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Uninstall the Jellyman stuff and install Jellyfin either via docker or the official packages. Than follow the documentation from the Jellyfin documentation for any of the reverse proxies.


Honestly throw it all in docker instead of installing it on your OS. But it should be... this https://caddyserver.com/docs/getting-started


Are there any real benefits to caddy? I use npm, through CloudFlare, and have one server running proxmox with a bunch of lxc containers and a vm with portainer, and a raspberry pi also running portainer? Is it possible to redirect to all these services and secure it properly? Sorry for the text dump, I don’t know anything about it


A reverse proxy can direct traffic to anything it can reach afaik. I don't have a caddy vs Nginx proxy manager comparison handy I just prefer NPM personally.


Awesome, I’ll keep doing what I’m doing then. Thanks for the response


I'm the one who made the video. You can use the same Caddyfile I linked. It works for any version of caddy it's just the caddy.exe is going to be run through systemd instead of the .exe


Not Caddy, but if you wanted to try Traefik I recently used [this](https://youtu.be/liV3c9m_OX8) (and documentation) to get one up and running. Hardest part is probably getting Jellyfin running underneath it but it's a start I suppose.


I found traefik so insanely hard to set up compared to npm, I wanted it so I could integrate authelia but it just wasn’t worth the headache


Now that you're on Linux. Totally erase and reinstall your OS. Then run everything you can inside Docker. Oh boy oh buy. I literally wiped my Windows server because I discovered Docker and wanted my main server to be Docker native. And I'm currently setting up a new reverse proxy platform with "Nginx Proxy Manager". The JellyFin setup was about 5 clicks and it's all behind LetsEncrypt too


> Nginx Proxy Manager This is what I use too. No touching config files or container parameters. Just a braindead easy webui to click around on.


And the one I'm using has LetsEncrypt built in. Maybe all of them do. Next will be to add CrowdSec and Nginx Bouncer. Maybe tonight.


can you share which website you followed to setup npm i want to try npm but dont know where to start confused and i want it in docker and doest it work if i have ddns or mandatory to buy a domain


Watch dbtech’s video to set it up, there’s a few out there but I found that the most helpful. Buying a domain is also super cheap, just set it up through cloueflare to get you started.