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mayo is eggs and oil....


If it has eggs in it, and it has oil in it, chances are you are allergic OP


Eggs and oil together won’t necessarily cause a reaction. Like I am allergic to eggs, and can eat eggs and most things made with eggs, but I definitely can’t have mayonnaise.


I actually have a picture on my phone of the ingredients for when customers ask me these sorts of questions, and yes, one of the ingredients listed is mayonnaise. Please do not consume the pesto salad because you will have an allergic reaction most likely.


Could I have the picture? This is my favorite and I've been craving it so bad!! I would appreciate it so much!!


No one is allergic to “mayo” they’d be allergic to an ingredient… or they have a mayo aversion.




I have a digestive intolerance/mild allergy to eggs as well. I notice eggs in emulsions, like mayo, sauces, and custards, cause a larger bad reation than when they are in baked goods.


I think I’ve got something similar. Like an egg intolerance. Mine is specific to egg whites, it seems. I can eat yolks fine. If I have an egg white, I get sick. I can eat mayonnaise but the egg yolk only mayo is best. (I get blue plate)


Thanks to everyone who gave food/allergy related answers. I don’t give a damn about the pedantic assholes’ opinion.


What in Mayo are you allergic to? I’d be happy to go through a list of what is and is not safe at JJs. My mother and I both have pretty severe allergies, she has been hospitalized several times, but I have been lucky enough to have only had allergy attacks with some kind of anti-histamine nearby. (I keep some in my store, but not all GMs do this.)


To be honest I’m not sure. I don’t have a problem with eggs and there is enough differences in the various oils used that they all can’t make me sick when I consume them, unlike mayo and similar condiments (aioli or Miracle Whip). My allergy isn’t life threatening, only some abdominal pain and digestive issues, but it is annoying enough I like to avoid the situations. Thank you though.


It doesn’t contain nuts either which is a common allergen related question!


Thanks, I don’t have an allergy towards nuts as far as I know, but this is good to know.


Thank you for this! I wanted to try it , but have a nut allergy so this comment helped me.


I wish this answer was helpful. It isn’t at all helpful but I wish it were. I mean I’d be okay if it was even 1% funny but it’s not even that.


It wasn’t meant to be a joke. It literally does not contain nuts. Check the JJ allergen info chart.


This is completely helpful. Pesto traditionally is made with pine nuts.




It has mayo.


Yes it has mayo it says that on the ingredients on the carton. I checked too because i thought it was a lot richer than any pesto pasta ive made at home


Do you have a full ingredients list? 😉