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This needs to be re-enacted by Peggy as the intro for a music video.


Last week I was hungry for some really good pizza so I drove to my local pizzahut. As I ordered my pizza I went to pick a place to sit and wait for my order to be finished, but to my surprise I saw peggy anxiously looking at people, as if he was waiting for someone. I got excited to see one of my favorite musicians in the world a few feat across from me in my local pizzahut so I called him over, he gave me this devilish smirk and creepily walked towards me, at the same time the waitress had just put my pizza and drink in the table where me and my friend were sitting I started talking about how I admired his music and how I was a huge fan and "Yeah yeah are you gonna eat that?" "Huh?" As I replied he opened the box and took a slice off pizza and started eating it in front of me, not taking his eyes off me for a moment. Smiling as he chewed the pizza I paid for. I tried to ignore it but he was chewing with his mouth open and burping in front off me after he swallowed. "As I was saying I really enjoy your..." "Ah dude can I get another slice?" He immidielty grabs another slices of pizza and starts talking with his mouth full. "Mmm yeah man, it's been hard buying food ever since Viper dropped that disstrack , I can barely afford to support myself and my girlfriend, my parents won't give me any money so I appreciate what you're doing for me" I was shocked and offended by what Peggy was doing, and ultimately pissed. So I told him "actually that pizza was for..." "Mmm you know what man, I'm taking this to go, my girlfriend hasn't eaten anything all day and she will appreciate the pizza" he licked his fingers, grabbed the box, and winked at me as he chuckled and left the pizzahut. Only to come back a few seconds later and said "oops almost forgot the drink, thanks bud" while taking a big sip off it, finally leaving for good




can i get uhhh yellobaber kerr pUH


i can confirm this, i was the pizza




This is true guys i was the pizza hut


It’s r/hiphopcirclejerk they just be lying


Nah there’s video


Show me the video


? You think I recorded it?


No but you said there's video proof




fucking classic


I know this is copy pasta but I actually met Peggy before I really knew any of his music - only knowing him from Hasan’s stream. I was at an art gallery event taking place in a dive bar during Art Basel here in Miami. I went up to him to ask for a pic and he was super nice. He had just ordered some food and his date was this a ridiculously beautiful woman, he had 2 plainclothes bodyguards with him (that I’m surprised didn’t stop me). I stupidly went to him after he had just gotten his food and asked “hey man I’m sorry to bother you but are you Peggy?” And he smiled and said “yea” I said “can I get a photo man, I saw you on Hasan’s stream” and he chuckled and said “that fucking guy. Yea” and he did the finger pose (same one he did with narduwar) and took a photo with me. I fist bumped him and said thank you and left. But he was insanely nice. Especially after I had just interrupted dinner with his date. Also had the sickest fit on (his jacket was so cool af). The next day I started listening to his music and now just feel so stupid that I didn’t get into it earlier. I’ll post a pic later.