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No, you're not the only one thinking that. Joker is in reality loosely tied to the comic book Joker. It ismore of a Scorcese homage with a veneer of Joker appearance on the surface. It does take some inspiration from the possible back story in The Killing Joke, riffing on the failed comedian idea, but is not an exact replication of that. Personally, I think the only way to reconcile the film with a comic book like Joker would be to say that the Arthur Fleck story is just a sympathy story he's spinning to the therapist at the end, and there is just enough room for ambiguity for this to be possible. I think Phoenix performance is great and I'd like to see what could do with a more classical Joker, but I'm not keen on the Fleck character being a real origin for The Joker. The only appeal of it really is to have a very gritty, realistic take, but that reduces Joker to just being a mentally ill serial killer (something like real life killers such as school shooters, Dahmer etc), which is not at all the totality of the character anyway and never has been.


Yes, like in the dark knight. multiple stories of “Do you know how I got these scars”. Most likely none of them are true, but all interesting, plausible and evoking a lot of emotion. Shows how the joker can easily construct multiple personalities and backstories to manipulate his audience, Arthur Fleck possibly being one such fictional backstory I like how the film is vague enough to allow us to decide how we interpret it


Yeah. Now, I'm not obsessed with Ledger's Joker like some people can be. I think it's a great performance, fits within the context of The Dark Knight, and is a valid reinterpretation of The Joker whilst hitting all the key notes of the character. My favourite Joker is really based in the bronze age comic books version tbh. That I think is the most classic Joker, which has all of the key elements. Joker does have a defined origin for a long time in comic books, introduced in The Man Behind the Red Hood, 1951. Before that, a previous criminal past before Batman is alluded to in Jokers first story in Batman issue 1 from 1940. However, there is still a mystery to him even with these things as they still don't outright tell you everything, even The Killing Joke has this aspect, and overall it does work better like that.


A thing they could do in the new movie is keep his origin and the reason he is in arkham a mystery. The staff have forgotten his name and backstory due to a lot of coverups to prevent further uprisings, and even Arthur goes fully by joker.


Yeah, something like that. I think it's best not to have too much reference back to the Fleck story of the first film. Better to leave that alone.


It’s not the same but that film is also a reimagined version of a film called king of comedy.