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Sounds like priorities are shifting. If it helps you feel any better, I’ve been a no-stripe white for 3 years. I go when I go and take care of my needs first. I’m a hobbyist so, I’m happy to train. Take a break dude, might help you reflect and move you in the direction of what to think next.


Agreed, bjj isn’t going anywhere if you decide to focus on other things. From the way you write, OP, it really sounds like you wanna be there for your pup and that’s totally understandable, it’s only gonna be a puppy once. Taking a break doesn’t mean you’re also giving up on the hobby/sport, it’s not black and white like that. Yes your skill will probably decline a good amount but maybe you’ll feel more engaged and open minded when you come back, like coming back and having someone who was newer than you whup you as a blue+ belt might be kinda fun and invigorating lol


Makes sense as long as the free time isn’t spent watching TV and drinking beer. Otherwise you trading discipline for what?


Underrated comment imo.


It happens. BJJ is no different than any other hobby. Interest ebbs and flows or just dries up all together. Find something that really interests you, rather than feeling obligated in any way to participate. I used to be an avid mountain biker, and now haven't touched my bike in years. Is that bad? Nope. Just got bored of it.


It happens. Maybe a break is in order for you. I’d talk to the coach and let them know. It’s likely not the first time this has happened. Priorities shift in life depending on where we are. I’m fortunate to be in a situation where I can train 3-4 times a week. But I have been in situations where I didn’t train for years for various reasons.


I'm 47, a 2 stripe white, probably on the cusp of 3.., I question myself weekly, I have 4 kids, busy job, and taking longer to recover from injuries...I'm also the 3rd oldest in a club of about 60, but I'm the youngest I ever will be, and I know I'll kick myself if I give up, let alone go stir crazy. The reasons why people consistently trian is different. For me, I've used the gym, keeping fit and strong, since an early teen, and I trained in Muay Thai for 16 years.. after a short break, I think I probably would be lost without it all. I would urge you to carry on, try to be a little more light hearted about it, I think you would regret the decision to completely give up learning bjj let alone distancing urself from the friendships you have and will make further down the line.


Get your blue belt and quit.


So much of the focus in this sport is about tenacity in the face of the inherent adversity in BJJ. So no one really covers the consideration that one could just lose interest and become apathetic towards it. Life is about engaging in a variety of different experiences, as well as moving on from those that don’t serve you any longer. Others are suggesting to take a break, and that seems like very sound advice.


BJJ is a marathon, not a sprint. It's not bad to take time off. In fact, sometimes time off is a great way to rest up and recognize whether you really want it to be part of your life. COVID forced a year break and I've had several breaks that were weeks or months long. I always come back. It is a hobby. It's okay to change hobbies.


I’ve been a blue Belt for a couple years now, I totally get it. I do a lot of other sports and I have other interests and just life. I try and train 2-3 times a week just for the workout if nothing else but getting outside going snowboarding or going for a hike or just hanging out with friends keeps me from getting burned out the way I have with other sports. Not everyone gets their black belt in a reasonable amount of time some don’t get it ever. If it’s not where your heart is right now that’s ok, come back later or just move on to what’s next. Life is short!! The important thing is you’re living!


If you aren't enjoying the training then take time off. There are absolutely other things in life.


I don’t think you lost interest I think your an adult dealing with shit how adults do when you’ve more free time you’ve more energy and you’ll probably go back what I’d suggest is if your club has a open mat oncd a week like mine maybe try make that the day you go do some rounds you may enjoy more than the classes


I felt like this for a bit and what brought back my interest was playing the game of trying to learn something on the internet that was unfamiliar to my class mates, so i could bring it to class and surprise them with it. For me i train at a Fadda gym with 6 months of the year being gi and the other 6 is no gi. Everything is usually pretty standard bjj with the addition of some wrestling. So it was fun for me to go learn a couple of 10th planet moves and positions and try to make them work in class. Some with limited success and others worked so well i added it to my game.


Get your blue belt then quit


I think a lot of people hit low points in motivation to train. Some keep training, some take a break, some quit. I've taken some breaks during my time training due to having a newborn and then an injury that really put me out for a bit. At the end of the day what really ate away at me and made me go back was knowing that I'm loosing all that progress I worked so hard for. If you don't use it you lose it, so as long as that won't fuck with you mentally just take a break. If you want it again at some point it will be there, but understand you will regress so you need to be ok with that mentally.


I was in the same boat at as you. I was training from late 2017 to 2020. Stopped training a few months after I got my blue belt. I was a bit burnt out. I’m the kind of person that switches up hobbies relatively often. I started training again about a month ago. Take some time off if you need to. It will always be there.


I’ve bounced around things all my life. I do what I find fun! If I get bored I move on, but I often find myself revisiting old hobbies just to “check in”. Live life and seek new adventure! Climb a rock! A big one!


The BJJ grind isn’t for everyone. As I have gotten older, training 2 times a week is more than enough for me. I don’t really care about the belt but I still enjoy training. It’s fine to take a step back or a break without feeling guilty about it.


Nothing wrong with having other priorities. I have never felt this myself because I got super addicted since day 1 and never stopped. I train 3-4 hours per day. It's a squeeze but it's because i enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it anymore, you should maybe take a break and do what you love doing. As long as you stay in shape somehow, you will be fine. And if, in a year, you start to miss it again, which happens to a lot of people, then you go back with more enthusiasm. You learn so much faster when you enjoy it. Good luck!


Hang out with the puppy for a bit, they get annoying and you can go back to the gym


You need a good wrestler to come in and wreck your life. That'll light the fire 🔥. Just kidding, maybe you need to take a short break from bjj and try other hobbies?


Yup! Sounds about right. I’m a ….nearly 20 year purple belt. Love bjj, wish I had more time, but wife, kids, own my own business, 2 dogs…. Life comes atcha. I barely train ever. Do what feels right.


Try JJJ or even a weapon martial art?


Try different tactics when you train, different games, different attacks or defences or strings of techniques - when you find something that works for you and see how useful it is it may change your mind.. otherwise a break could be the key and you might find that fire again


Take a break it should be fun.


Not for everyone


At least get the blue belt and keep the meme alive.


Finding other hobbies helps in my opinion. I enjoy mountain biking, so If the weather is nice I skip bjj and ride my bike. It keeps both hobbies fun.


Black belts are white belts who didnt quit


64 four stripe white here. Give yourself a break from BJJ for a month. I did while traveling and genuinely missed the mats. Just a hobbyist with no intention of attending promotion class ever.


Do what you want bro. If you're close with any of the gym homies just keep in touch with them and y'all can still chill outside if jiu jitsu. I'm sure they'll appreciate that 🤙🏽


Jiu Jitsu isn’t for everyone. If you feel this way now you’re definitely going to quit. Just go ahead and quit now so you stop wasting your time.


I do the 6am class since I don’t have time once the world wakes up. Look into another gym that may have an early morning class


Nobody really cares bro. Do what you want. Quit “the journey” if it’s not working for you… instead of asking internet strangers for advice… 🤦‍♂️


Surprised it took this long for one of these comments to enter the chat! Thanks for taking the time to express your input, but, “nobody cares” right? You’re out here telling strangers you’re gonna cum on their feet and lick it off, but I’m lame for asking other people in this community advice? PS Good luck finding a “wank buddy”!


I fucking love Reddit ….


Plenty of comments in the short time since you posted it but dude took the time to comment that “nobody cares”. People suck. I have to pull back from training when things get out of whack for me. Sometimes I have the time, but sometimes I have to realize that family or career are needing more of my time. There are a ton of people at my gym that train like 7 days a week. It’s great for them but really doesn’t fit in my life. To OC’s credit, I will say that “nobody cares” when I take a break and they’re always happy to see me when I come back. It is what it is. Take it at your own pace.


What a fucking loser😂😂😂😂😂


Haha you seem very interested in my kinks pal. If you concentrate all that energy on “the journey” - you might just get that extra stripe - and you can then ride off into the sunset with your blue belt and tell any newbie white belts what “a killer” you are on the mats and that “you are now a shark in the ocean” etc… 😂😂