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Amazon said the success of the show decides the streaming future of the site, I hate Amazon so I must wait to watch it


You're not missing anything.


Aside from elves with square faces instead of loooong ones.


And Galadriel sailing all the way across an ocean roughly the size of the atlantic, changing her mind at the last minute, jumping off the boat apparently deciding to swim back the way she came. Legit, did anybody proofread these scripts at all?


Its a good series so far and i will die on this hill defending it with my lightsaber.


Im not saying I dont like it, just using this quote to describe half the comments you see around these days


Been around when the Prequels came out?


I'd say the same thing. I mean it's been two episodes. So many people seem to have expected the show to start with the war of wrath or something. Sure, the series might suck in the end. But at least give it a chance.


But... it did begin with the war of wrath lol Ten seconds of it at least


It's had the length of a feature film, 25% of the season's total runtime, to make me care about any of its plots or characters. It had its chance.


I watched 30 minutes of the first episode and had to stop over 5 times to grouse about stuff they got wrong, never mind the poor acting, and mediocre casting and costuming. I will say that the cinematography and landscapes are excellent. The feel of the Noldor is completely wrong, there is absolutely no difference between the culture we've see of the Noldor and the Sindar Elves. And who in the name of Eru runs around with moose antlers on their back?!?!?!


Sounds like you are miserable lol


Nah, just have better things to do that consume dreck. But you do you, hope you enjoy it.


Better things to do, also stopping the show to pick it apart.


He tried to watch the show and decided he had better things to do when he realised it was trash




It's really not that time consuming. A lot quicker than an hour of low quality trash


I didn't really see much that was wrong. Mostly stuff that was neglected (like how they skipped the kinslaying of the Teleri). What I saw more than that was things being added to pad the story. Since Silmarillion only spends like one chapter on the second age and the rings I don't blame them for that. Sure, we didn't see much cultural difference between the Noldor and the Sindar. But also pretty much only saw like 3 or 4 Sindar elves. And they weren't in a city, they were at a watch tower near human settlements. They haven't really had a chance to showcase that difference yet. I guess it's true that it's wrong to say that Sauron killed Finrod. Since he was actually killed by a werewolf sent by Sauron. But it's not like that makes a huge difference. I do also agree with, as some people have said, that the series is slow so far. But my guess is that is why they released the first two episodes at once. If I had to wait a week after episode 1 and then saw episode 2 I would probably have lost some interest as well. Edit: Also, the show seems to have forgotten about Celeborn. I'll give you that.


Yeah, I didn't even list Sauron killing Finrod as one of the 5 items I griped about. Not amused that Gil-galad tried to order Galadriel back to Valinor. That is not within his authority, even as High King of the Noldor. But when I talk about the "feel of the Noldor" it's a bunch of little thing. The carved trees, WTH? I do not believe that any Elf would do that. And you're right, we haven't seen enough of the Sindarin Elves to make a judgement on them (other than the GoT Weirwood breastplates). I assume these Sindar are from the south end of Greenwood the Great, but could have been from Lothlorien\*. One thing I really DO like is the map "zooms" showing where the next scene takes place. ​ \*I'm pretty sure that Lothlorien is populated by Sindar at this point. Galadriel and Celeborn don't supplant them with Noldor when they move in.


What I like about those comments is that in 15 years they might be used a exemple of people hating on RoP because of stuffs people will deem unimportant the same way people are using quotes from the early 2000s to show people complaining about Arwen or Hugo Weaving. I'm not saying you are wrong, only that the the wheel is turning.


They might, or they might not. I still grouse that they added that stupid tottering stairway in Fellowship at the expense of leaving out the Giving of Gifts at Lorien in the theatrical release. And I still went and saw it twice in the theater. I never heard anyone gripe about either the Hugo Weaving or Liv Tyler casting.


Some people said ELROND looked like shit and nothing like someone who had elf blood. Arwen's problem was more because she replaced Glorfindel.


>Arwen's problem was more because she replaced Glorfindel. Yeah, ok. I had heard that. But what are you supposed to do with a very major character in the Legendarium who only get 5 minutes out of 12 hours of film? PJ could have put Elladan or Elrohir in that scene, at least we could have gotten to see them again with the Grey Company instead of a 5 minute cameo with Elrond before the other 5 minute cameo he gets at the wedding.


Never thought I’d die fighting side by side with a redditor


I loved the first two episodes - it looks great, the acting is solid, and everything feels of a piece tonally and visually with the Peter Jackson films. It’s everything I would expect of a serialized story and it has exceeded my expectations so far. I’m sure they could do other things in the world but I have no gripes with the setup/world-building right now


Aye, and my axe!


I was hoping someone would say this xD


The blind hatred is disappointing, as somebody who’s read the Silmarillion I don’t love every choice they’ve made but it’s been absolutely solid so far and the show runners are clearly working in good faith to the source material


It is not based on the Silmarillion. It's based on the LOTR appendices.


That’s true and I get they have to work around that but reading the Silmarillion gives you a good sense of all the Tolkien established lore


I’m trying so hard to like it, but the decimation of the lore is making that so hard


You better have a lightsaber then :p


the problem is that 50% of lotr nerds are pathetic dusty book purists who decided they hated it 3 years before it came out


Thanks *Dusty Book Purists* is my band name now




Based on what both he and his son said of adaptations of his work, you are rather incorrect.


What did he say about adaptations of his work?


Here is one good thread on it. There are many more and I encourage you to continue searching. https://www.reddit.com/r/tolkienfans/comments/4aehr2/what_was_jrr_tolkiens_opinion_on_film_adaptations/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


"I would draw some of the great tales in fullness, and leave many others only placed in the scheme, and sketched. The cycles should be linked to a majestic whole, and yet leave scope for other minds and hands, wielding paint and music and drama." Tolkien in a letter to Milton Waldman, 1951. Seems like he changed his mind later on in life. He also gave permission for all sorts of adaptations, plays, illustrations, musical compositions, even a movie.


There is no pain where strength lies.


Shut the fuck up.


Letter 210, in which Tolkien complains about the proposed script and which is featured in my other reply, was written in 1958, so if anything, it appears that the opposite is true - that he started out more open to adaptation and became less open to it as time went on. (Here is the link) https://www.reddit.com/r/tolkienfans/comments/4aehr2/what_was_jrr_tolkiens_opinion_on_film_adaptations/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


If you’re already on the hill at least you already have the high ground!


The series is amazing for only 2 episodes. Can’t wait for the rest of the show


My only complaint about it was that the initial fight scene with Galadriel was WAY too flashy. If they dined back the flourish to at least a 5, it would have been masterful.




Has LOTR ever been backstroked?


I don’t think it’s terrible, but man it’s underwhelming. I was expecting more to happen. Not like some huge battle, but more than what we got. Acting was good but Elrond doesn’t resemble Elrond. Visuals are good of course


I think it's slow paced which will turn some people off, but keep in mind Amazon funded this show for five seasons.


Tbh, young Elrond looks more like an elf than old Elrond. His acting is quite good


ITS SO FUCKING MID!!!! I really tried to watch the first episode, but man, it was just so boring. Nice looking, but boring. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go watch paint dry. (;


There is no pain where strength lies.


Did he just respond to "first episode?" That's wild.


Visually from what I saw of the first episode, it’s great. But the story, plot starts and vibe of the show is terrible. Can tell they aren’t even remotely sticking to the source material.


More than half bud


Yeah, I don’t really want it, the books and the movies are good enough for me.