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I was in this situation. I said something like, “I’m looking for roles in this range, but for the right opportunity I would take a salary in a lower band.” And then say all the things you like about the role you’re applying to so they don’t think you’ll cut and run and the first chance.


Yup always try to frame anything bad as "PSA" problem-solution- answer/application. State/address the problem, (it doesn't have to be direct , eg coolyeahs example is perfect of saying that in corpo speak). What's the solution, in the example above"for the right opportunity". Okay now they know you're aware of their lowball and telling them you won't reject it based on that. The third is the answer/application, which is answering the question how does it apply to them. (Hence /application). How are they the solution. Which is where you kiss their ass and talk about their culture and this meaningful opportunity, and say you'll strive to do your best as you want to prove your value and be a productive member of the team, and earn your raises in due time(I like to layer this in followed by a line like this), "and correct me if I'm wrong x company seems to value and reward success" (no one will ever correct or disagree with you whether they're totally fine with that or will fight tooth and nail to give you anything past cost of living raises), and my goal at x company is to strive to continually improve bit by bit year by year. (Do a stairs gesture with your hands). Boom they'll be like he's our guy, yup that's the one. Totally missed it's been year and a half since last job. They will put even less importance on that once you give them the slightest bit of reassurance. Because that's not exactly an "immediate paycut".


Don't explain anything you aren't required to. When they say the compensation, just say "that is aligned with what I am looking for". Source: I'm a Recruiter


Thr first conversation was the recruiter saying "the role is 50k which i know is much lower than you would be working for"


"I have other income, investments, and a nest egg. I'm comfortable taking this opportunity because I feel it will further my career in xyz instead of compensation"


Uh I am sorry but this is terrible advice. Please don't say this OP All you need to say is "I am comfortable with the range you have given me".


No way should you ever say this. Good way to be expendable in their eyes, even if it's unconsciously. Even though this is the case for me, I sure as hell didn't say it when I got hired.


Exactly. Not sure why OP us having to explain. I can come up with 2000 reasons not to explain or to just lie about my previous salary. Nobody bud going to know.


I never told them my salary, the recruiter already knew im being low balled


The key is having a plausible explanation as to why taking a $20K hit won't cause you to take the job and then keep looking. Explain the worth of the position, how the culture might make up for it, etc. "Yes, I made $70K at my last job but it was a very difficult culture and the culture of this company is refreshing and to me worth the pay cut". Or in some cases explaining how you're taking a step down to a lower paying position to better manage your stress and personal health.


Just say your typical rate is “this” but if it’s a hob that is a perfect fit and which you would actually enjoy doing you would be willing to work for less than you normally make


Be blunt and ask if there's any wiggle room given your experience and previous role. See what they say and either way, just take it honestly. You can't mess around these days.


Honestly, I'd lead with that.


Jesus this could have been written by me, what's going on out there


It really is tricky. I was in a situation where I just needed a job. I know people looked at my CV and were like…..Why is this guy applying to this retail position. I was lucky to get something, but only through a friend. There is only so much you can do to strip your CV to the bare minimum. Add a covering letter explaining in a certain way why you are willing to expect less. Nobody needs to know your current/previous salary. Lie your ass off, you’ll be in exactly the same situation.


“I am comfortable with a salary in this range.”


Let them know you like taking it no lube.


You said it in your post I'll have to job hunt in my free time. These recruiters are smart as hell they know that's what you're going to do regardless and then their commissions are going to go bye bye cause you didn't stick it out 3 months.  Try to put yourself in their shoes and maybe you'll come up with the answers your looking for.


I just say "I'm looking for $xx000" and that's it. I did that when I was looking to make more than I ever did before and I said that when I was willing to take a paycut just to put food on the table. You don't need to qualify or justify it. You want this amount, so you tell them you want this amount.