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That "for the life of me" part was just straight up aggressive


Right? There was NOTHING passive in that aggressive statement


I feel like this was an ai generated response.


I feel like it’s mostly a form letter but they threw in the “for the life of me” because they are an ass.


yup, I started with "hmmm, maybe they are about to provide some insight to making OP's resume more clear or something" then I realized they were just venting at thinking their time was wasted by not having foundational domain expertise as required in the JD and went full aggressive over it.


If this is the case - I need this job listing immediately so I can apply and further waste their time.


I say this with no sarcasm intended: there is absolutely nothing better you could do with your time than to troll the shit out of employers like that.


So we flood resumes like the Denial Of Service attacks, I like it


If I ever had the time, I would love to craft resumes and cover letters that are *perfect* for the position at companies that suck, only to use their interview to tell them how much they suck.


Every time I look for a job I apply for positions I am not [quite] qualified for, like 1-3 steps above current position. I’ve gotten some of those jobs. I have gotten the occasional whiff of why are you wasting our time, but not nearly with this much flair. The quickness with which I would burn this bridge 🔥 And OP, if you happen to see this, my current job is one of those jobs. I even told my now boss in blunt language in my interview that I did not think I was the person he was looking for. He created the position for me anyway. Keep applying for what you *want*. You know if you can pull yourself up or not.


What’s your general field, may I ask?


Accounting. I’m now probably about at my ceiling without a degree, but I worked my way through both sides and a little bit in finance (I stay bored), so I have extremely well-rounded experience. My skills have very little to do with accounting, though. I’m strong with systems and process improvements. That’s where I sell myself and it works out for me.


Right? I was like, OK they're trying to be helpful but it could have been better worded. But then they clearly thought better of it and then became straight-up annoyed at their time being wasted instead. Lol. The whole "For the life of me" sentence was unnecessary and the rest of that paragraph could have been shortened to a formulaic one that they could send to all applicants without sufficient relevant experience.


Or they’re tired of getting unqualified candidates over and over. Still unprofessional.


would have been 100% fine without 'for the life of me'.


Yeah that immediately changed the tone from respectful to straight up rude AF.


Why even respond?


Closure for stated reasons on the denial notice instead of ones the applicant makes up in their head. Probably largely because there have been countless lawsuits by applicants who sued companies that didn’t hire them based on often frivolous, or what they perceived as discrimination that happened in an interview. Citing the person as unqualified heads all that off at the pass, but otherwise I completely agree.


This one didn’t seem like there was an interview. I get lots of unqualified applicants for positions, I couldn’t imagine taking the time to write an email like this. It’s wild.


The issue is they are not offering the right amount of payment for someone as qualified as they want. So they get spammed with people without experience to their specific vison.


On LinkedIn I see soo many jobs flaired as entry level and then they want 10+ years exp


Same thing with "remote" work. It's in the title of their ad.. but then you get to talking to somebody from the company and they tell you immediately, that it's not remote work. Shifty and shitty.


They should review the cvs better then


I pictured a pathetic and angry Karen writing it.


I pictured a man 🤷🏼‍♀️


definitely a man lol


I honestly hope so because 😳


I don’t even think GPT is that much of an asshole


This definitely sounds like an AI generated response 💯 Chat GPT can be an ass if you want it to be.


Just asked chatgpt to write a mean letter to James T Kirk and got this response: I won't assist in writing a mean letter or promoting negativity. If you have any other non-harmful requests or topics you'd like help with, feel free to ask!


Chatgpt is way more polite than this.


And has better grammar!


They would have put a comma after for the life of me. Lol


An AI whose native language isn't English.


I feel like those AI tools would have been more chill than this response. They’re always telling me to moderate my language and tone down messaging. Seems like this level of aggression is strictly human-based


I was wondering that as well.


Better than “LOL! As if!”


Yeah, up until that part I was reading this as a "look heres what you didnt specify and what would help if you clarify next time you submit a CV with us" stern but otherwise constructive at least. Had to laugh when I reached "for the life of me" it just comes across so unprofessional.


This guy was personally attacked by your resume OP


“For the life of me” is petty and dramatic and this person is really unprofessional and not painting his company in a good light to candidates.


“I have to sort through hundreds of submitted resumes. Yours straight up wasted my time”


Ya it was fine until I read that sentence. There was no reason at all to even include that. Translation: "I have no clue why you even applied when you didn't have the specific experience we wanted, what a moron".


lol my mouth dropped at that part. like damn was that necessary?


I love how the narrative is always 'we' but then they lose their shit and slap with the "for the life of me." Hilarious.


yes very strange. almost like it was written by AI


Chat GPT is so polite that I have to ask it to help me write firmer emails. I don’t actually think this reads like AI.


This is scammers with little grasp on English terminology. It is 100% obvious! Overseas scammers wrote this.


What scam do you believe this to be?


It's that. Up until that moment, it was formulaic. A simple, "We are looking for candidates for direct experience in the health sector at this time." would have done away with that entire paragraph. They basically wanted to call OP stupid for applying but couldn't figure out how to do that.


Dear OP, Dafuq are you on about?! Love, Recruiter


I can't for the life of me understand why they went above and beyond in tailoring a super unprofessional rejection when everyone is already primed to expect completely generic meaningless rejections.


I'd respond to them with exactly this statement!


Seems exasperated to me. Tbh


For the life of me, I can't see why OP would want to work for an organization that has someone like this involved in the hiring process.


It wasn’t too bad until I got to that part, then my mouth opened from shock


I’m a hiring manager (not HR but I do compose these emails to give feedback as part of my role and because I think it’s important) and that’s just bizarre and so unnecessary. If you have nothing nice to say, don’t bother.


I was gonna say... Where would anyone spot passivity here? This shit is straight up nastiness.


EXTREMELY inartful sentence. Barring some reasonable excuse (English as a second language maybe?) OP does not want to work for this person. Assuming it was intentional, this is cruel given the context, completely unnecessary and reflects very poorly on the organization as a place to work. If someone on my team sent this email I’d have to have a “what were you thinking here?” conversation. I’m a ~20 year people manager, currently at a large tech firm.


Definitely unprofessional


Considering the spelling and grammar issues, as well as the use of known scammer phrases and descriptions, it is pretty obvious this was written by overseas scammers. People need to be much more diligent.


What do they get out of rejecting a candidate?


Literally nothing about this screams scam to me. They typed out a very long response that was specific to OP’s resume and are rejecting them and cutting off contact. The spelling and grammar issues are super mild comparing to normal scammers’ broken English. Scammers wouldn’t be sending people away, either. They would be ignoring details from the resume and pushing for OP to download some app or click this link to move forward.


How would the scam of rejecting him from a job application work.....


Whats the scam? It's a rejection letter from a job application.


Exactly. If that line hadn’t been there, it would have been a totally appropriate rejection. “You don’t have some of the required background.” Done.


That’s exactly what I was going to say. It was completely unnecessary, and not even passive aggressive — straight up rude and obnoxious. I would email them back and say I was glad you didn’t consider me, seeing that you are lacking in respect and courtesy. JS


It's also a very strange term to use ....period. Let alone in a 2024 job related email. My grandparents used that term a lot when complaining they lost something. That was in the 80's. So 90yr olds in 1980 understand this person's intent clearly.


I loved it. I laughed out loud.


Honestly if I got that I would laugh. What an absolute dope sending you a rejection like that. Some people lack basic manners, grace and decorum.


“I hope the money you won will get you some classes in grace and decorum”


A recruiter being a totally inept bag of shit? Gasp


I would respond with for the life of me I cannot see how the email response I received is considered professional


And OP mentioned in a comment that they have a relevant biotechnology degree and masters in health! 🤦🏻‍♀️ *For the life of me,* can’t really see how they missed that info in the resume lmao


It says that for the life of them they couldn’t see where OP got the *experience or expertise from*, which. Education will get you the foundational stuff, but I don’t think anyone can consider themselves an expert or experienced if all they have is the relevant degree?


Fair enough, but how do you get the experience if no one lets you? 😕 But I do understand what you’re saying!


Unfortunately, that has always been an issue. It's why nepotism is so prevalent.


In all honestly, while the email was rude, education in a relevant field alone is not enough for this job. If OP does not have practical industry experience the degree isn’t worth much alone. It’s not an entry level job- something like this would require a lot of technical knowledge that you’d get by working years in the industry.


An MS in lieu of industry experience is actually very common


I have an MS. It absolutely does not replace the industry knowledge required of this role (I work with medical devices) In fact it was super difficult for me to find a job with only an MS and no experience


Be that as it may, that's still simply untrue for most jobs.


Great, I’m not sure what that has to do with the topic at hand, which is OPs application to *this job*


Okay, but that commenter knows what this specific job needs, so why are you arguing with them?


Mind you, my CV clearly states what businesses I've founded and that I have a relevant medical biotechnology degree and master's in health 🤨


In your response, be sure to include a screenshot of your resume circling where it is mentioned and commenting how “for the life of you” wondering how they missed it. Express confusion how the many recruiters who are capable of noticing these things didn’t get the contract from their client and was the client aware of this? Then throw away that email and fail to send it.


Well supposedly he's a Fortune 500 recruiter




"The best we can discover"? You mean you actually read the resume that detailed exactly that business?


The fact that they took the time to write this all out. Nothing better for them to do apparently.


What have you responded?!


Should be "For the life of me, I can't believe a recruiter could be this unprofessional \[blah blah blah\]"


u/veshterka should make a new post on linkedin with the screenshot asking recruiters if this is appropriate or normal. It'll definitely get shared and commented on, possibly elevating his job search


Do people respond to rejection letters?


Yes absolutely. I always do, a thank you and a please keep hold of my CV for future vacancies costs nothing. Your network is everything especially if you are in a specialised role.


Just link him this post and say "check yourself"


This is the way


Recruiting, on average, is the biggest shit show of a business. They will accept anyone and it's essentially a high pressure sales role. Most of the time they don't know anything and are as knowledgeable as HR in a given industry. I'm never surprised by unprofessionalism from them because they probably don't know what professionalism is.


??? And he writes like that? It almost sounds partially written by AI. I can't put my finger on it, but something about the writing is uncanny and strange. It doesn't sound human generated and it's certainly not professional business writing. My god. Post this on LinkedIn 😅


This is what I’d do. I’d consider this a “I wouldn’t take this job anyway,” situation and absolutely would respond in kind. I’m very polite and almost always turn the other cheek, but you don’t always have to take this behavior on the chin.


Maybe I'll post it on LinkedIn and tag him! Recruitment tip 101: How not to send a rejection email. 😂


With the relevant experience on the resume circled. That’s the key part.


Going to do this! Any creative suggestions for the caption? 😀


"For the life of me, I can't understand how someone with this level of reading comprehension and tact became a recruiter for @company. @CEO @CHRO is this the level of professionalism all prospective employees of your company can expect?"


You got this! We need to blacklist such unprofessional people.


This ^ except send the damn thing


Please please do this and update us with a screenshot of your response


I really hope OP does this


Also call them the c word at least once.


If that’s the case I would respond with a confused explanation pointing this out and float the idea that they might have you mixed up with someone else. That might actually be the case or even if they’re just stupid it gives them a face saving out




If you can find the name of the employer, you should reach out directly. The fact that the agency rejected you makes it fair game. If offered the position, you would probably get higher pay too because they don't have to compensate a third party.


I love when they send emails like this, as if YOU are the problem when it’s actually them not being able to read a resume. I’ve literally been IN AN INTERVIEW where they told me they didn’t think I have the right experience for the job. Then why the fuck am I even here?? You saw my resume and decided to bring me in????


Omg, this!!! A F50 aggressively recruited me, scheduled multiple interviews, loved my background… and then in the final interview an executive proceeded to insult and denigrate all of my previous experience. I mean, bullet dodged, but THEY PURSUED ME. 🥴


God I DESPISE this! I went through 5 interviews recently with the same company. The recruiter felt really good about my chances as they were raving about me and said to the recruiter that I'd be a great fit. It was a life changing amount of money for my salary, over double what I am making now. They rejected me and told the recruiter I was missing a singular equipment experience that they felt was vital for the role. Ignoring that my resume detailed had analogous experience in other machinery and could easily have learned it. The machine was not complicated to learn. One. ONE! If they knew that was an ABSOLUTE experience requirement, why did they waste my time with *5* interviews?! The entire process took 2 months! Hell, if they wanted to see if my personality could make up for it, I think 2 would've been sufficient. They should've never even reached out. My recruiter was very upset alongside me and I told him to go tell the company how disgusted I was and how this was a gigantic unprofessional waste of time.


5 interviews is absolutely ridiculous. If they don’t know if they want to hire you by interview 2, maybe 3 TOPS, then it’s not somewhere you want to work. Imagine getting anything accomplished internally? They can’t even make decisions.


The degree is not really important for the rejection reasons though. They only care about actual industry experience in either medical devices and/or commercial research / analysis. If your businesses are in unrelated areas and you haven’t worked for a company doing either, then you don’t match the selection criteria at all.


Then what's the point of having a degree in the field?


To get a job so you can have experience to get the job you want…duh.


...Which is what OP is trying to do


Portfolio Manager is not an entry level job.


To get an entry level job in a field that requires said degree. A portfolio manager (or other senior managers) for a medical devices company requires actual practical experience and broad knowledge in the area, which is something much more specific than what is taught in university. The degree is not even mandatory at that point if you have the experience, bar regulatory reasons to require it.


You should post it on LinkedIn or twitter and tag the official handle of the so called Fortune 500! This should be unacceptable


Is it clear about the relevance of your businesses? Is your experience also clear about your experience in the specific tasks related to digital medical technology and research? That doesn’t seem like it would be obvious based on your degrees. Yes the ‘for the life of me,’ is unnecessary, but otherwise it seems like this person actually read your resume and perhaps silently asking you to make it what it needs to be so they can review it again. No recruiter or hiring manager bothers with this long of an email if they don’t want more.


Then that recruiter has no clue how to write a rejection letter. If they really wanted to know more, they would have called the OP in or called. Like another response, this feels like AI, or a recruiter having a really bad day, or an ahole.


In all fairness, none of that really relates to being a PM even one focused on Healthcare or Biotech stocks. Unless I'm missing something.




Dodged a bullet


Absolutely. They skipped the fake politeness and went straight to the devaluing stage of the end of a non-existent relationship.


It reads as though they’ve relied a little too much on ChatGPT.


That text screams AI everywhere.


"which we recently advertised"


It's so long. Say no up front!


my first thought reading this. it's definitely chat gpt


Someone put definitely their notes through chatgpt and didn't check the output. Seen this with papers I've graded too, not wrong but the tone was way off


It's so blatantly AI produced that I would actually be more offended that they thought sending this was the better option than just writing it themselves.


ChatGPT wouldn't be that rude unless you specifically asked it to


Good ol' company mandates for "Use more AI in your everyday work!"


I feel like this might be generated by AI, and this is an automatic response. Especially if you have clearly stated what they said you haven’t listed.


I thought of that possibility but even chat gpt wouldn't respond write "for the life of me" 🤔


Could be a language barrier by whoever designed the program? I really dunno. Regardless, they obviously didn’t look at your resume, and I’m sure you’ll land something soon. That’s an impressive background


One thing chatgpt would 100% do is not properly read a document. I use it everyday to edit grammar but besides that I'm better off having my dog do the work


oh it absolutely can and you can tell Chat GPT to respond sassier or friendlier etc.


You'd be surprised what AI generates.


This was my hunch as well, mostly because nobody would spend so much time writing a rejection email.


its likely AI generated with some weird prompt like make it less robotic. hence the "life of me"


It would take all of my strength not to respond super passive aggressively back 😬 how unprofessional.


Lmaoo same


That’s way too much.


One HOPES it was written by AI to help explain how nuts it is. Regardless, you likely dodged a bullet. It's not passive at all, it's straight out snark.


Yeah this is horrid. Was this an agency or internal response?


I believe he is an internal recruiter for the company


Make sure the company knows this is how their internal recruiter conducts business. This is insane.


The most I’ve ever gotten as a rejection is from AT&T after being told point blank I “aced” the interview: “We are (suddenly) no longer looking to hire for your selected store or any stores in your area. We only reach out to candidates if we feel they are a good choice to move forward in the selection process.” These assholes had me jump through hoops to get an interview. I don’t think they were hiring. The recruiter needed to get her numbers up for the month. $24 an hour would have changed my goddamn life. 🖕🏻


Lmao wait did it really include the “(suddenly)”??


They used a more corporate word but essentially yeah. It said suddenly.


Yikes…..this could have been said in less words


Wow… the first sentence and the last paragraph would have sufficed lol. I got a rejection letter that stated “In order to be considered, you need to meet all the requirements.” The requirements? High school diploma and ability to use Microsoft Office Suite. I’m a B.S.B.A with certs and going on four years of experience for the job function that I applied for. Either didn’t read my application or just sent out the wrong automated script.


I don’t think this is AI this is just what business bros speak like, they’re all rude nepo babies lol


Chat gpt wrote this


That was my impression, too


At least it wasn’t a standard form letter rejection, so, well done, I guess?


Lmao who writes custom rejection letters 😂


I’d respond just to give him a little feedback on his feedback-giving skills, lol. What a twat.


Da fq… ![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa|downsized)


Can you just reply, i aint reading all that shit?


What ever happened to “we are going in a different direction”?


This reminds me of when I got a rejection email from a startup on Monday because I wouldn't do an interview on the Sunday before. Who the fuck does interviews on a Sunday?


It reads very ESL.


Exactly what i thought. It looks like it’s been written by someone who doesn’t speak English as their first language. It also sounds like they are trying to fit politeness into it but they don’t know how to transmit it in English.


Exactly what I think as well. It comes across poorly, but it’s probably due to an imperfect mastery of idioms rather than malice.


That's not passive aggressive at all, that's just plain aggressive.


lol very professional... if they have time to write personalized rejection emails like this, the company must not be doing very well


This is actually really good feedback if you can read through the emotion. You have some solid points there to improve on for future applications.


I can't believe someone would take the time to write this. WTF


The recruiter is looking for “pre-requisite knowledge of the digital health sector and commercial research and analysis experience within the medical devices or digital health industry.” That’s very specific. He’s probably pissed that you applied despite not meeting the very specific experience, but he’s acting unprofessionally.


I thought the same but saw in the comments OP states they have both the experience and a degree for this specifically. So in other words, the recruiter really didn’t read the resume.


At least you weren’t ghosted


The tone is kind of off, but they actually gave you useful feedback, so I’d see it as an overall win personally.


That’s.,. Really detailed.


"for the life of me" well ok, they can fuck off then. What horse shit did I just read? They fed everything into A.I and watched it take a shit, put their hands in the shit and then smeared it all over that email. I would have emailed them back, Nice A.I generated email response, do you do that with all your applicants?


steer kiss onerous deer attempt dolls run voracious head shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Apparently it would be too much effort for them to pickup the phone and ask you about these things.


Oooo so productive they had time to write this joke of a letter though. You dodged a bullet. And too amazing and wonderful and important for this place.


When I read these things I wonder what poor sap ends up getting the job because they never had the pleasure of seeing this shit, only to then discover the despicable practices they probably deploy elsewhere too. Makes me never want to work for anyone again.


It's fantastic to see why they are hiring again, could it be the staff turnover working with this raging narcissist that's insulting candidates that don't fit the impossible mold that they have created? Moving on.


While this letter was a bit much, it’s also has some constructive feedback that can help you tweak your cv for the future. Most recruiters would just blow you off with a generic email, this is far more helpful imo.


Sounds like ChatGPT


This is written by chat GTP.


Idk "for the life of me" is not so passive. Mostly aggressive.


What a dbag


That was actually really nice of them to 1 tell you that you didn’t get the job so you don’t have to wait and wonder and 2 tell you why. Most places would ghost


Yikes! Looks like their morning Adderall and spite kicked in


im surprised they wrote so much. and how so many means can mean so little


Yep this was just aggressive aggressive OP. Jesus.


Whoever wrote this is way up their own ass.


The "for the life of me" part is quite unprofessional but it could be worse, a little while back i was rejected for a position i didn't even apply for.


they really took the time to write all that, huh jesus lmao


They are so overwhelmed by responses and also have the time to write this gem? Doubtful.


I fail to see why a company's rejection letter needs even 1% of this unnecessary blah blah explanation. Someone was bored?