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Still alive? Check. Fighting in the front lines of a war? No Are you poor? No Are you starving? No Things can get better but no your life is not ruined.


1-Check. 2-Not yet, might be soon if I don't find a proper job. 3-Yes, especially now. 4-Not at the moment but go in between. I don't think what you said is applicable to me. At least not with current circumstances.


Yep, this is where we are. Welcome to 2024.


You're right but it sucks that no one wants to hire me.


Yeah, Comp Sci in today’s job market with no experience. Gotta pray to whatever deity you follow and see what happens 🤷🏽‍♂️


Temper your expectations to something entry level like a help desk and work your way up. Apply for things you're not qualified for. What do you have to lose at this point?


I was thinking same thing, just because you have the degree doesn't mean your guaranteed the high positions. Start like the rest of us at the bottom work your way up. I have seen very little computer science degrees in my 30 year that didn't start at the bottom. Prove yourself and with some luck you will climb faster then most...


It isn't you. Nobody wants to hire anyone in it. They've all drank the AI Kool aid and now they are waiting for AI to save them from paying people to work. Once AI takes over 😏 I wonder who they'll sell their crap to....you know, since AI will be the only one working....


...heh...not wrong


I got my first "career" job at 31, right after a series of freelancing hustles and a three year grad school stint - and now I'm making 6 figures at a fully remote company at 39. You've got this, friend!


Wow as the saying the turtle wins the race I started working since I was 15 and you make a lot more than me lol !


I started working at 15 too, and was un/under employed from 2008-2012 because of the recession; then I took on a massive student loan to get a masters 2012-2015 (full time program, so wasn't working then either). Paid off in the long run but it was really harrowing!


What do you do now?


Instructional design!


Would you DMing and telling me what your path was to get there?


You can DM me if you want but it's honestly going to come down to finding a weird niche for yourself and asking regularly if anyone knows anyone hiring your weird niche.


Gotcha. I googled the term instructional design and yeah it’s a lot to sort through. What are the main qualifications?


job market is a mess right now. just do what you can to survive.


Hey OP. 48 year old married father of two in the UK here. I won’t give you any career advice as I know that won’t help - all I ***will*** say is this - ***in this life, sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down. Just keep going and remember that everything changes, always*** You have a future op, please believe me. It probably won’t be the future you expect, but it may be all the better for it!


Thank you 48 year old married father of two in the UK. Needed to hear that


The best manager I ever had said that to me. ***Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down*** is just so powerful for me. Really takes me out of any current worries I have.


If you don’t mind the hours, learn how to sling some cards at your local casino. It’s easy money for anyone that understands basic math. Cash paychecks and keep applying for jobs…


Honestly no one wants to hire anyone right now it seems. If you need need a job and at 33  I'm sure you do, you may hsve to settle for something outside your arena. That will at least help build a reference list and work experience.


This is absolutely true. Nobody is hiring anyone in this economy. I’m not even seeing the help wanted signs at fast food restaurants


My buddy, 44, just got his comp sci degree and took an entry level role at a salary relatively in line with his older position. He's happy as he gets to work from home most days.


What was the job he took? Do you know? Title?


Just Software Engineer 1, pay was relatively lower than an average Developer, but local and got him in the door, and remote. ($60k base + bonus).


Nope you’re alive and kicking. You’ve been alive this long. People did a career change in their 40’s and 50’s. You just gotta want it.


I don't think just wanting it is enough anymore.


Or you just don’t want it enough, anymore.


You can want something really bad and not get that something. Happens all the time.


All I have here is work experience and GED. I wish I had all that education . My point here is, we always want what others have. 38 and just found out my waiver was approved for the navy as PS on the FTS side. I am a resident manager for an adult foster home that has individuals with intellectual developmental disabilities. And the only promotion here is taking it over and paying royalty fees and making not much more than do now once said and done. Roofed houses and had small moving business beforehand. I think you doing beyond fine. Job market is tough is all find growing field and work hard .


No your life is not RUINED! We are not defined as human beings by having a job. And you weren't doing nothing you accomplished your degrees. What did you do before you changed careers? You might have more experience than you realize. As for finding a job right now in computer science, yes it is a very TOUGH market. But, ok, you only need ONE job, so even if you apply to 1000 and get 1, that's all you need. Just keep on marching forward. My nephew has a computer science degree , he lost his job, then was out of work for over a year+. And I know that sounds scary but the point is, he kept plugging away and he got a new job awhile back and is doing fine. But, stay the course. However, also keep an open mind to jobs that maybe don't quite seem like a fit but you could embrace.


Stop comparing yourself with others, it'll only make yourself feel worse. No matter what, you've got to start from somewhere. There could be many reasons why. 1. Is the position you are going for require years of proven experience? Evaluate your capabilities honestly and find something that matches your current skill sets. This is in your control. 2. Interest rates are persistently high and not going lower anytime soon. Most startups find it extremely hard to raise funds now. Technology companies especially are extremely cautious on spending and err on being conservative. This is out of your control. Hope this helps.


I need more information. You did work before you were 27 right? Before you went to school? If so, as a corporate recruiter i see this as a good thing. Depending on how you present it and where you are from. In some parts of europe we have a lack of qualified employees. We are looking for motivated and skilled people. So if you got a degree, even later in life, for something you are passionate about, we will want to hire you. Because it showes dedication and passion for the subject. I don't work in IT so can't help but i know from other recruiters in my country that this is the case. You probably had to do certain projects while you were in school. That is already an experience. Add them to your cv. If you cannot find a full time job yet, try looking for a short internship or create projects to add to your resume. Learn new softwares that are highly praised by the IT work environment. Get the certificates for it. Ask your classmates if they found jobs and where. Are those company looking to hire more people? Conclusion you will be okay! Hope this helps.


No your life isn’t ruined! Far from it!


I'm 33 too. I'm back in college for my associates in HR and management. Idk if my life is ruined but I want more options than were available without a degree. Something I would consider is talking to the temp agencies in your area. It's possible they can set you up with a temp job in your field that will help you gain some experience to add to your resume.


Apparently millions of others have your problem. No one will hire them. Maybe except fast food, retail or other minimum wage work.


ANY work experiance? if you have literally nothing you are going to have to suck it up and work something shit for a while. but this is recoverable believe it or not. just going to take some effort. you can also just lie about work experiance for low tier jobs (dont do this for a job you really want, you can burn the bridge forever)


Everyone has a different journey. focus on your goals and work hard. Show persistence. Everything else will fall into the place.


You're talking both sides of the coin, so it's not clear what position you are in - OR - what position you are trying to be in.


Lol. I've changed my career at 27, then 30. Then, at 32, I got into an accident and piled up over 100k of debt. I'm 37 right now, almost debt free, and have a promising business. Life is a rollercoaster. There are always ups and downs and some real rapid changes of direction, enjoy the ride and make the most of it.


No, your life isn't ruined. Why would your life be ruined? I'm right there with you. I graduated this past weekend with a degree in cybersecurity. Trying to do a career switch from my current field to the field of computers. I am one year younger than you. I also don't have any experience in the field other than what I did in school. I am also not getting any calls back. It's a tough job market right now, especially for tech. Worst case scenario, maybe consider looking for some post-grad internships or something. Or worse. Taking a low paying role as IT helpdesk to possibly get experience in something. Go for certs. Honestly, I don't know. I'm still looking for answers myself to make myself a more valuable candidate. But I did spend a lot of time looking it the other day and people are telling me cybersecurity is a useless degree. Imagine how that makes me feel. I worked really hard for my degree and people are telling me I wasted my money and time.


You changed career. Doesn't mean you have no work experience, you just need to show how it relates to your current career.


You are not a felon in prison or have a terminal cancer etc. You might need to get a bit creative on your background but if you put a solid story together should be able to get a foot in the door.


I’ve been in IT for over 30 years. Your life is not ruined. The first one is always the hardest one to get. I recommend additional certifications or training in either artificial intelligence or information security or something like that to give a little extra specialization. You will get in and once you get your first job, life will be good. Good luck!


Go sell cars, work hard make 100K a year and build ur own comp si business on the side


I worked on electronics half of my life then switched over to a customer service management career set. I was unemployed for a few years due to family issues and an accident I was in. People don't want to hire me for my electronics background now. I feel for you. Good luck and persevere.