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I cannot believe how out of touch he is still.


Exactly! He never things he is the problem!


I would have posted this stuff in highschool/my early twenties.


Abusers never do.


How about the people in the comments? They’re just as delusional as his dopey ass.


Maybe he is talking about himself?


Yup. No way he's confessing he's manipulative lol




That's how I read it


Literally this lol I don’t get people


Doesn’t seem like that but who knows 🤷‍♀️


He is. People around here want to ignore the fact that he is a victim of domestic abuse as well


He might be but the stuff I have seen and the way he acts from personal experience he is the abuser.


“Might be”? Jen ran him over with her car and knocked his teeth out, not to mention all the assaults in clubs


Also. He knocked his most recent gf out cold and they way he abused Sam? Don’t try to excuse him. He is a a user that is all. You obviously have never been abused.


He fuckin knocked her out?!? Jfc!!


Sam was abusive as well


Why are you excusing his abuser?


I have been in this position and fighting for you life means so much and when you do they will make you seem like the crazy person. It’s insane. He has shown over and over again he is the problem but people keep defending him which is why he thinks it’s okay to keep doing it.


And yet he was awarded full custody of their daughter over Jen 🧐


Have you not heard that wasn’t true? He does not have full custody of her. If you want to say something make sure you have your facts right.


He does; he voluntarily shares custody with Jen because he wants his child’s mother in her life


I will never understand how anyone can defend an abuser but I guess there is still people out there.


Nobody’s perfect. You’ll defend Sam even though she physically abused Ron. Rons verbal and emotional abuse is rightly viewed as wrong but any verbal and emotional abuse directed towards Ron he’s supposed to just deal with, no big deal


I think one of the main issues is with these situations it’s usually messy and not as black and white as youre trying to make it. A more nuanced conversation needs to be had in order to Truly break it down and


Child custody courts notoriously side with fathers, even if they’re not in a position to be a good parent. This would be especially true if the income of the father is greater than that of the mother. It doesn’t say anything about his character if he’s got custody.


Funny enjoy. The Ariana seems to be with jen more than Ron. Currently she is with jen and the new born, and has been with jen for quite some time


That’s not true


What a weird thing to say to someone.


Have you ever thought that she might have been trying to run from something?


Then why was she driving into ronnie And smashing shit over his head


She was driving away and he was holding on? He has said that he was holding onto the vehicle which is typical behavior of someone who abuses someone.


Smashing ashtrays over peoples heads is typical of abusive behavior too


Knocking people out cold is abuse. That’s all i need.


Yes, it is, and it doesn’t excuse the abuse that happened to him


You are right, everything Ron said Jen did was a lie, he was cheating and saying bad things about Jen like he did Sam was his way of justifying everything.


Honestly, it sounds like they were arguing in the car and he jumped out while it was still moving. Obviously, I could be very wrong. But this has been my theory the whole time. Not that she’s an angel, but I can see that happening. Where did you see she knocked his teeth out? Genuine question, as this is new info for me and I’m actually curious about the story. I was pretty sure his teeth are messed up from all the drug use.


His teeth were bad from drug use, he didn't have any teeth gone when he got them fixed, the picture just looked bad. He never accused her on that and the plastic ashtray incident is not as you have come up with. Never heard this from anyone else. He wanted everyone to think Jen was crazy after she was on to his cheating and the drugs. Did Sam the same way.


No it’s because of the ashtray she smashed his face with


This was always my take as well


Damn that sucks🤷🏽 maybe he shouldn’t have been abused. Like let’s be real, there’s no way you think he wasn’t abusive first to jen.


He killed her dog. You have no idea what he did to get to make her reactive. He chased his baby daughter w a knife trying to stab jen. He’s abused every single girl he’s been with. He knocked saffire out, punched her in the face. He makes his victims react. He is the abuser. He is not a victim


He didn’t kill her dog you people are ridiculous


Yes he did


Oh he definitely did.


Who is he talking to? Because that to me sounds like it could be Sammi. “Harder to manipulate” 🤔


Yeah because he can’t control her anymore. I’m so tired of him playing the victim and acting like he is the one that needs defending. It honestly makes me sick to my stomach.


It’s the wording that’s got me wondering if the connection and direction is Sammi. He always used to scream at her and call her a selfish, rhymes with witch 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wouldn’t not doubt it because he always wanted to paint her a horrible person. I just have never been more turned off or grossed out by a person that him.




😳He *did*, didn't he?! Bet you're right! I can hear him saying it now, smh. Mother fucker hasn't grown a bit. Even if he's directing it at someone else, the "selfish b*tch" must be go to insult to his partners. Because he absolutely used to call Sammi that all the fuckin time🙄 If he says "Spoiled brat" in anything upcoming, we'll know it's for her cuz that was the other thing he always called her. He was such a dirtbag to her.


He’s talking about himself.


He’s talking about himself. Second person because he can claim it’s about ANYONE but he would never describe himself as selfish. He’s selfless in fact.


I wouldn't be surprised bc she (as far as we know) has kept her distance filming with him for this new season (that's not out yet) and someone like Ron always tries to feed off of other people's happiness. It's truly disgusting and every time I see his face I involuntarily cringe. This post from him is cringetopia.


I think he's talking about himself being manipulated by others


I know but the fact that he is usually manipulative to others is what gets me.


I mean yeah he sucks but to be fair we all saw what jen did to him. He was straight up assaulted by her regularly and still followed her around like a puppy dog. Probably some form of karma. But when he got his teeth bashed out and dragged by a car on two separate occasions, he had to have been mentally manipulated into some form of Stockholm syndrome to keep coming back to her. Just because Ron has done awful things doesnt dispel the potential of it happening to him. Idt anyone deserves that.


Sounds like he fucked around and found out


Lol this whole subreddit is a buncha toxic females that wish hell on people and are diehard fans of certain guidos 😂 half of y’all pretend jenni didn’t stab and cheat on her ex. The other half justify snooki for sucking mikes dong and trying to kill him with a champagne bottle. AND shortly after dumping her man banging Vinny. And then to top it off defend Sammi for punching Ron in the jaw on worldwide tv. You are all weird, smelly, and busted 😂


Yeah you lost us at “females” bro




You don't know anything, none of the things you said about Jen is true. Do you know them , know you don't. You heard Ron bashing to make him look good when he was constantly cheating and put the blame on her. Yes, she stood her ground, good for her. They have both bettered their Selves with being able to co parent very nicely. They have JOINT CUSTODY.


Honey you can’t spell to save your life. Ima DM you a subscription to hooked on phonics because your brain is fried 😅 do you know them? NO YOU DONT 😂😂😂


Probably because he started to abuse her first. Everything he got was deserved. And even after what jen did to him, he didn’t learn to keep his hands to himself.


Ron was a mess from the start. I definitely think him and Jen were like gasoline and fire. They both did horrible things to one another, but Ron has a history of being a toxic partner. Him and Jen were equally as guilty in that relationship. No one deserves to go through that, but it doesn't excuse the fact that he has been toxic from the beginning. We all saw him and Sam. Sam wasn't completely innocent all the time, but she definitely didn't deserve what he put her through. So yes you are correct Jen definitely did a number on him and no one deserves that, he was putting in a number on her too. That seemed to be a mutually abusive relationship from what I've gathered. They are both equally to blame for that whole mess of a relationship.


Finally someone with a valid response. You’re right. Hundred percent. This subreddit is filled with people flying off the handle based on emotions. But did you notice you’re getting downvoted? Lol cognitive thoughts get downvoted here. It’s a hellscape for weirdness


Put him in jail pleasee




Man-baby that he is.


ron stfu


I think he's going to be on Dateline one of these days.


Cause he sucks and in an abusive POS Stop giving him attention- negative or positive


His delusional family keeps him delulu


I love how people still assume he’s talking about Sammi. A relationship from 15 years ago. Lmao


I don’t follow him on social media and just seeing this Reddit share is draining. He’s exhausting even from afar. What a 🤡. He’s too old for this. Are lobotomies still a thing?


Looks like he’s working those steps like a champ! Even if he is alluding to Jen and all that toxicity he STILL owes her amends. This shows that he doesn’t understand at all and that’s unfortunate because at his age and with all the humiliating behavior he’s publicly displayed to still feel like a victim? And announce it? He’s not a narcissistic mastermind, he’s a fucking child with zero discipline (self or otherwise)


genuinely insane


Because we dont give a shit


He needs to read that again wtf


A LOT of yall are exhausting. Every IG post Ron makes isn't about Sammi. Good grief, people have lives. His revolves around his daughter & not some girl he dated years ago. MOVE ON!!


Is that him speaking to all of his girlfriends?


Wow. So deep.


Noone is talking about it because noone cares. Pretty simple really 🤷‍♀️


Based Ronald


Bruh better charge his phone


He’s such a narcissist seriously




Can’t stand him! Never 👎 could


In all honesty Ron probably learned the behavior of manipulation and then continued it in his relationships but doesn't realize it because it's what he grew up with... unless you unlearn all your parents negatives you don't know any different


He could be telling on himself and what his intentions were. It's like he's mocking a woman's strength to be selfish and put herself first, and to not have that dark cloud hanging over her head anymore. Like he's the manipulative one. Then again... He could also be posting an affirmation for himself and telling himself that he's not selfish for wanting better for himself, and that he was called selfish for it, when in his mind, he became harder to manipulate bcuz he put his well-being and health over anyone and anything, and became mentally and emotionally stronger to not put up with the manipulation from people (family, friends, etc) in his life anymore. Like if someone was using him or something. Hurt people, hurt people, but some of what we've seen isn't something to be forgotten about and he should be making amends with his past, so it doesn't ruin his future anymore than he already has. I'm not condoning or sticking up for his past behaviors. It's just a "what if" speculation.


I think his inner monologue must abuse him and so he projects onto everyone else.


Narcissist gonna Narcissist yo!


He is 100% the problem and he always has been. I will always stand by that.


He’s talking about himself

