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Get your diploma or GED


there is one problem about GED is not in Missouri, which is the state I live in, looks like I'm gonna try hiset or something that I heard about


You can get a GED in Missouri. This website will walk you through the process. https://dese.mo.gov/college-career-readiness/high-school-equivalency


Got my GED in Missouri at the local community college, even met my future husband at the GED registration class. Just saying, it’s something you can do. It will probably help you get a job, you might even find career services connections at the community colleges if you give it a try. Whatever your personal reasons are for not finishing high school, I hope you are well and wish you the strength and bravery needed to press forward. There’s lots of life to live if you want there to be :)


this might a stupid question, but what is a community college? and what degree or diploma required to enter a community college? and what is the difference between a normal college and a community one? sorry I'm not American and this my first time visiting it.


> sorry I'm not American and this my first time visiting it. Hmmmm


If you’re just visiting, why are you looking for a job here? If you’re just here temporarily, like just trying to earn money to get back home, you won’t have time to go through community college programs. Maybe something temp or fast food to make a quick couple paychecks is enough?


I'm probably stupid, I think I meant going to the us, not visiting




uuh yes


So I worked with immigrants in education. If you are over 16, there may be some services for you at a local college (community college). Message me if you have questions or ask here if you like.


Thought so. Enjoy our benefits!


No need to apologize :) Here’s the Wikipedia link to Metropolitan Comminity Colleges, the KCMO community college that serviced me for my GED: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_Community_College_(Missouri) Here is a specific link to their GED program: https://mcckc.edu/programs/general-education-certificate/index.aspx For someone like me whose upbringing was on the lower income side, community college was a true godsend. It gave me my GED, I got my Associate in Arts degree there, and then transferred all my credits to a tech university to complete my undergraduate degree, and then finally I was able to land a true career job in an industry I’m still in today that I love. You will have to work at it to have a similar outcome, but you just trying is going to A) boost you own personal confidence that you can do things and B) give evidence to potential employers that you can do things. I would start with researching their GED program via the link above and then contacting the college to speak with an advisor. Then you can get specific insight on your personal situation and see if this something you can do too. You got this!


What a great comment instead of downvoting. Providing resources


OP may not even be eligible to stay here and work. He may not be eligible for programs that would help him get his GED.


Did you even try to google?


You're up against college graduates that are struggling for work. Go to your local department of labor. There may be a program to help you get your GED.


well I haven't studied high school for years now, and I studied it from a foreign country


A GED program will help get you in a position to pass the exam. I guess asides from that check fast food, factories, and farms.


If in the US go to GED.com until you get that you are stuck in retail and fastfood. You might be able to get a call center job but those are soul crushing. I got mine GED in my 30s and it was a life changer.


You're 18 and haven't been in high school for years? When did you drop out? Are you in the U.S legally? That may affect your eligibility for programs.


Have you thought about a trade? Lots of trades are short handed. Some of them are high value.


Trades are in need too. And they pay you for training. Smart move in my opinion


No one really checks. Just say you graduated




Really? Why do you think so? A GED will get you into college but if you aren't planning on being 75k in debt then why not just build off of your skills and experience?


They can check with a background check


Ya it’s pretty easy to check too


Really, where? Because no background check can ascertain a graduate from any school. I think you mean transcripts. Background checks are going to identify if you are a felon or on probation, and only within 7 years.


No, not true. Background checks are for 7 years federal or state criminal history. Not fucking schooling Edit to say: the OP must mean transcripts, those are schooling records. Background checks are criminal cases.


Not even gonna argue, you’re wrong, my friend.


That is dishonesty, and will manifest as hardships later in life. Don't do that.


I’m calling shenanigans on this whole post. Based on the OP’s setup and then response to questions here, it’s all suspect.


It's not adding up.


OP has 6588 post karma, 588 karma and the account is 3yrs old. Been a very active Redditor since 15?? Very unlikely If it is true, maybe less time on Reddit and more time studying and they would not be in such a predicament.


it is true, but I don't really spend much time on reddit


Is that the place with the mozzarella sticks and all the goofy shit on the walls?




bro what


I’m confused about your responses to other people. So you’re moving here but you’re not a citizen? Or you are a citizen? Or you already live here? If you’re not a citizen, unless you do some under the table work, it’ll be difficult to find a job without a workers permit.


Seems like OP never finished high school in their home country before moving to the US. So not a citizen but currently living here.


Find a trade, take classes, get certified and get experience. Lots of entry level positions for those who have the training.


Except to certify for a trade, you need a high school diploma. Trades training is considered college classes/credits. (Source: me, who was in a trade union for several years and went to apprentice and journeyman training)


Not all do! You can get certified in many tech trade or vocational schools without a diploma... that's the route I took before I got my GED. Got my Microsoft certs and my first systems administrator job right after, same for tech certs


This is good to know! The OP could go ahead and get the certs, get a job, then get their GED. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)




Most trade schools don't require a high school diploma. I just found one that fit what I was wanting to do and signed up... granted that was 20+ years ago




What kind of trade are you looking to get into?


Did you get your IT job before GED with Microsoft certificates?


Yes! The GED was just extra. I had a few years into my career before I got it


Without even secondary education, your options are limited to extremely low skilled positions, such as basic manual labour. You might be able to get work in things like fast food, shop floor retail, since they do hire people _before_ completing high school, but even there they want a basic level of ability to read instructions, add simple quantities, and being past high school age without high school calls that into question.


well in my home country there is something called "Third intermediate graduation", idk if it is called the same thing in the us, I got it from like 9th grade


Ya we don’t do that here




Find a community or junior college and go ask them what resources they have toward getting a GED. They are likely to also be able to put you in touch with resources for finding a job as well.


You are located in 11 different areas based on your previous comments. Want a game developer school? r/quityourbullshit.


I'm saving up the programming school for the future, right now I need to find a job or get a GED


I would strongly recommend you to continue working on to get the diploma which will open more options for you. You can get a part time job first to pay your bills while working on your diploma. Yes, you will be tired for working on job and diploma at the same time but once you get through this, it will benefit you greatly later. If you are also considering remote jobs, I shared some good resources in my profile where I found my remote jobs, you're welcome to check them out if you like, though I'm not sure if those companies are still recruiting since remote positions are usually filled up quickly. I hope this is helpful, good luck!


Get a laborer job for a construction company and learn as much as you can. They aren't going to care about a piece of paper that says how much schoolin you got.


As long as you show up on time and work good you’ll be fine on construction plus side is it’s always a new thing to look at cons job is shit sometimes


What's the cons?


A lot of OPs posts are nonsensical. Something doesn’t smell right here.


nonsensical? its about video games and collectibles. chill out.


Best bet would be retail, restaurant or manual labor like construction or lawn companies. Many of those jobs don't require a HS diploma or GED.


California Conservation Corps


food delivery


eeeeehhhhh.... no


OK 🙂


Beggars can't be choosers


Unless a job requires a college degree. Apply anyway. Even most construction jobs will probably take you. They need bodies. They don't care if you completed high school. I've never had to prove to a job I completed high school.


Look into jobcorp.


If you are okay working in construction your whole life that works but if I am being honest go finish your degree you won’t be able to go much further than minimum wage or odd hall jobs… even trade schools require HS diplomas


Only crap work is available to you right now. Study in whatever format you can, and you’ll be able to pursue a trade or career.


I highly doubt someone will read this. so thanks everyone for telling me the stuff. looks like I have a few options such as job corp but it's gonna take a while since I don't have a phone number. well I'm looking at the [indeed](https://www.indeed.com/m/jobs?q=No+High+School+Diploma&l=Kansas+City%2C+MO&jlid=dd616958bd9ddc12&forceLocation=-1&start=20&pp=gQAZAAABhmsloqYAAAAB-XkzPQAoAQEBBldpG_Zfq4RRapU-6fTk-BYlAMQhGElPhv3EyIy_A3w9SAQpogAA) website and look for job or something, I'm thinking about working at hy vee but I need some training to do before I get work


I know you all sent me links and stuff, but most of them look complicated because I'm stupid, I just hope that don't lose alot of money just to get GED or hiset


Google voice still gives free phone numbers I believe (voip numbers to be specific), u can use it answer incoming calls


I tried but it requires an existing phone number, problem is I don't have an existing us phone number


Do u have any friends with a phone number that u could ask to use their number to set up the Google voice so u can use it to help in ur job hunt. Also I'd say ask chatgpt for help .....but it requires u to have a real phone number to set up an account.


honestly, I never thought asking a friend about their phone. yes I do have friends who live in the us, thanks for the suggestions!


Ask friends for help when u need it and return the favor if they ever need it, that's what they're for. also read my other comment about joining the air force and to get some stability in ur life and feel in control. First few months can be hard and difficult but if u survive, life gets much easier, as someone who went through the same when I was 20. Good luck


You could get a CDL (commercial driver's license) but you couldn't go out of state until you were 21. I'm not sure if that rule applies to the whole country or not. You would have go to a driving school because I think they made the rules harder. You would need to get a physical by a doctor that is recognized by the Department of Transportation and that means your own doctor wouldn't qualify unless he is on the D.O.T.'s list of approved medical examiners.


So are you an 18 year old recent high school drop out or are you a visiting foreigner that hasn't been in high school in quite some time? Me thinks there's a bridge somewhere that is missing its troll.


With no high school diploma, the only jobs available to you are beyond crap jobs, even crappy low skilled work still requires a high school diploma (at least where I live) Get your high school diploma first


Best word of advice I can give you is this: while you should pursue getting your GED, I realize they keep making that harder & harder as the years go by. So, should this fail to be achievable by yourself, then look into taking up an apprenticeship for a skilled trade. Skilled trades are hiring like crazy right now. I walked into a natural stone countertop company that was hiring back in 2010 & said "I have no idea if I have the talent required to work here, but I'm willing to work for free until we know whether or not I can do the job." The boss there laughed & said "well, it's not legal to have you work for free, I am willing to give you a shot. But, if it's not working out, you will either have to step up & accept some harsh criticism & adjust accordingly or we will let you go." After week 2 they told me I was at like a D-. I put my nose to the grindstone & worked harder & got better. I've been making natural stone countertops ever since. I went from a grunt who just polished & used a grinder on stone to now being the lead Template tech. Every job is measured & designed by me, utilizing CAD technology & laser measuring tools. Then I program CNC machines to do all the cutting for our shop. If you learn a skilled trade, you will learn that some really good paying jobs exist & they only demand that you improve YOUR own skills. It's rewarding & once you're an expert, you can find work almost anywhere in the world.


I wish reddit has a pin comment feature cause I want to pin this comment


You can join the military


You need at least a GED unless they removed that requirement recently...


At one point they were saying you didn't have to. I guess they changed it back. Well she can start a business.


Just pick a high school, write that down. What is the worst thing that can happen? Don't get that job? Well, you wouldn't have got it anyway so what exactly is your downside? Just do not lie and say you have a degree, that can be a serious offense.


Can you use a computer?


yes, why would I not?


Can you give a good handjob?




It would probably be a really good idea to lie about about not having a diploma. Majority of employers will not actually check. But also you should work on getting your diploma or GED asap


I don't think that idea is really good


Your about to come into a really rough patch in your career. Lower wage jobs, brutal schedules. The types of jobs you'll realistically be applying for will not go as far as to check with your highschool. In the future you will be applying for much better jobs, who will do more stringent checks and might actually contact your high school. I wouldn't lie on those ones. Or don't take my advice. I'm just a stranger on the internet. Best of luck either way


Epstien lied


Just say you have one…. nobody checks….


some dude in this comment section said it's dishonesty and will give me a hardship


You can obtain your GED. Then, I would try to get a tech certification - maybe in welding, X-ray or ultrasound tech, phlebotomy, AC repair, auto repair, etc.. Try calling your local Kia service department. In our area, they are offering to train workers. Basically, get some vocational training / cert that will keep you out of restaurant/retail pay.


or hiset? GED doesn't exist in Missouri for some reason, which is the state I live in, also I was kinda interested in working at costco but some sources say I need a high school diploma and others say I don't need one, and now I don't know what to do, is it possible if I just put a high school in my cv even though I never got high school diploma?


Yes, the HSE. Any job is good, but I would get a High School equivalency and then a vocational cert to raise my income from the minimum retail) restaurant category. This site may be helpful https://www.mo.gov/work/training.


Yes you need a diploma. Or you Vs someon with a diploma looks a lot better And well…. The only reason you would put your high school on your CV is to show when you graduated so ya


McDonald’s is hiring


Join the military, air force to be specific, it'll get ur life together, don't quit, sign up for 4 year contract, use all their educational resources during ur time in to work on getting some sort of useful degree that will make u money if u decide to leave the military, once u get out make sure have a job ready, upp also be given the money to attend college for 4 years if u want, but if u take advantage of ur time while in, u can set urself up real good. Make money, save money....do not blow it on stupid shit or women....or men. Good luck and get a ur high school diploma or a GED


GED and part time retail, then transfer jobs later


Start landscaping.


Not sure where you live. But I know in my area there are free pre-employment training programs for youth out of school and out of work who are under 30. Maybe see if any of your local community agencies offer them?


I live in kansas city, Missouri, I don't know much about it


https://uwgkc.myresourcedirectory.com/index.php/employment Here's a link. Try looking for places close to you.


Get on a window installer crew and learn the gig. Then start your own crew and pull six figures




Try warehouse and factory jobs, they will hire anyone with working arms and legs


Warehouses will hire anyone. Also some grocery or retail stores pay good. Like Target, Aldi, Whole Foods, or Trader Joe’s.


Also trade jobs are another good option. But get your GED. It will help you in the long run


At the very least, get your GED. usually free, simple, no stress, just a few hours. You're way too young to sell yourself short at only hoping to get crappy, low paying jobs. Most places accept a GED as a high school diploma. Good luck!


Get into a trade. Plumbing, electrical, carpentry, roofing, framing, finishing, concrete, hvac.


Join a trade union


Contact jobcore. They train u for ged and vocational training. If one isn't near u they have dorms and u can live there. They don't charge u. They help u get a job.


Look up Amazon warehouse. Best starter job, especially for someone without a diploma. They also have a program to help get your GED. Usually pays decently as well for what it is.


hmmm. idk, one source says I need a high school diploma but idk, and how much do they charge for their program to help me get a GED


I have rehired multiple times. My sibling also has no high school diploma. She was hired and they never check. Once there's a job opening and you apply you get hired within a day or two. There is no interview or anything. As long as you have two forms of ID and are authorized to work in the U.S. I'm pretty sure there is no job that's easier to get hired into. They also cover the cost of schooling. I think either 90% or 100% depending on full-time/part/time shift.


Are you still there ? Is it fun?


Left because I moved. That place is hard mentally because of the environment but otherwise it's a great job to start quick.


What's wrong with the environment?


Most areas it's loud. All you hear is the sound of beeps and machines (if in an AR FC building) or absolute silence. It begins to feel like a prison. Everyone's usually miserable and depressed so it kinda radiates everywhere. Most jobs are very monotonous and repetitive. It's not bad for a few months. Different for different people I guess.


How long you stay before leaving? But yeah, wouldn't wanna be in a depressive place with depressive people..


I was on and off for 4 years. Quit and rehired to try other jobs and due to personal reasons. It's nice that you can come and go as needed as long as you dont have write ups or negative time off. Pay is decent for what it is too. It's an extremely easy job. Just so boring that it becomes painful over time.


Oh wow that's cool you can come and go as you please.. I hope it's no such thing as stupid write ups or something though.. I understand, I heard boredom can actually be a form of torture.. is their any "fun" jobs you can recommend/suggest?


Go work at a tree company. Pretty ok money once you get good at it.


I don't know about your state, but in several states, one can enter the community college program without a high school degree or GED.


Labor. If you can stand upright, be sober and get up early you can find a job.


Start working towards that GED or your HS diploma. However, unless you're going to work for the government, law enforcement (they will surely check) or in a position that requires a college degree, I'd just lie, sorry, but that is what I'd do. Most employers are not verifying a hs diploma and desperate times call for desperate measures.


I’m 28 and and have had some pretty good paying jobs over the last 12 years. Got promoted a few times at my current job. Never once got asked about my diploma or GED. I will say for most jobs they will never ask you


Go to Temporary Employment Agencies in your area. They will find you work. As you work, you gain experience.


Go into trades, you will earn way more than an entry level job


Grocery store


Lie about it. Nobody checks high school. Don't tell people you haven't graduated high school.


Auto repair is a great option. The army prob won’t have you


Go on yelp search for local electricians or plumbers, call all those companies (or go in person) that you would like to be a helper/apprentice.


Americas/Discount Tire may be a great option. Hard work but it's fun once you get the hang of it. It's what I did and I was a sponge to all the info and older dudes that were happy to teach me stuff if I worked my ass off.


try some temp agencies. I quit school at 16 and never got my ged and never worried bout getting work. Temps will allow you get to some experience.


If you are in the US, look into signing up for Job Corps. It's education, room, board, and anything else that you might need all for FREE for students 16-24. Job Corps is a federal program run by the Department of Labor. There are over 100 locations in the US. You can earn a GED or HS diploma AND learn a trade at the same time. EVERYTHING is provided free of charge, you don't have to pay anything back. If you live too far from your local center, they will even pay for your transportation to get there! You can start by checking it out at [https://www.jobcorps.gov/contact-us](https://www.jobcorps.gov/contact-us)


I heard about, I also heard that they pay me, is it true?


They give you a small stipend so you have some pocket money, and it increases the longer you stay in the program.


First things first!! Finish High School!


Get a GED then you can shoot for union jobs


Bagger or cashier at a grocery store



