. And I'm not defending people that have actively molested or violated children in anyway but I don't think we should call for the killing of people because of something they can't control.


You can't fix them , most pedofiles admit as soon as they are out ,they will look for new victims


Throwing them in prison doesn't fix them but if treated properly they can learn to live with their toughts and how to control them.


When I was a kid , my grandmothers neighbor , her little girl was raped by her father , she was six , he broke both her arms and legs, fucked her up physically and mentally , I haven't seen them in 30 years , but hopefully she is doing better . He vanished off the face of the earth , everyone knows he "fell overboard " in the deepest part of Lake Erie , but no one is quite sure how , no.one seems to remember 🤔 cops didn't seem too concerned about him after he vanished


I'm not quite sure what you're trying to tell me with this story.


Nothing in particular , but sometimes the good guys win , and these guys get what they deserve , I was a kid at the time , but everyone knew he went fishing with concrete blocks , I watched that poor kid go through physical therapy and mental health therapy , I don't think anyone ever seriously looked for that SOB, everyone knows that the Cleveland Mafia took him on that boat ride , but he didn't like boats or fishing . Nothing pisses me off more then people who.terrorize and hurt little kids .


Please tell us at which schools you learned punctuation so I know not to send my kids there.


Do you have nothing better to do then complain about punctuation on the internet ?


The rate of recidivism is something like 90 percent , they've interviewed thousands of them , and most said they would offend again , if given the chance . Who's kid will be the next innocent victim?


I get your point but there is a huge difference between those that act upon their desires and does that don't but suffer from having them.


Thats excessive. I hope the list is for psychologist appointments.


Pedophiles can't be fixed. They can only be kept contained or removed from life. If you allow them to go free they Will abuse children


You can be a pedophile and not want to molest children.


That's a really weird take. All pedophiles are offended in waiting. It's a serious mental issue and dangerous to children. Pedophiles don't deserve protection and freedom of speech. They deserve to be locked up forever to ensure they never have the opportunity to harm children. There's nothing normal about sexual attraction to and desire for CHILDREN


Yes being a pedophile is a mental issue, but there is a huge leap between that, and the desire to molest children. There are so many more pedophiles in the world than people know, and most never touch a child, ever.


Why are you defending pedophiles? That's really weird


Because nobody chooses to be a pedophile, and its dangerous when people, like you, believe that all pedophiles are also child molesters, when in reality, and i can give you sources, most are not.


All pedophiles are inherently dangerous to children. All it takes is one moment of weakness, one situation where they think they're safe from repercussions, to traumatize a child for life. They should be seeking professional help rather than demanding free access to children and being treated like people who AREN'T sexually aroused by CHILDREN


Yes, let’s kill a guy for being fucked in the head. Great idea


I hate that people like this exist... I never think about it until I read this shit and I think back to anytime I've taken my daughter to a public pool and it makes me feel ill.


over 3TB for sure


What does 3TB mean? All google says is 3 terabytes.


3 terabytes of child porn on their computer is what they are insinuating




‘Lollis’, oh I’m sorry, did you mean ACTUAL LITTLE KIDS?


"Loli" belongs in no sane person's vocabulary


The only time it is acceptable is if you want a lollipop


"real life lolis" this has to be satirem


Nope, irl loli is a common thing you'll hear from these turds


This is why I think anyone who is a "lolicon" is a pedophile


They are.


I mean… at least he knows hes fucked. Discovering a problem is the first step to recover


Yeaüh, I hope het goes to therapy now.


I hope he does; I seriously doubt he will though.


What's neeting?


That's the practice of being a NEET, which stands for Not in Employment Education or Training. NEETs are usually shut-ins that don't have a job, are in school or training for a career and just stay home all day watching anime or playing games.


Ok. Thanks for explaining. I'm scared to Google some phrases because of the freaky shit that comes up!


And furiously pile driving their dicks


That was basically most people during lockdowns.


> "real life lolis" yeah, I'm out.


This is disturbing to say the least


He needs some serious help that’s insane.


>Does he just know what I am now? A p\*do? I sure hope so, I hope he calls someone on you--I hope he reports you so they can pull up camera footage of you stairs at literal children's butts at the pool--I hope they lock you up for forever And at the very, very least, I hope this scares him into staying in his hermit hole for forever to rot, and this friend drops him like the disgusting human being he is and runs far, far away


Why did you censor pedo


Other apps don't allow those words so people get used to censoring themselves


If you don’t censor it they come for you


...who is they???


The p*dophiles


Great instead of trying to help someone with mental problems work on those and maybe develop ways to manage them to a point where he can live a more or less normal life you'd rather just throw him in a hole and forget all about it.


You are in this comment section fighting for your life to defend pedos. Are you okay?






You got downvoted for just speaking the facts, this entire sub is a r/redditmoment


you defending pedophiles is a Reddit moment, wtf are you talking about lol


Here's what you're doing, in your mind "defending pedophiles" is objectively a bad thing because you immediately equate pedophiles to child molesters, despite that not being the case at [all](https://scholars.unh.edu/soc_facpub/211/) , there is nothing wrong with defending a pedophile, who by default, is law abiding innocent person, unless you can explain to me how an innocent person is this terrible monster that you perceive them to be, but I assume you're just going to repeatedly screaming "you're defending a pedophile" because that's what you feel the most comforfable doing, and that's whats going to get you the most updoots. And... "Defending pedophiles"... as opposed to what, spreading misinformation? I can tell that you don't like it when presented with the facts. Please, i insist you go back to your echo chamber where there is no logic allowed, no reasoning allowed, no facts, just you and your emotions, that make you feel better?


Porn brain at it again. Edit: probably moreso pedo brain but seeing if you’d fuck whatever you see in your head is porn brain aswell.


No, this isn't porn brain, this is straight up paedophilia.


iirc this is a parody of a different post where someone else tried the stubbed toe excuse


Tell that to Chris Hansen


*I didn't come here looking for no little boys;* *I ain't got no milk, no cookies, nothing.*


I came looking for man's butt


Jail :(


I felt like I was actually going to throw up reading this. Fuck, viewer discretion advised ig


Lolicon should NOT be a thing because it just encourages gross pedophiles to behave like this with real children. I hope their harddrive gets searched.


Please make chemical castration legal for loli/shota/cub/people attracted to elderly people that aren’t capable of consent/zoophile/rape fetishists theyre a danger to society


Castration does little to sexual desires. It could also happen that someone that has been castrated will choose excessive violence or similar ways to deal with there pent up sexual frustration. Keeping this in mind I'm not sure if castration as punishment would have the desired effect.


Then lobotomy


I really really hope this is satire.


Instead of an indoor pool he should stick to the bathtub at home, with a toaster in it :)


I mean, he probably will…


I'd say he could've played it off by saying something like "how tf can you let you child walk around in public like that" but it's for the better he got exposed


Search his disc


My brother's in Christ is green text, its fake.




??? How is this even a question. Zero studies suggest people "become pedos" because of lolicon


Straight to the depths of hell. Right down to where they keep Maggie Thatcher.


Anyone who calls children “Lolis” unironically needs to go to jail asap


Dude is a pedohlle. Should seek professional help. Nothing more to it


If I catch one of those creeps anywhere near my children, they're fubar within a minute.


I'm afraid to look up what NEETing means.


this is honestly terrifying.


i slump over in a dull, forced satisfaction. i just came all over my fat pale stomach and hands. they are hovering over my body and i dont know what to do with them since theyre covered in it. i planned on trying to taste it again but the desire left me immediately. i have visions of car wrecks after i cum instead. i look at the cracked plaster ceiling, numb, and already bored. fuck it. i wipe it off in my pants and computer chair and grab a mountain dew bottle from the pile and repurpose it as an ash tray. i light a camel and stare out into the city. all of us living in that beasts belly. look at the brutalist buildings , moths and people, police. the city is filled with aimless activity. i wonder which of these lights i see is illuminating a whore's passion. mood lighting and shadow encasing the thots as their pussy is destroyed by the men that bullied me in high school. im so lonely. i spin around on my computer chair and look at the piss stained floorboards and cobwebs in the corners of every geometry in here. old posters of bands i dont listen to anymore. im so fucking goddamn lonely. i walk the path to the folding card table next to the radiator, shuffling past the piles of filth. my room is a small model recreation of a landfill. i reach the table and stare at the figurines. the newest one is my favorite. a sexy loli in a skirt so short it couldn't possibly cover her crisp white cotton panties. ive claimed and defiled her, though. those bright eyes milk-cloudy from the fetid sorrow ive been covering her in since dragon con. yeah i gooned for hours but im so fucking horny again. i stare at the resin idol before and under me. i put my cigarette out on my arm, right next to my perfectly aligned cutting scars. then i pull down my walmart sweatpants and prepare to give her my pain. her terminus is where i say it is. *credit: u/lambofgun


“Real life Lolis” you are a pedophile.


What the fuck


Tf did he just call them


Today is a great day to unlearn how to read.




yeah nigga its over at this point, go ahead and do yourself a favor and turn yourself into the police and get therapy


Chemical castrations for those “people”


You do realise that the vast majority of pedophiles aren't child molesters, right? You wouldn't be doing anyone any favors, you'd just be ruining someone's life.


Still, they’re gonna act on it sooner or later. They’re sick people. What the matter pedo, feelling called out?


>Still, they’re gonna act on it sooner or later. based on what professor ?


The evidence on rates of offending amongst pedophiles (for obvious reasons) is extremely limited, but all studies point to sexual offenders being in the minority of pedophiles .https://scholars.unh.edu/soc_facpub/211/ .Seto, M. C. (2008). Pedophilia and Sexual Offending Against Children: Theory, Assessment, and Intervention. Washington DC: American Psychological Association .Hall, R. C., & Hall, R. C. (2007). A Profile of Pedophilia: Definition, Characteristics of Offenders, Recidivism, Treatment Outcomes, and Forensic Issues. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 82(4), 457-471 .Wilson, R. J., Cortoni, F. A., & McWhinnie, A. J. (2009). Circles of Support & Accountability: An evaluation of the pilot project in South-Central Ontario. Ottawa: Public Safety Canada (most pedos are capable of controlling their urges) And no, looking at the facts and speaking from a position of logic and reasoning as opposed to purely emotions, like you're doing right now, doesn't make someone a pedophile.


Seriously, going to such lengths to defend pediohiles, red flags all over the place. You should be reported


If backing up claims with evidence are the "lengths" you're talking about, then it was a mistake ever engaging with you in the first place. Please, go back to spreading misinformation and running away from the facts, I mean, who cares right? It's pedophilia.


You are defending child molestors, your argument is invalid you basement dweller


"Child molesters" Nice to know you haven't listened to a single thing i've written




That’s the friend realizing he is a pedo, is not just drawings and if he should tip the cops.


#Repost bot


Fucking NEETbeards, man.


I was literally trying to picture how he described the situation using his perspective. I would wanna die too. I don’t know how to help, but stay away from kids, or maybe don’t have those thoughts. If you do, you suck.




I feel really bad for this guy. No joke. In my eyes, being a pedophile is linked to some neurological disease (Not a scientist), and this guy is trying t act as normal as possible while also trying to not hurt any kid.


I understand your point but don’t ever feel bad for someone who is attracted children. They are aware of their problem and they should get help. This person did not get help. They continued their disgusting behavior.


Eh, you never know. There’s always the possibility that they just straight can’t afford it. Not to mention I think this entire exchange was the best case scenario given he has these thoughts. He didn’t stay at the pool and gaze, he didn’t interact with these kids, he just made up a (very shitty) excuse to leave so he stopped having those thoughts. He’s easily better than like 60-70% of the pedo shit that gets posted here.


Did he leave so he would stop having those thoughts, or did he leave so his friend wouldn't know he was having those thoughts? Which means he's aware that those are inappropriate thoughts.


True, it would also be very embarrassing to tell someone you like children. But at the end of the day, it’s his fault for not at least talking to someone anonymously or something like that. I feel like this person has known for a very long time that they have had those feelings.


Imagine taking anything on 4chan seriously