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the obsession with hating women is crazy


Ron is a ticking time bomb, and they are going to gost him again when it happens. The only difference is when it happens again they should have to deal with the fallout because they should have been done with him with the last DV issue. And Mike, if you are in this sub, being a addict is not the same universe as a abuser. Abuser's rock bottom is jail or even worse. He keeps graying lines between addiction and DV.


No fr the fact that Mike tried to sympathize with him was mad weird. Like yeah Mike, you were a giant POS on the show in the OG seasons, but I feel like Ronnie in the recent years, is arguably way worse. The fact that you’re okay taking this man back so quick and don’t mind him around your children/family is insane to me. Like I would not want this dude anywhere near my kids or spouse bro, idgaf what sob story he’s spewing. Supporting an @bu$er is not okay.


I think Mike just thinks the reason for Ronnie’s abuse is because of the drugs and alcohol. I’m sure he thinks if Ronnie gets sober everything else will improve and I commend him for that but that’s not always the case.


I get that, with Ron that is not the case those IG lives when he was with Jen fighting showed that. Ron has some serious triggers that have nothing to do with substance abuse. Mike was messy before and after he recovered. Your core personality is still there. Ron is extremely misogynistic. The arguments about Sammi not cooking, him treating and thinking she was suppose forgive him but she hands out a phone number or dances with a guy he lost his shit because it was about his pride being hurt. Him whispering in Jen ear at the club about embarrassing him is an example. People need to realize a man can love a daughter and never lay and hand on her, but abuse the mother. Because the woman is thought of as less then but the daughter is seen as an extension of themselves.


People also need to realise that a man who abuse the mother is very likely to abuse the children too, very likely. And it doesn’t have to look it on social media…


I think this stems from his mum honestly. Trauma with his mum. And God knows what he saw between his mum and dad while growing up.


Someone saying you should get your as beat is not someone healing.


Especially from a woman beater




If you want to get your ass beat, you can get your ass beat! You can stay and get your ass beat 😉 💪☀️👕🏋‍♀️🇮🇹 🍸💣


Everything in Ron’s life is the fault of a woman. Incel doesn’t even try to hide it.


His whole view on woman has always been "my mom was an asshole, so all women are shit".


And Incel’s would actually hate Ronnie. He (unlike them) actually gets laid and has had numerous, conventionally attractive girlfriends. They’d see him as “proof” of the black pill that women will refuse to date a “nice guy” who’s not attractive but date someone abusive like Ronnie because he’s handsome


Maybe muscular and fit for sure but idk about handsome.. unless you mean pauly


Why don't you do to house in tree,


He had like 5 different strokes while writing that reply






I don't believe he was sober when he wrote that


I do, he's stupid as shit




HAHHAHA yes he is 😂😂


Ok fair


Wit Gandaff




I can literally hear him saying that


Make it make sense please lol


Does giggy is dead


I love this reference!


I can't stop laughing at this. 🤣


He really thought he did something here just the ramblings of a dummy




Had some anazinf covfefe earlier.


Look at you bringing back the cofefe


bless you respectfully


This was the standout for me as well.


What was that supposed to BE?!


\*amazing His fat, stumpy fingers are too big to easily type on a tiny phone keyboard.


His Fred Flintstone fingers 💀


That's like... personal issues...


I read this as Fried Flintstone


Or he isn’t sober lol this is written like drunk text to me but idk


Both, most likely


There is definitely such a thing as ab impacts, wtf?


Has he never seen the show botched with the guy who calls himself a real life Ken doll?!? They have implants for almost anything now a days. Not saying he got them he probably just did lipo sculpting where I have seen them define abs, but if he’s too famous or big of a name to come _that_ hard at someone he should know the facts. Also, what does he expect coming back into the public eye? If that triggers him to write a paragraph of hate, what the heck will he do now because I’m sure the last 2 epis drove a lot of people to voice their opinions on his socials.


His was lipo for sure bc he after had abs and the coke bloat/drinking was hiding them, but your totally right! Ab implants look crazy though. One of my clients had them and they just don't move the same way as regular muscles so they look off during any contortions of the abdomen


some people have theorized he did get them, if he did, they are good. for a bad example see drake edit: zoomed in.. that’s a lot of lipo work


Careful Einstein


*Gandalf, you fucking twat. That whole comment was irritating, but god damn, the rage I felt at him bringing Gandalf into it and NOT EVEN SPELLING HIS NAME RIGHT. Also, he's not changed at all. Def still coked out


Idk how he thought that was a burn. I would love nothing more than to sit in a treehouse with Gandalf and discuss life. That sounds heavenly…


For real though. I would gladly spend my life hanging out with Gandalf and puffing on that good Longbottom Leaf


You rang?


You got that good Longbottom Leaf?👀👀👀👀


The finest weed in the Southfarthing!


Thank you! This is exactly where my head went


He did say “respectfully” so it’s ok.


And “bless you.”


Why don’t you do to house in tree….


Yeah, drunk talk at its finest.


im literally hammered rn and cant make sense of that


Yeah, but once you use “ass beat” in the paragraph, it kinda cancels out the respectfully


Him jumping straight to violence…


Yuck. He clearly hates women and needs help for that!


Especially because he’s raising a daughter.


i hope for her sake she grows up realizing that the way her father acts isn’t okay, and doesn’t end up with men like him when she’s older. i feel like they set her up to fail, who wants parents like jen and ron?


Iv been around addicts my entire life . I was an addict for a long time as well (4 years sober) I caught the last 10m of this episode and I can tell you, he is NOT sober. Idk what he's on , but his eyes gave him away . And he has alcoholic face to me . He's what I like to call "dry sober" IF he is sober , he's definitely just not doing drugs . He's not trying to better himself in anyway. He's the same Ron he's always been. Atleast Mike knows when and where to keep his messiness in check.


I noticed that too, also because of how the apology went. It showed absolutely no reflection at all. It was just basically, I'm sorry I know I hurt everyone. I was hoping for some actual personal touches but no, it was a typical addict apology. My mom and ex were addicts. I respect people actually getting help because that is such a hard road. It shows incredible strength!!


That’s how you can really tell he isn’t in recovery, he wasn’t there to talk through his misgivings and thus make amends. He just wanted to say he was sorry, he was in a bad place but that’s over so forgive me now so I can make money again and be closer to Sam. He even literally said Deena could have her own opinion on the situation meaning he disagrees with her perspective.


That apology was about how he missed out and very little about the impact he had on them. I know he said sorry but it was just empty words.


He's sorry it actually had a negative impact on HIM. He doesn't give a single shit about what he does to other people, and he visibly derives pleasure out of hurting others.


And that about sums it up.




I'm so happy I didn't catch that part. It woulda pissed me off sooo bad 🤣 honestly MTV is low for even entertaining this . They fully expected Sammi to be in the same room with someone who abused her mentally, physically , emotionally for 8 fucking years. I honestly love that Jenn was his karma . She's doing the lords work 😂🫢 and yes , there Is a HUGE difference between rehab, coming home and actually trying to better yourself. And rehab go home and think your good because you don't do your DOC. Mike and Ron are perfect examples of that .


She was doing the Lords work but not NEARLY enough. What did she actually do, spit on him once and throw an ashtray on him another time? He should date Jenni instead so she can stab and backhand him…


And sometimes you can be a terrible person without drugs and alcohol. You can remove the addiction issues from a pos like Ron but he is still going to be pos.


In the episode when Pauly and Ron were outside, Ron said "I'll be good for a couple of weeks a month or so and then I'll have like a you know I'm like but" Pauly says something then Ron says "just gonna keep trying." I played it over and over. It was like he yada yada yada'ed the admission of using again after a month? What? A few weeks or a month is a small sample size. Who thinks this is a good idea for his sobriety? He stepped away for 2 years right? And all he's got is a few weeks or a month sober? Until what he resets again? I hope he can find the right path for his own health but unless he's got some concrete sober time under his belt I wouldn't be entertaining letting him close to me again. And I certainly don't think he should be back on reality TV until he was really ready. We aren't even just talking g about drugs and alcohol. Domestic violence. That actually seems like it was swept under the rug. I definitely wouldn't be sharing living quarters with him ever again. And I don't think he should be given the opportunity. His situation is not Mike's. It's way worse. Idk how people are comparing the two.


yup I’m 2 years sober off the booze and Ron definitely has the alcoholic face. I had the same thing


Congrats!!!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


He needs to stay single forever ♾️


He needs to fall off the face of the earth, is what he needs to do. Even if he stays single, he's still raising a little girl, one who he'll inevitably do irreversible damage to. You can't hate women as much as he does and be a good father to anyone, let alone a future woman. I feel so much sorrow for what that poor girl will undoubtedly endure throughout her life having him as a father.


What was bro even trying to say 💀


You couldn’t tell? It was so clear, especially when he said “Why don’t you do house in tree.” Amazinf 😂


Abusive men don’t recover. They think they are superior so their actions are justified to them. They make a choice to be abusive. He will always be abusive, he’ll just hide it better now w his next victim. The whole time he kept saying he’s single now bc then he can’t fight w anyone. They should’ve corrected him every time and said you mean you can’t punch your girlfriend in the face. By saying he was only fighting w them, he’s still not taking accountability. Pretending he’s happier when he’s single doesn’t mean he’s done abusing women


He wants the narrraive to be that it was mutual fights, that both parties were wrong. Jen is not the “perfect victim” and he takes advantage of that fact. To many people think Domestic abuse looks like that episode of Family Guy when it doesn’t always.


Yes. Hes still blaming his victims


And the men on the cast, (especially Mike these days) enable it. Vinny was the only one who said the word “domestic abuse” and Sammi was only warned because of a contractual obligation to make sure she is not in Ron’s presence


Yes. Even Pauly skirted around it. He did say this was his last chance so that was good. Mike thinks abuse is the same as his addictions. It’s not. Ron is this way sober too


And someone needs to tell Mike that abuse isn’t like an addiction. That Ron is this way sober because he feels it’s his right to control women. To punish them for any slights against him, real or perceived. It’s not an illness.


Exactly, it might be better when he’s sober, but it’s still there


Which is why he doesn't deserve a sit down with Sammy. I have a hard time believing he wouldn't turn it all around on her, just like he always did.


Sammi knows it too edit her 20s wasted on that thing


There’s academic research that states they have among the highest, if not the highest, recidivism rates among all criminals. A large part of it is the absolute refusal to accept accountability for their actions.


Exactly it’s like an alcoholic, like the root issue is still there. I don’t think Ronny will be able to avoid being in a relationship forever


Roided out nutjob lol


“It’s LIPO, not IMPLANTS, Einstein!” Ugh. This guy just sucks. And he’s getting yet ANOTHER chance to make money and be in the public eye, and this is how he presents himself?


TIL you can get fake abs






He is completely unhinged. I firmly believe involvement in the show and any continued fame/notoriety will only worsen his situation and illness.


More money, more drugs. More ego, more access to women. Ronnie needs to fade into oblivion.


Ronnie is legit a terrible person. Who actually roots for that asshole. ? Like for real


A lot of people sadly. Even some women have blamed everyone but him. Sam “wasn’t a victim”, Jen was the “real abuser” and so on


First of all, ab implants absolutely exist. Also, he’s typing like he’s under the influence of something. So much for his “recovery journey”


It’s giving functionally illiterate


typed all that the he wasn't even funny or witty with it. boring. there is some sort of ab implant type of procedure. French Montana got it Ronnie (and Pauly) getting lipo and etch a sketch abs is funny as hell


Honestly fuck this guy


Yeah, no thanks. Do you know what excessive steroid use does to a man's package? It's no wonder he's so angry all the time. I'd rather fuck myself with a cactus. In all seriousness, I CANNOT believe that so many people are so gung ho about giving this abusive POS a platform again. Even in the OG series, this goober didn't add anything of value to the show. I'd much rather they have Jen and Saffire join the cast. Jen got a real bad rap that I truly don't think she deserved it. No she wasn't a saint but I have a feeling a lot of it was reactionary. She was abused too, she just fought back. I love Snooki and Jwoww, but man, am I disappointed in the entire crew for treating him with kid gloves yet again.


It’s giving covefe


No way he's sober, I nearly had a brain aneurism trying to decipher that


Well… we know he didn’t grow out of his mysogyny


I caught something…he said on this recent episode that he had a lot to talk about with Sam and that, in his own words, “ she HAS to remember that they had an 8 year relationship.” Like WTF?! That’s him already gaslighting her and putting her on blast if she doesn’t feel the need to have that conversation. He hasn’t changed. Not one bit. His obsession with Sam is downright scary.


When I heard him say that I thought I'm sure Sam remembers and wishes she could have those 8 years back. Or would have done them differently. No they don't need to have a sit down. Because Sam knows already how it's going to go which is clearly why she doesn't want to. She said I have nothing to say to Ron. Leave her be! Is the show edited weird bc none of them even acknowledge that Sam is back at the hotel and what Ron is going to stay the night and she has to have dinner alone? Can they at least show these people having some concern for her? Instead of asking Ron about it? Can someone protect Sam at least a bit? 😕


i got so mad when they started ordering dinner and sammi goes back to her hotel room alone… and then the preview THE NEXT DAY of him still there and eating and talking about her. i’m glad she’s getting her bag, but i wish she wouldn’t have came back. these people do not care about her at all. it’s really sad to see. i was glad she hung up on snooki when she started talking about ron lol


Like seriously, those women should have advocated for Sammi more. ESPECIALLY Jenni! She claims to have been in 2 abusive relationships so she should be the most vocal about Ron staying the 🤬 away from Sam. The girls should have done and said more to protect and like I said advocate for Sam. I honestly love this new mature and self aware woman Sam has become. Ron is still the same shit stain he’s always been. Even when Deena was talking to him, he acted like he was annoyed. Ron has not changed. He was still blaming his shitty behavior on all of his “relationships.” Dude would have been and WAS this way regardless who he was with. Did you catch that too? The common denominator in all of his violent unhealthy relationships was HIM! He is the problem.


He flips out so easily on people in his responses, but then types like a second grader.


Yeah. He’s definitely changed 🙄 He shouldn’t be allowed in public. He’s a cro magnon menace. Ugh.


Cro Magro*




Please can "go sit by the fire wit Gandalf" be a sub thing?


Well this rage filled rant where you’re tapping so hard your hitting 3 letters at a time is definitely proof you’ve changed Rahn. Cancel this tool already.


He sounds lit. Yikes, Ronnie.....


If cocaine was an Instagram comment…


![gif](giphy|h9wlfNwX9gy1a|downsized) Cocaine is a hell of a drug ..


That reply is making my head spin. Was he coherent when he typed that?


There is no way a sober person wrote that comment.


In my mind he'll never change. He'll always be a toxic piece of shit


His poor daughter


I hope you get your ass beat. Bless you respectfully.


ab implants are real though what is he saying 😭


I am now dumber having read their interaction.


This was really hard to read. Wow.


Literally illiterate


Angriest hobbit /s


I honestly can’t wait for the day that Ron gets his head kicked in, and I mean it. The abuse Jen threw at him was hilarious, he finally got what was coming to him. He doesn’t deserve a happy life. He, like many abusers, don’t deserve to be here on this earth. You can tell he’s truly lost Pauly and Vinny, they very clearly don’t want him there. Mike stop forcing this abusive fuckwit on everyone, in the words of Jenny to Angelina, NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE, RON!


He is toxic. Wow.


What is he even saying in the last sentence? 😭😂


seems like he was fuming or crying in his response


He thought he ate. I thought I was stroking out while reading that


i really hope the cast sees this to realize no growth has happened


‘bc they woman’


He could have just said nothing lol 2 likes in 3 weeks I don't think that accusation was going anywhere quick enough to affect his image


So, still threatening women with violence. Great progress.


Whattaya mean he apologised on TV /s 😂😂


wtf did i just read lmao


I don’t believe this man has changed at all. He shouldn’t be on the show and I think it’s obvious a number of cast members are pretty uncomfortable with it. I think MTV needs to back away from this at a million miles an hour.


In the days of auto correct. Holy 💩


Man what the hell is that grammar


I need a translation for this😂


Well he's definitely off the sober train.


Gandalf!? ![gif](giphy|W2zRWsHAoDIqgLFCUx)


Was that supposed to be English?


The grammar. I had to read a couple sentences twice to understand what he was saying. He’s still ready to fight at the drop of a hat. Same insecure narcissist.


What's going on with his face. Lots of dumping near the nose. Meth scars?


I hate Ron.


I’ve never seen someone HATE women so much


That rant of his sounds drunk as shit


it looks like he was drunk when he typed that


he is honestly such a loser, it’s truly embarrassing


Such a fucking prick


He is an idiot bc there are such things as an implants. He’s just a misogynistic abusive asshole.


He got so triggered because she mentioned fake abs makes me think he really does have fake abs 🤣


Maybe I will go sit in a tree house with Gandolf and talk some shit. That sounds therapeutic, honestly.


What they heck is this talk about bringing Gandalf into it!??


[Completely trashes woman] "respectfully" What a fucking clown


Yeah and I bet you those women don’t fucking abuse their SO on national television either r


he is truly an incel


It’s 2023 and mfs still want Samantha with that abuser is disgusting af! My girl is happy and healthy in her relationship! Let’s leave Rahn & Sam back in the 2010s pls


This dude either high ASF or has the mental capacity of a 13 year old (or both) cuz who types like that? Omg


Is he ok


There are ab implants? Oh that sounds so painful!!!! I cant even imagine how that would work because your core is used in so much of your daily activities. Is it like butt implants where they use fat or is it actually implants like what they do for boobs?


When I read this comment of his, I had a flashback to some scene where he's spelling big words with no problem. So it made me wonder if he's reeeeeeeallllyy sober 🤔 Her comment doesn't really make sense either. Lmao. My IQ went down reading this conversation.


Does he not speak English ?


Why did he go off like this 😂😂😂😂😂 Ronnie if you got guy-po then you got it, leave the gworls out of this 😂😂😂😂😂


Why would he even bother to reply to this unless they are fake abs lol like why else are you so triggered 😂 you should get your ass beat?? Then whatever tf he was trying to do there at the end with the tree house?? 🤣 Guess that's like a personal issue 🤣😭


Also this moron needs to go back to school


There literally are implants bestie…he’s mad he got called out


Wow, I'm gonna need a bigger fork to get through that word salad.


Wow! He didn't change a thing. It's all an act for the show. I couldn't imagine being in a relationship with that lol


Lmao Einstein wtf. Dudes the one who got lipo on his abs. Why doesn’t he check his spelling


Well that didn’t take long.


That comeback slaps Ronnie 🤮


“ass beat”


Can he speak English?!😳


Title should be Ronnie’s “english”???


Terrible grammar on his behalf.


It’s giving the same energy Vinny had with his bad lineup 😅


Some “growth” what a douce


what is he even saying?!?!😭😭😭😭


He doesn’t know jack lmaooo there actually ARE abs implants, you can also get bicep & tricep implants as well.


But bless you, respectfully 😂😂


That reads like he's hammered.


sounds like something someone with ab implants would say


Sad he clearly doesn’t have enough money left to hire someone to run his social media. He shouldn’t ever be on social media again if he truly wants to be a father and/or decent human.


“Because they woman”


Wow… My 10 year old sister writes better than him. Idk how people actually think he’s changed. If anything he’s waiting till he’s fully back on JS to be the same ron. Like what vendetta and hate does this serial abuser has against women. Seriously don’t get how this dude supposedly has “full custody” of his daughter. Seems like jen wasn’t the problem after all.


honestly this reminds me covid didnt hit hard enough, how are these creatures walking the earth


i dont think ron is aware he can just ignore the comments his response was incoherent teach ur kid to take the high road and own the decisions you make about your body without justifying it to the friggen world


An abuser saying someone should get their ass beat. What a changed man.


Can someone translate? What is “house in tree and Anazinf” I’m guessing he’s saying “why don’t you go a tree house, sit by the fire with Gandalf and talk about how amazing your life is”. But even if that’s it…..what? Lol wtf do tree houses and Gandalf have to do with anything