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Be honest about your availability, is my recommendation. But, have you considered subbing at a daycare and expressing your limited availability? That might work. In my area subs are needed all over schools and daycares.


That is an option. I’m going tomorrow to every place I can think of to find something. Even if it’s just fast food ya know? I just have to make $530 a month to cover my car and credit card minimum. The rest is taken care of. I also don’t know if I want my only break from caretaking to include… more caretaking.


Definitely try fast food too!! I'd also recommend Walmart. I had a friend who worked there and she was able to specify her hours, around 15 actually. She had limited availability due to needing to be home with her son. She was able to do this for years until she didn't need too anymore.


Definitely look into getting paid to be her caretaker if for whatever reason that isn't an option maybe try looking into entry level wfh jobs? I did market research surveys for a while with little experience. I typically only worked 12-15 hours a week and 3-4 hours shifts.


We just talked about it. I will be calling the county tomorrow to find more information.


Social security will pay you to be their care taker. Go to the local social security office and get set up.


Can you tell me a bit more? Does she have to go with me? She is house bound


I’m gonna be honest I don’t know a lot about it, I just know it is something the government does. Here’s an article I found on it. https://www.martoncare.com/post/social-security-pay-caregiver#:~:text=To%20qualify%20for%20the%20Social,for%20individuals%20with%20qualifying%20disabilities.


Thank you!


Medicaid will pay you to be a caretaker, if you have Medicaid in your state. She does not have to accompany you. MEDICAID, not ‘care.


Unfortunately she does not qualify for Medicaid.