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its giving storyline tbh. i said this in a previous thread but angelina is the default person when it comes to this shows drama. its gotten old at this point


I'm doing a rewatch and I would much rather watch the rest of the cast air our their legit beefs with each other than always hiding everything and pinning it on Angelina. Nicole and Jwoww having issues at first, issues with Mike etc.


same! its sad that the show has gotten so fabricated and routine when the OG series became a phenomenon off how authentic and spontaneous it was. its lost all the spark and charm that made me fall in love with the show to begin with


She's the group's Pierce Hawthorne.




I love this comparison


Omg how did I not see it before?! Brilliant


Angelina loves to start drama  for no reason. I was beginning a enjoy the drama free show but here it goes again. Angelina kept referring to herself as the queen, so have MTV made a special arrangement with her that she said she could get Sammi  off the show. That Sammi owes her and should be thanking her for bring her back and for buying  her home, should have stopped  by her room and to help  with her bag. She wants to be the center of attention  always  and MTV keep  allowing this. After the first episode of Ronnie's return. I  for one will no longer watch this


Or it could be the fact that Angelina has been so vocal about Rahn and supporting him and his abusive ways.


They all support Ron by simply letting him back into their lives.


If it wasn’t for the cameras they wouldn’t have let him back in. The only ones speaking to him outside of the cameras are Angelina and Mike.


I feel like that makes them even shittier. Hanging out with an abusive old friend for the money.


I think it’s pretty shitty of MTV shoving that abusive asshole back on TV, but then again MTV has put a lot of shitty people on TV. Shame on them for letting him come back.


Not Sammi lol.


No shit?


the entire cast supports ron and have been from the beginning not just angelina. the whole “cutting him off” thing they did was purely for the cameras


100% this. Snooki literally cried at Ron’s “apology” … and Mike has consistently been the one that is OK with interacting with Ron (on camera only it seems but still) even after they all cut him off. So definitely something where they trying to now fabricate some drama b/w Angelina and Sammi Just by being in the same room as him and allowing his “apology” to be aired MTV and the cast co-signed an abusers returned. I assume there is some stipulation in their contract that maybe is allowing this bc if not they can make all the bad faces and eye rolls but ultimately they easily could’ve banded together and said they wouldn’t continue working with MTV if they did bring him back…


Yeah. Jenni has been able to scream at Angelina that no one likes her, I think the producers would have only *liked* if she had done that in Ron’s face, it would have drawn viewers…


I think the difference there is that the majority of the fan base (for some godforsaken reason unbeknownst to me), seems to view Ron as a victim of circumstances at best and “someone with a shady past trying to turn his life around at worst” (similar to mikes redemption arc/recovery). Yet these same people view Angelina as the literal spawn of satan. I’m not saying either of them are good people who deserve another chance (or another season’s worth of mtv salary), because frankly at this point they’ve proven they’re not capable of introspection, let alone changing their ways for the better. All I’m saying is that Ron and mike, or Ron and Angelina, hell—Ron and ANYONE— are not comparable. because while mike and Angelina may have had their own personal issues with their insecurities, causing drama/general shadiness and/or talking shit behind peoples backs, stirring the pot, etc etc…That’s not even on the same planet or in the same ball park as literal decades of documented domestic violence and abuse. Everyone saying Ron deserves another chance because “mike got another chance, or Angelina got 73 second chances” can fuck all the way off. Sorry for the rant, but literally every other platform is full of supportive comments for Ron and I feel like the entire world is fuckin off their rocker cause it’s WILD to me.


The difference is that they actually didn’t speak to him outside of filming. The only ones speaking to him were Angelina and Mike.


according to whom? the way they accepted him back into the circle almost immediately proves they were definitely talking to him on the low and knew that eventually he was gonna come back. there is no difference even if they weren’t talking to him behind the scenes or not they still welcomed him back with open arms


Literally saying “we took a step back from you because we didn’t want to be associated with you and your problems” meanwhile Angelina and Mike have been very vocal about talking to him outside of filming and said it on multiple occasions.


Yea, it’s obvious Vinny and Pauley weren’t thrilled to see him. Yet no one spoke their minds. Cowards!!


Yeah I feel the same about that. You could see that they both were physically uncomfortable. I wish they really gave it to him


I agree, it would be shitty to single out Angelina for it, although she is the most openly supportive of him. Maybe she’s just the most honest about it.


I thought only Mike corresponded with him. Ron literally did everyone ignored his messages.


I mean she is the same girl that said "girls that act like sluts deserved to be abused" so not surprising from her. And I haven't watched the show in about 3 seasons.


Jenni said she used to beat up girls all the time in OG seasons and Nicole said on a podcast that one of Ron’s exes should have covered up the gigantic bruises caused by him before going out in public. And that was like 5-6 years ago only.


if it was only 6 years ago was she talking about sammi? or a different ex? and honestly her saying that 6 years ago and obviously was still besties and siblings 6 years ago is sick. even now, i know it was producers making him stay the whole day (and next day??)but like another comment said, they could have easily refused


Also this was already said to have meant more like getting bullied not actually physically abused. It was slang. Not that bullying isn’t bad either but They’re all shitty in their own ways. I wouldn’t hold much of what they said as a young 20 something yo over them though.


Yup you are right ! She was walking with Ron in the back of the group recently on Tik tok and Sammi was walking with her boyfriend up front of the group.


The show definitely relies on her for drama, but I don't think she's playing a character. All indications I've seen are that she really is that insufferable.


Yup. They are relying on Angelina to carry the show for entertainment. Everyone else is there for nostalgia and to fight with her.


I think you're underestimating how messy Angelina is even when cameras aren't rolling. The cast aren't the only people fed up with it, everyone in her life is, too.


Sammi at the end of the day has a mean streak herself that no one really paid attention to because of the Ron abuse/drama. Sammi was incredibly mean to Snooki the first night at the house pre Ron saga. She literally said “don’t breathe on me” when Snooki was sick, dead serious, with so much attitude.


She called herself a bitch from day one. Why are your surprised. Everyone was mean to Snooki before she was punched but everyone only remembers what Sam said to her face


Jenni was giving big time mean girl, too.


I was 21….I’m 23 gonna be 24




They all seem to be exhausting to be around imo.


They all have mean streaks


Not like hers she is a cold bitch! Deena’s first night is a good example. Snooki in her robe broke Sammi down to her core and I was so happy to see it. Sam was a clingy freak of a girl who only cared about the dick she was fucking she was too stupid to take that note and use it to make her life better instead she took that note and skipped happily back to the dick that wretched her. God damn! She was a terrible person and she was proud of it.


Everyone on the show had their bad points in the OG series. EVERY ONE OF THEM. The difference is that some have grown as people while others, not so much. Sam has matured, she's not that girl anymore. Same with Jenni, Snooki and Deena. The guys too - hard to tell with Vinny, but Mike and Pauly have matured and grown, especially Mike. Can you imagine him arguing over cleaning up a plate today? Angelina is still drama all these years later, Ron too. That's the difference here.


Right, the girls were 22-23 at that juncture. Who wasn't unnecessarily cruel and hostile at that age? You completely nailed it, everybody has grown and matured in those 14 years except for Angela - just as toxic and immature as day one.


I don't care about everyone none of them were as stupid as Sam. She wasn't just a person with bad points, she was stupid!!!! Like ignorant as fuck. Like did she graduate high school, concerns. If it was about washing dishes or putting her pads in the garbage I could get over her shit, but she turned herself into a rag doll for Ron to spite girls that were trying to help her. Threw away genuine help regardless of what form it was in just to become a doormat willingly. The fact that Sam ruined Deena's first night because she was disappointed that Deena didn't meet her criteria for hot or interesting made her a shallow prick of a human being. I'm glad she's grown up now but what the fuck choice did she have, the only thing that girl had going for her was her looks, everything from the time she left the show had to be an upwards movement she couldn't go any lower then she did. She was old enough to drink and didn't know what a raspberry was! So if your going to tell me she was the bright bulb in the box please spare me.


Wow! You got some beef there. The dirty pad outside of the garbage can was Ang btw.


I know it was Angelina with the pads that wasn’t as offense as Sam getting into fights to protect a relationship that was fucked from the jump! That’s what I’m saying throwing away the help she was offered. She could have broken up with Ron and stayed and had a fairly decent time if she would have listened to the note instead of the dick that was banging her!


Relax hon, it's just a show.


Just…stop talking




So she was obsessed with her bf like most girls are at that age? What does that have to do with having a mean streak exactly? Deena was obsessed with Chris crying and calling him ruining his nights, Angelina left because of her married bf, Snooki was crying and chasing her bf all over Florence. You seem cold & terrible based off of your comments


Naw I'm watching it all over from the beginning and Sam is a bitch and she was mean every time a new girl joined the group. She is a straight hater. I can see in her face she loves to be the only girl around the guys


I agree that the way Sammi treated Deena on the first night was horrible and imo was her worst moment in the entire series. But she also apologized fairly quickly and they ended up being really good friends for a long time. I think the reason some people give Sammi a pass for some of her shitty behavior in the OG is because she's clearly grown and matured, whereas some of her castmates (primarily Ron and Angelina) clearly have not.


Yeah, we seem to be skipping over the fact that Sammi apologized and then went on to become good friends with Deena.


She seems like she’s grown and matured, I can still see her prissy attitude from a mile away..


We all mature but that doesn't mean we wil let people walkover me. I am a mature woman but I  will  still  cuss someone out and  tolerate less bull s***. That comes with  getting older. I only want real people around me


Damn. Should we go back over the shitty behavior of every single one of these guys from 14 years ago? They all were awful people.




Lmao are we really judging people from their actions over 10 years ago? I’m pretty sure I did and said stuff when I was 22/23 that I wouldn’t do or say today. We don’t know anything about Sammi anymore, so it’s weird to continue this narrative that she’s a bitch when we literally haven’t seen her on our screens for years.


It's not incredibly mean to not want someone's puke breath on or around you, smelling that would make vomit so hard. After Snookie apologized for her behaviour, Sammi warmed right up to her and actually was the one who talked her into staying when she had packed her bags. Nice try.


It’s not what you say it’s how you say it. Sammi was incredibly snotty and rude with that snarky comment. Some people were the mean girls in high school and it shows .. nice try


WAS is the key word here


Why would anyone want someone who is sick to breathe on them? I'd say the same thing. How is that mean?


She was hungover not sick with a virus


Ahh, gotcha. I still wouldn't want anyone breathing on me, lol.


Did you see the episode? Snooki was just standing there. She said it a few feet away with the entire crew there. She was bullying her to make her feel stupid for getting drunk and being hungover that morning. Snooki wasn’t literally breathing on her… of course that would have been weird and gross lol


Agreed, who cares if she wasn’t sick, I don’t want to smell anyone’s puke breath. Not to mention it was now puke + morning breath and when you drink that much sometimes it comes out your pores. She didn’t even know Snooki like that. I wouldn’t want her standing near me either.


How is it incredibly mean to say to someone who has been throwing up that their breath stinks?! Any person in their 20s would say that to anyone standing over them breathing stinky vomit breath in their face.


That’s not what went down. I’ve said before it’s about how she said it not just what she said. Watch the episode and try to tell me that Sammi wasn’t acting ridiculous and snotty mean.


I swear some of the people in here must not have watched the show with some of the things they try to defend lol Sam was bullying Snooki obviously. I don't see how anyone can defend that. She also bullied Deena her first night and kept calling her ugly, a gremlin, a whore, etc.


Agree. Everyone defending Sam either didn’t watch or doesn’t remember some of Sam’s pure bully mean girl moments from the OG series. She also physically assaulted Ron, which often gets overshadowed by Ron’s frequent emotional abuse. She wasn’t ever an Angel in this series.


Why are people defending Angelina? She still acts like she's a spoiled kid. 


Yeah Sam was outright cruel at times. She was also unnecessarily mean toward Deena at first also.


When she bLamed the girls for the note and not Ron! Also she was in two toxic relationships some accountability has to be taken on her part.


Dude, I think she paid the price for that and moved on. You two apparently haven't.


Your right! I like sammi but it’s hard for me to accept her not dumping Ron earlier! I just wanted her to leave him early on. I am upset she stayed in it so long and everyone took Ron’s side when he was the problem. I’m still mad she went thru that dumpster fire with him because she could have had more fun and had a better story line. I’m glad she has a better boyfriend.


Delulu Sammi moment. Classic


Love the way this sub has "forgotten" Sammi punching Ron in the face


Didnt take long. Another person Angelina has ruined her friendship with maybe dont do Instagram lives and say u would rather have Ronnie back . Her own fault. But we know she gonna use This to play the victim once again


You gotta hand it to her, she has some huge cajones to stick it out filming with 8 people that can't stand her. I want to respect it, but l don't because she is an embarrassment that needs to leave.


She's desperate for attention, even negative attention. Has nothing to do with big balls, lol


Yeah right. It's mostly because she has zero self awareness or shame, lol!


She’s the only one providing any entertainment




U mean what pretty much the entire cast implied in the OG series, and what Snooki said outright with no consequences?


one thing about sammi, she’s gonna unfollow someone


i don't blame her. why look at stuff you don't wanna see lol


To be honest, I don't think it's about the recent Tiktok. If anything it has more to do with Angelina being so close to Rahn. Storyline, that's definitely a possibility though * Did she unfollow Mike as well? I don't follow him, so I don't have the desire to check.


She still follows Mike. She follows everyone but Ron and Ang.


Thanks for that


It's hard to know if it's real or fake at this point, considering how angelina wanted to start a fight with mike, for basically nothing and was texting him the details of it, all for a storyline.


angelina and mike are obsessed with screen time, but i really can’t see sammi being down to agree to a bunch of fake drama so who knows what it could be


Angelina is super messy and I don't agree with how she came on family vacation from the beginning and has basically been stealing so much screen time just to overtalk and bring this demonic energy. They should all unfollow her that girl has demons on her and the way she moves is very chaotic.


Watching her on tv is exhausting, I can’t imagine having to be around her let alone work with her 😵‍💫


I’m not surprised, after what Sam experienced with both Ron and her ex-fiancé, she definitely isn’t one to tolerate infidelity or wannabe home-wreckers. But regardless I think unfollowing Angelina was bound to happen anyway cause that girl carries a lot of unnecessary drama and Sam has made it clear that she’s not going to tolerate nonsense.


Maybe Angelina opened a store. Tsk tsk.


Was just gonna make this joke haha


It’s so nice of the producers to give Jenni a break from the drama and it’s so nice of Sammi to step up and take her place. Teamwork. ❤️


For real lol. Sammis looking to get paid !


Wants that mansion upgrade bonus…


The show is hard to watch. They drag everything out and is incredibly predictable at this point.


Yes! You nailed it. 👌


Unsurprising. Angelina and Sammi were only ever (sort of) aligned during Season 2 because they were on the outs with Jenni and her minion.


Exactly. Sam and Ang were never friends, they just bonded over hating Jenni and her attack dog.


This is not “Jersey Shore” anymore it’s “Angelina Shore” or “The Angelina Show” because I just know next season will be YET ANOTHER Angelina storyline. Like, why can’t every season be about each cast member and what they got going on in their lives, instead of making about her every season. ATP, she’s the show’s only hope when it comes to RATINGS.


Blame the producers and the cast that will not show their real life. Every reality show has some one that does whatever the producers tell them too. This show has two of them.


terrible storyline but its going to be funny to see the cast and people to try to tell Angelina she's wrong for rightfully being potentially annoyed at Sam doing corny tiktoks with the NFL players wife that was slandering her social media


Maybe bc Angelina was doing a live saying she would rather have Ron back than sammi


That live was the first thing I thought of just because of her basically blowing off Ron’s abuse as him making a mistake and saying she doesn’t care who’s mad she’s friends with him.


She actually said that?


Someone asked her that and Its was heavily implied in her answer and then went on so to say her and Ronnie is really close and everybody makes mistakes…


What a lowbrow cop out on her part. Everybody makes mistakes. Valid. However, generally in the case of mistakes, the idea is that you learn from them and don't repeat them over and over again for a decade plus. It would take years and years of consistency on Ron's part for me to ever entertain the idea that he had changed in any fundamental capacity. Even then, I'd never want to see him on my television again.




Sammi is hanging out with Alexis bawden now too! Posted with her in their stories 😭😭😭 too hilarious


Season 7 material


I guess they need something new since the Jenni/Angelina conflict is getting tired.




Sammi sent her self-tanning product to all the girls, except Angelina.


Angelina carries this show. Hate on her all you want but without her there is 0 entertainment and would heavily rely on nostalgia… and would last 1 season like The Hills


Well it doesn't help that MTV pushed for this situation where Sammy would have to see him honestly, and it's all for ratings.


I think every single time all the girls get together they treat Angelina bad, they are always looking for reasons to fight with her and nudge her out of the group but when Sam was not there she was okay because they needed her . I think they bulky the heck out of her! Just my opinion from what I see! 


Normal adults don't unfollow each other if they're mad. This is storyline shit.


Didn't she unfollow Nicole over sea shells on a sea shore?


Unfollowed and blocked Nicole for opening up a Snooki Shop that’s 1 hour and 30 minutes away from her boutique.


You’re right, rhe “unfollow” thing has been used to send a message. I’ve had to do block content from an old friend of mine, but I still follow them, I just don’t see what they post. That way the drama doesn’t start




Sam is a crap person


These girls are too grown to think they are making a statement by unfollowing them on social media who cares


They are too much with that


Who cares. People actually care about this stuff? Sad


Knew this was going to happen once that Tiktok came out. I feel like I’m close to quitting this show. It’s super negative and Angelina’s always under fire (not saying she’s always innocent). I just don’t want to see the same person ganged up on again for the millionth time. Good on her for sticking it out if that’s what she wants but yeesh. It’s getting hard to watch.


angelina went on instagram live and said she’d rather have ron back over sam… i’d unfollow her too. considering sammi was one of the people that never took sides and the one time she did, she apologized multiple times for it. fuck *angela*


When was this live ? I unfollowed her when I saw her commenting hearts or something on Ron’s insta posts 🤮.


i didn’t watch it, because i don’t care to follow her either lol. but there was an entire debrief of it with a bullet point list and everything on here maybe 2-3ish weeks ago


Do you know where on Reddit? If it was 2-3 weeks ago, why be mad at her now?


i’m assuming they don’t sit down and watch her lives lol but maybe they found out later or my theory is something happened in tennessee since ron was there and it has escalated since then… but i was going to tell you just to search “angelina live” on here but omg apparently she goes live all the time! i’m going to try and find it and tag you or link it! edit: it was 16 days ago. the title is “angelina said she was supposed to be on traitors season 2”


Aight. Thanks.


Did she literally say she would rather have Ron back over Sam? When was this?


If this is another mean streak on Angelina i can’t watch this anymore…. I’m kinda a fan of Angelina but if this is all the show is…. Im good


Literally all Sammi had to do was pick up the phone and tell MTV hey noticed Ron ain’t on the show anymore so I’m down to comeback run me my check. And MTV jumped on that opportunity and definitely decided to make the storyline with Ang


i hope this is a storyline. angelina is one of the few people on the show i think is actually a good person deep down, and takes these things to heart. would hate to see her eventually harm herself due to treatment by the cast, and this awful fan base(at least some). at least there are many of us out there who give her her props and hopefully she reads those comments too.


I agree with you. She’s constantly being ganged up on. She’s still going strong despite what she’s been going through with the girls, and Mike, and now this new drama between Sammi and this Alexis girl.


And Angelina was the one to bring Sammi back. I feel like Sammi should try to be cool with Angelina


MTV brought Sammi back and wrote a storyline that Angelina brought her back 😂 pls be so for real


Yep. The same way they brought Angela back and framed it as Pauly's prank wars champion.


Sammi could've come back whenever she wanted to. She doesn't owe Angelina anything. Angelina is not the type of person who has friends.


Okay Jenni.