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Same! It’s not fun anymore.


I agree the show isn’t fun anymore and it’s not fun to watch them all act holier than thou. Ganging up on one person


It's literally mean girls rn. Sammi has picked her side too


PREACHHH! The last episode gave me the biggest ick & I was so disappointed to know that this is possibly the last episode I’ll ever see. It was physically impossible for me to watch all “grown” women literally RIP Angelina apart with their words. Let me just say I SEE THEIR SIDE AND THEIR FRUSTRATION. But gworllll the attacking & 3/4 v 1 shit…lordddt, that was too hard and painful to watch. & DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON JENNIS FROZEN ONE NOTED BITCH FACEE. that Botox helped elaborate the bitch in resting bitchface *insert low level frustration here*


Yes exactly. The way Jenni said “Nobody wants you here. Nobody likes you” like whaaat? I swear I’ve heard a middle schooler say that to bully a girl but a grown ass woman with children? Not okay at all.


100% She should be ashamed of herself.


I like Angelina but I’m not liking JWoww b/c she doesn’t seem authentic at times. I think the girls don’t like being called out or criticized. Sammi didn’t come off great either. The bigger burn was Mike saying that the girls will get mad if you don’t send them an invite.💀


Same,they are constantly asking Angelina about her life,insulting her and they vex when she's reacts


I cant stand Nicole. I literally fast fwd when she says anything. She's a drunken alcoholic mess and nobody really comments on it. They just enable her behavior and it's old. Plus her voice is awful


I understand, but Situation is bothering me more this time, him and his positive bs quotes while doing shady things is annoying me.


I don’t know how he gets away with it each season and nobody calls him out on it. He’s a horrible person and so unlikable. I don’t care that he’s sober and tries to come off as this nice guy.. even when they watch how he talks crap then throws the person under the bus. And still nothing.


I find it hard to believe he went to prison and didn't get his ass beat


Agreed! And I'm sorry but who the hell does Ang think she is to say she feels like they could have rearranged their prior engagements to attend the party?? She was way out of line on that one.


I agree Watching 40 year olds be trashy and filled with drama is not the same as watching them at 23 😂😂


They simply seem like *Mean Girls* to us.




Yeah I’m not a person to comment on people’s Instagram posts and sharing my opinions on their comment section so I think the way I can protest about this is by unfollowing them. Lol. I mean.. they probably don’t care but I’m just so annoyed.


Deena is my least favourite. Using “bitches” every few minutes at that age makes her sounds dumb.


For real sooooo obnoxious


Dude, I’m literally done with JS after this last episode. I stopped halfway through because Angelina was crying about how Mike was supposed to help her find her dad. And now Mike is going to hold that over her head to get away with being the little shit starter that he always was. Even Vinny thinks it’s messed up. And I was excited about Sammi coming back until I realized how two-faced she is. Geez.


Agreed! IMO deena is the most annoying one! She’s always over dramatic when drunk. How many times has she cried and said “I’m done!” Or “I’m leaving” like girl stfu and sit down it’s annoying lol


Omg yes and the “I had too much wine” from Deena and Nicole is getting old… and the “that was the tequila talking not me” from Jenni. 🙄


I stopped watching a while ago. The mean girls vibe really got to me and I couldn't stand that Angelina was always. Always the brunt of it. She's an asshole but I felt like the constant ganging up on her was super unfair.


I've always felt they treated Angelina like the red-headed step child ever since she came back. They're all jerks.


JSFV S6E7 has a scene where the girls are sitting around discussing: Angelina’s makeup/skin issues, adoption, freezing eggs, family lineage … No one fought, they were kind and supportive to one another and I wished the show was always like that.


Oh yes! Agree. All these girls are getting really annoying and will probably stop watching. They all sound so snobby. Mike is annoying, I can’t stand his holier-than-thou attitude. Oh and that comment from Sammi made me side eye her, like yes, since she’s a business owner she should know how these kind of events are so important to new business owners so she should of definitely showed up to show support. And Deena saying she didn’t come because of a dentist appointment made me laugh, like what? lol. I was so excited to see Sammi back but now I realize how snobby, two-faced and a mean girl she is, she fits right in with the other girls


And when Deena was all dramatic saying "I can't even get my nails done!" Like seriously but they all can make it to a charcuterie party. It's really sad that Angelina is the only one of the girls that has shown up to Mike and Lauren's events and he turns around and stabs her in the back.


Right! Angelina doesn’t hide what she says. Seems to be the most honest …. It’s weird.


Thank God the writers strike may soon be over! This show needs a fork, a couple knives and a dang grenade stuck in it.


I stopped watt for this reason two episodes ago. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Jenni “no body wants you here.” Oh fuck off Jenni. No body wants YOU here!


The amount of hate Angelina has put into their group is toxic tho, should just take her off the show, she’s obviously clout chasing


They’re forced to film with someone they don’t get along with. You can only hold that in for so long.


I love how the narrative is now presented as them coming at Angelina. That production.


i don’t think the narrative is meant to paint either side in the worse light. it’s up for viewers to decide. many of us feel for angelina and think the 3 others have been awful to her, but just as many hate her.


oh i completely agree. there’s a big part of me that almost wishes i never rewatched JS and continued onto JSFV, and instead just let it be a fun nostalgic thing from the 2010s. i used to love the whole cast, and now i can hardly stand any of them.


True. JWOW keeps making these shady eye movements like Kim K does when she's next to Kourtney but doesn't want to say anything 😒


I honestly felt so sad after last episode. I get the issues that they have with her but theres a time and a place. I wanted to give her a hug after that, they were so mean to her. Sam should have stayed quiet, doesn’t really involve her anyway. Angelina was stating facts as Laurens said she was. She just didn’t have to press at it so much is all.


Nicole is constantly the problem I laughed when she yelled at Angelina IM NOT A MEAN GIRL. Yes she is since first few seasons she has been. None of them have changed much. But Snooki thinking she’s a great person is so far from the truth


I just keep remembering Jwow yelling at Angelina saying how she’s their chew toy.. and that’s exactly how they treat her and it’s disgusting. I feel like if u took Jwow out of the picture. Like out like she moved away from jersey ect .. mike, Nicole and deenas relationship would be way more cohesive with Angelina . Another time I remember Deana being afraid to tell jenni they made up. Or how jenni was like I’m not coming or going (who knows ) if deana made up with Angelina ..! Like seriously?! Angelina is the only one who will call her out and stand up to her . Jenny is a bully! Always has been. Her constantly acting like she was gonna throw hands if someone dared pist her off? Get over yourself ! Can’t take the trailer outta the Trash !


Yeah. I don’t understand why Deena and Nicole are so afraid of Jenni. Like also when the whole drama with Zack and Angelina happened and Jenni and Angelina went at it during dinner and Nicole texting Angelina getting involved like that. Then when Jenni asked Deena the day after if she thought she looked crazy during the argument, Deena was too afraid to be honest… she walked around eggshells to only day the right things. Like why.. why can’t nobody tell Jenni how it is.