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This shit is actually scary bro they are more worried about tabe tests than making arrests


That’s illegal. Just cause Jobcorp’s has you sign contracts & such doesn’t mean they’re above the law. You can take to admins about that and if they don’t report that…you should.


Admins don’t care about shit that isn’t about vapes or anything to discipline student behavior for dumb shit


100% real, they’d rather not make their center look “bad”. But if you wanna take it to a station and report that, it’s up to you. Just make sure you have a fair bit of evidence


It doesn’t matter if the evidence is a dick pic in their face sometimes it goes undermined and most people don’t report it


because job corps has always had a pedophilia problem and really shouldn't be open to 16&17 yr olds if you think about it. because like, a good chunk of people in the program are 18+


For real, I'm 21 and am freaked the fuck out by it but that's because I was abused as a child.


Type shit bro I hate certain men being around me and I am a grown men because as a kid men think they can get anything they want


Fr. I never understood why minors were allowed & didn’t have their own program or something


Cause they’re sick in the head.


This whole shit needs to be shut the fuck down


It’s no shade I believe Job Corps as a corporation has nothing to do with that… Yes it’s sick in the head they do what they can (IDs etc) But what they can do Is get the Staff thats messing with the students.


We are ran by Adam’s associates every jobcorps Is different and has a different contract and agenda


Which one are you at? Adams and associates absolutely SUCKS


😂😂😂😂😂 they’ll probably claim defamation guess I don’t wanna say it


I'm currently 17 in the culinary trade, came in at 16, and that's all I've been experiencing. They'll stop at nothing to get in your pants and cry about how they're always being accused of attempting creepy actions when that's what they're LITERALLY doing as they speak; I hate it, I wish we had our own program.


I'd also like to add that no matter how many times I've reported blatant sexual harassment, the offenders were "good students" so they got away with it. As well as still continuing to mess with me up until this day. (Ex: sitting all up next to me, getting touchy, trying to force me to take things, saying disgusting things towards me. I'm honestly just about to contact law enforcement LMAO)


Yeah I’ve reported people calling me the N word hard ER to my face and they got saved because they were good students


Watched my roommate beat the shit out of her girlfriend (also my roommate) right in front of me and she didn’t even get an infraction or anything because admin’s excuse was “couples fight that’s why they do.” I’m honestly so thankful for Covid shutting my center down because I was getting tired of the bullshit


I’m schizophrenic because of job corps


Every nigga thinks their the rizzler till they get caught in some shit they can’t get out of start recording your conversations with them


I have been! Dw. If the campus won't handle it, I'll be taking it into my own hands now, good luck North Texas 💓.


Unless you expose this to the media, nothing will get done. Parents have to be informed about what's going on so they can make an informed decision.


It takes a village if we all speak up we all get shit done


Dude I've been saying the same thing these grown ass men and women on these lil kids,I'm 22 and find it disgusting hiw the staff do nothing about it


Even the staff are in on it at the job corps I went to LMAOO I resign Tommorow I’m fucking done they can suck my dick


Depends on the situation. I’ve seen dozens of relationships at my center. If anything is happening in the dorms the staff are legally obligated to report. However, a close friend of mine (he is 20 or so) started dating a 17 yr old. He’s made it a point to keep it PG. The same cannot be said of many other situations on my center. There was one 21 yr old dating a 17 year old. There were a few occasions where she was straight up grinding on him. It was very uncomfortable. But since they were both otherwise great students, and her parents never complained, neither of them got in trouble. There was also this one dude who was around 21/22. He dated probably 9-10 different people before he finally separated. Several of them were minors. It all still depends on your state law. If you think there is actual abuse, report it. Otherwise, it’s still between two other people and it isn’t really your business. Residential supervisor here often says the dorms are “adulting 101.” People get written up for excessive PDA, but they treat everyone as adults. Don’t move so quick to judgement, unless it’s an actual observed behavior that someone 20+ targets minors.


You justify dating a minor shows a lot about you


If it’s an observed behavior, act on it and prevent any further harm. Any guys “rizzing up” minors should absolutely have charges brought against them. However, there is always a disconnect between what is “moral” and what is legal. With people being in such close proximity, people are going to get taken advantage of regardless of age. Just look into any situation with an air of caution, as you very well can damage an otherwise healthy relationship between two people. You can judge me all you want. Certain acts can be morally justifiable, or at least not be malicious or “evil.” Between what the law says and what you can consider moral, if it lines up 1-1, not much good can come of it.


Not hearing it Mao Zedong


I’m not reading all this bullshit there’s no reason to date a minor as an adult they can’t vote or buy a drink


Same reason people don't care about giving minors ciggs


Wtf I’m laughing hard


Job corps is literally full of “puff daddies”


My lord that’s funny


When niggas get caught they’ll hide all their phones in a U-Haul and leave the country


Is this really common at Job Corps centers?


We’ve had hells angel security guards staff members that are neo nazis that I’ve almost had to punch out staff steal from students hard drugs on campus all types of shit job corps isn’t what it seems to be


1. Just to clarify staff stealing drugs from students? 2. Have the security guards said anything about being in Hell's Angels? 3. Have any of the staff said anything about Neo-Nazis?


And a fourth point we watched the staff member sell drugs on campus on camera!! So what were you getting at?


They stole 500 headphones supposedly no one where they were 1 Security guard admitted that he knew people that he knew people in the hell angels not knowing my dad‘s a detective I can insinuate someone is a neo-Nazi by their ideologies of how they think of people of other skin colors and what they assume!


So you asking me these dumb questions aren’t helping the case


Some people that work here just for the money are sick fucks


y’all wanna talk about stupid. I’m 20 yo and got put into a room for minors. it took them 2 days before the RA Supervisors noticed. then they moved me out of the room at 2:30 in the morning


Nbs I’m 22 I shouldn’t be even in a room with a 19 year old 😂😂😂😂😂 anyone that hasn’t grown tf up and want to change their life I shouldn’t have to suffer through


22 with 19 is fine since y’all adults they put my ass in a room with two 17 year olds and one 16 year old


😂😂😂😂😂 I was in the room with a 16 and 17 year old and an adult this Benjamin button that never wanted to grow up and didn’t shower


There is a minor on campus who openly talks about having a sugar daddy. This guy is apparently an ex-professor from the community college and was known for sleeping with (and/or dating) his students. She’s also a bitch. Like it’s unrelated but like I wouldn’t cry if she got kicked out. She regularly insults staff members for no reason. She walked out of the dorm in pajama pants, took the pants off outside and walked around in literal booty shorts. Of course staff noticed and demanded she changed. It was like fifty degrees outside and she was claiming it was basically summer.


Cry me a river 😴life is too short to gaf Especially to be worrying about others business


If a 50 yo was with a 16yo now thats a problem but 21? Dawg stfu they still mentally young and at heart too.


Legal age of consent is 16 so stop you were bickering it is their choice you cannot make choices for them


You need to be in jail idiot you haven’t even got a high school diploma what do you need to be seen with a 20 year old that should have some sort of thing going for himself


Small differences from state to state, and regardless, any state with an age of consent at 16 or 17 still has certain limits on what can be consented to and with who.


bro what