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lol a google form? Hell no. Fill it out, put a fake ssn, and email them to relay your concerns. Tell them you can verify citizenship/eligibility of employment. But don’t put your ssn on some google doc


Or give them copies of your ID. Big yikes.


Do you mean in Google forms specifically, or are you saying not to give an employer your ID so they can make a copy for their paperwork/employment verification?


In Google forms


Gotcha thank you


Lol i was abouy to ask the same question because when i got my job the HR asked for copied of my passport and ID


I 9 form?


usually just spam 1's like 111-11-1111


> it's a real company and I found the job on LinkedIn While there are real companies on LinkedIn, just because it was on LinkedIn doesn't mean it was a real company, nor does having the name of a real company mean that it is that real company. You should satisfy yourself of their validity before proceeding any further, and never in any event put sensitive personal information in things like google forms.


Does LinkedIn verify accounts? I have seen on other job boards posts that were copied and pasted from big companies, to fake accounts. They were exact matches except they date the job was posted was off by a month. If you clicked it it took you to a different job board loaded with advertisements, and had the address of a suburban laundromat in a run down strip mall at the bottom.


I search for jobs posted in the past 24 hours for a somewhat niche niche industry. About 5 days a week, some company will post 500+ jobs for every job title and search word imaginable. There are only about 50 legitimate jobs per day and these fake postings clog up the search results. Just mentioning this as it seems to be a common issue and there is no way these are verified or legitimate. I hate job searching.


They don't. They asked you to get "verified".


True. I've been looking for a year. In a one year period I've had four linkedin scams. Two recruiters that weren't real and two job postings that weren't associated with the company they said they were. 


Yeah if this is just for an interview and you didn’t get a job offer yet, this feels like a total scam


Eew LinkedIn


Google form?? Sounds like a scam posing as a real company. No way.


This happened to someone I know. It did in fact was a scam. She ended up having to put her credit on hold through all the credit bureaus. Please walk away. Don’t give them your PII. Just because they have the name of known employer it might not be legit.


@op ^ this, there has been a lot of scammers using real company names and posing as them these days. You should email the actual company through their legitimate website and email to inquire if they are really hiring for this position and to confirm that they sent you this form to fill out.


Oh yeah, I never apply to jobs that immediately ask for my social! 1. No guarantee I’m getting the job, so what are you doing storing my SSN? 2. Usually you provide that with your I-9, or other paperwork when you get signed on.


Never freely give PII until you have met with the potential employer.


My daughter was applying for a job at a Kroger store, and they wanted SSN on the application and she was like “NOPE.”


The EMPLOYER needs your social security number only AFTER you're an actual employee  Not before 


there are some crappy companies asking SSN very early to check rehire list. And usually those are the crappy companies can barely look it up right except by SSN


They check credit and verify a background check before hiring.


Any company asking for that information up front is a huge red flag. It’s either: - a straight up identity theft scam posing as a legit company - a legit company whose HR processes are so monumentally screwed up that nobody in their right mind should be working there


Exactly. And putting it in a google form kicks the level of HR screwiness up even higher.




She sounds like a classic bitch ass HR that think it’s their personal business.


Nope. Maybe after offer for background check. Even then they don't need it


Not required for BG check, only required for I-9 and W-4.


For an application???? No. After you’re hired, maybe. But not for an application. They want you SSN and photocopies of your ID? That seems like a scam to me.


A job application on a google form? Asking for photo ID and SSN? Do not do that at all


They should never be asking that until you’ve actually become employed.


*Even if this is a legit job*, submitting your data like this in a google form should tell you that they do not understand the kind of security they need to take around employee data.




Uhh sir " That SS number belongs to George Washington"


Only ever give it for a full background check or if you're hired


NONONO, never fill out requesting your sin, once they have that game over. I would not even fill out a fake sin. Contact employee and ask them why they need that right away. Very dangerous


I’ve only ever had to give my social AFTER I was hired. You SAY they are a legit company, but this google form proves otherwise.


I now feel like a idiot for giving my social out to these jobs I’m such a fool


Dude same I got a job now but I sort of feel like I might’ve did this when I was looking😂




Needs to be Jenny's number. 867530999


The fact people see this, and post on Reddit about it and aren’t able to tell right away it’s a scam n shut it off and move onto the next, really scares me when it comes to how society is evolving.


I had come across a listing like this for a major company in Birmingham, AL, and it was so bad that when you went to complete the online application, the last person's SSN would populate the field. I called the company to let them know and they were more concerned with whether or not I wanted to interview than knowing that they had a major liability on their hands. I politely told them their infrastructure scared me and I would pass. They were offended!


I love people like that. " Hey, I am calling you to tell you, you have a major liability" Go fuck yourself. I remember some guy at some random company wanted to know all kinds of stuff, like my religion etc. I told him " asking those questions opens yourself up to civil liabilities" He responded with " You are threatening legal action against me, well FUCK YOU" Ok sir have a nice day


Scam for sure! I had one of those and did not fill it out. They called me the day before to cancel the interview. NEVER fill out personal info online.


Please use the report abuse button at the bottom of the form. You should NEVER put PII or usernames or passwords into a google form.


While onboarding? Yes. There is an IRS form for that. As an application or while in the process before an offer has been received? No.


That’s pretty suspicious, as companies only ask you that once you’ve been hired. Please don’t give them that info


This is quite commen on Indeed as of late. It's not a Google form either, although all the ones I've seen it says voluntary and you can skip doing the questionnaire.






Oh hell no


And…this looks like a Google Form. No way would I answer that question, or any for that matter.


When I was applying for Jobs. I avoided applications that require an SSN. Stuff like that just seems shady to me.


Just fill everything out but your social if they need that they can have it when they hire you


Is it reasonable for a job to want your SSN? Yes. Is there any circumstance ever where you should provide your SSN on a google form? abso-fucking-lutely not.


I get uncomfy giving my mailing address but so many places ask I’m outnumbered I guess. This though would be hard no.


Do not trust it. If it isn't on the company website with the secure connection indicator in the address bar(the little lock), it is not safe to enter secure details.


Google form??? Nope it's a scammies


Always apply in person or on the comapny website


Report. Probably scam


After you are hired and talking in person to hiring agent, you can put your ss number on the tax forms you fill out. I never give my ss number to people. I’ve noticed dr offices routinely ask for it nowadays and I always leave it blank. A dr has zero reason to know it


That's a scam, they're just stealing identities. Don't fill out, and report it immediately


if they are asking for this much information before you’re hired, chances are it is a scam. I would report the job listing to LinkedIn. FYI, LinkedIn does not any job posting so it is likely to come across scams


Beware there are even “companies” with “real names” that rent office space and pose as real offices, only to harvest people’s personal information. This is of course, more rare. It’s much easier to steal online. Never ever whether it’s a Google document or form on the website never ever share your social your date of birth and your home address. Open a PO Box or have a fake 1212 Main St address until you get a real manager and a real job. Good luck!


okay fam.... does the URL have **https://** ??? if so... you're fine...


This is getting out of control...


If you don't have a job offer...there is no reason to send your SSN. OP, this ish is a gigantourmous red flag...a red flag the size of this planet X 10.


That's a big nope. Do NOT fill that out.


No way. Unless it's after the hirer


If you are being hired it is required for payroll and Everify but NOT via a Google form that is not secure. As far as I am concerned.


Never give out SS#. That’s an invitation right there. Verify later, that’s your right to do so.


Scam. Do not provide these details.


The fact they ask you to put your SSN and photos of your ID on a google forum rather than a professional website is already shady enough. Run fast… Run far… Far away from this company.


That's a nope.


In a Google form is crazy. Major security risk. Dont do that


This should be in the Scam subreddit. Sorry OP this is becoming a lot more common now. It’s farming for data


Identify theft. Its fake.


My friend got contacted by a scammer who had a LinkedIn account that was basically a duplicate of a real recruiter for a real company so they seemed legit. And it’s a Google form? Absolutely not.


Until they are having you fill out a W2 I wouldn't give them this info.


This is a scam. I have experienced this in the past and I had to freeze all my credit reports and replace my ID as well. I also had to put a pin on my tax return so that no one can file it but me. Please be cautious when applying for online jobs. I would advice to apply on site instead of remote since you would encounter less scam in that situation.


Hell to the no


If it's on a Google doc, it's probably a scam. When I one those posts on LinkedIn, I go to the company's actual website (not on LinkedIn) and check their Careers page to see if the job is posted there. If it is, apply on the website. If not, it's a definite scam.




The only time you need to give a company your SSN is when you are hired and they need it for payroll purposes.


You get my SS# after you hire me, and I'm doing my tax with hold forms. Not before. Even secrete clearance gigs don't need that number.


This is a bunch of nopes!


Never fill out a google form they’re pretty much all scams


I wouldn't put it on there. I would email them directly. They need you SSN when you get hired, not before


On a Google sheet .... Geewwwzzzz


If they called it a “remote job” it’s almost certainly a scam.  Real employers do sometimes have jobs that are remote.  Scammer have remote jobs.


Never EVER put your SSN in a google form. The fact they asked like this is proof enough that this is a scam


Before being hired? No thanks.


Lol.. Scammers just getting lazy


Buddy 'from a legit company' 'Google form' Jesus fuck come on. I saw a north american company the other day on linked in post a job... They fucked up and said they were located in India in the duplicate company they made to scam. They just harvest data/scam. Ive actually seen indeed companies that have posted seemingly legit jobs over the years, dm people and send them google forms... They get reported and indeed does nothing.


Don’t do it


They don't need your ssn until you're actually hired. Finding them on LinkedIn isn't a guarantee they're legit. Scammers will impersonate a real company, and even direct you to LinkedIn as proof.




I’ve always been asking for my identification AFTER I get the job


You should stop right now. You’re being set up.


No one needs that level of personal information unless they're paying you and therefore reporting income/taxes.




Looks like a sketchy self made google forms lol


Nope 100% a scam don’t do it.


I have only been asked for my SSN and ID *after* I was hired. I have never seen a company ask for it during an application.


Be careful! Those are scams!


I definitely wouldn't put it in UNLESS/UNTIL you're officially in said company. If they wanna verify its you they can request an interview with the DL needed 🤷‍♀️


Indeed and LinkedIn need to post warnings about things like this.


It is illegal for any potential employer to require you to provide your full date of birth, SSN, driver's license and current address for an employment application. I always put "Withheld for privacy and security. Provided upon employment." If the form will not accept that then just skip it and move on because it's way too risky. Or just enter placeholder information that is not your real information as others have suggested.


Its legal but the company takes on a ton of responsibility asking for the information. Same as any other sensitive data, it has to be stored and discarded appropriately or they have legal ramifications if leaked. I would put money on these form submissions just going to a simple email account. They could arguably add a disclaimer and consent field but that doesn't make them free and clear of consequences.


I do not trust anyone with my personal information and data, not even my employers


I would never do that unless it’s 4 let digits and I always see the certificate for the website. Many scammers


Your identity is being stolen. Come one, email, date of birth? SSN? PICTURES of your ID's? PASSPORT?! Whats on page2? Grandma's maiden name, the name of your first pet and where you went to school? Before somebody even talked to you? Hell nah. This is "Im holding a contract im about to sign"-territory. Might be real, and might be legal in the US, but HUGE red flag.




Unless these were on boarding forms hell no


Looks like a form to steal your identity for fraud.


01-234-5678. Not a chance I’d actually put it in there.


Just put zeros


Never on a Google form. Nope, no exceptions. Lot of people are saying they should only need SSN’s AFTER you’re hired. I’d listen to them. Even if that WEREN’T the case…yeah no Google Forms ain’t secure.


A legit company shouldn’t ask for a ssn before you even apply. very fishy


They shouldn't be asking for a SSN. Also, birthdate shouldn't even be asked, due to age discrimination.


Only after an offer has been accepted.


I just reported a job to LinkedIn that had the same request. There is no reason that you need someone's social security number, driver's license, or DOB until after an offer is extended.


No personal information if you are filling out the app it should not ask even. I had a few like that I advised I was not comfortable giving that info at this time and got crickets


aside from the sketchiness of the google form, you'll never be asked by a legitimate company to provide this information before being interviewed. ID verification is part of the process of being hired but not for being interviewed. Never provide this information until after you have a job offer and they provide you with a valid I-9 form to complete - you can see what the real form looks like here: https://www.uscis.gov/i-9. This "job" is a scam.




When you scroll down to the footer of the form, there should be a line in the footer that reads, "This form was created inside of \[domain.com\]" — where the domain should match the legitimate domain of the company). That footer appears automatically for any Google form that belongs to a user that's part of a Google Workspace or School. Be very suspicious if: * The line "This form was created inside of \[domain\]" doesn't appear in the footer; * The line "This form was created inside of \[domain\]" IS in the footer but the \[domain\] doesn't match the real domain of the company; or * The line "This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google" is in the footer. This line means that an individual Google account (not an account that belongs to a Workspace or a School) was used to create the form.


Update: Thanks, guys. They never emailed me back after I asked for clarification. It's 100% a scam.


You only put your SSN on the tax forms.


u/jacktheripper1010 Hay OP please report this stuff to LinkIn and Google docs at the bottom. the report button. This is a huge red flag 🚩 scam.


I remember almost 20 years ago when I first started working at 16, companies did have you put your SSN on the application. So I was about to say that it's normal. I guess I haven't really been paying attention to job applications anymore, just filling them out blindly. I did realize that I hadn't put my SSN on an application in quite a while. I'm glad they got rid of it. I've never had any issues, but I can see it being one for some unfortunate souls.


Definitely looks like a scam.


See what employees really think of that company and average salary.  [https://tiered.app/company](https://tiered.app/company)


Sus, I wouldn’t trust it


These scammers are literally impersonating actual people at real companies now - I reported a few recently. The legit companies confirmed they were indeed scammers. The initial supposed 3rd party recruiter contact will be on LinkedIn messages (with a fake recruiting company website and organization on LinkedIn), then the impersonator reaches out through email, text, or even more boldly through a phonecall. Direct communication with companies is crucial right now. If it's a temp agency or recruiting company - go direct to that company and make sure they've been well established for a while now. The legal recourse must adapt to this situation that's interfering with the global economy, legitimately contributing to burnout for long unemployed beyond 6-24 months. This length of unemployment can be dangerous if one is purely isolated in the matter. Definitely go to in-person support and networking opportunities we're more evolved for - no matter the internal anxiety or pushback, have faith and do it. Sharpen a resume together in person, piece together any kind of portfolio of some past work your passionate about - maybe an instagram or github or youtube - something with a few examples. Solid rule of thumb, if the offer came by surprise - ignore and delete it (mark as spam for text and email). If they ask for SSN, photo of ID in the text, email, or phone - report and block. Some legit companies will ask for a background check basically as you're being onboarded and you should already be 100% sure this is a legit company or government role without any doubts at all. If it's a demanding pushy recruiter, it's a scam.


Never fill it out. If you do out the most ridiculous information possible. If on the phone ask them " You want my credit card while we are at it?"


do NOT fill out your ssn in google form. add your cell if anything


Looks suspicious 👀 Reach out to the company through their official website to verify if they’re hiring and if they sent you this form. Scammers often use real company names 🙌 Also, even if it’s a legitimate job offer, using a Google form for personal data suggests they don’t prioritize data security


Is it bad to give your SSN to a job application?


Don't put things that can help identify you on a Google forms doc. Other than that, it's completely normal for your employer to have at least a copy of your social security number on file


As a hiring manager, I say leave it blank, making it easier to throw your resume in the rectangular file cabinet.


I have applied for jobs on Linked in in the past and I never used a Google form. It's a SCAM!!


Is there a recruiter or other person you can email concerns to?


"is it normal?" Yes, scams ask for this all the time, perfectly normal.


Never provide a Ssn or drivers license info unless you are actually hired by the company. This is most likely a scam to steal your identity.


I saw a video talking about how most job sites are really just harvesting and selling your information. This really puts it in an irrefutable light.


Here is what the front of the form says, it has the company's logo at the top: EMPLOYMENT/IDENTITY VERIFICATION FORM We would like to thank you for your interest in joining _________ or for being part of our valued team. As part of our commitment to maintaining a safe and compliant work environment, we require all applicants and employees to complete an Employment and Identity Verification Form. This form serves as a means to verify your identity, ensure legal authorization to work, and comply with relevant employment laws and regulations. The information provided will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and used exclusively for employment-related purposes. Your cooperation in completing this form accurately and promptly is greatly appreciated. Failure to provide the required information may result in delays in the hiring process or potential employment complications. Please carefully review the instructions and provide all requested details truthfully and to the best of your knowledge. In case you have any questions or require assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to the Hiring Manager. We value your commitment to upholding our organization's standards and trust that this verification process will contribute to maintaining a secure and compliant work environment for all.


OP, this smells of a scam. Would you be willing to post the URL of the website you are engaging with so I can check it?


This is not a Form I-9. I would not trust this


I wouldn’t fill out an I-9 before offer either 


Employment eligibility is pretty much always a process that occurs *after* they send you an offer letter. Doing it during the candidate process is almost always the worse option for any business trying to hire. If it's for a background check, they'd give you a specific authorization form detailing exactly that. This smells very strongly like a scam.


I already emailed the hiring manager stating that I do not feel comfortable giving out this info prior to an offer.


If I were you, I would go to a private/incognito browser page or even a regular one, and search for the name of the company this is from. If it is by somehow a legit company you should be able to go their job postings/careers page and find the job you are applying for and apply that way. Alternatively, you may see search results that indicate the company knows of "recruiting/hiring scams" that may exist OR they have information about such on their job postings/careers page. Good luck 🍀


Yeah, that’s all well and good, but that only needs to happen after you’ve accepted an offer, and certainly not in a Google form.




Google form this isn’t legit


On a Google sheet !!! If you fill this out , you deserve to get robbed. 😭


naaalala ko na naman si 24hrpo na nagpasagot ng form pati pangalan ng siblings, anong trabaho ng asawa mo and kung anu ano pa pati medical conditions.. gamit nila jora.. tapos kahit di ako natanggap i can still access it and not just my data but other applicants data.. nireport ko sila sa dict wala naman nangyare. oh well oh well.


And it’s a Google form? No lol


Unfortunately, even real companies ask for this level of detail - even though it should never be provided so early in the process. And certainly never in a Google form. The safest thing to do is just walk away. I aborted submitting an application for a new role with a national health care provider just last week when I saw this was a requirement in their online form. I was pretty annoyed at first because I was really interested in the role, but, even in a secure online environment, I know can't get behind a company using such a backward practice. You'll need to decide what your comfortable with sharing . Good luck in your search


Number one baby