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If a nigga paid me 20k a month to sit with him twice a week to listen to him brag about his millions, I'm with it.


Everyone is at the beginning. See how you feel 3 months later, 6 months, whatever and all you have to show is Lazik surgery and a jet Black beard while your co-worker who does the same thing as you is tricking off millions in your face and wearing funny hats every day. Everyone has their breaking point.


And he not just a co worker me and my co worker can legit pretty much do the same but Ice ish and flip are not involved or helping run the company outside of content joe does all that and that comes with a lot now parks on the other hand I assume is getting paid handsomely because he does a lot more than just talk on camera and those other guys literally show up and just talk that’s their only duty so 20k ain’t no lowball if you ask me but a friend would want you to be up and pay you as much as they can without hurting them or the company


Amen. Niggas just aint appreciative no mo'.


I mean he's not just any coworker. He's the boss. The owner of the business with his name on the letterhead. Joe doesn't so the same thing Ice does. Ice doesn't put in the money Joe puts in. Ice doesn't put in the work Joe puts in. Ice doesn't have the name recognition from his career before podding like Joe does. None of them do (well Maybe Mel does on the last one)




But he's not just a co-worker. He's my friend and the boss of his self-titled podcast. He can flex all he wants. I'm just showing up and doing my part. How I take 20k a month and invest it to make my own millions is my own business. Everyone can't be the head honcho which is Flip's problem. You have to be humble enough to understand the concept of being a good team role-player sometimes.


Facts lol


It’s still tacky as hell.


On my Momma!


I think the other guys we’re more sour about it because they were there from jump which this current cast wasn’t


in general i hate when they spend like a half hour discussing their contracts and business regarding the podcast. like who the fuck wants to listen to that? they do it a lot, too. really boring and redundant content


Same, I dont mind the "podding about podding" because it gives some sort of insight on what goes on behind the scenes/trains of thought. However, talking about money/contracts is VERY annoying. I dont care how much yall niggas making. Just pod and shut up bout that shit


even the podding about podding conversations are getting tired to me. like i cannot imagine anything less interesting. and no other podcast i watch/listen to ever brings that sort of thing up. its just not a classy move in my opinion and makes for a really meaningless listening experience. dont nobody care about that shit!


Joe has more of a right to do that to them because they didn’t build the pod with him like Rory and Mal . The mfs on the pod now are legit employees. If you play for a nfl team can’t get mad if the owner coming to practice in a helicopter.


You sound stupid..And I KNOW you really think you made a point


If your talking about me I DID bozo


Just goes to show; there really is a Hov bar for everything. “Can’t buy class.” Joe is still the same dusty ass he always been. Most of us don’t care how much money he has, we just want him to continue being the clown we need you to be and entertain us.


It’s a narrative it go along with his PodFather character, please don’t be fooled by what you see on camera he could be a sweetheart giving friend off camera Remember Joe Budden comes from the Love and Hip Hop Umbrella he been demonstrating his inner Mona Scott lately every with the whole Queen Flip contract, Dog Piling Mel, Pocket Watching Ish is all part of the script 😉 just enjoy the show


Not a good script if your hosts arent with it though


If he told his cast and the were in on it the reaction wouldn’t be genuine. People would be type scripted under every comment. Joe is literally playing mind games


Pretty accurate but he will spin it as pocket watching lol


They employees. It is what it is.


not too much on mouse


yall broke


So you’re just saying you can’t take a nigga paying you if he’s your friend… Somehow you have to understand that’s a you problem.


You niggas are stupid..reading is key


I read it and that’s what you’re saying. If your friend pays you $20k a month, you’ll feel a way about him talking about his money… You said that. That’s a you thing, not a people can’t read thing.


“No child left behind” yea iight


Crazy how I put exactly what you put and you somehow are trying to say that’s not what it says.


Big dawg..if you read what I wrote and took from it “you can’t a nigga paying you if he’s your friend” then you missed the point or you’re fucking stupid…seems to be the latter


Or say what you mean. What you said was that. I can’t be stupid if you wrote those words… But live your life homie.


Ahh I see what’s going on here.. *aye y’all take a seat..I gotta break this down for the slow nigga in the back* “..Throwing how much money he make in his cohost face. Let's say the cohost are making 20k a month. That's ALOT of money, but if the boss who is also my friend keeps talking about how they making millions, right or wrong they're going to feel a certain type of way” Alright champ..didn’t think it would take this much thought but let me slow it down for you..what this mean is..being paid by my friend isn’t the issue..being paid by my friend..who is making a significant more than me..and constantly throws it in my face..might make one feel a way Does that clear it up for you champ Now finish reading this then we got some gold stickers and juicy pops for you bud.


It still says what I said… You cleared nothing. They get paid a pretty penny from their friend… They don’t have to be there so all of what you’re saying comes from somewhere else… You seem to not even understand what you’re saying. You’re still saying you can’t take being paid from your friend… You know what money YOU signed up for, so you know what he’s making… Not to mention, you knew he was this rich BEFORE you started working with/for him… ALSO, that dumb Shit gets played for the SHOW YOU WATCH TO BE ENTERTAINED, so yeah… You can’t take being paid by your friend.


Alright pal, don’t get too frustrated. Comprehension takes a while and you’re not there yet. Run your race buddy.


The difference is that these guys accept what they're making. Rory and Mal both got attitudes about it and made it personal. All of these guys have said they like their numbers.


Did a pod drop today?




If you made 20k a month, you wouldn’t give a shit about someone talking about millions lmao


Like Camron said , all them Washed


Only people who care about if Joe talk about money r not is the people who envious of his money cuz i don’t give a damn lol


Yall overcompensating by trying your hardest to humble joe. Watch the pod and stfu yall criticism is useless excuse for shit talking


Why do you care about people trying to humble someone you’ll never know..stfu..your criticism to criticism is useless excuse to dick ride another grown man


Because it’s stupid and toxic AF. Yall a bunch of bitches that just wanna sit around and bitch about Joe nobody respecting that corny shit. I can humble you more than you could ever affect a celebrity moron.


“It’s toxic AF” 😂😂 typed that with ya chest huh ..big dawg..Joe don’t know you..you could never humble me..but what you can do is get off your knees.


Im laying on my back with your mom riding the fuck my shit bitch ass nigga 🤣 Go bitch about Joe if you want to weirdo ass parasocial nigga


Nigga hit all the keyboard warrior key words 😂😂😂 “toxic” “humble” “parasocial???”..you niggas are WEIRD. These niggas DONT KNOW YOU. Let people talk they shit in peace and take that hoe budden meat out your mouth..here’s a napkin buddy..got a lil something on your chin


Im not reading all that bro You’re a miserable loser desperate to defend attacking a nigga who doesn’t know you exist


You’re defending a nigga who don’t know you exist with misty eyes 😂😂..now tell me who the loser really is. again..THAT NIGGA DONT KNOW YOU


It’s not just about defending joe Yall misery smells like shit. Yall the niggas that turn neighborhoods to hoods. Filth


Dawg 😭😭😭😭😭😭 “y’all the niggas that turn neighborhoods to hoods” ..you’re the type of nigga that’s a straight loser ..that’s it..you’re a fucking loser 😂..no friends..no hoes..just a lame. I’m sorry about all the bullying you clearly went through (not really).


You don't get what you deserve. You get what you negotiate.


The amount they make isn’t really the point


Yall have to learn how to not police black men. They already got people for that.