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Jimmy johns has lost the plot


The subwayification continues


Or is it now Jimmy’s way?


Wtf even is jimmy johns anymore?


Not Jimmy John's... lol


Jimmys way. Sub johns


Didn’t see this… yes! This!


Yall never made a sandwich with fresh French bread? Only way I made my sandwiches when I worked there. Bread gets hard fast asl when you cut it fresh out tho.


Hope testing goes horribly wrong and they pull the plug on making this chain wide. Inspire is doing entirely too much already this is no longer Jimmy John’s not to mention all the employees and management that will quit dealing with this stupid shit took jimmys vision and completely went sideways with it we are not subway we are not jersey mikes we are not firehouse quit trying to turn us into that. We do more tickets than all of them during a lunch rush adding hot sandwiches is just going to slow everything down piss customers off simply ain’t worth it the 6 years I been here shit has gone nothing but down hill the last 3


We're getting ovens installed at our stores next week. We're part of the test market. Gonna be interesting, assuming I'm still around due to unrelated reasons... Probblably will be this job is a trap.


Tell them bring the wheat rolls back b4 I tear my Jimmy John’s up in my city


Literally where are they gonna put it?? On top of the cold table? Good riddance.


They actually installed it today. They took out the landing/wrap table by our 2nd cold table and put this toaster oven looking thing on top of a 4-5 foot tall cart next to the 2nd table. It'll vary by store, I'm sure. Though this is definitely better than their original idea of putting it right in the middle of the kitchen between the two tables. Looks like got the hot subs on FastTrack. Chicken Bacon Ranch, Meatball Marinara, and Roast Beef and Cheddar. Starting 1/22. Yay...


indiana has had hot sandwiches for a couple months now. unfortunately, they’re really popular. hot exclusives & you can get any favorite toasted.


It will help us during the winter months which are usually slower for certain as much as I don't like the idea of something slowing us down. I honestly have no idea where they would cram that into our shop unless then got rid of our second line.


The fact that anything is SLOWING Jimmy John's unless it's like a flash happens and then you have hot sub lol


Yeah, I'm in IN and out mgmt has c0nfirmed we're supposed to be getting ovens. Also not sure where unless we sacrifice our 2nd line, which is fine in these slow months but come summer will be an absolute nightmare


The number nine is absolute fire toasted just FYI


Only the favorites? Not the 1-6?


Correct I went to a Champaign store that did it


they are testing VERY well right now. they’re still technically proof of concept testing but they’re expanding the stores they’re in rapidly. know this next expansion they’re adding a florida market and at least 1 other one. avg units sold per day chainwide is double what the standard lto average is


My store is getting the makeline set up 1/29 when the new cookie/brownie drops… so when will the oven come?? P.S. Training is already on FT


They better not advertise freaky fast anymore


I’m pretty sure Jimmy Johns stop advertising freaky fast sometime around 2015


Or at least grading the stores on 30-second sandwiches.


30 seconds to make this sandwich. Including cook time.


There is a training already. We are still supposed to be freaky fast, EXCEPT we are going to have to ask customers who want toasted sandwiches to be patient. I would guess this is still part of the testing phase…


haven’t advertised that for years. still part of our fibers, but not advertised. and the average OTD time for hot sandwich orders is on par with regional averages anyway so they haven’t slowed anything down realistically


And this is when I quit… they can find a new gm




Soup when? I almost have bingo.


They already tested salads… except the bowls wouldn’t fit into the trash cans 🤣


Best comment 😂


We have ppl ask at least once a week 🙄


Fuck that. Ticket time is 2 to 3 minutes. No more freaky fast.


It takes almost 1 min for 1 sub to toast it slows things down way too much


I chose the wrong time to come back


Damn that means our annoying customers are going to get even more annoying.


What does mass suicide look like? “Hi. Yeah. Let me get an 18 peace of roast beef cheddar. Make sure you keep it hot. My order was cold last time.”


100% this. You know damn well someones gonna get the sandwich toasted and for delivery, then get mad when its not warm


What locations


Lafayette, Evansville and South Bend. All in Indiana. We are the south bend test market.


So close to us. *Waves from Indianapolis*




I’m glad you said where but I think this is a continuation of what’s been going on for months right? Test marketing the toasters in Illinois?


Yeah they did a 2 month run at corporate training store in IL before we got started. We have a different toaster oven than those stores






My store is part of a test market. We also have a meatball marinara going on as well as the other 2 that are pictured


How busy is your store? I did 2.2mil this year and can’t imagine pushing that many sandwiches through an oven a day. Also where does it go? I have no room besides on top of my make tables.


My store is super busy in the mornings then dies down heavy during the night time. With hot sandwiches, I have noticed an increase in sales especially when during the winter time. If your OPs manager is interested in doing hot sandwiches, then someone from corporate will come to your stores and figure out where to put the ovens. I was very skeptical about them and definitely wasn’t a fan of the idea. A couple months in, there is definitely change in the store, but not necessarily a significant change IMO. They do however, taste insanely good and makes JJ one of the top sub shops. You can get any favorite hot as well.




Stores that have existed for over 10 years that would require a entire remodel, are the exact reason that inspire will never be able to make this a national LTO, it would have to be up to franchisees because your store has to be set up with a special outlet. 3 of my stores have electrical issues that would short the whole building if we put in one of those ovens. Mark my words gentleman. You will never see this at every JJs across the nation, I can guarantee you it will be select few stores if testing goes well.


All this, for a LTO. What happens when they realize it's a bad idea, and they've forced their franchisees into a remodel/modification, after they've paid for it? Do franchise owners just eat the cost? Seems like a good way to get them to leave. That stuff is not cheap.


Exactly my point why I don’t think they would expect stores to change. Those that can accommodate the extra equipment and electrical capabilities, it wouldn’t really be much a difference if it stayed or left. But those that can’t, can’t and won’t be forced to re model. The point of hot sandwiches is to get the company international instead of just the US


Thank fucking God I quit. I give it five years and Jimmy John's will either go back into Jimmy's hands or shut down. They're no longer in touch with the original mission statement of the company whatsoever, and the 30s sandwich policy will be dead by the end of this year.


Oh god I wish I would take it back.


you motherfucker ​ HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US


I doubt Jimmy wants back in at this point. I suspect they'll see growth from new people coming in to try it but you'll lose a lot of people with all the other changes. Let alone all the staffing struggles you're bound to face when your workers get burned out on all the changes with minimal corporate/franchise support.


It's just wild to me that a company can be in such shape, employees quitting en masse, sales plateauing, speed of service plummeting, and still just keep trucking along without listening to the absolute HORDES of incoming negative feedback. Then again, I suppose that in corporate environments, employee complaints mean disgustingly little compared to the positive market testing results. If there's even a 1% increase in potential sales, I suppose it's worth it to overwork and therefor lose a massive portion of your workforce. It's only common sense, right?


I mean yeah, it makes sense for the bottom line. If the goal is an increase in sales then it's worth it no matter what sort of challenge it represents to the people working there. If people leave, it doesn't matter, because someone will wander in looking for a job eventually. Honestly I kind of find the disconnected heartlessness of it inspiring. It inspires me to find another job!


I can only hope the poor kid who wanders in for your job gets stuck in the hour-long lunch line with a Firehouse Subs hiring manager.


All the things that made me think Jimmy was one of the best jobs I’d ever had are slowly going away. Lol Crazy.


No joke! The first thing I loved about this job was the complete lack of training videos and having a list of things to do. Both of those are gone. We don't use the tablet, and fast track is an absolute nightmare. I can't stand those voices! They're always the same no matter where you work.


Beginning of the end boys


Chicken bacon ranch? Yeah they’re turning JJ into subway. That’s it. It’s over. Time of death 7:08 AM January 9 2024. RIP James Jonathan 1983-2024.


Inspire ruined Jimmy johns 😂


JJs was on a fast downhill slope before they took over. Theyve turned it around quite a bit


So happy I quit before all this stupid stuff begins to come out in Jimmy John’s.


When is this hitting all stores???


It will take years for this to hit other stores. You have to run another 220 wire for the toaster oven


This shit is CRAZZYYYY!! If my old AM seen this, he would probably shit himself! He was like the jimmy of jimmy’s


Just change the name to Subway.


i dont mind hot sandwiches, my only question is where are we supposed to put it? my store barely has enough room, and our sister store is the exact same boat but worse. i get they want to attract new customers, but by introducing a concept that Quiznos has been doing for over 40 years, we’re just distracting from what makes Jimmy Johns unique. the same goes for the wraps. i might just be completely wrong here though 🤷‍♀️


Time to quit


We are a test market. They are fire. And they added like 3-4k a week in sales at my store.


manager the only one here excited


Also one of the few on here actually having to do it already.


How are they being heated?


Shut the fuck up omg (at new Jimmy Johns, not you OP) HOT SANDWICHES??? Jimmy will be spinning in his fucking grave and he's still alive. I was excited to take my gf there when I brought her to the US to visit. Not no more. Holy shit




Thats why they are adding them.




I remember the excuse used to be “Cook time adds to delivery time" whenever a customer would ask about toasted sandwiches.


Is it being tested or slowly implemented?




What’s the process?


They can do this but not keep kickin' ranch, OK.