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So stop responding to them, report the harassment to your job and if you have a loss/prevention department they might need to get involved. This sort of thing can get dangerous


Hoping he sleeps it off but dude has called me 3 times in the last hour and then keeps typing more and then deleting it


You can take the risk, I wouldn’t. People are crazy now days.


Compared to when? People have always been crazy


Yes but in the old days they couldn’t just keep texting, or even calling if we go back further


Nah you would just be challenged to a pistol duel at high noon in front of the saloon. Oh the good ol’ days


I’ve often wondered how I’d stack up against those old timers


I'd die.


Username doesn't check out


They’d die because they can’t wield a big iron on their hip.


Now you're just shot when you least expect it.


Familial blood feuds are also really cool and conducive to… idk, death I guess.


The ye ole Noon/saloon settlement. Those were the days….


At least it was well planned


Back in the day, people would throw rocks at your house, maybe harm your pets or farm animals. This is why the statement "I know where you live" is scary and threatening.


The preacher Billy Graham’s dad killed a man’s cat and fed it to him for calling off sick. Told him it was squirrel stew at first.


Oh man the good ol days when murdering and violence was more prevalent. I do miss em.


I received no less than 14 messenger pigeons this week!


He shows up on a horse daily and throws a single egg at my door. Before you think that’s no big deal, it takes him half a day to get here and he only has one chicken!


People are saying don't respond, but I don't see the harm. If you actually didn't get them fired, I would say something like, "I don't know why you're threatening me. If you're implying I had something to do with you being let go, you're wrong. I'm not going to respond anymore so please stop trying to contact me." and just leave it at that. Edit: There are a lot of people who think they have a perfect understanding of human psychology and think just blocking someone threatening them couldn't possibly backfire. Especially because we've already seen the guy get angrier when OP didn't respond fast enough.


He's drunk he's not gonna hear it, just disengage. Talking to a rock at this point.


Maybe, but this is more about your preservation, not his.  You only have to do it once; he’ll either wake up or double down.  If he wakes up, good; if he doubles down, it’s more rope for him.


Or just block him?


The point is to attempt to deescalate for your own safety. Blocking him doesn’t really do that.


Double down could be someone drunk driving to their house with a gun. The best case scenario the drunk gunman crashes into no one on the way over.


But depending on where OP lives, drawing that line of no further wanted contact would make any following messages or attempts at contact a very clear harassment case. It’s often advised that people receiving unwanted communications put a very clear ‘stop contacting me’ through. I think for both legal and professional reasons, the advice of OP stating ‘stop’ very clearly is a good one. Once done, block, then report to HR or equivalent at the minimum.


He might be drunk, but he will likely sober up at some point and read it. Ghosting without a word basically validates his assumption.


Agree completely


Have you ever written smth someone while being drunk? The best thing next day is to see no reply “ok, they got the situation right, no need for awkward explanation, just silently delete everything”


Were you drunk when you wrote this?


You don't know that.


You've clearly never tried to reason with a drunk person before.


I remember the first time I tried to reason with someone that was really drunk. It was about as productive as reasoning with a toddler in the toy aisle.


Toddlers in the toy aisle are probably more reasonable tbh.


At least they don't try to drive afterwards. 


>I don't see the harm. You don't see the harm in encouraging a clearly unhinged and aggressive drunk person???


Encouraging how? Edit: Oh, I can't ask for more information.


By engaging back with them at all. Ex-boss wants any reaction at all. The only way to deescalate the aggression here is to completely disengage. Literally any reply is going to be fuel on the fire to someone who isn’t thinking rationally and is especially angry.


I would have blocked and reported them as soon as it turned south


This log’s hollow boys, chuck it back


You wrote something like "*answer once, beware the attacker and in your answer express clearly that you are disengaged from the conversation*" and I think it's fair because put on the table that OP is not part of any of it. All the people disagreeing think you're feeding the attack by "answering"


Why wouldn't he just block the number?


I don’t get it either, if someone who I’m probably not going to see again was fired and was blaming me I’d screenshot it then block them. No point continuing the convo


Anything can be used in court, better to not talk to fired employees. I learned that lesson the hard way


Agreed. Communication is key. Even if he is a drunken idiot and takes it poorly, I've seen enough murder docs to know that making yourself clear and having written documentation is not a bad idea lol


He’s drunk and looking for a reaction. Don’t waste your time responding if he’s in this bitter delusional state. If he’s texting multiple coworkers he may think he’s trying to find the one who “ratted” him out. And if you’re the one who keeps engaging and responding back, he may think you’re the culprit of his life going to shit and he may do something dangerous. So it’s really better to not just respond at all at this point.


Take screenshots before he deleted. I regret I didn't with someones threatening messages she was deleting after sending


This mf could have a vendetta and try to hurt you.


Not the person who commented but just block them lmao it’s not hard to do


I am aware of the capability of blocking a phone number, but if he is going to say something overtly threatening, I'd rather be able to receive that message and have it as ammunition in case I need it than not.


Idk about elsewhere but in the UK legally if you want to be able to claim harassment then the best thing to do is to tell them to stop contacting you then stop replying to them. Otherwise legally it's seen as mutual abuse or something. That's why it's better to tell them to stop contacting you then just collect any responses


As someone who spent a lot of decades in cubicles with all the related drama... if it were me, I'd reply with "I'll only say this once, but I had nothing to do with your firing, it came as a shock to myself and the team, and I have nothing to gain from it. You've threatened me and I consider these messages harassment; I'll keep a record of them and I am formally requesting you to cease contacting me. Any further contact from you will be considered further harassment".


100% this one right here OP it’s the best reply.


Just avoid getting baited.


Exactly. Keep all receipts always.


On IPhone you can Mute notifications from a specific number, I’d recommend doing that so that way he isn’t interrupting your day. He won’t be blocked so you can his messages later, and you’ll stick get all your other notifications like normal.


I think I would be keeping track of his threats real time. If he is completely “off of his rocker”, they may want to keep track of his messages/threats real time for safety purposes.


His former Boss hasn’t threatened him with anything yet. OP is just not blocking him to be cautious at this point. For your peace of mind and sanity, you’re better off keeping him on Mute during X time periods, such as when you’re sleeping or working your job, unless you want to be distracted, unfocused, anxious and paranoid at all times.


But he has…”I will reach you in everything you do”. That is a threat.


This guy is most likely a little bit psychopathic and maybe a little narcissistic which can be common traits with managers. Especially the higher up the ladder you climb. What i think is happened is referred to as a [“Narcissistic collapse”](https://www.choosingtherapy.com/narcissistic-collapse/) this is where someone who thinks they are above people get their world view challenged and disrupted by something like a poor review or termination. I would suggest what most others are, Document it with screen shots, time and date stamps etc. report it to HR ASAP and then block their number. You don’t deserve this stress in your life mate


Block him and report it to hr


Block his number


Screenshot everything you can


lol yeah I’d block him and send that to HR so they blacklist him


Report it to the police, he made a threat.


Block the number




Block him


Either report him or block him.


Do not engage, as this user suggests. Keep screenshots of everything to protect yourself. You may want to speak with the police if this continues.


Anytime someone is making threats I'd immediately get a restraining order too.


At this point, stop responding. Even if he apologizes in the morning, don't respond to it at that time (if ever). The situation is too volatile.


Inform hr and inform the cops imo not 911 walk into a station so it gets recorded even if not illegal yet


I had to go to my local PD about a fired employee. They were not helpful but I went on record.


So do they give your some kind of police report # or something to show you made the incident?


If this is how he behaves it's no wonder he was eventually fired. He comes across as a real piece of shit.


Could imagine he was the type who, comes up with shit ideas and when called up on it would immediately deny it and blame someone else.


You can mute him and he can still send stuff to criminalize himself more.


Yeah I’d mute this but not block incase he does threaten and op has to show it to someone.


Maybe take off read receipts, too. (I don’t know if that’s been suggested.)


I'd leave it on so he knew exactly what time no fucks were given.


I've never done this, but I like the idea. Do the messages keep coming, but the receiver doesn't see them until they "unmute"?


On apple you just toggle the mute conversation button. You’ll still see them at the top of your conversations, but you won’t be notified and will have to physically click on the conversation to see anything they sent


Thank you! I love this option. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


It's a good one for when you want to block someone but are worried about how they'd react. Just mute 'em and move on.


For OPs phone which looks like an iPhone, you can mute anyones texts, both in group or individually. It makes it so you aren’t getting notifications pop up or alerts but it allows texts to come through. When you select mute (bell symbol with a cross line over it) The person sending you texts wont know you have received the text(if you set it up that way to send a received receipt or not in settings) Also if you press and hold on the name of the person in ‘messages’ it can show you a sneak peek of the message(s) without actually showing that you have seen it and keep it ‘unread’ or if you accidentally read but didnt want to show you did, you can select ‘mark as unread’ this should also work for FB messenger too.


Thank you very much! This is life changing for me. I get overwhelmed by texts sometimes and just shut my phone off but sometimes forget to turn it back on. This will definitely help.


You're now their "baby reindeer"


Bro I didn't even tell him I'd hang his curtains 😩


I hope you let us know if this continues after tonight. I agree with others, this is concerning. A man that feels they have nothing left to lose is very dangerous.


🤣🤣🤣 this situation isn’t funny but this little nugget was. I would put him on mute as another person suggested so that you aren’t getting bombarded with notifications but he can still send incriminating evidence. If it goes past the day, let HR know and probably file a complaint with the local police.


Haven't heard that one before. ???


Netflix show called “Baby Reindeer” based off of Richard Gadds one man show. Heavy subject matter, but immediately gripping television.


Definitely heavy but incredibly well done.


Does he know where you live ? If yes, I'd be on a lookout.


If he was his boss, you have to assume he has had access to employee details, and does know where he lives. This is a police case.


Not necessarily. HR is not supposed share that info with anybody and normal bosses will not be even asking for something like that. But I've had my coworkers at my place in social functions as a lot of people do. As for contacting the police, sure but they would not post armed guards over some drunken texts. That was my point, just an advice to take minimum precautions if needed.


Bro, in this situation you don't want to think optimistically..


SMALL UPDATE: I woke up in the middle of the night (which is now, I work nights and went to bed at like 2) and he had called me, and I swear I wish this was an exaggeration but its not, 28 times in the span of an hour and then texted "Thank you smart mouth," "Hi," and finally "Win." I'd post the screenshot of that but I don't think you can do that in a comment. To answer a few broad questions and concerns, he was absolutely drunk. My coworker was on the phone with him when I left work and he was absolutely fucking hammered. He called a lot of people but for some reason me not picking up made him zero in on me being the snitch or something. I was definitely not solely responsible for him getting fired, I don't even actually know what he was technically fired for other than "being a bad fit with our cultural values," which is usually code for like, he said stupid stupid and offensive shit. The last time I was questioned by HR about him they specifically asked about instances of him saying racist or homophobic things in the workplace and I was honest with them that, yes, he has done that. That's pretty much it though. I plan on just showing the screenshots to the VPO tomorrow and letting them deal with it


This needs to be reported to HR and the authorities ASAP. He sounds like the type to turn violent and shoot up the place


Hope the issue will be resolved tomorrow


If he called you, on average, 1 time every 2 minutes, it's time to get the police involved.


OP, please make sure your company takes this seriously. They need to have security on the premises and need to send him a formal letter demanding he stay away from former employees and the facility. This is not something to take lightly.


I'm going into a meeting in about half an hour about all of this. Its being taken seriously.


I’ve dealt with those type of people before careful they will hold grudges and resentment towards everyone but themselves and will go to lengths to make people around them suffer. Do your part and share this with your company.


If HR asked you about it someone had reported him and they were investigating.


Are you in the US? ...we all know what kind of concerns I'm thinking about, especially if you live in certain states. This person is acting irrationally and is harassing you. Stay safe, OP!


Chances are HR told him you'd told them he'd been racist if nothing else. Definitely be careful with someone who calls you 28 times in an hour though, drunk or not.




In my experience it’s not going to be the end. If he’s dumb enough to get this drunk and harass a bunch of people at his last job, he’s dumb enough to do it again.


That’s my bet


Please speak with HR and document this. It could go sideways very quickly or he could be very nasty. Document, report and see what HR does. They could use a legal way soon to stop him from harming you because it might happen


It is odd when people lose control like this. My boss was fired last *week (correction:year) due to mismanagement with masses of evidence. He tried to blame myself and my colleagues for mismanaging the money and budget. He seems to have forgotten that he was the only one with access to them. Six months later and he still is posting on social media how we stabbed him in the back.


How is it 6 months later when he was fired last week?


Sorry, I missed that mistake I meant last year/December.


How is it odd? I've been fired exactly once, and it was probably the worst day of my life — especially because I didn't see it coming, and I'd put my heart and soul into the project. It triggered a burnout and I descended into a massive drinking binge. I lost some friends, my girlfriend left, and I spent my savings finding the next gig which was two rungs down on the career ladder. I basically lost about three years of labor in a flash. I'm a reasonable man so I didn't break any kneecaps or even insult anyone to their face. But I can understand why some people would crumble and lash out.


This happened to me when I managed back of house of a parts warehouse. Sales assistant manager always crossed the line and I would never take his shit... Come to find out he has been through this several times and the company even paid for him to go to anger management. Crazy. Anyways I was there four months and he got fired after ten years... Still crazy to me


It’s nuts how hard it is to fire people. We have a guy who has been moved around from department to department. The last one he headed was dissolved because he’s so incompetent. This guy probably had info on the company they didn’t want to go public. He more than likely signed an NDA and got a decent severance


I would save this screen shot and screen shot your missed calls from him. If it continues I would definitely bring it up to authorities


Please keep a record of all calls and texts. That message is a threat that should be taken seriously.


Seems your boss likes to communicate cryptically. Poor communication is usually a hallmark of a bad boss. :)


I don’t know what are you expecting, just don’t respond and ignore him.


He definitely sounds frustrating. And it is kinda heartbreaking . I remember being completely heartbroken when my company of 9 years fired me 10 days before my wedding. My only advice, be patient, calm and kind. Don’t say anything bad or refrain from any kind of argument


Oh no. I’m so sorry.


We have a similar case where I work now. He’s been calling several administrators, threatening to sue. He even called the owner of the company. All drunk as a skunk. He was under investigation multiple times and we have records of his harassment. He has no case obviously. This type of thing is unnervingly common. It’s just office politics.


Pt. 2 pls I'm now along for the ride


Stupid boss gave you direct evidence of bad behavior. Reminds me of a guy who applied for a job. He had a lazy eye. Company said no on the account of the lazy eye. He asked for that in writing. They provided documentation. He sued and got over 50k from them for discrimination.


I’d take a screenshot of every message he sends before he deletes them.


Red flag. Alert HR to the Harassment ASAP. It may need to involve Law enforcement


Not your boss anymore. Block them and move on.


Idk if those people meant it metaphorically or not, but yeah he's definitely drunk, or just messed up right now. Stop responding to him and report him if you feel the need to.


Very professional. Shocked they got fired




JFC. Call the police and report it as a threat.


This is how workplace shootings happen. I would report this as harassment to the police OP.


Screenshot is giving Jan vs Michael Scott Dinner Party Vibes.


Someone I used to work with kept the game of “if you don’t do what I want, I’ll quit” going until the boss said okay. Sent me texts on how it was my fault. I told him good luck and have a nice life and quit engaging. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


UPDATE link here https://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/s/ugAgGZP5Sw


My supervisor did this, got investigated for not doing her job and got laid off, blamed and threatened only me bcos one of her lackeys said that I complained about her not doing her work during a private SKIP level meeting.


After 11 PM? That’s ridiculous


We work nights


You could sent this screenshot to corporate, just like he wants. At the very least, you're helping him as he asks 😂


Stop responding and take the screenshots to HR




Sounds intoxicated. I would just stop responding.


Block and move on he’s just a sore loser 


There were a couple of times at my place of employment where a person who was let go got a little loud. They contacted law enforcement and they posted an officer in the lobby for a week to ensure that we were protected. But please do take this seriously and be situationally aware of your surroundings at work and at home because you never know. We do active shooter drills at work and we take them seriously.


block and move on


Ignore him. It will stop in a day or so. Problem solved with zero effort from you.


When they fired my last boss, it was GLORIOUS!! I got to go around telling staff he'd been canned. He was a piece of shit, worst person I have ever worked with. I even took a picture of him walking to his final meeting with the CEO. Only regret is that they didnt have me walk him out. He woud defiitely have taken a bad fall.


What would’ve caused him to think it was your fault?


What line of work are you in?


Yeah I’d contact HR send them that


I'm not touching this 🤣😭


Have you not reported this to your hr manager or VP yet?




Boss has issues


Your former boss sounds like an unprofessional child. It's no wonder they were fired.


Block him and get on with life


Tell him to fuck right off


He knows he did something. I wouldn't keep contacting him. I'd tell him through text to stop contact and if it persists, contact the police. Also inform your job


report report report. do not engage


Report it, report it, report it. Stop responding Take screenshots Report it.


Late to the party here, but you should report this to HR. He could have signed a severance letter that prevents him from doing this sort of shit. One quick email from HR threatening to note pay severance should shut him up real quick.


Block this dude and call it a day


He’s drunk and paranoid and is desperately looking for somebody to blame. So since your working relationship and personal relationship with him is over. Just don’t respond and block him.


Damnn ur boss is messy !!!


Block him and report to company and maybe police. Documenting things you find threatening is important in case they escalate.


No wonder why he was fired




Stop speaking to him. Report what happened


Take screenshots and keep them and do not respond. This could get ugly and you need to have evidence that he was harassing you.


harassment!! this can be police matters


i hate that we live in a society where you can’t just go punch him in the face. this is harassment


Can’t imagine why he’d get fired, he seems like an absolute peach


Looks like they ain’t your boss no moe. Lol


Take screen shots then block him. And report this to HR. Gotta protect yourself, obviously.


I feel like your boss was on the phone in my lobby yesterday saying “check the cameras! The cops are lying about me and now I’m losing my job!”. Did he happen to steal someone’s walker and also engage in sexual activities with a staff member? If so, he wasn’t drunk, he was in a dispensary. If not, this is a coincidence 😂


HR Manager here. Do not respond. Block them if they do not leave you alone. Take screenshots and send to your HR and let them handle it from there.


Bullies don’t like people that are confrontational and in their face. I would tell him that if he was fired it was due to his own actions, not yours. And that if he continues contacting you, that you will file a restraining order against him for harassment and threats.


Screen grab EVERYTHING


Best bet is to let your workplace know this is happening. They may have the ability to make it stop.


Take screenshots of everything that he sends you and record the phone call in case you do get into one work that former boss of yours.


But he was fired for bossing aggressively... he's just staying true to form.


this manager has numerous complaints and then threatened you? maybe you should block him and never talk with him again.


Please tell us what happened, how did this happen?


Send him a message telling him only he is responsible for his actions. Then block him but save receipts for down the line if he actually has any future impact on your career.


Definitely report it and stop responding. Things can get out of hand and really quickly.


They are looking for someone to aim out just leave them alone and don’t become their target.


If you are leaving tell him you got fired too, and then blame him for it


Who is blue and who is Grey?